#compdef -value-,PROMPT,-default- -value-,PROMPT2,-default- -value-,PROMPT3,-default- -value-,PROMPT4,-default- -value-,RPROMPT,-default- -value-,RPROMPT2,-default- -value-,PS1,-default- -value-,PS2,-default- -value-,PS3,-default- -value-,PS4,-default- -value-,RPS1,-default- -value-,RPS2,-default- -value-,SPROMPT,-default-
local -a specs ccol
local expl grp cols bs suf pre changed=1 ret=1
local -A ansi
[[ -z $compstate[quote] ]] && bs='\'
# first strip off any complete prompt specifications leaving only the
# current, incomplete, one
while (( changed )); do
compset -P '%[DFK](\\|){[^}]#}' && changed=1 # formats with arg: %x{...}
compset -P '%[0-9-\\]#[^DFK(0-9-<>\\\[]' && changed=1 # normal formats
compset -P '%[0-9-\\]#(<[^<]#<|>[^>]#>|\[[^\]]#\])' && changed=1 # truncations
compset -P '%[0-9-\\]#(\\|)\([0-9-]#[^0-9]?|[^%]' && changed=1 # start of ternary
compset -P '[^%]##' && changed=1 # sundry other characters
# %D/%F/%K without a following { ... }
[[ $PREFIX = %(-|)<->#[DFK](\\[^{]|[^{\\])* ]] &&
compset -P '%[0-9\\-]#[DFK]' && changed=1
[[ $PREFIX = %(-|)<->[FK](#e) ]] && compset -P '*' # F/K with number
if compset -P '%[FK]'; then
# this should use -P but that somehow causes single quotes to be stripped
compset -P '(\\|){' || pre=( -p '{' )
compset -S '(\\|)}*' || suf=( -S "$bs}" )
black 30
red 31
green 32
yellow 33
blue 34
magenta 35
cyan 36
white 37
default 39
_description -V ansi-colors expl 'ansi color'
print -v ccol -f "($grp)=%s=%s" ${(kv)ansi}
_comp_colors+=( $ccol )
compadd "$expl[@]" $suf $pre -k ansi && ret=0
if (( $#suf )) && compset -P "(<->|%v)"; then
_wanted ansi-colors expl 'closing brace' compadd -S '' \} && ret=0
elif (( $+terminfo[colors] )); then
(( cols = $terminfo[colors] - 1 ))
(( cols = cols > 255 ? 255 : cols ))
_description -V terminal-colors expl 'terminal color'
compadd "$expl[@]" $suf $pre {0..$cols}
for c in {0..$cols}; do
_comp_colors+=( "($grp)=${c}=${${$(print -P "%F{$c}")#?\[}%m}" )
_message -e terminal-colors "number"
if compset -P '%[0-9-\\]#(\\|)\([0-9-]#[^0-9]'; then
# ternary conditional: first delimiter
compset -S '*'
_delimiters && ret=0
elif compset -P '%[0-9-\\]#[<>\]]'; then
# truncation
_message -e replacements 'replacement string'
elif compset -P '%[0-9-\\]#(\\|)\([0-9-]#'; then
# ternary conditional: condition character
compset -S '[.:+/-%]*' || suf=( -S . )
compset -S '*'
'!:running with privileges'
'#:effective uid'
'?:exit status'
'_:at least n shell constructs started'
'C:at least n path elements'
'/:at least n path elements'
'.:at least n path elements'
'c:at least n path elements'
'~:at least n path elements'
'd:day of month'
'g:effective gid'
'j:number of jobs'
'l:number of characters already printed'
'S:SECONDS parameter at least n'
'T:current hour'
't:current minute'
'v:psvar has at least n elements'
'V:element n of psvar is set and non-empty'
'w:day of week (Sunday = 0)'
[[ $IPREFIX != *- ]] && _describe -t ternary-prompt-expressions \
'ternary prompt format test character' specs $suf && ret=0
_message -e numbers number
elif compset -P '%D(\\|){'; then
compset -S '(\\|)}*'
_date_formats zsh && ret=0
elif [[ -prefix '%' ]] ||
! zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:prompt-format-specifiers" prefix-needed
'm:hostname up to first .'
'_:status of parser'
'^:reversed status of parser'
'd:current working directory'
'/:current working directory'
'~:current working directory, with ~ replacement'
'N:name of current script or shell function'
'x:name of file containing code being executed'
'F:start using fg color'
'K:start using bg color'
'G:counts as extra character inside %{...%}'
'(:ternary expression %(x.true-string.false-string)'
compset -P '%' || pre=( -p '%' )
if ! compset -P '(-|)<->'; then
if [[ $service == -value-,SPROMPT,* ]]; then
'r:suggested correction'
'R:corrected string'
'%:A %'
'):A )'
'l:current line (tty) with /dev/tty stripped'
'M:full hostname'
'y:current line (tty)'
'#:a # when root, % otherwise'
'?:return status of last command'
'h:current history event number'
'!:current history event number'
'i:current line number'
'I:current source line number'
'j:number of jobs'
'D:date in yy-mm-dd format'
'T:current time of day, 24-hour format'
't:current time of day, 12-hour am/pm format'
'@:current time of day, 12-hour am/pm format'
'*:current time of day, 24-hour format with seconds'
'w:the date in day-dd format'
'W:the date in mm/dd/yy format'
'D{:format string like strftime'
'B:start bold'
'b:stop bold'
'E:clear to end of line'
'U:start underline'
'u:stop underline'
'S:start standout'
's:stop standout'
'f:reset fg color'
'k:reset bg color'
'{:start literal escape sequence'
'}:stop literal escape sequence'
'v:value from $psvar array'
'<:truncation from left %len<string<'
'>:truncation from right %len>string>'
'[:truncation from who knows where'
_describe -t prompt-format-specifiers 'prompt format specifier' \
specs -S '' $pre && ret=0
(( ! $#pre )) && _message -e prompt-format-specifiers number
return ret