#compdef tcpdump
local args ret=1
local root
(( EUID )) && root='!'
_tcpdump_interfaces() {
local disp expl sep interfaces
[[ $OSTYPE != openbsd* ]] &&
interfaces=( ${${${${(f)"$(_call_program interfaces tcpdump -D)"}#<->.}//[()]/}/ /:} )
if (( $#interfaces )); then
_describe -t interfaces 'network interface' interfaces
_description interfaces expl 'network interface'
_net_interfaces "$expl[@]"
if zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:interfaces" verbose; then
zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:interfaces" list-separator sep || sep=--
disp=( "any $sep capture on all interfaces" )
compadd "$expl[@]" -ld disp any
compadd "$expl[@]" any
_esp_secrets () {
if [[ $OSTYPE = openbsd* ]]; then
_values -S : 'ESP algorithm' \
aes128:secret \
aes128-hmac96:secret \
blowfish:secret \
blowfish-hmac96:secret \
cast:secret \
cast-hmac96:secret \
des3:secret \
des3-hmac96:secret \
des:secret \
_values -S : 'ESP algorithm' \
'des-cbc:secret' \
'3des-cbc:secret' \
'blowfish-cbc:secret' \
'rc3-cbc:secret' \
'cast128-cbc:secret' \
_packet_types () {
local -a types
'cnfp:Cisco NetFlow protocol'
'rpc:Remote Procedure Call'
'rtp:Real-Time Applications protocol'
'rtcp:Real-Time Applications control protocol'
'vat:Visual Audio Tool'
'wb:distributed White Board'
if [[ $OSTYPE = openbsd* ]]; then
'sack:RFC 2018 TCP Selective Acknowledgements Options'
'vrrp:Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol'
'tcp:Transmission Control Protocol'
'aodv:Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector protocol'
'carp:Common Address Redundancy Protocol'
'snmp:Simple Network Management Protocol'
'tftp:Trivial File Transfer Protocol'
'vxlan:Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network'
'zmtpl:ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol'
_describe -t packet-types 'packet type' types
_time_stamp_types () {
local vals
vals=( ${${${(ps:\n :)"$(_call_program time-stamp-types tcpdump -J ${(kv)opt_args[(i)-i|--interface]} 2>&1)"}[2,-1]:#*cannot be set*}/ /:} )
_describe -t time-stamp-types "time stamp type" vals
_data_link_types () {
local vals expl
if (( $+opt_args[(i)-i|--interface] )); then
vals=( ${${${(s: :)"$(_call_program data-link-types tcpdump -L ${(kv)opt_args[(i)-i|--interface]} 2>&1)"}[2,-1]}/ /:} )
_describe -t data-link-types "data link type (${(v)opt_args[(i)-i|--interface]})" vals
_wanted data-link-types expl "data link type (general)" \
compadd EN10MB LINUX_SLL
_bpf_filter () {
'-A[print each packet in ASCII]'
'-c+[exit after receiving specified number of packets]:number of packets'
'(-ddd)-d[dump the compiled packet-matching code in a human readable form]'
'(-ddd)-dd[dump packet-matching code as a C program fragment]'
'(-d -dd)-ddd[dump packet-matching code as decimal numbers (preceded with a count)]'
"-E[decrypting IPsec ESP packets]:spi@ipaddr::algo\:secret:_esp_secrets"
'-e[print the link-level header on each dump line]'
'-F+[specify input file for the filter expression]:filter expression file:_files'
"-f[print 'foreign' IPv4 addresses numerically]"
'-l[make stdout line buffered]'
"-N[don't print domain name qualification of host names]"
"(-nn)-n[don't convert addresses to names]"
"-O[don't run the packet-matching code optimizer]"
'(-p --no-promiscuous-mode)'{-p,--no-promiscuous-mode}"[don't put the interface into promiscuous mode]"
'-q[quick (quiet?) output]'
'-r+[read packets from file]:input file:_files'
'(-S --absolute-tcp-sequence-numbers)'{-S,--absolute-tcp-sequence-numbers}'[print absolute TCP sequence numbers]'
'-T+[interpret captured packets as specified type]:packet type:_packet_types'
"(-tt -ttt -tttt -ttttt)-t[don't print a timestamp on each dump line]"
'(-t -ttt -tttt -ttttt)-tt[print an unformatted timestamp on each dump line]'
'(-vv -vvv)-v[slightly more verbose output]'
'(-v -vvv)-vv[more verbose output]'
'-w+[write the raw packets to file]:output file:_files'
'-X[print each packet (minus its link level header) in hex and ASCII]'
'-x[print each packet (minus its link level header) in hex]'
'(-y --linktype)'{-y+,--linktype=}'[set the data link type to use while capturing packets]: :_data_link_types'
if [[ $OSTYPE = openbsd* ]]; then
'-i+[specify interface]:interface:_tcpdump_interfaces'
- listd
'-L[list data link types for the interface]'
- capture
${(R)args:#(|\*)(|\(*\))--*} # removes any long-options
'(-n)-a[attempt to convert network and broadcast addresses to names]'
'-D[select packet flowing in specified direction]:direction:(in out)'
'-I[print the interface on each dump line]'
'-o[print a guess of the possible operating system(s)]'
'-s+[specify amount of data to snarf from each packet]:length (bytes) [116]'
'(-t -tt -tttt -ttttt)-ttt[print day and month in timestamp]'
'(-t -tt -ttt -ttttt)-tttt[print timestamp difference between packets]'
'(-t -tt -ttt -tttt)-ttttt[print timestamp difference since the first packet]'
'(-i --interface -D --list-interfaces)'{-i+,--interface=}'[specify interface]:interface:_tcpdump_interfaces'
- listt
'(-J --list-time-stamp-types)'{-J,--list-time-stamp-types}'[list supported time stamp types]'
- listd
'(-L --list-data-link-types)'{-L,--list-data-link-types}'[list data link types for the interface]'
- capture
'(-B --buffer-size)'{-B+,--buffer-size=}'[set the operating system capture buffer size]:size (kiB)'
'-b[print the AS number in BGP packets in ASDOT notation]'
'-C+[specify output file size]:output file size (MB)'
'(-)'{-D,--list-interfaces}'[print the list of the network interfaces available on the system]'
'-G+[rotate dump file specified with -w at specified interval]:interval (seconds)'
'-H[attempt to detect 802.11s draft mesh headers]'
'(- *)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
'(- *)--version[display version information]'
'(-I --monitor-mode)'{-I,--monitor-mode}'[put the Wi-Fi interface in monitor mode]'
'--immediate-mode[deliver packets to tcpdump as soon as they arrive without buffering]'
'-I[put the interface in monitor mode]'
'(-j --time-stamp-type)'{-j+,--time-stamp-type=}'[set the time stamp type for the capture]: :_time_stamp_types'
'--time-stamp-precision=[set the time stamp precision for the capture]:precision [micro]:(micro nano)'
'(-K --dont-verify-checksums)'{-K,--dont-verify-checksums}"[don't verify IP, TCP, or UDP checksums]"
'*-m+[load SMI MIB module definitions]:SMI MIB module definition:_files'
"(-n)-nn[don't convert protocol and port numbers to names]"
'-M+[specify shared secret for validating the digests in TCP segments with the TCP-MD5 option]:secret'
'(-# --number)'{-\#,--number}'[print an optional packet number at the beginning of the line]'
'(-O --no-optimize)'{-O,--no-optimize}"[don't run the packet-matching code optimizer]"
'(-s --snapshot-length)'{-s+,--snapshot-length=}'[specify amount of data to snarf from each packet]:length (bytes) [65535]'
'(-t -tt -tttt -ttttt)-ttt[print a delta (in micro-seconds) on each line since previous line]'
'(-t -tt -ttt -ttttt)-tttt[print a timestamp in default format preceded by date on each dump line]'
'(-t -tt -ttt -tttt)-ttttt[print a delta (in micro-seconds) on each line since first line]'
'(-U --packet-buffered)'{-U,--packet-buffered}'[make output packet-buffered when saving to file (-w)]'
'-u[print undecoded NFS handles]'
'-V+[read a list of filenames from specified file]:file:_files'
'(-v -vv)-vvv[most verbose output]'
'-W+[limit the number of created files (-C)]:number of files'
'(-X)-XX[print each packet, including its link level header, in hex and ASCII]'
'(-x)-xx[print each packet, including its link level header, in hex]'
"${root}(-Z --relinquish-privileges)"{-Z+,--relinquish-privileges=}'[drop privileges and run as specified user]:user:_users'
'-z+[specify command to run on files (with -C or -G)]:command:_command_names -e'
[[ $OSTYPE = freebsd* ]] && args+=(
'-R[assume ESP/AH packets to be based on old specification (RFC1825 to RFC1829)]'
_arguments -s $args \
'*::BPF filter:= _bpf_filters'