shell bypass 403
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A number of functions that enhance IDLE on Mac OSX.
i����N( t pathc C s t j d t d d �t � S( Ns/ runningAsOSXApp() is deprecated, use isAquaTk()t
stackleveli ( t warningst warnt DeprecationWarningt isAquaTk( ( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/macosxSupport.pyt runningAsOSXApp s
c C s t j d t d d �t � S( Ns4 isCarbonAquaTk(root) is deprecated, use isCarbonTk()R i ( R R R t
isCarbonTk( t root( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/macosxSupport.pyt isCarbonAquaTk s
c C s� t j d k r~ | j j d d � } d | k r9 d a q� d | k rN d a q� d | j j d d
d � k ru d a q� d
a n d a d S( sl
Initializes OS X Tk variant values for
isAquaTk(), isCarbonTk(), isCocoaTk(), and isXQuartz().
t darwint tkt windowingsystemt x11t xquartzt aquat othert AppKitt winfot servert .t cocoat carbonN( t syst platformR t callt _tk_type( R t ws( ( s- /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/macosxSupport.pyt _initializeTkVariantTests s c C s( t d k s t � t d k p'