shell bypass 403
# If you want to add a HTTP status code, you must add
# an entry in httpcodelib.
# httpcodelib
# This list is used to found description of a HTTP status code
%httpcodelib = (
'101'=>'Switching Protocols',
#[Miscellaneous successes]
'2xx'=>'[Miscellaneous successes]',
'200'=>'OK', # HTTP request OK
'202'=>'Request recorded, will be executed later',
'203'=>'Non-authoritative information',
'204'=>'Request executed',
'205'=>'Reset document',
'206'=>'Partial Content',
#[Miscellaneous redirections]
'3xx'=>'[Miscellaneous redirections]',
'300'=>'Multiple documents available',
'301'=>'Moved permanently (redirect)',
'302'=>'Moved temporarily (redirect)',
'303'=>'See other document',
'304'=>'Not Modified since last retrieval', # HTTP request OK
'305'=>'Use proxy',
'306'=>'Switch proxy',
'307'=>'Moved temporarily',
#[Miscellaneous client/user errors]
'4xx'=>'[Miscellaneous client/user errors]',
'400'=>'Bad Request',
'402'=>'Payment required',
'404'=>'Document Not Found (hits on favicon excluded)',
'405'=>'Method not allowed',
'406'=>'Document not acceptable to client',
'407'=>'Proxy authentication required',
'408'=>'Request Timeout',
'409'=>'Request conflicts with state of resource',
'410'=>'Document gone permanently',
'411'=>'Length required',
'412'=>'Precondition failed',
'413'=>'Request too long',
'414'=>'Requested filename too long',
'415'=>'Unsupported media type',
'416'=>'Requested range not valid',
#[Miscellaneous server errors]
'5xx'=>'[Miscellaneous server errors]',
'500'=>'Internal server Error',
'501'=>'Not implemented',
'502'=>'Received bad response from real server',
'503'=>'Server busy',
'504'=>'Gateway timeout',
'505'=>'HTTP version not supported',
'506'=>'Redirection failed',