shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
RecursiveCopy - simple recursive copy implementation
use RecursiveCopy;
RecursiveCopy::copypath($from, $to, filterfn => sub { return 1; });
RecursiveCopy::copypath($from, $to);
package RecursiveCopy;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
=head2 copypath($from, $to, %params)
Recursively copy all files and directories from $from to $to.
Does not preserve file metadata (e.g., permissions).
Only regular files and subdirectories are copied. Trying to copy other types
of directory entries raises an exception.
Raises an exception if a file would be overwritten, the source directory can't
be read, or any I/O operation fails. However, we silently ignore ENOENT on
open, because when copying from a live database it's possible for a file/dir
to be deleted after we see its directory entry but before we can open it.
Always returns true.
If the B<filterfn> parameter is given, it must be a subroutine reference.
This subroutine will be called for each entry in the source directory with its
relative path as only parameter; if the subroutine returns true the entry is
copied, otherwise the file is skipped.
On failure the target directory may be in some incomplete state; no cleanup is
RecursiveCopy::copypath('/some/path', '/empty/dir',
filterfn => sub {
# omit log/ and contents
my $src = shift;
return $src ne 'log';
sub copypath
my ($base_src_dir, $base_dest_dir, %params) = @_;
my $filterfn;
if (defined $params{filterfn})
croak "if specified, filterfn must be a subroutine reference"
unless defined(ref $params{filterfn})
and (ref $params{filterfn} eq 'CODE');
$filterfn = $params{filterfn};
$filterfn = sub { return 1; };
# Complain if original path is bogus, because _copypath_recurse won't.
croak "\"$base_src_dir\" does not exist" if !-e $base_src_dir;
# Start recursive copy from current directory
return _copypath_recurse($base_src_dir, $base_dest_dir, "", $filterfn);
# Recursive private guts of copypath
sub _copypath_recurse
my ($base_src_dir, $base_dest_dir, $curr_path, $filterfn) = @_;
my $srcpath = "$base_src_dir/$curr_path";
my $destpath = "$base_dest_dir/$curr_path";
# invoke the filter and skip all further operation if it returns false
return 1 unless &$filterfn($curr_path);
# Check for symlink -- needed only on source dir
# (note: this will fall through quietly if file is already gone)
croak "Cannot operate on symlink \"$srcpath\"" if -l $srcpath;
# Abort if destination path already exists. Should we allow directories
# to exist already?
croak "Destination path \"$destpath\" already exists" if -e $destpath;
# If this source path is a file, simply copy it to destination with the
# same name and we're done.
if (-f $srcpath)
my $fh;
unless (open($fh, '<', $srcpath))
return 1 if ($!{ENOENT});
die "open($srcpath) failed: $!";
copy($fh, $destpath)
or die "copy $srcpath -> $destpath failed: $!";
close $fh;
return 1;
# If it's a directory, create it on dest and recurse into it.
if (-d $srcpath)
my $directory;
unless (opendir($directory, $srcpath))
return 1 if ($!{ENOENT});
die "opendir($srcpath) failed: $!";
mkdir($destpath) or die "mkdir($destpath) failed: $!";
while (my $entry = readdir($directory))
next if ($entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..');
_copypath_recurse($base_src_dir, $base_dest_dir,
$curr_path eq '' ? $entry : "$curr_path/$entry", $filterfn)
or die "copypath $srcpath/$entry -> $destpath/$entry failed";
return 1;
# If it disappeared from sight, that's OK.
return 1 if !-e $srcpath;
# Else it's some weird file type; complain.
croak "Source path \"$srcpath\" is not a regular file or directory";