shell bypass 403
<!-- DSSSL Architectural Forms -->
<!ENTITY % declarations
"features | baseset-encoding | literal-described-char | add-name-chars
| add-separator-chars | standard-chars | other-chars
| combine-char | map-sdata-entity | char-repertoire"
<!element dsssl-specification - O
(style-specification | transformation-specification
| external-specification)+)>
<!attlist dsssl-specification
version CDATA #FIXED "ISO/IEC 10179:1996"
<!element transformation-specification - O
((%declarations;)*, transformation-specification-body*)>
<!attlist transformation-specification
-- human readable description of specification --
partial (partial | complete) complete
-- is the specification complete is or is it just a fragment
to be used in other specifications? --
use -- reftype(transformation-specification|external-specification) --
IDREFS #IMPLIED -- Default: none --
-- entities available to be specified as DTD for validation
of result document --
ENTITIES #IMPLIED -- Default: none --
<!element style-specification - O
((%declarations;)*, style-specification-body*)>
<!attlist style-specification
-- human readable description of specification --
partial (partial | complete) complete
-- is the specification complete is or is it just a fragment
to be used in other specifications? --
use -- reftype(style-specification|external-specification) --
IDREFS #IMPLIED -- Default: none --
<!-- Assign a local ID to a specification in another document. -->
<!element external-specification - O EMPTY>
<!attlist external-specification
document -- document containing spec --
specid -- id of spec in document --
NAME #IMPLIED -- Default: first spec in document --
<!-- Declares features used by specification. -->
<!element features - O (#PCDATA)
-- dlextype(featurename*) -->
<!-- Map character numbers in a base character set to character names;
not needed when system knows a character set, and all characters
in character set have universal code. -->
<!element baseset-encoding - O (#PCDATA)
-- dlextype((number, charname)*) -->
<!attlist baseset-encoding
name CDATA #REQUIRED -- public identifier of baseset --
<!-- Map a character described in the SGML declaration with a minimum literal
to a character name. -->
<!element literal-described-char - O (#PCDATA)
-- dlextype(charname) -->
<!attlist literal-described-char
desc CDATA #REQUIRED -- the literal description --
<!-- Declare additional characters allowed in name within DSSSL notation. -->
<!element add-name-chars - O (#PCDATA)
-- dlextype(charname*) -->
<!-- Declare additional characters allowed as separators within
DSSSL notation. -->
<!element add-separator-chars - O (#PCDATA)
-- dlextype(charname*) -->
<!-- Define characters associating names with universal codes. -->
<!element standard-chars - O (#PCDATA)
-- dlextype((charname, number))*) -->
<!-- Define characters with no universal codes. -->
<!element other-chars - O (#PCDATA)
-- dlextype(charname*) -->
<!-- Map an SDATA entity onto a character. -->
<!element map-sdata-entity - O (#PCDATA)
-- dlextype(charname) -->
<!attlist map-sdata-entity
name CDATA #IMPLIED -- Default: mapping uses replacement text only --
text CDATA #IMPLIED -- Default: mapping uses name only --
<!-- Declare character combining. -->
<!element combine-char - O (#PCDATA)
-- dlextype(charname, charname, charname+) -->
<!-- Declare a character repertoire. -->
<!element char-repertoire - O EMPTY>
<!attlist char-repertoire
name -- public identifier for repertoire --
<!element style-specification-body - - CDATA
-- content uses notation of DSSSL style language -->
<!attlist style-specification-body
content ENTITY #CONREF -- Default: syntactic content --
<!element transformation-specification-body - - CDATA
-- content uses notation of DSSSL transformation language -->
<!attlist transformation-specification-body
content ENTITY #CONREF -- Default: syntactic content --
<!-- This notation is intended for use as the value of the ArcDataF
architectural form support attribute. -->
<!NOTATION dsssl-specification PUBLIC
"ISO/IEC 10179:1996//NOTATION DSSSL Specification//EN">