GOOF----LE-8-2.0�� ] � 4 h� ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g language� g elisp� g compile-tree-il� �
g filenameS� f "language/elisp/compile-tree-il.scm� g importsS�
g bindings�
� � g runtime� � � g tree-il� � � g system� g base� g pmatch� � � g compile� � � g srfi� g srfi-1� � ! � "g srfi-8� #" � $# � %g srfi-11� &% � '& � (g srfi-26� )( � *) � +!$'* � ,g exportsS� -g
compile-progn� .g
compile-if� /g compile-defconst� 0g compile-defvar� 1g compile-setq� 2g compile-let� 3g compile-lexical-let� 4g compile-flet� 5g compile-let*� 6g compile-lexical-let*� 7g
compile-flet*� 8g compile-without-void-checks� 9g compile-with-always-lexical� :g compile-guile-ref� ;g compile-guile-primitive� <g
compile-while� =g compile-function� >g compile-defmacro� ?g
compile-defun� @g compile-`� Ag
compile-quote� B-./0123456789:;<=>?@A � Cg set-current-module� DC � EC � Fg
make-fluid� Gg
bindings-data� Hg disable-void-check� Ig always-lexical� Jg source-properties� Kg location� Lg
make-const� Mg nil-value� NM � OM � Pg t-value� QP � RP � Sg value-slot-module� TS � US � Vg
value-slot� Wg function-slot-module� XW � YW � Zg
function-slot� [g ,� \g unquote?� ]g ,@� ^g unquote-splicing?� _g make-application� `g make-primitive-ref� ag call-primitive� bg error� cg report-error� dg
runtime-error� eg make-module-ref� fg
ensure-fluid!� gg generate-ensure-global� hg
make-sequence� ig append� ji � ki � lg map-globals-needed� mg ensuring-globals� ng with-fluids*� og list� pg map� qg make-lambda� rg make-lambda-case� sg let-dynamic� tg get-lexical-binding� ug access-variable� vg make-lexical-ref� wg mark-global-needed!� xg fluid-ref� yg reference-variable� zg
set-variable!� {g make-lexical-set� |g
fluid-set!� }g nil� ~g length� f ,expected symbol or list of 2 elements in let� �f expected symbol in let� �g process-let-bindings� �g lexical� �g all� �g memq� �g bind-lexically?� �g reverse� �g split-let-bindings� �g for-each� �g car� �g compile-expr� �g gensym� �g make-let� �g with-lexical-bindings� �g generate-let� �g
generate-let*� �g bind-arg-lexical?� �g &rest� �f 'expected exactly one symbol after &rest� �g required� �g optional� �f &invalid mode in split-lambda-arguments� �f %expected symbol in argument list, got� �g &optional� �g split-lambda-arguments� �f expected list for argument-list� �f function body must not be empty� �g cons� �g lset-intersection� �g with-dynamic-bindings� �g cdr� �g make-conditional� �g null?� �g make-void� �g compile-lambda� �f too many arguments to defvar� �g string?� �f 0expected string as third argument of defvar, got� �f expected symbol, got� �g handle-var-def� �g module-defined?� �g resolve-interface� �g
module-ref� �g resolve-module� �g fluid?� �g
find-operator� �g contains-unquotes?� �g
unquote-cell?� �g unquote-splicing-cell?� �g process-backquote� �f %non-pair expression contains unquotes� �f $symbol-list construct has empty body� �g and-map� �g symbol?� �f invalid symbol list� �g with-added-symbols� �F � �F � �g special-operator� �g
module-bound?� �g fluid-bound?� �f expected symbol in setq� �g iterate� �g make-letrec� �� � �g lambda� �g macro� �g fromS� �g toS� �g value� �f expected symbol as macro name� �f expected symbol as function name� �g compile-pair� �g t� �g compile-symbol� �g valid-symbol-list-arg?� � � �f Invalid compiler options� �g warningsS� �g always-lexicalS� �f "Invalid value for #:always-lexical� �f Invalid compiler option� �g process-options!� �g
make-bindings�C 5 h(t � ]4
+,B5 4E > "