shell bypass 403
package Prima::StartupWindow;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(@windowStack @pointersStack);
sub import {
my %profileDefault = (
size => [$::application-> width/5,$::application-> height/6],
centered => 1,
widgetClass => wc::Dialog,
borderIcons => 0,
borderStyle => bs::Dialog,
color => cl::Cyan,
text => 'Loading...',
onPaint => sub {
my ($me,$canvas) = @_;
my $fore = $me-> color;
$canvas-> color( $me-> backColor);
$canvas-> bar( 0, 0, $me-> size);
$canvas-> color( $fore);
$canvas-> font( name => "Tms Rmn", size => 24, style => fs::Bold);
my $txt = $me-> text;
$canvas-> text_shape_out( $txt, ($me-> width - $me-> get_text_width($txt))/2, ($me-> height - $me-> font-> height)/2);
my %profile = (%profileDefault,@_);
push @pointersStack, $::application-> pointer;
$::application-> pointer( cr::Wait);
my $w = Prima::Window-> create(%profile);
push @windowStack, $w;
$::application-> yield;
$w-> repaint;
$w-> update_view;
sub unimport {
my $w = pop @windowStack;
return unless $w;
my $oautoClose = $::application-> autoClose;
$::application-> autoClose(0);
$w-> destroy;
$::application-> autoClose( $oautoClose);
$::application-> pointer( pop @pointersStack);
=head1 NAME
Prima::StartupWindow - a simplistic startup banner window
The module, when imported by C<use> call, creates a temporary window
which appears with 'loading...' text while the modules required by
a program are loading. The window parameters can be modified by
passing custom parameters after C<use Prima::StartupWindow> statement,
which are passed to C<Prima::Window> class as creation parameters.
The window is discarded by explicit unimporting of the module
( see L<"SYNOPSIS"> ).
use Prima;
use Prima::Application;
use Prima::StartupWindow; # the window is created here
use Prima::Buttons;
.... # lots of 'use' of other modules
no Prima::StartupWindow; # the window is discarded here
=head1 AUTHORS
Anton Berezin E<lt>tobez@tobez.orgE<gt>,
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt> ( documentation ).
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Application>.