shell bypass 403
package Squirrel;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub _choose_backend {
if ( $INC{""} ) {
return {
backend => 'Moose',
import => \&Moose::import,
unimport => \&Moose::unimport,
} else {
require Mouse;
return {
backend => 'Mouse',
import => \&Mouse::import,
unimport => \&Mouse::unimport,
my %pkgs;
sub _handlers {
my $class = shift;
my $caller = caller(1);
$pkgs{$caller} ||= $class->_choose_backend;
sub import {
require Carp;
Carp::carp("Squirrel is deprecated. Please use Any::Moose instead. It fixes a number of design problems that Squirrel has.");
my $handlers = shift->_handlers;
unshift @_, $handlers->{backend};
goto &{$handlers->{import}};
sub unimport {
my $handlers = shift->_handlers;
unshift @_, $handlers->{backend};
goto &{$handlers->{unimport}};
=head1 NAME
Squirrel - Use Mouse, unless Moose is already loaded. (DEPRECATED)
use Squirrel;
has goggles => (
is => "rw",
C<Squirrel> is deprecated. C<Any::Moose> provides the same functionality,
but better. :)
L<Moose> and L<Squirrel> are THE BEST FRIENDS, but if L<Moose> isn't there
L<Squirrel> will hang out with L<Mouse> as well.
When your own code doesn't actually care whether or not you use L<Moose> or
L<Mouse> you can use either, and let your users decide for you.
This lets you run with minimal dependencies and have a faster startup, but if
L<Moose> is already in use you get all the benefits of using that
(transformability, introspection, more opportunities for code reuse, etc).
=head1 SEE ALSO