source "$rvm_path/scripts/rvm"
rvm use 2.3.4 --install # status=0
rvm gemset create test1 # status=0
rvm gemset create test2 # status=0
rvm use 2.4.0 --install # status=0
: do
rvm 8.9.9 do rvm gemdir # status=1; match=/is not installed/
rvm 2.3.4 do rvm gemdir # status=0; match=/2.3.4/
rvm 2.3.4@test0 do rvm gemdir # status=2; match=/Gemset .* does not exist/
rvm 2.3.4@test1 do rvm gemdir # status=0; match=/2.3.4@test1/
rvm 2.3.4@test2 do rvm gemdir # status=0; match=/2.3.4@test2/
rvm 2.3.4@global,2.3.4 do rvm gemdir # status=0; match=/2.3.4@global$/; match=/2.3.4$/
rvm --force gemset delete test1 # status=0
rvm --force gemset delete test2 # status=0
: FIXME: The following tests have awful duplication due to
: -----------------------------------------------------------------
: do in directory with no version
true TMPDIR:${TMPDIR:=/tmp}:
mkdir -p $d
: absolute directory
rvm in $d do rvm info ruby # status=1; match=/Could not determine which Ruby to use/
rvm in $d do ruby --version # status=1; match=/Could not determine which Ruby to use/
: relative directory
rvm in test-rvm-do-in do rvm info ruby # status=1; match=/Could not determine which Ruby to use/
rvm in test-rvm-do-in do ruby --version # status=1; match=/Could not determine which Ruby to use/
: current directory
cd $d
rvm in . do rvm info ruby # status=1; match=/Could not determine which Ruby to use/
rvm in . do ruby --version # status=1; match=/Could not determine which Ruby to use/
rvm . do rvm info ruby # status=1; match=/Could not determine which Ruby to use/
rvm . do ruby --version # status=1; match=/Could not determine which Ruby to use/
: -----------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir -p $d/2.3.4
echo "2.3.4" > $d/2.3.4/.ruby-version
: absolute directory
rvm in $d/2.3.4 do rvm info ruby # status=0; match=/version: *"2.3.4/
rvm in $d/2.3.4 do ruby --version # status=0; match=/^ruby 2.3.4/
: relative directory
cd $d
rvm in 2.3.4 do rvm info ruby # status=0; match=/version: *"2.3.4/
rvm in 2.3.4 do ruby --version # status=0; match=/^ruby 2.3.4/
: current directory
cd $d/2.3.4
rvm . do rvm info ruby # status=0; match=/version: *"2.3.4/
rvm . do ruby --version # status=0; match=/^ruby 2.3.4/
: -----------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir -p $d/2.4.0
echo "2.4.0" > $d/2.4.0/.ruby-version
: absolute directory
rvm in $d/2.4.0 do rvm info ruby # status=0; match=/version: *"2.4.0/
rvm in $d/2.4.0 do ruby --version # status=0; match=/^ruby 2.4.0/
: relative directory
cd $d
rvm in 2.4.0 do rvm info ruby # status=0; match=/version: *"2.4.0/
rvm in 2.4.0 do ruby --version # status=0; match=/^ruby 2.4.0/
: current directory
cd $d/2.4.0
rvm . do rvm info ruby # status=0; match=/version: *"2.4.0/
rvm . do ruby --version # status=0; match=/^ruby 2.4.0/
## cleanup
rm -rf $d