<?xml version="1.0"?>
GraphicsMagick Logging Configuration File
The following options are available:
o events [comma separated list]
annotate Text annotation events.
blob File opening/closing/loading events.
cache Pixel cache events.
coder File format coder events.
configure Configuration events (searching for .mgk files, etc.).
deprecate Identify use of deprecated functions.
error Error exception report events.
exception Exception report events (warning and error).
locale Locale events.
none Reporting disabled.
render Rendering (drawing) events.
resource Resource allocation events (memory, disk, etc.)
temporaryFile Temporary file events (allocate, deallocate, etc.)
transform Image processing events.
user User events (not emitted by GraphicsMagick).
warning Warning exception report events.
X11 X11 server events.
o output
none Reporting disabled.
disabled Reporting disabled.
stdout Log to stdout in "human readable" format
stderr Log to stderr in "human readable" format
xmlfile Log to a file in an XML format
txtfile Log to a file in a text format
win32debug Windows, Output events to the application/system debugger.
win32eventlog Windows, Output events to the Application event log.
o Filename - Use specified filename if output to a file is selected.
Place a %d in the file name in order to support multiple log generations.
o Generations - Number of log files to maintain before circulating back to
the first name.
o Limit - Maximum number of logging events before creating a new log file.
o Format - Format of logging output
You can display the following components by embedding
special format characters:
%d domain
%e event
%f function
%l line
%m module
%p process ID
%r real CPU time
%t wall clock time
%u user CPU time
%% percent sign
\n newline
\r carriage return
<log events="None" />
<log output="stderr" />
<log filename="Magick-%d.log" />
<log generations="3" />
<log limit="2000" />
<log format="%t %r %u %p %m/%f/%l/%d:\n %e" />