package Date::Manip::DM5abbrevs;
# Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Sullivan Beck. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 NAME
Date::Manip::DM5abbrevs - A list of all timezone abbreviations
This module is not intended to be used directly. Date::Manip 5.xx
will load it as needed.
This module contains all of the time zone abbreviations from
Date::Manip 6.xx copied backwards to 5.xx to provide slightly
better support for time zones.
Note that this is only a bandaid fix, and does not add proper
time zone handling to version 5.xx .
require 5.000;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $tmp;
$tmp = \$Date::Manip::DM5::Abbrevs;
$Date::Manip::DM5::Abbrevs = join(' ',qw(
idlw -1200
nt -1100
sat -0400
cldt -0300
at -0200
utc +0000
mewt +0100
mez +0100
fwt +0100
gb +0100
swt +0100
mesz +0200
fst +0200
metdst +0200
eetdst +0300
eetedt +0300
bt +0300
it +0330
zp4 +0400
zp5 +0500
ist +0530
zp6 +0600
awst +0800
rok +0900
aest +1000
acdt +1030
cadt +1030
aedt +1100
eadt +1100
nzt +1200
idle +1200
a -0100
acdt +1030
acst +0930
addt -0200
adt -0300
aedt +1100
aest +1000
ahdt -0900
ahst -1000
akdt -0800
akst -0900
apt -0900
ast -0400
awdt +0900
awst +0800
awt -0300
b -0200
bdst +0200
bdt -1000
bst +0100
c -0300
cast +0300
cat +0200
cddt -0400
cdt -0500
cemt +0300
cest +0200
cet +0100
chst +1000
cmt +0155
cpt -0500
cst -0600
cwt -0500
d -0400
e -0500
eat +0300
eddt -0300
edt -0400
eest +0300
eet +0200
ept -0400
est -0500
ewt -0400
f -0600
g -0700
gmt +0000
gmt+1 +0100
gmt+10 +1000
gmt+11 +1100
gmt+12 +1200
gmt+2 +0200
gmt+3 +0300
gmt+4 +0400
gmt+5 +0500
gmt+6 +0600
gmt+7 +0700
gmt+8 +0800
gmt+9 +0900
gmt-1 -0100
gmt-10 -1000
gmt-11 -1100
gmt-12 -1200
gmt-13 -1300
gmt-14 -1400
gmt-2 -0200
gmt-3 -0300
gmt-4 -0400
gmt-5 -0500
gmt-6 -0600
gmt-7 -0700
gmt-8 -0800
gmt-9 -0900
gst +1000
h -0800
hdt -0900
hkst +0900
hkt +0800
hst -1000
i -0900
iddt +0400
idt +0300
ist +0100
jdt +1000
jst +0900
k -1000
kdt +1000
kst +0900
l -1100
m -1200
mddt -0500
mdt -0600
mest +0200
met +0100
mmt +0454
mpt -0600
msd +0400
msk +0300
mst -0700
mwt -0600
n +0100
nddt -0130
ndt -0230
npt -1000
nst -0330
nwt -1000
nzdt +1300
nzmt +1130
nzst +1200
o +0200
p +0300
pddt -0600
pdt -0700
pkst +0600
pkt +0500
ppmt -0449
ppt -0700
pst -0800
pwt -0700
q +0400
qmt -0514
r +0500
s +0600
sast +0200
sdmt -0440
smt +0216
sst -1100
t +0700
tmt +0139
u +0800
ut +0000
utc +0000
v +0900
w +1000
wast +0200
wat +0100
wemt +0200
west +0100
wet +0000
wib +0700
wit +0900
wita +0800
wmt +0124
x +1100
y +1200
yddt -0700
ydt -0800
ypt -0800
yst -0900
ywt -0800
z +0000
The following timezones are defined:
A -0100
ACDT +1030
ACST +0930
ADDT -0200
ADT -0300
AEDT +1100
AEST +1000
AHDT -0900
AHST -1000
AKDT -0800
AKST -0900
APT -0900
AST -0400
AT -0200
AWDT +0900
AWST +0800
AWT -0300
B -0200
BDST +0200
BDT -1000
BST +0100
BT +0300
C -0300
CADT +1030
CAST +0300
CAT +0200
CDDT -0400
CDT -0500
CEMT +0300
CEST +0200
CET +0100
CHST +1000
CLDT -0300
CMT +0155
CPT -0500
CST -0600
CWT -0500
D -0400
E -0500
EADT +1100
EAT +0300
EDDT -0300
EDT -0400
EEST +0300
EET +0200
EETDST +0300
EETEDT +0300
EPT -0400
EST -0500
EWT -0400
F -0600
FST +0200
FWT +0100
G -0700
GB +0100
GMT +0000
GMT+1 +0100
GMT+10 +1000
GMT+11 +1100
GMT+12 +1200
GMT+2 +0200
GMT+3 +0300
GMT+4 +0400
GMT+5 +0500
GMT+6 +0600
GMT+7 +0700
GMT+8 +0800
GMT+9 +0900
GMT-1 -0100
GMT-10 -1000
GMT-11 -1100
GMT-12 -1200
GMT-13 -1300
GMT-14 -1400
GMT-2 -0200
GMT-3 -0300
GMT-4 -0400
GMT-5 -0500
GMT-6 -0600
GMT-7 -0700
GMT-8 -0800
GMT-9 -0900
GST +1000
H -0800
HDT -0900
HKST +0900
HKT +0800
HST -1000
I -0900
IDDT +0400
IDLE +1200
IDLW -1200
IDT +0300
IST +0100
IT +0330
JDT +1000
JST +0900
K -1000
KDT +1000
KST +0900
L -1100
M -1200
MDDT -0500
MDT -0600
MEST +0200
MESZ +0200
MET +0100
METDST +0200
MEWT +0100
MEZ +0100
MMT +0454
MPT -0600
MSD +0400
MSK +0300
MST -0700
MWT -0600
N +0100
NDDT -0130
NDT -0230
NPT -1000
NST -0330
NT -1100
NWT -1000
NZDT +1300
NZMT +1130
NZST +1200
NZT +1200
O +0200
P +0300
PDDT -0600
PDT -0700
PKST +0600
PKT +0500
PPMT -0449
PPT -0700
PST -0800
PWT -0700
Q +0400
QMT -0514
R +0500
ROK +0900
S +0600
SAST +0200
SAT -0400
SDMT -0440
SMT +0216
SST -1100
SWT +0100
T +0700
TMT +0139
U +0800
UT +0000
UTC +0000
V +0900
W +1000
WAST +0200
WAT +0100
WEMT +0200
WEST +0100
WET +0000
WIB +0700
WIT +0900
WITA +0800
WMT +0124
X +1100
Y +1200
YDDT -0700
YDT -0800
YPT -0800
YST -0900
YWT -0800
Z +0000
ZP4 +0400
ZP5 +0500
ZP6 +0600
=head1 LICENSE
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Sullivan Beck (