package Date::Manip::TZ_Base;
# Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Sullivan Beck. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
require 5.010000;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::File;
our ($VERSION);
END { undef $VERSION; }
sub _config_var {
my($self,$var,$val) = @_;
$var = lc($var);
# A simple flag used to force a new configuration, but has
# no other affect.
return if ($var eq 'ignore');
my $istz = ref($self) eq 'Date::Manip::TZ';
if ($istz && ($var eq 'tz' ||
$var eq 'forcedate' ||
$var eq 'setdate' ||
$var eq 'configfile')) {
if ($var eq 'tz') {
warn "WARNING: the TZ Date::Manip config variable is deprecated\n" .
" and will be removed in March 2017. Please use\n" .
" the SetDate or ForceDate config variables instead.\n";
return $self->_config_var_tz($var,$val);
} else {
my $base = ($istz ? $$self{'base'} : $self);
return $base->_config_var_base($var,$val);
# This reads a config file
sub _config_file {
my($self,$file) = @_;
return if (! $file);
if (! -f $file) {
warn "ERROR: [config_file] file doesn't exist: $file\n";
if (! -r $file) {
warn "ERROR: [config_file] file not readable: $file\n";
my $in = new IO::File;
if (! $in->open($file)) {
warn "ERROR: [config_file] unable to open file: $file: $!\n";
my @in = <$in>;
my $sect = 'conf';
my %sect;
foreach my $line (@in) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//o;
$line =~ s/\s+$//o;
next if (! $line or $line =~ /^\043/o);
if ($line =~ /^\*/o) {
# New section
$sect = $self->_config_file_section($line);
} else {
$sect{$sect} = 1;
# If we did a holidays section, we need to create a regular
# expression with all of the holiday names.
my $istz = ref($self) eq 'Date::Manip::TZ';
my $base = ($istz ? $$self{'base'} : $self);
if (exists $sect{'holidays'}) {
my @hol = @{ $$base{'data'}{'sections'}{'holidays'} };
my @nam;
while (@hol) {
my $junk = shift(@hol);
my $hol = shift(@hol);
push(@nam,$hol) if ($hol);
if (@nam) {
@nam = sort _sortByLength(@nam);
my $hol = '(?<holiday>' . join('|',map { "\Q$_\E" } @nam) . ')';
my $yr = '(?<y>\d\d\d\d|\d\d)';
my $rx = "$hol\\s*$yr|" . # Christmas 2009
"$yr\\s*$hol|" . # 2009 Christmas
"$hol"; # Christmas
$$base{'data'}{'rx'}{'holidays'} = qr/^(?:$rx)$/i;
sub _config_file_section {
my($self,$line) = @_;
my $istz = ref($self) eq 'Date::Manip::TZ';
my $base = ($istz ? $$self{'base'} : $self);
$line =~ s/^\*//o;
$line =~ s/\s*$//o;
my $sect = lc($line);
if (! exists $$base{'data'}{'sections'}{$sect}) {
warn "WARNING: [config_file] unknown section created: $sect\n";
return $sect;
sub _config_file_var {
my($self,$sect,$line) = @_;
my $istz = ref($self) eq 'Date::Manip::TZ';
my $base = ($istz ? $$self{'base'} : $self);
if ($line =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/o) {
($var,$val) = ($1,$2);
} else {
die "ERROR: invalid Date::Manip config file line:\n $line\n";
if ($sect eq 'conf') {
$var = lc($var);
} else {
# $val = $self->config(VAR);
# Returns the value of a variable.
# $self->config([SECT], VAR, VAL) sets the value of a variable
# Sets the value of a variable.
sub _config {
my($self,$var,$val) = @_;
my $sect = 'conf';
# $self->_conf(VAR, VAL) sets the value of a variable
$var = lc($var);
if (defined $val) {
return $self->_config_var($var,$val);
# $self->_conf(VAR) returns the value of a variable
if (exists $$self{'data'}{'sections'}{$sect}{$var}) {
return $$self{'data'}{'sections'}{$sect}{$var};
} else {
warn "ERROR: [config] invalid config variable: $var\n";
return '';
sub _fix_year {
my($self,$y) = @_;
my $istz = ref($self) eq 'Date::Manip::TZ';
my $base = ($istz ? $self->base() : $self);
my $method = $base->_config('yytoyyyy');
return $y if (length($y)==4);
return undef if (length($y)!=2);
my $curr_y;
if (ref($self) eq 'Date::Manip::TZ') {
$curr_y = $self->_now('y',1);
} else {
$curr_y = ( localtime(time) )[5];
$curr_y += 1900;
if ($method eq 'c') {
return substr($curr_y,0,2) . $y;
} elsif ($method =~ /^c(\d\d)$/) {
return "$1$y";
} elsif ($method =~ /^c(\d\d)(\d\d)$/) {
return "$1$y" + ($y<$2 ? 100 : 0);
} else {
my $y1 = $curr_y - $method;
my $y2 = $y1 + 99;
$y1 =~ /^(\d\d)/;
$y = "$1$y";
if ($y<$y1) {
$y += 100;
if ($y>$y2) {
$y -= 100;
return $y;
# Functions for setting the default date/time
# Many date operations use a default time and/or date to set some
# or all values. This function may be used to set or examine the
# default time.
# _now allows you to get the current date and/or time in the
# local timezone.
# The function performed depends on $op and are described in the
# following table:
# $op function
# ------------------ ----------------------------------
# undef Returns the current default values
# (y,m,d,h,mn,s) without updating
# the time (it'll update if it has
# never been set).
# 'now' Updates now and returns
# (y,m,d,h,mn,s)
# 'time' Updates now and Returns (h,mn,s)
# 'y' Returns the default value of one
# 'm' of the fields (no update)
# 'd'
# 'h'
# 'mn'
# 's'
# 'systz' Returns the system timezone
# 'isdst' Returns the 'now' values if set,
# 'tz' or system time values otherwise.
# 'offset'
# 'abb'
sub _now {
my($self,$op,$noupdate) = @_;
my $istz = ref($self) eq 'Date::Manip::TZ';
my $base = ($istz ? $self->base() : $self);
# Update "NOW" if we're checking 'now', 'time', or the date
# is not set already.
if (! defined $noupdate) {
if ($op =~ /(?:now|time)/) {
$noupdate = 0;
} else {
$noupdate = 1;
$noupdate = 0 if (! exists $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'date'});
$self->_update_now() unless ($noupdate);
# Now return the value of the operation
my @tmpnow = @{ $$base{'data'}{'tmpnow'} };
my @now = (@tmpnow ? @tmpnow : @{ $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'date'} });
if ($op eq 'tz') {
if (exists $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'tz'}) {
return $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'tz'};
} else {
return $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'systz'};
} elsif ($op eq 'systz') {
return $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'systz'};
} elsif ($op eq 'isdst') {
return $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'isdst'};
} elsif ($op eq 'offset') {
return @{ $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'offset'} };
} elsif ($op eq 'abb') {
return $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'abb'};
} elsif ($op eq 'now') {
return @now;
} elsif ($op eq 'y') {
return $now[0];
} elsif ($op eq 'time') {
return @now[3..5];
} elsif ($op eq 'm') {
return $now[1];
} elsif ($op eq 'd') {
return $now[2];
} elsif ($op eq 'h') {
return $now[3];
} elsif ($op eq 'mn') {
return $now[4];
} elsif ($op eq 's') {
return $now[5];
} else {
warn "ERROR: [now] invalid argument list: $op\n";
return ();
sub _update_now {
my($self) = @_;
my $istz = ref($self) eq 'Date::Manip::TZ';
my $base = ($istz ? $self->base() : $self);
# If we've called ForceDate, don't change it.
return if ($$base{'data'}{'now'}{'force'});
# If we've called SetDate (which will only happen if a
# Date::Manip:TZ object is available), figure out what 'now' is
# based on the number of seconds that have elapsed since it was
# set. This will ONLY happen if TZ has been loaded.
if ($$base{'data'}{'now'}{'set'}) {
my $date = $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'setdate'};
my $secs = time - $$base{'data'}{'now'}{'setsecs'};
$date = $base->calc_date_time($date,[0,0,$secs]); # 'now' in GMT
my $zone = $self->_now('tz',1);
my ($err,$date2,$offset,$isdst,$abbrev) = $self->convert_from_gmt($date,$zone);
$$base{'data'}{'now'}{'date'} = $date2;
$$base{'data'}{'now'}{'isdst'} = $isdst;
$$base{'data'}{'now'}{'offset'} = $offset;
$$base{'data'}{'now'}{'abb'} = $abbrev;
# Otherwise, we'll use the system time.
my $time = time;
my($s,$mn,$h,$d,$m,$y,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($time);
my($s0,$mn0,$h0,$d0,$m0,$y0) = gmtime($time);
$y += 1900;
$y0 += 1900;
my $off = $base->calc_date_date([$y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s],[$y0,$m0,$d0,$h0,$mn0,$s0],1);
$$base{'data'}{'now'}{'date'} = [$y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s];
$$base{'data'}{'now'}{'isdst'} = $isdst;
$$base{'data'}{'now'}{'offset'}= $off;
my $abb = '???';
if (ref($self) eq 'Date::Manip::TZ') {
my $zone = $self->_now('tz',1);
my $per = $self->date_period([$y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s],$zone,1,$isdst);
$abb = $$per[4];
$$base{'data'}{'now'}{'abb'} = $abb;
# This sorts from longest to shortest element
no strict 'vars';
sub _sortByLength {
return (length $b <=> length $a);
use strict 'vars';
# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 3
# cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2
# cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
# cperl-label-offset: 0
# End: