#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Filter.pm
# Copyright (C) 2007-2024 by John Heidemann <johnh@isi.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package Fsdb::Filter;
=head1 NAME
Fsdb::Filter - base class for Fsdb filters
Fsdb::Filter is the virtual base class for Fsdb filters.
Users will typically invoke individual programs via the command line
(for example, see L<dbcol(1)>)
or string together several in a Perl program
as described in L<dbpipeline(3)>.
For new Filter developers, internal processing is:
autorun if desired
parse_options # optionally called additional times
setup # does IO on header
run # does IO on data
finish # any shutdown
In addition, the C<info> method returns metadata about a given filter.
@ISA = ();
($VERSION) = 1.0;
use strict;
use 5.010;
use Carp qw(carp croak);
use IO::Handle;
use IO::File;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray :config no_ignore_case bundling permute);
use Fsdb::IO::Reader;
use Fsdb::IO::Writer;
use Fsdb::Support;
use Fsdb::Support::DelayPassComments;
=head2 new
$fsdb = new Fsdb::Filter;
Create a new filter object, calling set_defaults
and parse_options. A user program will call a specific
filter (say Fsdb::Filter::dbcol) to do processing.
See also L<dbpipeline> for aliases that remove the wordiness.
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
=head2 post_new
Called when the subclass is done with new,
giving Fsdb::Filter a chance to autorun.
sub post_new {
my $self = shift @_;
if ($self->{_autorun});
=head2 set_defaults
Set up object defaults.
Called once during new.
Fsdb::Filter::set_defaults does some general setup,
tracking module invocation and preparing for one input and output stream.
sub set_defaults ($) {
my $self = shift @_;
# see the info() method for documentation
$self->{_info} = {
input_type => 'fsdb*',
input_count => 1,
output_type => 'fsdb*',
output_count => 1,
my($package, $filename, $line) = caller(1);
$filename =~ s@^.*/@@g; # strip junk
$filename =~ s@\.pm$@@; # strip junk
$self->{_prog} = $filename;
$self->{_orig_argv} = undef;
$self->{_logprog} = 1;
$self->{_close} = 1;
$self->{_save_output} = undef;
$self->{_empty} = '-';
$self->{_debug} = 0;
$self->{_error} = undef;
# Fsdb::IO objects
$self->{_in} = undef;
$self->{_out} = undef;
# filehandles or Fsdb::BoundedQueue:
# These next two lines cause obnoxious warnings in some versions
# $self->{_input} = \*STDIN;
# $self->{_output} = \*STDOUT;
# of perl. in 5.10.1:
# Unbalanced string table refcount: (2) for "blib/script/dbjoin" during global destruction.
# Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "STDOUT" during global destruction.
# Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "STDIN" during global destruction.
# Scalars leaked: 2
# Unbalanced string table refcount: (2) for "blib/script/dbjoin" during global destruction.
# Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "STDOUT" during global destruction.
# Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "STDIN" during global destruction.
# Scalars leaked: 2
# fix: switch to magic variables '-' and catch them later in finish_fh_io_option.
$self->{_input} = '-';
$self->{_output} = '-';
$self->{_autorun} = undef;
=head2 set_default_tmpdir
Figure out a tmpdir, from environment variables if necessary.
sub set_default_tmpdir($;$) {
my $self = shift @_;
return if (defined($self->{_tmpdir}));
foreach ($_[0], $ENV{'TMPDIR'}, "/tmp") {
if (defined($_)) {
$self->{_tmpdir} = $_;
die "internal error in set_default_tmpdir";
=head2 parse_options
Parse_options is called one I<or more> times to parse ARGV-style options.
It should not do any IO or any irreverssable actions; defer those to startup.
Fsdb::Filter::parse_options does no work; the subclass is expected
to call Fsdb::Filter::get_options() for all arguments.
Most modules implement certain common fsdb options, listed below.
=for comment
(Note that this text in Fsdb::Filter.pm is the master copy,
replicated in to all the module.pm files via C<make standardoptions>.)
=for comment
This module also supports the standard fsdb options:
=over 4
=item B<-d>
Enable debugging output.
=item B<-i> or B<--input> InputSource
Read from InputSource, typically a file name, or C<-> for standard input,
or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.
=item B<-o> or B<--output> OutputDestination
Write to OutputDestination, typically a file name, or C<-> for standard output,
or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.
=item B<--autorun> or B<--noautorun>
By default, programs process automatically,
but Fsdb::Filter objects in Perl do not run until you invoke
the run() method.
The C<--(no)autorun> option controls that behavior within Perl.
=item B<--noclose>
By default, programs close their output when done.
For some cases where objects are used internally, C<--noclose>
may be used to leave output open for further I/O.
(This option is only supported by some filters.)
=item B<--saveoutput $OUT_REF>
By default, programs close their output when done.
With this option, programs in Perl can have a subprogram create
an output refrence and return it to the caller in C<$OUT_REF>.
The caller can then use it for further I/O.
(This option is only supported by some filters.)
=item B<--help>
Show help.
=item B<--man>
Show full manual.
=for comment
sub parse_options ($@) {
my $self = shift @_;
die "Fsdb:Filter: we expect the subprogram to handle parse_options.\n";
=head2 parse_target_column
A helper function: allow one column to be specified as the C<_target_column>.
sub parse_target_column($$) {
my($self, $argv_ref) = @_;
if ($#{$argv_ref} > 0 || $#{$argv_ref} == 0 && defined($self->{_target_column})) {
# xxx: next line is "die" because with perl v5.8.8,
# I get this error message with croak:
# Bizarre copy of HASH in sassign at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/Carp/Heavy.pm line 45.
die $self->{_prog} . ": cannot specify multiple columns\n";
} elsif ($#{$argv_ref} == 0) {
$self->{_target_column} = $argv_ref->[0];
=head2 get_options
$success = $filter->get_options(\@argv, "v+" => \$verbose, ...)
get_options is just like Getopt::Long's GetOptions,
but takes the argument list as the first argument.
This list is modified and any non-options are returned.
It also saves _orig_argv in itself.
sub get_options($$@) {
my $self = shift @_;
my $argv_ref = shift @_;
my @opt_specs = @_;
# hacky interface to GetOptions, we have to copy to and from ARGV
foreach my $p (@$argv_ref) {
my $p_copy = $p;
if (ref($p_copy) =~ /\:\:/) {
# remove the internal memory cruft for internal perl objects
$p_copy = ref($p_copy);
$p_copy =~ s/\=.*$//;
$p_copy = "::FsdbIPC" if ($p_copy =~ /^(Fsdb::BoundedQueue|IO::Pipe)/);
$p_copy = "[$p_copy]";
push (@{$self->{_orig_argv}}, $p_copy);
my $result = GetOptionsFromArray($argv_ref, @opt_specs);
return $result;
=head2 parse_sort_option
$fsdb_io = $filter->parse_sort_option($option_name, $target);
This helper function handles sorting options and column names
as described in L<dbsort(1)>. We normalize long sort options
to unbundled short options
and accumulate them in $self->{_sort_argv}.
sub parse_sort_option ($$$) {
my $self = shift @_;
my ($option_name, $target) = @_;
my $sort_aref = $self->{_sort_argv};
if ($option_name eq '<>') {
push (@$sort_aref, $target);
} elsif ($option_name eq 'n' || $option_name eq 'numeric') {
push (@$sort_aref, '-n');
} elsif ($option_name eq 'N' || $option_name eq 'lexical') {
push (@$sort_aref, '-N');
} elsif ($option_name eq 't' || $option_name eq 'type-inferred-sorting') {
push (@$sort_aref, '-t');
} elsif ($option_name eq 'r' || $option_name eq 'descending') {
push (@$sort_aref, '-r');
} elsif ($option_name eq 'R' || $option_name eq 'descending') {
push (@$sort_aref, '-R');
} else {
croak "parse_sort_option: unknown option $option_name for target $target\n";
=head2 parse_io_option
$fsdb_io = $filter->parse_io_option($io_direction, $option_name, $target);
This helper function handles C<--input> or C<--output> options,
without doing any setup.
It fills in $self->{_$IO_DIRECTION} with the resulting object,
which is either a file handle or Fsdb::Filter::Piepline object,
and expects C<finish_io_option> to convert
this token into a full Fsdb::IO object.
$IO_DIRECTION is usually input or output, but it can also be inputs
(with an "s") when multiple input sources are allowed.
sub parse_io_option ($$$$) {
my $self = shift @_;
my $direction = shift @_;
my $option_name = shift @_;
# Next line wackiness: perl-5.10's Getopt::Long passes an object, not a
# string, so force it to be a string.
$option_name = "$option_name" if (ref($option_name));
my $target = shift @_;
$target = $option_name if (!defined($target)); # xxx: sometimes we seem to loose an argument (bug in Getopt::Long?)
my($mode) = $direction eq 'output' ? "w" : "r";
my $token = $target;
if ($direction eq 'input' || $direction eq 'output') {
$self->{"_$direction"} = $token;
} elsif ($direction eq 'inputs' || $direction eq 'outputs') {
push (@{$self->{"_$direction"}}, $token);
} else {
croak "internal error: bad direction";
=head2 finish_one_io_option
$fsdb_io = $filter->finish_io_option($io_direction, $token, @fsdb_args);
This helper function
finishes setting up a Fsdb::IO object in $IO_DIRECTION,
using $TOKEN as information.
using @FSDB_ARGS as parameters.
It creates the actual Fsdb::IO objects, opens the files (or whatever),
and reads the headers.
It returns the $FSDB_IO option.
$IO_DIRECTION must be "input" or "output".
Since it does IO, finish_io_option should only be called from setup,
not parse_options.
Can be called once per IO stream.
sub finish_one_io_option ($$$@) {
my $self = shift @_;
my $direction = shift @_;
my $token = shift @_;
my $fsdb;
# fast return a raw fh, if that's an option (-raw_fh=>1 in @fsdb_args)
if ($#_ >= 1 && $_[0] eq '-raw_fh' && $_[1]) {
return $token;
if (ref($token) =~ /^Fsdb::IO/) {
# assume the user gave us a good one
$fsdb = $token;
} else {
my $token_ref = ref($token);
my $token_type = undef;
if ($token_ref =~ /^Fsdb::BoundedQueue/) {
$token_type = '-queue';
} elsif ($token_ref =~ /^IO::/) {
$token_type = '-fh';
} elsif ($token_ref eq '' && $token eq '-') {
$token_type = '-file';
} elsif ($token_ref eq '' && $token =~ /^\*main/) {
$token_type = '-fh';
} elsif ($token_ref eq '') {
$token_type = '-file'; # assume filename
} else {
croak "unknown token type in Fsdb::Filter::finish_one_io_option\n";
if ($direction eq 'input') {
$fsdb = new Fsdb::IO::Reader($token_type => $token, @_);
} elsif ($direction eq 'output') {
$fsdb = new Fsdb::IO::Writer($token_type => $token, @_);
} else {
croak "unknown direction in Fsdb::Filter::finish_one_io_option\n"; };
# Next line is die, not croak, because croak always appends line number.
$fsdb->error and die $self->{_prog} . ": cannot open $direction: " . $fsdb->error . "\n";
return $fsdb;
=head2 finish_io_option
$filter->finish_io_option($io_direction, @fsdb_args);
This helper function
finishes setting up a Fsdb::IO object in $IO_DIRECTION,
using @FSDB_ARGS as parameters.
It creates the actual Fsdb::IO objects, opens the files (or whatever),
and reads the headers.
the resulting Fsdb::IO objects are
built from C<$self->{_$IO_DIRECTION}>
and are left in C<$self->{_in}> or (C<_out> or C<@_ins>).
$IO_DIRECTION must be "input", "inputs" or "output".
Since it does IO, finish_io_option should only be called from setup,
not parse_options.
Can be called once per IO stream.
No return value.
sub finish_io_option ($$@) {
my $self = shift @_;
my $direction = shift @_;
# special case multiple inputs
if ($direction eq 'inputs') {
my $token;
foreach $token (@{$self->{_inputs}}) {
my $in = $self->finish_one_io_option('input', $token, @_);
push @{$self->{_ins}}, $in;
# single
my $fsdb = $self->finish_one_io_option($direction, $self->{"_$direction"}, @_);
$self->{($direction eq 'input' ? '_in' : '_out')} = $fsdb;
=head2 direction_to_stdio
$fh = direction_to_stdio($direction)
Private internal routing. Give a filehandle for STDIN or
STDOUT based on $DIRECTION == 'input or 'output'
sub direction_to_stdio($;$){ # private
my($direction, $encoding) = @_;
my $fh = new IO::Handle;
if ($direction eq 'input') {
$fh = $fh->fdopen(fileno(STDIN), "r");
} elsif ($direction eq 'output') {
$fh = $fh->fdopen(fileno(STDOUT), "w");
} else {
croak "bad direction";
$encoding = ":utf8" if (!defined($encoding));
binmode $fh, $encoding;
return $fh;
=head2 finish_fh_io_option
This helper function
creates a filehandle in $IO_DIRECTION.
Compare to finish_io_option which creates a Fsdb::IO object.
It creates the actual IO::File objects, opens the files (or whatever).
The filehandle is
built from C<$self->{_$IO_DIRECTION}>
and are left in C<$self->{_in}> or (C<_out>).
$IO_DIRECTION must be "input" or "output".
This function does no IO.
No return value.
sub finish_fh_io_option ($$;$) {
my($self, $direction, $encoding) = @_;
croak "finish_fh_io_option: bad direction $direction\n"
if (!($direction eq 'input' || $direction eq 'output'));
my $token = $self->{"_$direction"};
my $fh;
if (ref($token) =~ /^Fsdb::IO/) {
croak "finish_fh_io_option: expected IO::Handle but got Fsdb::IO object.\n";
} elsif (ref($token) =~ /^Fsdb::BoundedQueue/) {
croak "finish_fh_io_option: doesn't currently handle Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.\n";
} elsif (ref($token) =~ /^IO::/) {
# assume we got a good one passed in
$fh = $token;
} elsif (ref($token) eq '') {
# (ref($token) == '' if $token == *main::STDIN or $token eq '-'
if ($token eq '-') {
$fh = direction_to_stdio($direction, $encoding);
} else {
# assume it's a glob to a filehandle
$fh = $token;
} else {
$fh = new IO::File($token, ($direction eq 'input' ? 'r' : 'w'));
$encoding = ":utf8" if (!defined($encoding));
binmode $fh, $encoding;
$self->{($direction eq 'input' ? '_in' : '_out')} = $fh;
=head2 setup
Do any setup that requires minimal IO
(for example, reading and parsing headers).
Called exactly once.
sub setup ($) {
my $self = shift @_;
die "Fsdb:Filter: we expect the subprogram to handle setup.\n";
=head2 run
Execute the body, typically iterating over the input rows.
Called exactly once.
sub run ($) {
my $self = shift @_;
die "Fsdb:Filter: we expect the subprogram to handle run.\n";
=head2 compute_program_log
$log = $filter->figure_program_log();
Compute and return the log entry for a program.
sub compute_program_log($) {
my $self = shift @_;
my $args = '';
# most refs were cleaned in Fsdb::Filter::get_options
if (defined($self->{_orig_argv}) && $#{$self->{_orig_argv}} != -1) {
foreach (@{$self->{_orig_argv}}) {
if (ref($_) eq 'CODE') {
$args .= " [ANONYMOUS-CODE]";
} else {
$args .= " " . Fsdb::Support::shell_quote($_);
my $log = "";
$log = " | " . $self->{_prog} . $args;
return $log;
=head2 finish
Write out any trailing comments and close output.
sub finish($) {
my $self = shift @_;
if (!defined($self->{_out})) {
my $problems = '';
$problems .= "delay_comments " if (defined($self->{_delay_comments}));
$problems .= "logprog " if ($self->{_logprog});
$problems .= "save_output " if (defined($self->{_save_output}));
carp "finish with no _out object and $problems\n"
if ($problems ne '');
if (defined($self->{_delay_comments})) {
foreach (@{$self->{_delay_comments}}) {
if ($self->{_logprog}) {
# ick, OO programming with broken objects...
if (ref($self->{_out}) eq '' || ref($self->{_out}) =~ /^IO::/) {
$self->{_out}->print("# " . $self->compute_program_log() . "\n");
} else {
${$self->{_save_output}} = $self->{_out}
if (defined($self->{_save_output}));
if ($self->{_close} && defined($self->{_out}) && !defined($self->{_save_output}));
=head2 setup_run_finish
Shorthand for doing everything needed to run a command straightaway.
sub setup_run_finish ($) {
my $self = shift @_;
=head2 info
Return information about what the filter does.
=over 4
=item input_type
Types of input accepted.
Raw types are: "fsdbtext", "fsdbobj", "fsdb*", "text", or "none".
=item output_type
Type of output produced.
Same format as input_type.
=item input_count
Number of input streams (usually 1).
=item output_count
Number of input streams (usually 1).
sub info ($) {
my $self = shift @_;
my $key = shift @_;
return $self->{_info}{$key};
Filter has some class-specific utility routines in it.
(I.e., they know about $self.)
=head2 create_pass_comments_sub
Creates a code block suitable for passing to C<Fsdb::IO::Readers>
that passes comments through to C<$self->{_out}>.
Or with the optional argument, through C<$self->{_VALUE}>.
sub create_pass_comments_sub ($;$)
my $self = shift @_;
my($value) = $_[0] // '_out';
# one extra level of indirection to allow for delayed opening of _out
return sub { $self->{$value}->write_raw(@_); };
=head2 create_tolerant_pass_comments_sub
Like C<$self->create_pass_comments_sub>,
but this version tolerates the output not being opened.
In those cases, comments are discarded.
I<Warning:> use carefully to guarantee consistent results.
A symptom requiring tolerance is to get an error like
"Can't call method "write_raw" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0/Fsdb/Filter.pm line 678."
(which will be the sub create_pass_comments_sub ($;$) line in create_pass_comments.)
sub create_tolerant_pass_comments_sub ($;$)
my $self = shift @_;
my($value) = $_[0] // '_out';
# print STDERR "## create_tolerant_pass_comments_sub on $value, " . ref($self->{$value}) . "\n";
# one extra level of indirection to allow for delayed opening of _out
return sub {
if (defined($self->{$value}));
=head2 create_delay_comments_sub
Creates a code block suitable for passing to Fsdb::IO::Readers -comment_handler
that will buffer comments for automatic (from $self->final) after all other IO.
No output occurs until finish() is called,
at which time C<$self-E<gt>{_out}> must be a live Fsdb object.
sub create_delay_comments_sub ($;$) {
my $self = shift @_;
my($value) = $_[0] // '_out';
my $dpc = new Fsdb::Support::DelayPassComments(\$self->{$value});
push (@{$self->{_delay_comments}}, $dpc);
return sub { $dpc->enqueue(@_); };
=head2 create_compare_code
$filter->create_compare_code($a_fsdb, $b_fsdb, $a_fref_name, $b_fref_name).
Write compare code based on sort-style options
stored in C<$self->{_sort_argv}>.
C<$A_FSDB> and C<$B_FSDB> are the L<Fsdb::IO> object that defines the schemas
for the two objects.
We assume the variables C<$a> and C<$b> point to arefs;
these names can be overridden by specifying
Returns undef if there are no fields in C<$self->{_sort_argv}>.
sub create_compare_code ($$;$$) {
my($self, $a_fsdb, $b_fsdb, $a_name, $b_name) = @_;
$a_name = 'a' if (!defined($a_name));
$b_name = 'b' if (!defined($b_name));
# A word about the 'no warnings "numeric"' bit:
# we want to compare numeric data with <=>,
# but that emits warnings for our empty value "-".
# We COULD filter that in Perl, but all the checking would make
# it much, much slower, and the Perl core has to check anyway.
# It turns out, <=> does The Right Thing,
# in that (any non-numeric) == (any non-numeric)
# and (any non-numeric) < (any numeric).
# So we just turn off warnings.
# But. Just. Here.
my $compare_code = "sub {\n" .
"\tno warnings \"numeric\";\n" .
my ($reverse, $sort_mode) = (0, $MODE_AUTO);
my $arg;
my $fields_found = 0;
foreach $arg (@{$self->{_sort_argv}}) {
if ($arg eq '-r') {
$reverse = 1;
} elsif ($arg eq '-R') {
$reverse = 0;
} elsif ($arg eq '-n') {
$sort_mode = $MODE_NUMERIC;
} elsif ($arg eq '-N') {
$sort_mode = $MODE_LEXICAL;
} elsif ($arg eq '-t') {
$sort_mode = $MODE_AUTO;
} elsif ($arg =~ /^-/) {
croak $self->{_prog} . ": internal error: unknown option $arg in sort key\n";
} else {
my ($left) = ($reverse ? $b_name : $a_name);
my ($right) = ($reverse ? $a_name : $b_name);
my $left_coli = $a_fsdb->col_to_i($arg);
my $right_coli = $b_fsdb->col_to_i($arg);
if ($reverse) {
my $tmp_coli = $left_coli;
$left_coli = $right_coli;
$right_coli = $tmp_coli;
croak $self->{_prog} . ": unknown column name $arg in sort key\n"
if (!defined($left_coli) || !defined($right_coli));
my($this_sort_mode) = ($sort_mode == $MODE_AUTO ? ($a_fsdb->col_type_is_numeric($left_coli) ? $MODE_NUMERIC : $MODE_LEXICAL) : $sort_mode);
my($comparison_op) = ($this_sort_mode == $MODE_NUMERIC ? "<=>" : ($this_sort_mode == $MODE_LEXICAL ? "cmp": undef));
$compare_code .= "\t" . '($' . $left . '->[' . $left_coli . '] ' .
$comparison_op .
' $' . $right . '->[' . $right_coli . ']) || ' .
' # ' . $arg .
($reverse ? ", descending" : ", ascending") .
($comparison_op eq '<=>' ? " numeric" : " lexical") .
# note that we don't currently handle NaN comparisons returning undef
$compare_code .= "\t0; # match\n};\n";
return undef if ($fields_found == 0);
return $compare_code;
=head2 numeric_formatting
$out = $self->numeric_formatting($x)
Display a floating point number $x using $self->{_format},
handling possible non-numeric "-" as a special case.
sub numeric_formatting {
my ($self, $x) = @_;
return $x if ($x eq '-');
return sprintf($self->{_format}, $x);
=head2 setup_exactly_two_inputs
Ensure that there are exactly two input streams.
Common to L<dbmerge> and L<dbjoin>.
sub setup_exactly_two_inputs {
my($self) = @_;
if ($#{$self->{_inputs}} == -1) {
croak $self->{_prog} . ": too few input sources specified, use --input.\n";
if ($#{$self->{_inputs}} > 1) {
croak $self->{_prog} . ": too input sources specified, dbmerge only hanldes two at once.\n";
if ($#{$self->{_inputs}} == 0) {
# need to use stdin?
# my $token = new IO::Handle;
# $token->fdopen(fileno(STDIN), "r");
# unshift @{$self->{_inputs}}, $token;
unshift @{$self->{_inputs}}, '-';
croak if ($#{$self->{_inputs}} != 1); # assert
Filter also has some utility routines that are not part of the class structure.
They are not exported.
(none currently)