# Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Net::LDAP::LDIF;
use strict;
require Net::LDAP::Entry;
use constant CHECK_UTF8 => $] > 5.007;
require Encode
if (CHECK_UTF8);
our $VERSION = '0.26';
# allow the letters r,w,a as mode letters
my %modes = qw(r < r+ +< w > w+ +> a >> a+ +>>);
sub new {
my $pkg = shift;
my $file = shift || '-';
my $mode = @_ % 2 ? shift || 'r' : 'r';
my %opt = @_;
my $fh;
my $opened_fh = 0;
# harmonize mode
$mode = $modes{$mode}
if (defined($modes{$mode}));
if (ref($file)) {
$fh = $file;
else {
if ($file eq '-') {
($file,$fh) = ($mode eq '<')
? ('STDIN', \*STDIN)
if ($mode =~ /(:.*$)/) {
my $layer = $1;
binmode($file, $layer);
else {
$opened_fh = ($file =~ /^\| | \|$/x)
? open($fh, $file)
: open($fh, $mode, $file);
return unless ($opened_fh);
# Default the encoding of DNs to 'none' unless the user specifies
$opt{encode} = 'none' unless (exists $opt{encode});
# Default the error handling to die
$opt{onerror} = 'die' unless (exists $opt{onerror});
# sanitize options
$opt{lowercase} ||= 0;
$opt{change} ||= 0;
$opt{sort} ||= 0;
$opt{version} ||= 0;
my $self = {
changetype => 'modify',
modify => 'add',
wrap => 78,
fh => $fh,
file => "$file",
opened_fh => $opened_fh,
_eof => 0,
write_count => ($mode =~ /^\s*\+?>>/ and tell($fh) > 0) ? 1 : 0,
bless $self, $pkg;
sub _read_lines {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->{fh};
my @ldif = ();
my $entry = '';
my $in_comment = 0;
my $entry_completed = 0;
my $ln;
return @ldif if ($self->eof());
while (defined($ln = $self->{_buffered_line} || scalar <$fh>)) {
if ($ln =~ /^#/o) { # ignore 1st line of comments
$in_comment = 1;
else {
if ($ln =~ /^[ \t]/o) { # append wrapped line (if not in a comment)
$entry .= $ln if (!$in_comment);
else {
$in_comment = 0;
if ($ln =~ /^\r?\n$/o) {
# ignore empty line on start of entry
# empty line at non-empty entry indicate entry completion
$entry_completed++ if (length($entry));
else {
if ($entry_completed) {
$self->{_buffered_line} = $ln;
else {
# append non-empty line
$entry .= $ln;
$self->eof(1) if (!defined($ln));
$self->{_current_lines} = $entry;
$entry =~ s/\r?\n //sgo; # un-wrap wrapped lines
$entry =~ s/\r?\n\t/ /sgo; # OpenLDAP extension !!!
@ldif = split(/^/, $entry);
map { s/\r?\n$//; } @ldif;
# read attribute value from URL
sub _read_url_attribute {
my $self = shift;
my $url = shift;
my @ldif = @_;
my $line;
if ($url =~ s/^file:(?:\/\/)?//) {
open(my $fh, '<', $url)
or return $self->_error("can't open $url: $!", @ldif);
{ # slurp in whole file at once
local $/;
$line = <$fh>;
elsif ($url =~ /^(https?|ftp|gopher|news:)/ and
eval { require LWP::UserAgent; }) {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->get($url);
return $self->_error("can't get data from $url: $!", @ldif)
if (!$response->is_success);
$line = $response->decoded_content();
return $self->error("decoding data from $url failed: $@", @ldif)
if (!defined($line));
else {
return $self->_error('unsupported URL type', @ldif);
# read attribute value (decode it based in its type)
sub _read_attribute_value {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $value = shift;
my @ldif = @_;
# Base64-encoded value: decode it
if ($type && $type eq ':') {
require MIME::Base64;
$value = MIME::Base64::decode($value);
# URL value: read from URL
elsif ($type && $type eq '<' and $value =~ s/^(.*?)\s*$/$1/) {
$value = $self->_read_url_attribute($value, @ldif);
return if (!defined($value));
# _read_one() is deprecated and will be removed
# in a future version
*_read_one = \&_read_entry;
sub _read_entry {
my $self = shift;
my @ldif;
@ldif = $self->_read_lines;
unless (@ldif) { # empty records are errors if not at eof
$self->_error('illegal empty LDIF entry') if (!$self->eof());
if (@ldif and $ldif[0] =~ /^version:\s+(\d+)/) {
$self->{version} = $1;
shift @ldif;
return $self->_read_entry
unless (@ldif);
if (@ldif < 1) {
return $self->_error('LDIF entry is not valid', @ldif);
elsif ($ldif[0] !~ /^dn::? */) {
return $self->_error('First line of LDIF entry does not begin with "dn:"', @ldif);
my $dn = shift @ldif;
my $xattr = $1 if ($dn =~ s/^dn:(:?) *//);
$dn = $self->_read_attribute_value($xattr, $dn, @ldif);
my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new;
$dn = Encode::decode_utf8($dn)
if (CHECK_UTF8 && $self->{raw} && ('dn' !~ /$self->{raw}/));
my @controls = ();
# optional control: line => change record
while (@ldif && ($ldif[0] =~ /^control:\s*/)) {
my $control = shift(@ldif);
if ($control =~ /^control:\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)(?:\s+(true|false))?(?:\s*\:(.*))?$/) {
my($oid,$critical,$value) = ($1,$2,$3);
$critical = ($critical && $critical =~ /true/) ? 1 : 0;
if (defined($value)) {
my $type = $1 if ($value =~ s/^([\<\:])\s*//);
$value =~ s/^\s*//;
if ($type) {
$value = $self->_read_attribute_value($type, $value, @ldif);
return $self->_error('Illegal value in control line given', @ldif)
if !defined($value);
require Net::LDAP::Control;
my $ctrl = Net::LDAP::Control->new(type => $oid,
value => $value,
critical => $critical);
push(@controls, $ctrl);
return $self->_error('Illegally formatted control line given', @ldif)
if (!@ldif);
else {
return $self->_error('Illegally formatted control line given', @ldif);
# LDIF change record
if ((scalar @ldif) && ($ldif[0] =~ /^changetype:\s*/)) {
my $changetype = $ldif[0] =~ s/^changetype:\s*//
? shift(@ldif) : $self->{changetype};
if ($changetype eq 'delete') {
return $self->_error('LDIF "delete" entry is not valid', @ldif)
if (@ldif);
return $entry;
return $self->_error('LDAP entry is not valid', @ldif)
unless (@ldif);
while (@ldif) {
my $action = $self->{modify};
my $modattr;
my $lastattr;
my @values;
if ($changetype eq 'modify') {
unless ((my $tmp = shift @ldif) =~ s/^(add|delete|replace|increment):\s*([-;\w]+)//) {
return $self->_error('LDAP entry is not valid', @ldif);
$lastattr = $modattr = $2;
$action = $1;
while (@ldif) {
my $line = shift @ldif;
if ($line eq '-') {
return $self->_error('LDAP entry is not valid', @ldif)
if (!defined($modattr) || !defined($lastattr));
if ($line =~ /^([-;\w]+):([\<\:]?)\s*(.*)$/o) {
my ($attr,$xattr,$val) = ($1,$2,$3);
return $self->_error('LDAP entry is not valid', @ldif)
if (defined($modattr) && $attr ne $modattr);
$val = $self->_read_attribute_value($xattr, $val, $line)
if ($xattr);
return if !defined($val);
$val = Encode::decode_utf8($val)
if (CHECK_UTF8 && $self->{raw} && ($attr !~ /$self->{raw}/));
if (!defined($lastattr) || $lastattr ne $attr) {
$entry->$action($lastattr => \@values)
if (defined $lastattr);
$lastattr = $attr;
@values = ();
push(@values, $val);
else {
return $self->_error('LDAP entry is not valid', @ldif);
$entry->$action($lastattr => \@values)
if (defined $lastattr);
# content record (i.e. no 'changetype' line; implicitly treated as 'add')
else {
my $last = '';
my @values;
return $self->_error('Controls only allowed with LDIF change entries', @ldif)
if (@controls);
foreach my $line (@ldif) {
if ($line =~ /^([-;\w]+):([\<\:]?)\s*(.*)$/o) {
my($attr,$xattr,$val) = ($1,$2,$3);
$last = $attr if (!$last);
$val = $self->_read_attribute_value($xattr, $val, $line)
if ($xattr);
return if !defined($val);
$val = Encode::decode_utf8($val)
if (CHECK_UTF8 && $self->{raw} && ($attr !~ /$self->{raw}/));
if ($attr ne $last) {
$entry->add($last => \@values);
@values = ();
$last = $attr;
push(@values, $val);
else {
return $self->_error("illegal LDIF line '$line'", @ldif);
$entry->add($last => \@values);
$self->{_current_entry} = $entry;
sub read_entry {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_error('LDIF file handle not valid')
unless ($self->{fh});
# read() is deprecated and will be removed
# in a future version
sub read {
my $self = shift;
return $self->read_entry() unless wantarray;
my($entry, @entries);
push(@entries, $entry) while ($entry = $self->read_entry);
sub eof {
my $self = shift;
my $eof = shift;
$self->{_eof} = $eof
if ($eof);
sub _wrap {
my $len = int($_[1]); # needs to be >= 2 to avoid division by zero
return $_[0] if (length($_[0]) <= $len or $len <= 40);
use integer;
my $l2 = $len - 1;
my $x = (length($_[0]) - $len) / $l2;
my $extra = (length($_[0]) == ($l2 * $x + $len)) ? '' : 'a*';
join("\n ", unpack("a$len" . "a$l2" x $x . $extra, $_[0]));
sub _write_attr {
my($self, $attr, $val) = @_;
my $lower = $self->{lowercase};
my $fh = $self->{fh};
my $res = 1; # result value
foreach my $v (@$val) {
my $ln = $lower ? lc $attr : $attr;
$v = Encode::encode_utf8($v)
if (CHECK_UTF8 and Encode::is_utf8($v));
if ($v =~ /(^[ :<]|[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]| $)/) {
require MIME::Base64;
$ln .= ':: ' . MIME::Base64::encode($v, '');
else {
$ln .= ': ' . $v;
$res &&= print $fh _wrap($ln, $self->{wrap}), "\n";
# helper function to compare attribute names (sort objectClass first)
sub _cmpAttrs {
($a =~ /^objectclass$/io)
? -1 : (($b =~ /^objectclass$/io) ? 1 : ($a cmp $b));
sub _write_attrs {
my($self, $entry) = @_;
my @attributes = $entry->attributes();
my $res = 1; # result value
@attributes = sort _cmpAttrs @attributes if ($self->{sort});
foreach my $attr (@attributes) {
my $val = $entry->get_value($attr, asref => 1);
$res &&= $self->_write_attr($attr, $val);
sub _write_controls {
my($self, @ctrls) = @_;
my $res = 1;
my $fh = $self->{fh};
require Net::LDAP::Control;
foreach my $ctrl (@ctrls) {
my $ln = 'control: ' . $ctrl->type . ($ctrl->critical ? ' true' : ' false');
my $v = $ctrl->value;
if (defined($v)) {
$v = Encode::encode_utf8($v)
if (CHECK_UTF8 and Encode::is_utf8($v));
if ($v =~ /(^[ :<]|[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]| $)/) {
require MIME::Base64;
$v = MIME::Base64::encode($v, '');
$ln .= ':'; # indicate Base64-encoding of $v
$ln .= ': ' . $v;
$res &&= print $fh _wrap($ln, $self->{wrap}), "\n";
sub _write_dn {
my($self, $dn) = @_;
my $encode = $self->{encode};
my $fh = $self->{fh};
$dn = Encode::encode_utf8($dn)
if (CHECK_UTF8 and Encode::is_utf8($dn));
if ($dn =~ /^[ :<]|[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/) {
if ($encode =~ /canonical/i) {
require Net::LDAP::Util;
$dn = Net::LDAP::Util::canonical_dn($dn, mbcescape => 1);
# Canonicalizer won't fix leading spaces, colons or less-thans, which
# are special in LDIF, so we fix those up here.
$dn =~ s/^([ :<])/\\$1/;
$dn = "dn: $dn";
elsif ($encode =~ /base64/i) {
require MIME::Base64;
$dn = 'dn:: ' . MIME::Base64::encode($dn, '');
else {
$dn = "dn: $dn";
else {
$dn = "dn: $dn";
print $fh _wrap($dn, $self->{wrap}), "\n";
# write() is deprecated and will be removed
# in a future version
sub write {
my $self = shift;
$self->_write_entry(0, @_);
sub write_entry {
my $self = shift;
$self->_write_entry($self->{change}, @_);
sub write_version {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->{fh};
my $res = 1;
$res &&= print $fh "version: $self->{version}\n"
if ($self->{version} && !$self->{version_written}++);
return $res;
# internal helper: write entry in different format depending on 1st arg
sub _write_entry {
my $self = shift;
my $change = shift;
my $res = 1; # result value
my @args = ();
return $self->_error('LDIF file handle not valid')
unless ($self->{fh});
# parse list of entries optionally interspersed with lists of option pairs
# each option-pair list belongs to the preceding entry
# e.g. $entry1, control => $ctrl1, $entry2, $entry3, control => [ $ctrl3a, $ctrl3b ], ...
foreach my $elem (@_) {
if (ref($elem)) {
if (scalar(@args) % 2) { # odd number of args: $entry + optional args
$res &&= $self->_write_one($change, @args);
@args = ();
elsif (!@args) { # 1st arg needs to be an N:L:E object
$self->_error("Entry '$elem' is not a valid Net::LDAP::Entry object.");
$res = 0;
@args = ();
next; # try to re-sync
push(@args, $elem);
if (scalar(@args) % 2) {
$res &&= $self->_write_one($change, @args);
elsif (@args) {
$self->error("Illegal argument list passed");
$res = 0;
$self->_error($!) if (!$res && $!);
# internal helper to write exactly one entry
sub _write_one
my $self = shift;
my $change = shift;
my $entry = shift;
my %opt = @_;
my $fh = $self->{fh};
my $res = 1; # result value
local($\, $,); # output field and record separators
if ($change) {
my @changes = $entry->changes;
my $type = $entry->changetype;
# Skip entry if there is nothing to write
return $res if ($type eq 'modify' and !@changes);
$res &&= $self->write_version() unless ($self->{write_count}++);
$res &&= print $fh "\n";
$res &&= $self->_write_dn($entry->dn);
$res &&= $self->_write_controls(ref($opt{control}) eq 'ARRAY'
? @{$opt{control}}
: ( $opt{control} ))
if ($opt{control});
$res &&= print $fh "changetype: $type\n";
if ($type eq 'delete') {
return $res;
elsif ($type eq 'add') {
$res &&= $self->_write_attrs($entry);
return $res;
elsif ($type =~ /modr?dn/o) {
my $deleteoldrdn = $entry->get_value('deleteoldrdn') || 0;
$res &&= $self->_write_attr('newrdn', $entry->get_value('newrdn', asref => 1));
$res &&= print $fh 'deleteoldrdn: ', $deleteoldrdn, "\n";
my $ns = $entry->get_value('newsuperior', asref => 1);
$res &&= $self->_write_attr('newsuperior', $ns) if (defined $ns);
return $res;
my $dash = 0;
# changetype: modify
while (my($action,$attrs) = splice(@changes, 0, 2)) {
my @attrs = @$attrs;
while (my($attr,$val) = splice(@attrs, 0, 2)) {
$res &&= print $fh "-\n" if (!$self->{version} && $dash++);
$res &&= print $fh "$action: $attr\n";
$res &&= $self->_write_attr($attr, $val);
$res &&= print $fh "-\n" if ($self->{version});
else {
$res &&= $self->write_version() unless ($self->{write_count}++);
$res &&= print $fh "\n";
$res &&= $self->_write_dn($entry->dn);
$res &&= $self->_write_attrs($entry);
# read_cmd() is deprecated in favor of read_entry()
# and will be removed in a future version
sub read_cmd {
my $self = shift;
return $self->read_entry() unless wantarray;
my($entry, @entries);
push(@entries, $entry) while ($entry = $self->read_entry);
# _read_one_cmd() is deprecated in favor of _read_one()
# and will be removed in a future version
*_read_one_cmd = \&_read_entry;
# write_cmd() is deprecated in favor of write_entry()
# and will be removed in a future version
sub write_cmd {
my $self = shift;
$self->_write_entry(1, @_);
sub done {
my $self = shift;
my $res = 1; # result value
if ($self->{fh}) {
if ($self->{opened_fh}) {
$res = close($self->{fh});
undef $self->{opened_fh};
delete $self->{fh};
sub handle {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{fh};
my %onerror = (
die => sub {
my $self = shift;
require Carp;
warn => sub {
my $self = shift;
require Carp;
undef => sub {
my $self = shift;
require Carp;
Carp::carp($self->error(@_)) if ($^W);
sub _error {
my ($self, $errmsg, @errlines) = @_;
$self->{_err_msg} = $errmsg;
$self->{_err_lines} = join("\n", @errlines);
scalar &{ $onerror{ $self->{onerror} } }($self, $self->{_err_msg})
if ($self->{onerror});
sub _clear_error {
my $self = shift;
undef $self->{_err_msg};
undef $self->{_err_lines};
sub error {
my $self = shift;
sub error_lines {
my $self = shift;
sub current_entry {
my $self = shift;
sub current_lines {
my $self = shift;
sub version {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{version} unless (@_);
$self->{version} = shift || 0;
sub next_lines {
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;