# #
# File: Net/STOMP/Client.pm #
# #
# Description: STOMP object oriented client module #
# #
# module definition
package Net::STOMP::Client;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "2.5";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 2.8 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use Net::STOMP::Client::Auth qw();
use Net::STOMP::Client::Connection qw();
use Net::STOMP::Client::Frame qw(demessagify);
use Net::STOMP::Client::HeartBeat qw(*);
use Net::STOMP::Client::IO qw();
use Net::STOMP::Client::Peer qw();
use Net::STOMP::Client::Receipt qw(*);
use Net::STOMP::Client::Version qw(*);
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
use No::Worries::Log qw(log_debug);
use Params::Validate qw(validate :types);
use Time::HiRes qw();
# global variables
$Debug, # default debug string
%Hook, # registered frame hooks
%Setup, # registered setup helpers
# #
# timeout handling #
# #
# check the timeout attribute and convert it to its expanded form
sub _check_timeout ($) {
my($self) = @_;
$timeout = $self->{"timeout"};
if (defined($timeout)) {
if (ref($timeout) eq "") {
# scalar timeout specified -> backward compatibility
$timeout = {
"connect" => $timeout,
"connected" => $timeout,
"disconnect" => $timeout,
"send" => undef,
"receive" => undef,
} elsif (ref($timeout) eq "HASH") {
# hash timeout specified -> use it as is
} else {
dief("unexpected timeout: %s", $timeout);
} else {
# no timeout specified -> use hard-coded defaults
$timeout = {
"connect" => undef,
"connected" => 10,
"disconnect" => 10,
"send" => undef,
"receive" => undef,
$self->{"timeout"} = $timeout;
# #
# callback handling #
# #
# user-friendly accessors for the callbacks
sub _any_callback ($$;$) {
my($self, $command, $callback) = @_;
return($self->{"callback"}{$command}) unless $callback;
$self->{"callback"}{$command} = $callback;
sub connected_callback : method {
my($self, $callback) = @_;
return(_any_callback($self, "CONNECTED", $callback));
sub error_callback : method {
my($self, $callback) = @_;
return(_any_callback($self, "ERROR", $callback));
sub message_callback : method {
my($self, $callback) = @_;
return(_any_callback($self, "MESSAGE", $callback));
sub receipt_callback : method {
my($self, $callback) = @_;
return(_any_callback($self, "RECEIPT", $callback));
# dispatch one received frame, calling the appropriate callback if existing
sub dispatch_frame : method {
my($self, $frame, %option) = @_;
my($command, $callback);
$command = $frame->command();
dief("unexpected %s frame received", $command)
unless $command =~ /^(CONNECTED|ERROR|MESSAGE|RECEIPT)$/;
$callback = $self->{"callback"}{$command};
return() unless $callback;
return($callback->($self, $frame));
# #
# hook handling #
# #
# run all the hooks of the given frame
sub _run_hooks ($$) {
my($self, $frame) = @_;
$command = $frame->command();
return unless $Hook{$command};
foreach my $name (sort(keys(%{ $Hook{$command} }))) {
$Hook{$command}{$name}->($self, $frame);
# default CONNECT hook
$Hook{"CONNECT"}{"default"} = sub {
my($self, $frame) = @_;
# do nothing when only STOMP 1.0 is asked
return unless grep($_ ne "1.0", $self->accept_version());
# add the required host header if missing
$frame->header("host", $self->host())
unless defined($frame->header("host"));
# default CONNECTED hook
$Hook{"CONNECTED"}{"default"} = sub {
my($self, $frame) = @_;
# make sure we receive this frame only once!
dief("already connected") if $self->{"session"};
# keep track of session information
$value = $frame->header("session");
if ($value) {
# keep it only if true as it will be used elsewhere to check state
$self->{"session"} = $value;
} else {
# this header is optional but often used so we forge our own if needed
$self->{"session"} = sprintf("sid-%s", $self->{"id"});
# keep track of server information
$value = $frame->header("server");
$self->{"server"} = $value if defined($value) and length($value);
# #
# object constructor and destructor #
# #
# FIXME: compatibility hack for Net::STOMP::Client 1.x (to be removed one day)
sub _hacknew ($) {
my($option) = @_;
# Net::STOMP::Client::Debug::Flags to be replaced by ???
if ($Net::STOMP::Client::Debug::Flags and not exists($option->{"debug"})) {
No::Worries::Log::log_filter("debug caller=~^Net::STOMP::Client")
unless No::Worries::Log::log_wants_debug();
$option->{"debug"} = "+";
$option->{"debug"} .= "api+"
if $Net::STOMP::Client::Debug::Flags & (1 << 0);
$option->{"debug"} .= "command+"
if $Net::STOMP::Client::Debug::Flags & (1 << 1);
$option->{"debug"} .= "header+"
if $Net::STOMP::Client::Debug::Flags & (1 << 2);
$option->{"debug"} .= "body+"
if $Net::STOMP::Client::Debug::Flags & (1 << 3);
$option->{"debug"} .= "io+"
if $Net::STOMP::Client::Debug::Flags & (1 << 4);
# create a new Net::STOMP::Client object and connect to the server (socket level only)
my %new_options = (
"uri" => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR },
"host" => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR },
"port" => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR },
"sockopts" => { optional => 1, type => HASHREF },
"debug" => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR },
"timeout" => { optional => 1, type => UNDEF|SCALAR|HASHREF },
# additional options from the sub-modules
map($_->(), values(%Setup)),
sub new : method {
my($class, %option, $self, %sockopts, %connopt, $timeout, $socket, $peer);
$class = shift(@_);
%option = validate(@_, \%new_options);
$self = bless(\%option, $class);
foreach my $name (sort(keys(%Setup))) {
if ($self =~ /\(0x(\w+)\)/) {
$self->{"id"} =
sprintf("%s-%x-%x-%x", $1, time(), $$, int(rand(65536)));
} else {
dief("unexpected Perl object: %s", $self);
# check the debug option (and set defaults)
$self->{"debug"} = $Debug unless exists($self->{"debug"});
# check the timeout option (and set defaults)
# check the sockopts option
%sockopts = %{ $self->{"sockopts"} } if $self->{"sockopts"};
$sockopts{SSL_use_cert} = 1
if $sockopts{SSL_cert_file} or $sockopts{SSL_key_file};
unless (exists($sockopts{Timeout})) {
$timeout = $self->{"timeout"}{"connect"};
$sockopts{Timeout} = $timeout if $timeout;
# connect (TCP level only)
$connopt{"debug"} = $self->{"debug"} if defined($self->{"debug"});
$connopt{"host"} = $self->{"host"} if defined($self->{"host"});
$connopt{"port"} = $self->{"port"} if defined($self->{"port"});
$connopt{"uri"} = $self->{"uri"} if defined($self->{"uri"});
$connopt{"sockopt"} = \%sockopts if keys(%sockopts);
($socket, $peer) = Net::STOMP::Client::Connection::new(%connopt);
# bookkeeping
$self->{"peer"} = $peer;
if ($self->uri()) {
# keep track of the peer this way too...
$self->{"host"} = $peer->host();
$self->{"port"} = $peer->port();
$self->{"io"} = Net::STOMP::Client::IO->new($socket);
$self->{"serial"} = 1;
$self->{"callback"} = {
"ERROR" => sub {
my($_self, $_frame) = @_;
dief("unexpected ERROR frame received: %s",
$_frame->header("message") || "?");
# so far so good!
# close the socket opened by new()
sub _close ($) {
my($self) = @_;
my($socket, $ignored);
# try to disconnect gracefully if possible
$self->disconnect() if $self->{"session"} and $self->{"io"};
# then destroy the I/O object while keeping a handle on the socket
$socket = $self->{"io"}{"socket"};
# then maybe shutdown the socket (http://www.perlmonks.org/?node=108244)
if ($socket) {
# call shutdown() without checking if it fails or not since there is
# not much that can be done in case of failure... unless we use SSL
# for which it is better not to call shutdown(), see IO::Socket::SSL's
# man page for more information
$ignored = shutdown($socket, 2) unless $socket->isa("IO::Socket::SSL");
# the socket will auto-close when $socket gets destroyed
# object destructor
my($self) = @_;
local $@ = ""; # preserve $@!
# #
# accessors #
# #
# very simple-minded read-only accessors
sub host : method { my($self) = @_; return($self->{"host"}); }
sub peer : method { my($self) = @_; return($self->{"peer"}); }
sub port : method { my($self) = @_; return($self->{"port"}); }
sub server : method { my($self) = @_; return($self->{"server"}); }
sub session : method { my($self) = @_; return($self->{"session"}); }
sub uri : method { my($self) = @_; return($self->{"uri"}); }
# I/O-related read-only accessors
sub socket : method { ## no critic 'ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms'
my($self) = @_;
return(undef) unless $self->{"io"};
sub incoming_buffer_reference : method {
my($self) = @_;
return(undef) unless $self->{"io"};
sub outgoing_buffer_length : method {
my($self) = @_;
return(undef) unless $self->{"io"};
# return a universal pseudo-unique id to be used in receipts and transactions
sub uuid : method {
my($self) = @_;
return(sprintf("%s-%x", $self->{"id"}, $self->{"serial"}++));
# #
# low-level API #
# #
# FIXME: compatibility hack for Net::STOMP::Client 1.x (to be removed one day)
sub _hackopt (@) {
return("timeout" => $_[0]) if @_ == 1;
# helper for the debug and timeout options
sub _chkopt ($$%) {
my($self, $what, %option) = @_;
# handle the global debug option
$option{"debug"} = $self->{"debug"}
unless exists($option{"debug"});
# handle the global timeout option
if ($what) {
$option{"timeout"} = $self->{"timeout"}{$what}
unless exists($option{"timeout"});
} else {
# so far so good
# send data
sub send_data : method {
my($self, %option);
$self = shift(@_);
%option = _hackopt(@_);
# check that the I/O object is still usable
dief("lost connection") unless $self->{"io"};
# just do it
return($self->{"io"}->send_data(_chkopt($self, "send", %option)));
# receive data
sub receive_data : method {
my($self, %option);
$self = shift(@_);
%option = _hackopt(@_);
# check that the I/O object is still usable
dief("lost connection") unless $self->{"io"};
# just do it
return($self->{"io"}->receive_data(_chkopt($self, "receive", %option)));
# queue the given frame
sub queue_frame : method {
my($self, $frame, %option) = @_;
# check that the I/O object is still usable
dief("lost connection") unless $self->{"io"};
if (ref($frame)) {
# a real frame
_run_hooks($self, $frame);
# encode it
$option{"version"} = $self->{"version"} if $self->{"version"};
$data = $frame->encode(_chkopt($self, undef, %option));
} else {
# handle already encoded frames (including the special NOOP frame)
$data = \$frame;
# queue what we have
# send the given frame (i.e. queue and then send _all_ data)
sub send_frame : method {
my($self, $frame, %option);
$self = shift(@_);
$frame = shift(@_);
%option = _hackopt(@_);
# queue the frame
$self->queue_frame($frame, %option);
# send queued data
# make sure we did send _all_ data
dief("could not send all data!") if $self->outgoing_buffer_length();
# try to receive one frame
sub receive_frame : method {
my($self, %option, $maxtime, %decopt, $bufref, $frame, $remaining);
$self = shift(@_);
%option = _hackopt(@_);
# keep track of time
$option{"timeout"} = $self->{"timeout"}{"receive"}
unless exists($option{"timeout"});
$maxtime = Time::HiRes::time() + $option{"timeout"}
if defined($option{"timeout"});
# first try to use the incoming buffer
%decopt = ("state" => {});
$decopt{"version"} = $self->{"version"} if $self->{"version"};
$decopt{"debug"} = $option{"debug"} if exists($option{"debug"});
$decopt{"debug"} = $self->{"debug"} unless exists($decopt{"debug"});
$bufref = $self->incoming_buffer_reference();
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame::decode($bufref, %decopt);
# if this fails, try to receive more data until we are done
while (not $frame) {
# where are we with time?
if (not defined($option{"timeout"})) {
# timeout = undef => blocking
} elsif ($option{"timeout"}) {
# timeout > 0 => try once more if not too late
$remaining = $maxtime - Time::HiRes::time();
return(0) if $remaining <= 0;
$option{"timeout"} = $remaining;
} else {
# timeout = 0 => non-blocking
# receive more data
return() unless $self->receive_data(%option);
# do we have a complete frame now?
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame::decode($bufref, %decopt);
# so far so good
_run_hooks($self, $frame) if $frame;
# wait for new frames and dispatch them
sub wait_for_frames : method {
my($self, %option) = @_;
my($callback, $maxtime, $frame, $result, $remaining, %recvopt);
$callback = $option{callback};
%recvopt = ();
$recvopt{"debug"} = $option{"debug"} if exists($option{"debug"});
$recvopt{"debug"} = $self->{"debug"} unless exists($recvopt{"debug"});
if (defined($option{"timeout"})) {
$maxtime = Time::HiRes::time() + $option{"timeout"};
$recvopt{"timeout"} = $option{"timeout"};
while (1) {
$frame = $self->receive_frame(%recvopt);
if ($frame) {
# we always call first the per-command callback
if ($callback) {
# user callback: we stop if callback returns error or true or if once
$result = $callback->($self, $frame);
if not defined($result) or $result or $option{once};
} else {
# no user callback: we stop on the first frame and return it
# we check if we exceeded the timeout
if (defined($maxtime)) {
$remaining = $maxtime - Time::HiRes::time();
return(0) if $remaining <= 0;
$recvopt{"timeout"} = $remaining;
# not reached...
# convenient shortcuts
sub queue_message : method {
my($self, $message, %option) = @_;
return($self->queue_frame(demessagify($message), %option));
sub send_message : method {
my($self, $message, %option) = @_;
return($self->send_frame(demessagify($message), %option));
# #
# high-level API (each method matches a client frame command) #
# #
# check the method invocation for the high-level API (except connect)
sub _check_api ($$$$) {
my($self, $name, $header, $option) = @_;
$option->{debug} = delete($header->{debug})
if exists($header->{debug});
$option->{timeout} = delete($header->{timeout})
if exists($header->{timeout});
$debug = exists($option->{debug}) ? $option->{debug} : $self->{debug};
log_debug("%s->%s()", "$self", $name)
if $debug and $debug =~ /\b(api|all)\b/;
if ($name eq "connect") {
dief("already connected") if $self->{"session"};
} else {
dief("not connected") unless $self->{"session"};
# connect to server
sub connect : method { ## no critic 'ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms'
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame);
_check_api($self, "connect", \%header, \%option);
# send a CONNECT frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(
command => "CONNECT",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# wait for the CONNECTED frame to come back
callback => sub { return($self->{"session"}) },
timeout => $self->{"timeout"}{"connected"},
dief("no CONNECTED frame received") unless $self->{"session"};
# disconnect from server
sub disconnect : method {
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame);
_check_api($self, "disconnect", \%header, \%option);
# send a DISCONNECT frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(
command => "DISCONNECT",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# if a receipt has been given, wait for it!
if ($header{receipt}) {
# at this point, the server may abruptly close the socket without
# lingering so we ignore I/O errors while we wait for the receipt
# to come back
eval {
timeout => $self->{"timeout"}{"disconnect"},
callback => sub {
return(! $self->{"receipts"}{$header{receipt}});
# additional bookkeeping
# subscribe to something
sub subscribe : method {
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame);
_check_api($self, "subscribe", \%header, \%option);
# send a SUBSCRIBE frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(
command => "SUBSCRIBE",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# unsubscribe from something
sub unsubscribe : method {
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame);
_check_api($self, "unsubscribe", \%header, \%option);
# send an UNSUBSCRIBE frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(
command => "UNSUBSCRIBE",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# send a message somewhere
sub send : method { ## no critic 'ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms'
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, %frameopt, $frame);
_check_api($self, "send", \%header, \%option);
# we can optionally give a message body here
$frameopt{body} = delete($header{body})
if defined($header{body});
$frameopt{body_reference} = delete($header{body_reference})
if defined($header{body_reference});
# send a SEND frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(%frameopt,
command => "SEND",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# acknowledge the reception of a message
sub ack : method {
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame, $value);
_check_api($self, "ack", \%header, \%option);
# we can optionally give a MESSAGE frame here
if ($header{frame}) {
$value = $header{frame}->header("message-id");
$header{"message-id"} = $value if defined($value);
$value = $header{frame}->header("subscription");
$header{"subscription"} = $value if defined($value);
$value = $header{frame}->header("ack");
$header{"id"} = $value if defined($value);
# send an ACK frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(
command => "ACK",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# acknowledge the rejection of a message
sub nack : method {
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame, $value);
_check_api($self, "nack", \%header, \%option);
dief("unsupported NACK frames for STOMP 1.0")
if $self->{"version"} eq "1.0";
# we can optionally give a MESSAGE frame here
if ($header{frame}) {
$value = $header{frame}->header("message-id");
$header{"message-id"} = $value if defined($value);
$value = $header{frame}->header("subscription");
$header{"subscription"} = $value if defined($value);
$value = $header{frame}->header("ack");
$header{"id"} = $value if defined($value);
# send an NACK frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(
command => "NACK",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# begin/start a transaction
sub begin : method {
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame);
_check_api($self, "begin", \%header, \%option);
# send a BEGIN frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(
command => "BEGIN",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# commit a transaction
sub commit : method {
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame);
_check_api($self, "commit", \%header, \%option);
# send a COMMIT frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(
command => "COMMIT",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# abort/rollback a transaction
sub abort : method {
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame);
_check_api($self, "abort", \%header, \%option);
# send a ABORT frame
$frame = Net::STOMP::Client::Frame->new(
command => "ABORT",
headers => \%header,
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
# send an empty/noop frame (in fact, a single newline byte)
sub noop : method {
my($self, %header) = @_;
my(%option, $frame);
_check_api($self, "noop", \%header, \%option);
# there is no NOOP frame (yet) so we simply send a newline
$frame = "\n";
$self->send_frame($frame, %option);
=head1 NAME
Net::STOMP::Client - STOMP object oriented client module
# simple producer
use Net::STOMP::Client;
$stomp = Net::STOMP::Client->new(host => "", port => 61613);
$stomp->connect(login => "guest", passcode => "guest");
$stomp->send(destination => "/queue/test", body => "hello world!");
# consumer with client side acknowledgment
use Net::STOMP::Client;
$stomp = Net::STOMP::Client->new(host => "", port => 61613);
$stomp->connect(login => "guest", passcode => "guest");
# declare a callback to be called for each received message frame
$stomp->message_callback(sub {
my($self, $frame) = @_;
$self->ack(frame => $frame);
printf("received: %s\n", $frame->body());
# subscribe to the given queue
destination => "/queue/test",
id => "testsub", # required in STOMP 1.1
ack => "client", # client side acknowledgment
# wait for a specified message frame
$stomp->wait_for_frames(callback => sub {
my($self, $frame) = @_;
if ($frame->command() eq "MESSAGE") {
# stop waiting for new frames if body is "quit"
return(1) if $frame->body() eq "quit";
# continue to wait for more frames
$stomp->unsubscribe(id => "testsub");
This module provides an object oriented client interface to interact with
servers supporting STOMP (Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol). It
supports the major features of modern messaging brokers: SSL, asynchronous
I/O, receipts and transactions.
The new() method can be used to create a Net::STOMP::Client object that will
later be used to interact with a server. The following attributes are
=item C<accept_version>
the STOMP version to use (string) or versions to use (reference to a
list of strings); this defaults to the list of all supported versions;
see L<Net::STOMP::Client::Version> for more information
=item C<version>
this attribute is obsolete and should not be used anymore, use
C<accept_version> instead; it is left here only to provide backward
compatibility with Net::STOMP::Client 1.x
=item C<uri>
the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) specifying where the STOMP service is
and how to connect to it, this can be for instance C<tcp://msg01:6163> or
something more complex, see L<Net::STOMP::Client::Connection> for more
=item C<host>
the server name or IP address
=item C<port>
the port number of the STOMP service
=item C<auth>
the authentication credential(s) to use, see L<Net::STOMP::Client::Auth> for
more information
=item C<sockopts>
arbitrary socket options (as a hash reference) that will be passed to
IO::Socket::IP->new() or IO::Socket::SSL->new()
=item C<client_heart_beat>
the desired client-side heart-beat setting, see
L<Net::STOMP::Client::HeartBeat> for more information
=item C<server_heart_beat>
the desired server-side heart-beat setting, see
L<Net::STOMP::Client::HeartBeat> for more information
=item C<debug>
the debugging flags for this object, see the L</"DEBUGGING"> section for
more information
=item C<timeout>
the maximum time (in seconds) for various operations, see the L</"TIMEOUTS">
section for more information
Upon object creation, a TCP connection is made to the server but no data
(i.e. STOMP frame) is exchanged.
Net::STOMP::Client uses L<No::Worries::Log>'s log_debug() to log debugging
information. In addition, to avoid useless data massaging, it also uses a
debug string to specify what will be logged using log_debug().
The debug string should contain a list of words describing what to log. For
instance, "io" logs I/O information while "io connection" logs both I/O and
connection information.
Here are the supported debug words that can be used:
=item C<all>
=item C<api>
high-level API calls
=item C<body>
frame bodies
=item C<command>
frame commands
=item C<connection>
connection establishment
=item C<header>
frame headers
=item C<io>
I/O as bytes sent/received
To enable debugging, you must first configure L<No::Worries::Log> so that it
indeed reports debugging messages. This can be done with something like:
or, to enable logging only from Net::STOMP::Client modules:
log_filter("debug caller=~^Net::STOMP::Client");
See the L<No::Worries::Log> documentation for more information.
Then, you have to tell Net::STOMP::Client to indeed log what you want to
see. This can be done globally for all connections by setting the global
variable $Net::STOMP::Client::Debug:
$Net::STOMP::Client::Debug = "connection api";
or per connection via the new() method:
$stomp = Net::STOMP::Client->new(
uri => "stomp://mybroker:6163",
debug => "connection api",
By default, when sending STOMP frames, the module waits until the frame
indeed has been sent (from the socket point of view). In case the server is
stuck or unusable, the module can therefore hang.
When creating the Net::STOMP::Client object, you can pass a C<timeout>
attribute to better control how certain operations handle timeouts.
This attribute should contain a reference to hash with the following keys:
=item connect
TCP-level timeout that will be given to the underlying L<IO::Socket::IP> or
L<IO::Socket::SSL> object (default: none)
=item connected
timeout used while waiting for the initial C<CONNECTED> frame from the broker
(default: 10)
=item disconnect
timeout specifying how long the disconnect() method should wait for a
C<RECEIPT> frame back in case the C<DISCONNECT> frame contained a receipt
(default: 10)
=item receive
timeout used while trying to receive any frame (default: none)
=item send
timeout used while trying to send any frame (default: none)
All values are in seconds. No timeout means wait until the operation
As a shortcut, the C<timeout> attribute can also be a scalar. In this case,
only the C<connect>, C<connected> and C<disconnect> operations use this value.
With a Net::STOMP::Client object, the following methods can be used to
interact with the server. They match one-to-one the different commands that
a client frame can hold:
=item connect()
connect to server
=item disconnect()
disconnect from server
=item subscribe()
subscribe to something
=item unsubscribe()
unsubscribe from something
=item send()
send a message somewhere
=item ack()
acknowledge the reception of a message
=item nack()
acknowledge the rejection of a message (STOMP >=1.1 only)
=item begin()
begin/start a transaction
=item commit()
commit a transaction
=item abort()
abort/rollback a transaction
All these methods can receive options that will be passed directly as frame
headers. For instance:
destination => "/queue/test",
id => "testsub",
ack => "client",
Some methods also support additional options:
=item send()
C<body> or C<body_reference>: holds the body or body reference of the
message to be sent
=item ack()
C<frame>: holds the C<MESSAGE> frame object to ack
=item nack()
C<frame>: holds the C<MESSAGE> frame object to nack
Finally, all methods support C<debug> and C<timeout> options that will be
given to the send_frame() method called internally to send the crafted
In addition to the STOMP methods, the following ones are also available:
=item new(OPTIONS)
return a new Net::STOMP::Client object (constructor)
=item peer()
return a L<Net::STOMP::Client::Peer> object containing information about the
connected STOMP server
=item socket()
return the file handle of the socket connecting the client and the server
=item server()
return the server header seen on the C<CONNECTED> frame (if any)
=item session()
return the session identifier if connected or false otherwise
=item uuid()
return a universal pseudo-unique identifier to be used for instance in
receipts and transactions
=item wait_for_frames()
wait for frames coming from the server, see the next section for more
=item noop([timeout => TIMEOUT])
send an empty/noop frame i.e. a single newline byte, using send_frame()
Since STOMP is asynchronous (for instance, C<MESSAGE> frames could be sent
by the server at any time), Net::STOMP::Client uses callbacks to handle
frames. There are in fact two levels of callbacks.
First, there are per-command callbacks that will be called each time a frame
is handled (via the internal dispatch_frame() method). Net::STOMP::Client
implements default callbacks that should be sufficient for all frames except
C<MESSAGE> frames, which should really be handled by the coder. These
callbacks should return undef on error, something else on success.
Here is an example with a callback counting the messages received:
$stomp->message_callback(sub {
my($self, $frame) = @_;
Here are the methods that can be used to get or set these per-command
=item connected_callback([SUBREF])
=item error_callback([SUBREF])
=item message_callback([SUBREF])
=item receipt_callback([SUBREF])
These callbacks are somehow global and it is good practice not to change
them during a session. If you do not need a global message callback, you can
supply the dummy:
$stomp->message_callback(sub { return(1) });
Then, the wait_for_frames() method takes an optional callback argument
holding some code to be called for each received frame, after the
per-command callback has been called. This can be seen as a local callback,
only valid for the call to wait_for_frames(). This callback must return
undef on error, false if more frames are expected or true if
wait_for_frames() can now stop waiting for new frames and return.
Here are all the options that can be given to wait_for_frames():
=item callback
code to be called for each received frame (see above)
=item timeout
time to wait before giving up, undef means wait forever, this is the default
=item once
wait only for one frame, within the given timeout
The return value of wait_for_frames() can be: false if no suitable frame has
been received, the received frame if there is no user callback or the user
callback return value otherwise.
Here is an example using transactions:
# create a unique transaction id
$tid = $stomp->uuid();
# begin the transaction
$stomp->begin(transaction => $tid);
# send two messages as part of this transaction
destination => "/queue/test1",
body => "message 1",
transaction => $tid,
destination => "/queue/test2",
body => "message 2",
transaction => $tid,
# commit the transaction
$stomp->commit(transaction => $tid);
It should be enough to use the high-level API and use, for instance, the
send() method to create a C<MESSAGE> frame and send it in one go.
If you need lower level interaction, you can manipulate frames with the
L<Net::STOMP::Client::Frame> module.
You can also use:
=item $stomp->dispatch_frame(FRAME, [OPTIONS])
dispatch one received frame by calling the appropriate callback;
supported options: C<debug>
=item $stomp->send_frame(FRAME, [OPTIONS])
try to send the given frame object;
supported options: C<timeout> and C<debug>
=item $stomp->send_message(MESSAGE, [OPTIONS])
identical to send_frame() but taking a L<Messaging::Message> object
=item $stomp->queue_frame(FRAME, [OPTIONS])
add the given frame to the outgoing buffer queue;
supported options: C<debug>
=item $stomp->queue_message(MESSAGE, [OPTIONS])
identical to queue_frame() but taking a L<Messaging::Message> object
=item $stomp->send_data([OPTIONS])
send all the queued data;
supported options: C<timeout> and C<debug>
=item $stomp->receive_frame([OPTIONS])
try to receive a frame;
supported options: C<timeout> and C<debug>
=item $stomp->receive_data([OPTIONS])
try to receive data (this data will be appended to the incoming buffer);
supported options: C<timeout> and C<debug>
=item $stomp->outgoing_buffer_length()
return the length (in bytes) of the outgoing buffer
=item $stomp->incoming_buffer_reference()
return a reference to the incoming buffer
In these methods, the C<timeout> option can either be C<undef> (meaning
block until it's done) or C<0> (meaning do not block at all) or a positive
number (meaning block at most this number of seconds).
This module has been successfully tested against ActiveMQ, Apollo, HornetQ
and RabbitMQ brokers.
See L<Net::STOMP::Client::Version> for the list of supported STOMP protocol
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<http://cern.ch/lionel.cons>
Copyright (C) CERN 2010-2021