package POE::Filter::Line;
use strict;
use POE::Filter;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
$VERSION = '1.368'; # NOTE - Should be #.### (three decimal places)
@ISA = qw(POE::Filter);
use Carp qw(carp croak);
sub DEBUG () { 0 }
sub FRAMING_BUFFER () { 0 }
sub INPUT_REGEXP () { 1 }
sub OUTPUT_LITERAL () { 2 }
sub MAX_LENGTH () { 4 }
sub MAX_BUFFER () { 5 }
sub FIRST_UNUSED () { 6 } # First unused $self offset.
sub AUTO_STATE_DONE () { 0x00 }
sub AUTO_STATE_FIRST () { 0x01 }
sub AUTO_STATE_SECOND () { 0x02 }
use base 'Exporter';
sub new {
my $type = shift;
croak "$type requires an even number of parameters" if @_ and @_ & 1;
my %params = @_;
croak "$type cannot have both Regexp and Literal line endings" if (
defined $params{Regexp} and defined $params{Literal}
my ($input_regexp, $output_literal);
my $autodetect = AUTO_STATE_DONE;
# Literal newline for both incoming and outgoing. Every other known
# parameter conflicts with this one.
if (defined $params{Literal}) {
croak "A defined Literal must have a nonzero length"
unless defined($params{Literal}) and length($params{Literal});
$input_regexp = quotemeta $params{Literal};
$output_literal = $params{Literal};
if (
exists $params{InputLiteral} or # undef means something
defined $params{InputRegexp} or
defined $params{OutputLiteral}
) {
croak "$type cannot have Literal with any other parameter";
# Input and output are specified separately, then.
else {
# Input can be either a literal or a regexp. The regexp may be
# compiled or not; we don't rightly care at this point.
if (exists $params{InputLiteral}) {
$input_regexp = $params{InputLiteral};
# InputLiteral is defined. Turn it into a regexp and be done.
# Otherwise we will autodetect it.
if (defined($input_regexp) and length($input_regexp)) {
$input_regexp = quotemeta $input_regexp;
else {
$autodetect = AUTO_STATE_FIRST;
$input_regexp = '';
croak "$type cannot have both InputLiteral and InputRegexp"
if defined $params{InputRegexp};
elsif (defined $params{InputRegexp}) {
$input_regexp = $params{InputRegexp};
croak "$type cannot have both InputLiteral and InputRegexp"
if defined $params{InputLiteral};
else {
$input_regexp = "(\\x0D\\x0A?|\\x0A\\x0D?)";
if (defined $params{OutputLiteral}) {
$output_literal = $params{OutputLiteral};
else {
$output_literal = "\x0D\x0A";
my $max_buffer = $type->__param_max( MaxBuffer => 512*1024*1024, \%params );
my $max_length = $type->__param_max( MaxLength => 64*1024*1024, \%params );
croak "MaxBuffer is not large enough for MaxLength blocks"
unless $max_buffer >= $max_length;
delete @params{qw(Literal InputLiteral OutputLiteral InputRegexp MaxLength MaxBuffer)};
carp("$type ignores unknown parameters: ", join(', ', sort keys %params))
if scalar keys %params;
my $self = bless [
$input_regexp, # INPUT_REGEXP
$output_literal, # OUTPUT_LITERAL
$autodetect, # AUTODETECT_STATE
$max_length, # MAX_LENGTH
$max_buffer # MAX_BUFFER
], $type;
DEBUG and warn join ':', @$self;
# get() is inherited from POE::Filter.
# 2001-07-27 RCC: Add get_one_start() and get_one() to correct filter
# changing and make input flow control possible.
sub get_one_start {
my ($self, $stream) = @_;
DEBUG and do {
my $temp = join '', @$stream;
$temp = unpack 'H*', $temp;
warn "got some raw data: $temp\n";
$self->[FRAMING_BUFFER] .= join '', @$stream;
die "Framing buffer exceeds the limit"
if $self->[MAX_BUFFER] < length( $self->[FRAMING_BUFFER] );
# TODO There is a lot of code duplicated here. What can be done?
sub get_one {
my $self = shift;
# Process as many newlines an we can find.
LINE: while (1) {
# Autodetect is done, or it never started. Parse some buffer!
unless ($self->[AUTODETECT_STATE]) {
DEBUG and warn unpack 'H*', $self->[INPUT_REGEXP];
last LINE
unless $self->[FRAMING_BUFFER] =~ s/^(.*?)$self->[INPUT_REGEXP]//s;
DEBUG and warn "got line: <<", unpack('H*', $1), ">>\n";
my $line = $1;
die "Next line exceeds maximum line length"
if length( $line ) > $self->[MAX_LENGTH];
return [ $line ];
# Waiting for the first line ending. Look for a generic newline.
last LINE
unless $self->[FRAMING_BUFFER] =~ s/^(.*?)(\x0D\x0A?|\x0A\x0D?)//;
my $line = $1;
# The newline can be complete under two conditions. First: If
# it's two characters. Second: If there's more data in the
# framing buffer. Loop around in case there are more lines.
if ( (length($2) == 2) or
(length $self->[FRAMING_BUFFER])
) {
DEBUG and warn "detected complete newline after line: <<$1>>\n";
$self->[INPUT_REGEXP] = $2;
# The regexp has matched a potential partial newline. Save it,
# and move to the next state. There is no more data in the
# framing buffer, so we're done.
else {
DEBUG and warn "detected suspicious newline after line: <<$1>>\n";
$self->[INPUT_REGEXP] = $2;
die "Next line exceeds maximum line length"
if length( $line ) > $self->[MAX_LENGTH];
return [ $line ];
# Waiting for the second line beginning. Bail out if we don't
# have anything in the framing buffer.
return [ ] unless length $self->[FRAMING_BUFFER];
# Test the first character to see if it completes the previous
# potentially partial newline.
if (
substr($self->[FRAMING_BUFFER], 0, 1) eq
( $self->[INPUT_REGEXP] eq "\x0D" ? "\x0A" : "\x0D" )
) {
# Combine the first character with the previous newline, and
# discard the newline from the buffer. This is two statements
# for backward compatibility.
DEBUG and warn "completed newline after line: <<$1>>\n";
$self->[INPUT_REGEXP] .= substr($self->[FRAMING_BUFFER], 0, 1);
substr($self->[FRAMING_BUFFER], 0, 1) = '';
elsif (DEBUG) {
warn "decided prior suspicious newline is okay\n";
# Regardless, whatever is in INPUT_REGEXP is now a complete
# newline. End autodetection, post-process the found newline,
# and loop to see if there are other lines in the buffer.
$self->[INPUT_REGEXP] = $self->[INPUT_REGEXP];
next LINE;
die "consistency error: AUTODETECT_STATE = $self->[AUTODETECT_STATE]";
return [ ];
# New behavior. First translate system newlines ("\n") into whichever
# newlines are supposed to be sent. Second, add a trailing newline if
# one doesn't already exist. Since the referenced output list is
# supposed to contain one line per element, we also do a split and
# join. Bleah. ... why isn't the code doing what the comment says?
sub put {
my ($self, $lines) = @_;
my @raw;
foreach (@$lines) {
push @raw, $_ . $self->[OUTPUT_LITERAL];
sub get_pending {
my $self = shift;
return [ $self->[FRAMING_BUFFER] ] if length $self->[FRAMING_BUFFER];
return undef;
=head1 NAME
POE::Filter::Line - serialize and parse terminated records (lines)
use POE qw(Wheel::FollowTail Filter::Line);
inline_states => {
_start => sub {
$_[HEAP]{tailor} = POE::Wheel::FollowTail->new(
Filename => "/var/log/system.log",
InputEvent => "got_log_line",
Filter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
got_log_line => sub {
print "Log: $_[ARG0]\n";
POE::Filter::Line parses stream data into terminated records. The
default parser interprets newlines as the record terminator, and the
default serializer appends network newlines (CR/LF, or "\x0D\x0A") to
outbound records.
Record terminators are removed from the data POE::Filter::Line
POE::Filter::Line supports a number of other ways to parse lines.
Constructor parameters may specify literal newlines, regular
expressions, or that the filter should detect newlines on its own.
POE::Filter::Line's new() method has some interesting parameters.
=head2 new
new() accepts a list of named parameters.
In all cases, the data interpreted as the record terminator is
stripped from the data POE::Filter::Line returns.
C<InputLiteral> may be used to parse records that are terminated by
some literal string. For example, POE::Filter::Line may be used to
parse and emit C-style lines, which are terminated with an ASCII NUL:
my $c_line_filter = POE::Filter::Line->new(
InputLiteral => chr(0),
OutputLiteral => chr(0),
C<OutputLiteral> allows a filter to put() records with a different
record terminator than it parses. This can be useful in applications
that must translate record terminators.
C<Literal> is a shorthand for the common case where the input and
output literals are identical. The previous example may be written
my $c_line_filter = POE::Filter::Line->new(
Literal => chr(0),
An application can also allow POE::Filter::Line to figure out which
newline to use. This is done by specifying C<InputLiteral> to be
my $whichever_line_filter = POE::Filter::Line->new(
InputLiteral => undef,
OutputLiteral => "\n",
C<InputRegexp> may be used in place of C<InputLiteral> to recognize
line terminators based on a regular expression. In this example,
input is terminated by two or more consecutive newlines. On output,
the paragraph separator is "---" on a line by itself.
my $paragraph_filter = POE::Filter::Line->new(
InputRegexp => "([\x0D\x0A]{2,})",
OutputLiteral => "\n---\n",
C<MaxBuffer> sets the maximum amount of data that the filter will hold onto
while trying to find a line ending. Defaults to 512 MB.
C<MaxLength> sets the maximum length of a line. Defaults to 64 MB.
If either the C<MaxLength> or C<MaxBuffer> constraint is exceeded,
C<POE::Filter::Line> will throw an exception.
POE::Filter::Line has no additional public methods.
POE::Filter::Line exports the FIRST_UNUSED constant. This points to
the first unused element in the $self array reference. Subclasses
should store their own data beginning here, and they should export
their own FIRST_UNUSED constants to help future subclassers.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Please see L<POE::Filter> for documentation regarding the base
The SEE ALSO section in L<POE> contains a table of contents covering
the entire POE distribution.
=head1 BUGS
The default input newline parser is a regexp that has an unfortunate
race condition. First the regular expression:
While it quickly recognizes most forms of newline, it can sometimes
detect an extra blank line. This happens when a two-byte newline
character is broken between two reads. Consider this situation:
some stream dataCR
LFother stream data
The regular expression will see the first CR without its corresponding
LF. The filter will properly return "some stream data" as a line.
When the next packet arrives, the leading "LF" will be treated as the
terminator for a 0-byte line. The filter will faithfully return this
empty line.
B<It is advised to specify literal newlines or use the autodetect
feature in applications where blank lines are significant.>
Please see L<POE> for more information about authors and contributors.
# rocco // vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab
# TODO - Edit.