shell bypass 403
package Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration;
use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw{ confess };
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Readonly;
use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{ :characters };
our $VERSION = '1.134';
use Exception::Class (
'Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration' => {
isa => 'Perl::Critic::Exception',
description => 'A collected set of configuration exceptions.',
fields => [ qw{ exceptions } ],
alias => 'throw_aggregate',
Readonly::Array our @EXPORT_OK => qw< throw_aggregate >;
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $exceptions = $options{exceptions};
if (not $exceptions) {
$options{exceptions} = [];
return $class->SUPER::new(%options);
sub add_exception {
my ( $self, $exception ) = @_;
push @{ $self->exceptions() }, $exception;
sub add_exceptions_from {
my ( $self, $aggregate ) = @_;
push @{ $self->exceptions() }, @{ $aggregate->exceptions() };
sub add_exception_or_rethrow {
my ( $self, $eval_error ) = @_;
return if not $eval_error;
confess $eval_error if not ref $eval_error;
if ( $eval_error->isa('Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration') ) {
elsif (
) {
else {
die $eval_error; ## no critic (RequireCarping)
sub has_exceptions {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return @{ $self->exceptions() } ? 1 : 0;
Readonly::Scalar my $MESSAGE_PREFIX => $EMPTY;
Readonly::Scalar my $MESSAGE_SUFFIX => "\n";
sub full_message {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $message = $MESSAGE_PREFIX;
$message .= join $MESSAGE_SEPARATOR, @{ $self->exceptions() };
$message .= $MESSAGE_SUFFIX;
return $message;
=for stopwords
=head1 NAME
Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration - A collection of a set of problems found in the configuration and/or command-line options.
A set of configuration settings can have multiple problems. This is
an object for collecting all the problems found so that the user can
see them in one run.
This is considered to be a public class. Any changes to its interface
will go through a deprecation cycle.
=head1 METHODS
=item C<add_exception( $exception )>
Accumulate the parameter with rest of the exceptions.
=item C<add_exceptions_from( $aggregate )>
Accumulate the exceptions from another instance of this class.
=item C<exceptions()>
Returns a reference to an array of the collected exceptions.
=item C<add_exception_or_rethrow( $eval_error )>
If the parameter is an instance of
add it. Otherwise, C<die> with the parameter, if it is a reference,
or C<confess> with it. If the parameter is false, simply returns.
=item C<has_exceptions()>
Answer whether any configuration problems have been found.
=item C<full_message()>
Concatenate the exception messages. See
=head1 AUTHOR
Elliot Shank <>
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Elliot Shank.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license
can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
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