shell bypass 403
package Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions;
use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;
use List::MoreUtils qw( none any );
use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{
:booleans :characters :severities :data_conversion :classification :ppi
use base 'Perl::Critic::Policy';
our $VERSION = '1.134';
Readonly::Array my @BUILTIN_LIST_FUNCS => qw( map grep );
Readonly::Array my @CPAN_LIST_FUNCS => _get_cpan_list_funcs();
sub _get_cpan_list_funcs {
return qw( List::Util::first ),
map { 'List::MoreUtils::'.$_ } _get_list_moreutils_funcs();
sub _get_list_moreutils_funcs {
return qw(any all none notall true false firstidx first_index
lastidx last_index insert_after insert_after_string);
sub _is_topic {
my $elem = shift;
return defined $elem
&& $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Magic')
&& $elem->content() eq q{$_}; ##no critic (InterpolationOfMetachars)
Readonly::Scalar my $DESC => q{Don't modify $_ in list functions}; ##no critic (InterpolationOfMetachars)
Readonly::Scalar my $EXPL => [ 114 ];
sub supported_parameters {
return (
name => 'list_funcs',
description => 'The base set of functions to check.',
default_string => join ($SPACE, @BUILTIN_LIST_FUNCS, @CPAN_LIST_FUNCS ),
behavior => 'string list',
name => 'add_list_funcs',
description => 'The set of functions to check, in addition to those given in list_funcs.',
default_string => $EMPTY,
behavior => 'string list',
sub default_severity { return $SEVERITY_HIGHEST }
sub default_themes { return qw(core bugs pbp certrule ) }
sub applies_to { return 'PPI::Token::Word' }
sub initialize_if_enabled {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
$self->{_all_list_funcs} = {
hashify keys %{ $self->{_list_funcs} }, keys %{ $self->{_add_list_funcs} }
return $TRUE;
sub violates {
my ($self, $elem, $doc) = @_;
# Is this element a list function?
return if not $self->{_all_list_funcs}->{$elem};
return if not is_function_call($elem);
# Only the block form of list functions can be analyzed.
return if not my $first_arg = first_arg( $elem );
return if not $first_arg->isa('PPI::Structure::Block');
return if not $self->_has_topic_side_effect( $first_arg, $doc );
# Must be a violation
return $self->violation( $DESC, $EXPL, $elem );
sub _has_topic_side_effect {
my ( $self, $node, $doc ) = @_;
# Search through all significant elements in the block,
# testing each element to see if it mutates the topic.
my $tokens = $node->find( 'PPI::Token' ) || [];
for my $elem ( @{ $tokens } ) {
next if not $elem->significant();
return 1 if _is_assignment_to_topic( $elem );
return 1 if $self->_is_topic_mutating_regex( $elem, $doc );
return 1 if _is_topic_mutating_func( $elem );
return 1 if _is_topic_mutating_substr( $elem );
sub _is_assignment_to_topic {
my $elem = shift;
return if not _is_topic( $elem );
my $sib = $elem->snext_sibling();
if ($sib && $sib->isa('PPI::Token::Operator')) {
return 1 if _is_assignment_operator( $sib );
my $psib = $elem->sprevious_sibling();
if ($psib && $psib->isa('PPI::Token::Operator')) {
return 1 if _is_increment_operator( $psib );
sub _is_topic_mutating_regex {
my ( $self, $elem, $doc ) = @_;
return if ! ( $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute')
|| $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Regexp::Transliterate') );
# Exempt PPI::Token::Regexp::Transliterate objects IF the replacement
# string is empty AND neither the /d or /s flags are specified, OR the
# replacement string equals the match string AND neither the /c or /s
# flags are specified. RT 44515.
# NOTE that, at least as of 5.14.2, tr/// does _not_ participate in the
# 'use re /modifiers' mechanism. And a good thing, too, since the
# modifiers that _are_ common (/s and /d) mean something completely
# different in tr///.
if ( $elem->isa( 'PPI::Token::Regexp::Transliterate') ) {
my $subs = $elem->get_substitute_string();
my %mods = $elem->get_modifiers();
$mods{r} and return; # Introduced in Perl 5.13.7
if ( $EMPTY eq $subs ) {
$mods{d} or $mods{s} or return;
} elsif ( $elem->get_match_string() eq $subs ) {
$mods{c} or $mods{s} or return;
# As of 5.13.2, the substitute built-in supports the /r modifier, which
# causes the operation to return the modified string and leave the
# original unmodified. This does not parse under earlier Perls, so there
# is no version check.
if ( $elem->isa( 'PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute' ) ) {
my $re = $doc->ppix_regexp_from_element( $elem )
or return;
$re->modifier_asserted( 'r' )
and return;
# If the previous sibling does not exist, then
# the regex implicitly binds to $_
my $prevsib = $elem->sprevious_sibling;
return 1 if not $prevsib;
# If the previous sibling does exist, then it
# should be a binding operator.
return 1 if not _is_binding_operator( $prevsib );
# Check if the sibling before the biding operator
# is explicitly set to $_
my $bound_to = $prevsib->sprevious_sibling;
return _is_topic( $bound_to );
sub _is_topic_mutating_func {
my $elem = shift;
return if not $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Word');
my @mutator_funcs = qw(chop chomp undef);
return if not any { $elem->content() eq $_ } @mutator_funcs;
return if not is_function_call( $elem );
# If these functions have no argument,
# they default to mutating $_
my $first_arg = first_arg( $elem );
if (not defined $first_arg) {
# undef does not default to $_, unlike the others
return if $elem->content() eq 'undef';
return 1;
return _is_topic( $first_arg );
Readonly::Scalar my $MUTATING_SUBSTR_ARG_COUNT => 4;
sub _is_topic_mutating_substr {
my $elem = shift;
return if $elem->content() ne 'substr';
return if not is_function_call( $elem );
# check and see if the first arg is $_
my @args = parse_arg_list( $elem );
return @args >= $MUTATING_SUBSTR_ARG_COUNT && _is_topic( $args[0]->[0] );
##no critic(ArgUnpacking)
my %assignment_ops = hashify qw(
= *= /= += -= %= **= x= .= &= |= ^= &&= ||= <<= >>= //= ++ --
sub _is_assignment_operator { return exists $assignment_ops{$_[0]} }
my %increment_ops = hashify qw( ++ -- );
sub _is_increment_operator { return exists $increment_ops{$_[0]} }
my %binding_ops = hashify qw( =~ !~ );
sub _is_binding_operator { return exists $binding_ops{$_[0]} }
=head1 NAME
Perl::Critic::Policy::ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions - Don't modify C<$_> in list functions.
This Policy is part of the core L<Perl::Critic|Perl::Critic>
C<map>, C<grep> and other list operators are intended to transform
arrays into other arrays by applying code to the array elements one by
one. For speed, the elements are referenced via a C<$_> alias rather
than copying them. As a consequence, if the code block of the C<map>
or C<grep> modify C<$_> in any way, then it is actually modifying the
source array. This IS technically allowed, but those side effects can
be quite surprising, especially when the array being passed is C<@_>
or perhaps C<values(%ENV)>! Instead authors should restrict in-place
array modification to C<for(@array) { ... }> constructs instead, or
use C<List::MoreUtils::apply()>.
By default, this policy applies to the following list functions:
map grep
List::Util qw(first)
List::MoreUtils qw(any all none notall true false firstidx
first_index lastidx last_index insert_after
This list can be overridden the F<.perlcriticrc> file like this:
list_funcs = map grep List::Util::first
Or, one can just append to the list like so:
add_list_funcs = Foo::Bar::listmunge
This policy deliberately does not apply to C<for (@array) { ... }> or
Currently, the policy only detects explicit external module usage like
my @out = List::MoreUtils::any {s/^foo//} @in;
and not like this:
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
my @out = any {s/^foo//} @in;
This policy looks only for modifications of C<$_>. Other naughtiness
could include modifying C<$a> and C<$b> in C<sort> and the like.
That's beyond the scope of this policy.
=head1 SEE ALSO
There is discussion of this policy at
=head1 AUTHOR
Chris Dolan <>
Michael Wolf <>
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Chris Dolan.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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