shell bypass 403
package Perl::Critic::Policy::ErrorHandling::RequireCarping;
use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;
use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{
:booleans :characters :severities :classification :data_conversion
use Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI qw{ is_ppi_expression_or_generic_statement };
use base 'Perl::Critic::Policy';
our $VERSION = '1.134';
Readonly::Scalar my $EXPL => [ 283 ];
sub supported_parameters {
return (
name => 'allow_messages_ending_with_newlines',
description => q{Don't complain about die or warn if the message ends in a newline.},
default_string => '1',
behavior => 'boolean',
name => 'allow_in_main_unless_in_subroutine',
description => q{Don't complain about die or warn in main::, unless in a subroutine.},
default_string => '0',
behavior => 'boolean',
sub default_severity { return $SEVERITY_MEDIUM }
sub default_themes { return qw( core pbp maintenance certrule ) }
sub applies_to { return 'PPI::Token::Word' }
sub violates {
my ( $self, $elem, undef ) = @_;
my $alternative;
if ( $elem eq 'warn' ) {
$alternative = 'carp';
elsif ( $elem eq 'die' ) {
$alternative = 'croak';
else {
return if ! is_function_call($elem);
if ($self->{_allow_messages_ending_with_newlines}) {
return if _last_flattened_argument_list_element_ends_in_newline($elem);
return if $self->{_allow_in_main_unless_in_subroutine}
&& !$self->_is_element_contained_in_subroutine( $elem )
&& $self->_is_element_in_namespace_main( $elem ); # RT #56619
my $desc = qq{"$elem" used instead of "$alternative"};
return $self->violation( $desc, $EXPL, $elem );
sub _last_flattened_argument_list_element_ends_in_newline {
my $die_or_warn = shift;
my $last_flattened_argument =
or return $FALSE;
if ( $last_flattened_argument->isa('PPI::Token::Quote') ) {
my $last_flattened_argument_string =
if (
$last_flattened_argument_string =~ m{ \n \z }xms
or (
or $last_flattened_argument->isa('PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate')
and $last_flattened_argument_string =~ m{ [\\] n \z }xms
) {
return $TRUE;
elsif ( $last_flattened_argument->isa('PPI::Token::HereDoc') ) {
return $TRUE;
return $FALSE
# Here starts the fun. Explanation by example:
# Let's say we've got the following (contrived) statement:
# die q{Isn't }, ( $this, ( " fun?\n" ) , ) if "It isn't Monday.";
# This statement should pass because the last parameter that die is going to
# get is C<" fun?\n">.
# The approach is to first find the last non-flattened parameter. If this
# is a simple token, we're done. Else, it's some aggregate thing. We can't
# tell what C<some_function( "foo\n" )> is going to do, so we give up on
# anything other than a PPI::Structure::List.
# There are three possible scenarios for the children of a List:
# * No children of the List, i.e. the list looks like C< ( ) >.
# * One PPI::Statement::Expression element.
# * One PPI::Statement element. That's right, an instance of the base
# statement class and not some subclass. *sigh*
# In the first case, we're done. The latter two cases get treated
# identically. We get the last child of the Statement and start the search
# all over again.
# Back to our example. The PPI tree for this expression is
# PPI::Document
# PPI::Statement
# PPI::Token::Word 'die'
# PPI::Token::Quote::Literal 'q{Isn't }'
# PPI::Token::Operator ','
# PPI::Structure::List ( ... )
# PPI::Statement::Expression
# PPI::Token::Symbol '$this'
# PPI::Token::Operator ','
# PPI::Structure::List ( ... )
# PPI::Statement::Expression
# PPI::Token::Quote::Double '" fun?\n"'
# PPI::Token::Operator ','
# PPI::Token::Word 'if'
# PPI::Token::Quote::Double '"It isn't Monday.\n"'
# PPI::Token::Structure ';'
# We're starting with the Word containing 'die' (it could just as well be
# 'warn') because the earlier parts of validate() have taken care of any
# other possibility. We're going to scan forward through 'die's siblings
# until we reach what we think the end of its parameters are. So we get
# 1. A Literal. A perfectly good argument.
# 2. A comma operator. Looks like we've got more to go.
# 3. A List. Another argument.
# 4. The Word 'if'. Oops. That's a postfix operator.
# Thus, the last parameter is the List. So, we've got to scan backwards
# through the components of the List; again, the goal is to find the last
# value in the flattened list.
# Before decending into the List, we check that it isn't a subroutine call by
# looking at its prior sibling. In this case, the prior sibling is a comma
# operator, so it's fine.
# The List has one Expression element as we expect. We grab the Expression's
# last child and start all over again.
# 1. The last child is a comma operator, which Perl will ignore, so we
# skip it.
# 2. The comma's prior sibling is a List. This is the last significant
# part of the outer list.
# 3. The List's prior sibling isn't a Word, so we can continue because the
# List is not a parameter list.
# 4. We go through the child Expression and find that the last child of
# that is a PPI::Token::Quote::Double, which is a simple, non-compound
# token. We return that and we're done.
sub _find_last_flattened_argument_list_element {
my $die_or_warn = shift;
# Zoom forward...
my $current_candidate =
# ... scan back.
while (
and not _is_simple_list_element_token( $current_candidate )
and not _is_complex_expression_token( $current_candidate )
) {
if ( $current_candidate->isa('PPI::Structure::List') ) {
$current_candidate =
} elsif ( not $current_candidate->isa('PPI::Token') ) {
} else {
$current_candidate = $current_candidate->sprevious_sibling();
return if not $current_candidate;
return if _is_complex_expression_token( $current_candidate );
my $penultimate_element = $current_candidate->sprevious_sibling();
if ($penultimate_element) {
# Bail if we've got a Word in front of the Element that isn't
# the original 'die' or 'warn' or anything else that isn't
# a comma or dot operator.
if ( $penultimate_element->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') ) {
if (
$penultimate_element ne $COMMA
and $penultimate_element ne $PERIOD
) {
} elsif ( $penultimate_element != $die_or_warn ) {
return $current_candidate;
# This is the part where we scan forward from the 'die' or 'warn' to find
# the last argument.
sub _find_last_element_in_subexpression {
my $die_or_warn = shift;
my $last_following_sibling;
my $next_sibling = $die_or_warn;
while (
$next_sibling = $next_sibling->snext_sibling()
and not _is_postfix_operator( $next_sibling )
) {
$last_following_sibling = $next_sibling;
return $last_following_sibling;
# Ensure that the list isn't a parameter list. Find the last element of it.
sub _determine_if_list_is_a_plain_list_and_get_last_child {
my ($list, $die_or_warn) = @_;
my $prior_sibling = $list->sprevious_sibling();
if ( $prior_sibling ) {
# Bail if we've got a Word in front of the List that isn't
# the original 'die' or 'warn' or anything else that isn't
# a comma operator.
if ( $prior_sibling->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') ) {
if ( $prior_sibling ne $COMMA ) {
} elsif ( $prior_sibling != $die_or_warn ) {
my @list_children = $list->schildren();
# If zero children, nothing to look for.
# If multiple children, then PPI is not giving us
# anything we understand.
return if scalar (@list_children) != 1;
my $list_child = $list_children[0];
# If the child isn't an Expression or it is some other subclass
# of Statement, we again don't understand PPI's output.
return if not is_ppi_expression_or_generic_statement($list_child);
my @statement_children = $list_child->schildren();
return if scalar (@statement_children) < 1;
return $statement_children[-1];
Readonly::Hash my %POSTFIX_OPERATORS =>
hashify qw{ if unless while until for foreach };
sub _is_postfix_operator {
my $element = shift;
if (
and $POSTFIX_OPERATORS{$element}
) {
return $TRUE;
return $FALSE;
sub _is_simple_list_element_token {
my $element = shift;
return $FALSE if not $element->isa('PPI::Token');
return $TRUE if $element->isa($class);
return $FALSE;
# Tokens that can't possibly be part of an expression simple
# enough for us to examine.
sub _is_complex_expression_token {
my $element = shift;
return $FALSE if not $element->isa('PPI::Token');
return $TRUE if $element->isa($class);
return $FALSE;
# Check whether the given element is contained in a subroutine.
sub _is_element_contained_in_subroutine {
my ( $self, $elem ) = @_;
my $parent = $elem;
while ( $parent = $parent->parent() ) {
$parent->isa( 'PPI::Statement::Sub' ) and return $TRUE;
$parent->isa( 'PPI::Structure::Block' ) or next;
my $prior_elem = $parent->sprevious_sibling() or next;
$prior_elem->isa( 'PPI::Token::Word' )
and 'sub' eq $prior_elem->content()
and return $TRUE;
return $FALSE;
# Check whether the given element is in main::
sub _is_element_in_namespace_main {
my ( $self, $elem ) = @_;
my $current_elem = $elem;
my $prior_elem;
while ( $current_elem ) {
while ( $prior_elem = $current_elem->sprevious_sibling() ) {
if ( $prior_elem->isa( 'PPI::Statement::Package' ) ) {
return 'main' eq $prior_elem->namespace();
} continue {
$current_elem = $prior_elem;
$current_elem = $current_elem->parent();
return $TRUE;
=head1 NAME
Perl::Critic::Policy::ErrorHandling::RequireCarping - Use functions from L<Carp|Carp> instead of C<warn> or C<die>.
This Policy is part of the core L<Perl::Critic|Perl::Critic>
The C<die> and C<warn> functions both report the file and line number
where the exception occurred. But if someone else is using your
subroutine, they usually don't care where B<your> code blew up.
Instead, they want to know where B<their> code invoked the subroutine.
The L<Carp|Carp> module provides alternative methods that report the
exception from the caller's file and line number.
By default, this policy will not complain about C<die> or C<warn>, if
it can determine that the message will always result in a terminal
newline. Since perl suppresses file names and line numbers in this
situation, it is assumed that no stack traces are desired either and
none of the L<Carp|Carp> functions are necessary.
die "oops" if $explosion; #not ok
warn "Where? Where?!" if $tiger; #not ok
open my $mouth, '<', 'food'
or die 'of starvation'; #not ok
if (! $dentist_appointment) {
warn "You have bad breath!\n"; #ok
die "$clock not set.\n" if $no_time; #ok
my $message = "$clock not set.\n";
die $message if $no_time; #not ok, not obvious
By default, this policy allows uses of C<die> and C<warn> ending in an
explicit newline. If you give this policy an
C<allow_messages_ending_with_newlines> option in your F<.perlcriticrc>
with a false value, then this policy will prohibit such uses.
allow_messages_ending_with_newlines = 0
If you give this policy an C<allow_in_main_unless_in_subroutine> option
in your F<.perlcriticrc> with a true value, then this policy will allow
C<die> and C<warn> in name space main:: unless they appear in a
subroutine, even if they do not end in an explicit newline.
allow_in_main_unless_in_subroutine = 1
=head1 BUGS
Should allow C<die> when it is obvious that the "message" is a reference.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <>
Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Imaginative Software Systems. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license
can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
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