shell bypass 403
package Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitCaptureWithoutTest;
use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;
use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{ :booleans :data_conversion :severities };
use base 'Perl::Critic::Policy';
our $VERSION = '1.134';
Readonly::Hash my %CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR => hashify( qw{ && || ? and or xor } );
Readonly::Hash my %UNAMBIGUOUS_CONTROL_TRANSFER => hashify(
qw< next last redo return > );
Readonly::Scalar my $DESC => q{Capture variable used outside conditional};
Readonly::Scalar my $EXPL => [ 253 ];
sub supported_parameters { return (
name => 'exception_source',
description => 'Names of ways to generate exceptions',
behavior => 'string list',
list_always_present_values => [ qw{ die croak confess } ],
sub default_severity { return $SEVERITY_MEDIUM }
sub default_themes { return qw(core pbp maintenance certrule ) }
sub applies_to { return 'PPI::Token::Magic' }
sub violates {
my ($self, $elem, $doc) = @_;
# TODO named capture variables
return if $elem !~ m/\A \$[1-9] \z/xms;
return if _is_in_conditional_expression($elem);
return if $self->_is_in_conditional_structure($elem);
return $self->violation( $DESC, $EXPL, $elem );
sub _is_in_conditional_expression {
my $elem = shift;
# simplistic check: is there a conditional operator between a match and
# the capture var?
my $psib = $elem->sprevious_sibling;
while ($psib) {
if ($psib->isa('PPI::Token::Operator')) {
my $op = $psib->content;
$psib = $psib->sprevious_sibling;
while ($psib) {
return 1 if ($psib->isa('PPI::Token::Regexp::Match'));
return 1 if ($psib->isa('PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute'));
$psib = $psib->sprevious_sibling;
return; # false
$psib = $psib->sprevious_sibling;
return; # false
sub _is_in_conditional_structure {
my ( $self, $elem ) = @_;
my $stmt = $elem->statement();
while ($stmt && $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Expression')) {
#return if _is_in_conditional_expression($stmt);
$stmt = $stmt->statement();
return if !$stmt;
# Check if any previous statements in the same scope have regexp matches
my $psib = $stmt->sprevious_sibling;
while ($psib) {
if ( $psib->isa( 'PPI::Node' ) and
my $match = _find_exposed_match_or_substitute( $psib ) ) {
return _is_control_transfer_to_left( $self, $match, $elem ) ||
_is_control_transfer_to_right( $self, $match, $elem );
$psib = $psib->sprevious_sibling;
# Check for an enclosing 'if', 'unless', 'elsif', 'else', or 'when'
my $parent = $stmt->parent;
while ($parent) { # never false as long as we're inside a PPI::Document
if ($parent->isa('PPI::Statement::Compound') ||
$parent->isa('PPI::Statement::When' )
) {
return 1;
elsif ($parent->isa('PPI::Structure')) {
return 1 if _is_in_conditional_expression($parent);
return 1 if $self->_is_in_conditional_structure($parent);
$parent = $parent->parent;
else {
return; # fail
# This subroutine returns true if there is a control transfer to the left of
# the match operation which would bypass the capture variable. The arguments
# are the match operation and the capture variable.
sub _is_control_transfer_to_left {
my ( $self, $match, $elem ) = @_;
# If a regexp match is found, we succeed if a match failure
# appears to throw an exception, and fail otherwise. RT 36081
my $prev = $match->sprevious_sibling() or return;
while ( not ( $prev->isa( 'PPI::Token::Word' ) &&
q<unless> eq $prev->content() ) ) {
$prev = $prev->sprevious_sibling() or return;
# In this case we analyze the first thing to appear in the parent of the
# 'unless'. This is the simplest case, and it will not be hard to dream up
# cases where this is insufficient (e.g. do {something(); die} unless ...)
my $parent = $prev->parent() or return;
my $first = $parent->schild( 0 ) or return;
if ( my $method = _get_method_name( $first ) ) {
# Methods can also be exception sources.
return $self->{_exception_source}{ $method->content() };
return $self->{_exception_source}{ $first->content() } ||
_unambiguous_control_transfer( $first, $elem );
# This subroutine returns true if there is a control transfer to the right of
# the match operation which would bypass the capture variable. The arguments
# are the match operation and the capture variable.
sub _is_control_transfer_to_right {
my ( $self, $match, $elem ) = @_;
# If a regexp match is found, we succeed if a match failure
# appears to throw an exception, and fail otherwise. RT 36081
my $oper = $match->snext_sibling() or return; # fail
my $oper_content = $oper->content();
# We do not check 'dor' or '//' because a match failure does not
# return an undefined value.
q{or} eq $oper_content
or q{||} eq $oper_content
or return; # fail
my $next = $oper->snext_sibling() or return; # fail
if ( my $method = _get_method_name( $next ) ) {
# Methods can also be exception sources.
return $self->{_exception_source}{ $method->content() };
return $self->{_exception_source}{ $next->content() } ||
_unambiguous_control_transfer( $next, $elem );
# Given a PPI::Node, find the last regexp match or substitution that is
# in-scope to the node's next sibling.
sub _find_exposed_match_or_substitute { # RT 36081
my $elem = shift;
foreach my $regexp ( reverse @{ $elem->find(
sub {
return $_[1]->isa( 'PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute' )
|| $_[1]->isa( 'PPI::Token::Regexp::Match' );
) || [] } ) {
my $parent = $regexp->parent();
while ( $parent != $elem ) {
$parent->isa( 'PPI::Structure::Block' )
$parent = $parent->parent()
return $regexp;
# If the argument introduces a method call, return the method name;
# otherwise just return.
sub _get_method_name {
my ( $elem ) = @_;
# We fail unless the element we were given looks like it might be an
# object or a class name.
$elem or return;
$elem->isa( 'PPI::Token::Symbol' ) &&
q<$> eq $elem->raw_type() ||
$elem->isa( 'PPI::Token::Word' ) &&
$elem->content() =~ m/ \A [\w:]+ \z /smx
) or return;
# We skip over all the subscripts and '->' operators to the right of
# the original element, failing if we run out of objects.
my $prior;
my $next = $elem->snext_sibling() or return;
while ( $next->isa( 'PPI::Token::Subscript' ) ||
$next->isa( 'PPI::Token::Operator' ) &&
q{->} eq $next->content() ) {
$prior = $next;
$next = $next->snext_sibling or return; # fail
# A method call must have a '->' operator before it.
( $prior &&
$prior->isa( 'PPI::Token::Operator' ) &&
q{->} eq $prior->content()
) or return;
# Anything other than a PPI::Token::Word can not be statically
# recognized as a method name.
$next->isa( 'PPI::Token::Word' ) or return;
# Whatever we have left at this point looks very like a method name.
return $next;
# Determine whether the given element represents an unambiguous transfer of
# control around anything that follows it in the same block. The arguments are
# the element to check, and the capture variable that is the subject of this
# call to the policy.
sub _unambiguous_control_transfer { # RT 36081.
my ( $xfer, $elem ) = @_;
my $content = $xfer->content();
# Anything in the hash is always a transfer of control.
# A goto is not unambiguous on the face of it, but at least some forms of
# it can be accepted.
q<goto> eq $content
and return _unambiguous_goto( $xfer, $elem );
# Anything left at this point is _not_ an unambiguous transfer of control
# around whatever follows it.
# Determine whether the given goto represents an unambiguous transfer of
# control around anything that follows it in the same block. The arguments are
# the element to check, and the capture variable that is the subject of this
# call to the policy.
sub _unambiguous_goto {
my ( $xfer, $elem ) = @_;
# A goto without a target?
my $target = $xfer->snext_sibling() or return;
# The co-routine form of goto is an unambiguous transfer of control.
$target->isa( 'PPI::Token::Symbol' )
and q<&> eq $target->raw_type()
and return $TRUE;
# The label form of goto is an unambiguous transfer of control,
# provided the label does not occur between the goto and the capture
# variable.
if ( $target->isa( 'PPI::Token::Word' ) ) {
# We need to search in our most-local block, or the document if
# there is no enclosing block.
my $container = $target;
while ( my $parent = $container->parent() ) {
$container = $parent;
$container->isa( 'PPI::Structure::Block' ) and last;
# We search the container for our label. If we find it, we return
# true if it occurs before the goto or after the capture variable,
# otherwise we return false. If we do not find it we return true.
# Note that perl does not seem to consider duplicate labels an
# error, but also seems to take the first one in the relevant
# scope when this happens.
my $looking_for = qr/ \A @{[ $target->content() ]} \s* : \z /smx;
my ($start_line, $start_char) = @{ $xfer->location() || [] };
defined $start_line or return; # document not indexed.
my ($end_line, $end_char) = @{ $elem->location() || [] };
foreach my $label (
@{ $container->find( 'PPI::Token::Label' ) || [] } )
$label->content() =~ m/$looking_for/smx or next;
my ( $line, $char ) = @{ $label->location() || [] };
return $TRUE
if $line < $start_line ||
$line == $start_line && $char < $start_char;
return $TRUE
if $line > $end_line ||
$line == $end_line && $char > $end_char;
return $TRUE;
# Any other form of goto can not be statically analyzed, and so is not
# an unambiguous transfer of control around the capture variable.
=for stopwords regexp
=head1 NAME
Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitCaptureWithoutTest - Capture variable used outside conditional.
This Policy is part of the core L<Perl::Critic|Perl::Critic>
If a regexp match fails, then any capture variables (C<$1>, C<$2>,
...) will be unaffected. They will retain whatever old values they may
have had. Therefore it's important to check the return value of a match
before using those variables.
'12312123' =~ /(2)/;
print $1; # Prints 2
'123123123' =~ /(X)/;
print $1; # Prints 2, because $1 has not changed.
Note that because the values of C<$1> etc will be unaffected, you cannot
determine if a match succeeded by checking to see if the capture variables
have values.
$str =~ /foo(.+)/;
if ( $1 ) {
print "I found $1 after 'foo'";
This policy checks that the previous regexp for which the capture
variable is in-scope is either in a conditional or causes an exception
or other control transfer (i.e. C<next>, C<last>, C<redo>, C<return>, or
sometimes C<goto>) if the match fails.
A C<goto> is only accepted by this policy if it is a co-routine call
(i.e. C<goto &foo>) or a C<goto LABEL> where the label does not fall
between the C<goto> and the capture variable in the scope of the
C<goto>. A computed C<goto> (i.e. something like C<goto (qw{foo bar
baz})[$i]>) is not accepted by this policy because its target can not be
statically determined.
This policy does not check whether that conditional is actually
testing a regexp result, nor does it check whether a regexp actually
has a capture in it. Those checks are too hard.
This policy also does not check arbitrarily complex conditionals guarding
regexp results, for pretty much the same reason. Simple things like
m/(foo)/ or die "No foo!";
die "No foo!" unless m/(foo)/;
will be handled, but something like
m/(foo)/ or do {
... lots of complicated calculations here ...
die "No foo!";
are beyond its scope.
By default, this policy considers C<die>, C<croak>, and C<confess> to
throw exceptions. If you have additional subroutines or methods that may
be used in lieu of one of these, you can configure them in your
perlcriticrc as follows:
exception_source = my_exception_generator
=head1 BUGS
This policy does not recognize named capture variables. Yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Chris Dolan <>
Copyright (c) 2006-2017 Chris Dolan.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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