shell bypass 403
package Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::RequireTestLabels;
use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{
:characters :severities :data_conversion :classification :ppi
use base 'Perl::Critic::Policy';
our $VERSION = '1.134';
Readonly::Hash my %LABEL_ARG_POS => (
ok => 1,
is => 2,
isnt => 2,
like => 2,
unlike => 2,
cmp_ok => 3,
is_deeply => 2,
pass => 0,
fail => 0,
Readonly::Scalar my $DESC => q{Test without a label};
Readonly::Scalar my $EXPL => q{Add a label argument to all Test::More functions};
sub supported_parameters {
return (
name => 'modules',
description => 'The additional modules to require labels for.',
default_string => $EMPTY,
behavior => 'string list',
list_always_present_values => [ qw( Test::More ) ],
sub default_severity { return $SEVERITY_MEDIUM }
sub default_themes { return qw( core maintenance tests ) }
sub applies_to { return 'PPI::Token::Word' }
sub violates {
my ($self, $elem, $doc) = @_;
my $arg_index = $LABEL_ARG_POS{$elem};
return if not defined $arg_index;
return if not is_function_call($elem);
return if not $self->_has_test_more($doc);
# Does the function call have enough arguments?
my @args = parse_arg_list($elem);
return if ( @args > $arg_index );
return $self->violation( $DESC, $EXPL, $elem );
sub _has_test_more {
my ( $self, $doc ) = @_;
# TODO: This method gets called every time violates() is invoked,
# but it only needs to happen once per document. Perhaps this
# policy should just apply to PPI::Document, and then do its own
# search for method calls. Since Perl::Critic::Document is
# optimized, this should be pretty fast.
my $includes = $doc->find('PPI::Statement::Include');
return if not $includes;
return any { exists $self->{_modules}->{$_->module()} }
@{ $includes };
=head1 NAME
Perl::Critic::Policy::TestingAndDebugging::RequireTestLabels - Tests should all have labels.
This Policy is part of the core L<Perl::Critic|Perl::Critic>
Most Perl modules with regression tests use L<Test::More|Test::More>
as infrastructure for writing and running those tests. It has an
easy, procedural syntax for writing comparisons of results to
Most of the Test::More functions allow the programmer to add an
optional label that describes what each test is trying to judge. When
a test goes wrong, these labels are very useful for quickly
determining where the problem originated.
This policy enforces that all Test::More functions have labels where
applicable. This only applies to code that has a C<use Test::More> or
C<require Test::More> declaration (see below to add more test modules
to the list).
A list of additional modules to require label parameters be passed to
their methods can be specified with the C<modules> option. The list
must consist of whitespace-delimited, fully-qualified module names.
For example:
modules = My::Test::SubClass Some::Other::Module
The module list always implicitly includes L<Test::More|Test::More>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Chris Dolan <>
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Chris Dolan.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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