shell bypass 403
package Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::Integer;
use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{ :characters };
use base qw{ Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior };
our $VERSION = '1.134';
sub initialize_parameter {
my ($self, $parameter, $specification) = @_;
my $minimum = $specification->{integer_minimum};
my $maximum = $specification->{integer_maximum};
$parameter->_get_behavior_values()->{minimum} = $minimum;
$parameter->_get_behavior_values()->{maximum} = $maximum;
sub {
# Normally bad thing, obscuring a variable in a outer scope
# with a variable with the same name is being done here in
# order to remain consistent with the parser function interface.
my ($policy, $parameter, $config_string) = @_; ## no critic(Variables::ProhibitReusedNames)
my $value_string = $parameter->get_default_string();
if (defined $config_string) {
$value_string = $config_string;
my $value;
if ( defined $value_string ) {
if (
$value_string !~ m/ \A [-+]? [1-9] [\d_]* \z /xms
and $value_string ne '0'
) {
'does not look like an integer.',
$value_string =~ tr/_//d;
$value = $value_string + 0;
if ( defined $minimum and $minimum > $value ) {
qq{is less than $minimum.},
if ( defined $maximum and $maximum < $value ) {
qq{is greater than $maximum.},
$policy->__set_parameter_value($parameter, $value);
sub generate_parameter_description {
my ($self, $parameter) = @_;
my $minimum = $parameter->_get_behavior_values()->{minimum};
my $maximum = $parameter->_get_behavior_values()->{maximum};
my $description = $parameter->_get_description_with_trailing_period();
if ( $description ) {
$description .= qq{\n};
if (defined $minimum or defined $maximum) {
if (defined $minimum) {
$description .= "Minimum value $minimum. ";
} else {
$description .= 'No minimum. ';
if (defined $maximum) {
$description .= "Maximum value $maximum.";
} else {
$description .= 'No maximum.';
} else {
$description .= 'No limits.';
return $description;
=for stopwords
=head1 NAME
Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter::Behavior::Integer - Actions appropriate for an integer parameter.
Provides a standard set of functionality for an integer
L<Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter|Perl::Critic::PolicyParameter> so that
the developer of a policy does not have to provide it her/himself.
The parser provided by this behavior allows underscores ("_") in input
values as in a Perl numeric literal.
NOTE: Do not instantiate this class. Use the singleton instance held
onto by
This is considered to be a non-public class. Its interface is subject
to change without notice.
=head1 METHODS
=item C<initialize_parameter( $parameter, $specification )>
Plug in the functionality this behavior provides into the parameter,
based upon the configuration provided by the specification.
This behavior looks for two configuration items:
=item integer_minimum
Optional. The minimum acceptable value. Inclusive.
=item integer_maximum
Optional. The maximum acceptable value. Inclusive.
=item C<generate_parameter_description( $parameter )>
Create a description of the parameter, based upon the description on
the parameter itself, but enhancing it with information from this
In this case, this means including the minimum and maximum values.
=head1 AUTHOR
Elliot Shank <>
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Elliot Shank.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license
can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
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