package Test::SharedFork;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Test::Builder::Module';
our $VERSION = '0.35';
use Test::Builder 0.32; # 0.32 or later is needed
use Test::SharedFork::Scalar;
use Test::SharedFork::Array;
use Test::SharedFork::Store;
use Config;
use 5.008000;
package #
sub call {
my $code = shift;
my $wantarray = [caller(1)]->[5];
if ($wantarray) {
my @result = $code->();
bless {result => \@result, wantarray => $wantarray}, __PACKAGE__;
} elsif (defined $wantarray) {
my $result = $code->();
bless {result => $result, wantarray => $wantarray}, __PACKAGE__;
} else {
{ ; $code->(); } # void context
bless {wantarray => $wantarray}, __PACKAGE__;
sub result {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{wantarray}) {
return @{ $self->{result} };
} elsif (defined $self->{wantarray}) {
return $self->{result};
} else {
my $STORE;
sub _mangle_builder {
my $builder = shift;
if( $] >= 5.008001 && $Config{useithreads} && $INC{''} ) {
die "# Current version of Test::SharedFork does not supports ithreads.";
if ($builder->can("coordinate_forks")) {
# Use Test::Builder's implementation.
} elsif($INC{'Test2/'} || $INC{'Test2/'} || $INC{'Test2/'}) {
require Test2::Global;
# Check if we already have IPC
my $stack = $builder->{Stack};
return if $stack->top->ipc;
# Find a driver
my ($driver) = Test2::Global::test2_ipc_drivers();
unless ($driver) {
require Test2::IPC::Driver::Files;
$driver = 'Test2::IPC::Driver::Files';
# Add the IPC to all hubs
my $ipc = $driver->new();
for my $hub (@$stack) {
} elsif($INC{'Test/Stream/'}) {
require Test::Stream::IPC;
Test::Stream::IPC->enable_polling if Test::Stream::IPC->can('enable_polling');
my $stack = $builder->{Stack};
return if $stack->top->ipc;
my ($driver) = Test::Stream::IPC->drivers;
my $ipc = $driver->new();
for my $hub (@$stack) {
} else {
# older Test::Builder
$STORE = Test::SharedFork::Store->new(
cb => sub {
my $store = shift;
tie $builder->{Curr_Test}, 'Test::SharedFork::Scalar',
$store, 'Curr_Test';
tie $builder->{Is_Passing}, 'Test::SharedFork::Scalar',
$store, 'Is_Passing';
tie @{ $builder->{Test_Results} },
'Test::SharedFork::Array', $store, 'Test_Results';
init => +{
Test_Results => $builder->{Test_Results},
Curr_Test => $builder->{Curr_Test},
Is_Passing => 1,
# make methods atomic.
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
no warnings 'uninitialized';
for my $name (qw/ok skip todo_skip current_test is_passing/) {
my $orig = *{"Test::Builder::${name}"}{CODE};
*{"Test::Builder::${name}"} = sub {
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
local $Test::Builder::BLevel = $Test::Builder::BLevel + 1;
my $lock = $STORE->get_lock(); # RAII
my $builder = __PACKAGE__->builder;
# backward compatibility method
sub parent { }
sub child { }
sub fork { fork() }
=for stopwords slkjfd yappo konbuizm
=head1 NAME
Test::SharedFork - fork test
use Test::More tests => 200;
use Test::SharedFork;
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
# child
ok 1, "child $_" for 1..100;
} elsif ($pid) {
# parent
ok 1, "parent $_" for 1..100;
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {
die $!;
Test::SharedFork is utility module for Test::Builder.
This module makes L<fork(2)> safety in your test case.
This module merges test count with parent process & child process.
This version of the Test::SharedFork does not support ithreads, because L<threads::shared> conflicts with L<Storable>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tokuhiro Matsuno E<lt>tokuhirom slkjfd gmail.comE<gt>
=head1 THANKS TO
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Test::TCP>, L<Test::Fork>, L<Test::MultiFork>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.