#compdef ip
# This is based on iproute2-ss061214.
# The manual and help text summaries are not consistent with the main
# manual text. I have based this on the main manual text, except where
# it's obviously deficient.
# Values encoding simple types
local -a subcmd_dev net_intf_disp net_intf_list
# subcmd_dev=(/$'[[:alnum:][:punct:][:cntrl:][:digit:]]##\0'/ ':interfaces:network interface:_net_interfaces')
':interfaces:network interface:_net_interfaces')
local -a subcmd_onoff
subcmd_onoff=(/$'(on|off)\0'/ ':onoff:state (on or off):(on off)')
local -a subcmd_string
subcmd_string=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':string:arbitrary string:( )')
local -a subcmd_number
subcmd_number=(/$'[0-9]##\0'/ ':number:decimal number:( )')
local xp='[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]'
local -a subcmd_lladdr
':lladdress:link layer (MAC) address:( )')
local -a subcmd_ipaddr
':ipaddress:IP address (v4 or v6) with optional /<network-prefix-length>:( )'
local -a subcmd_ipaddrs
local PATH=$PATH
":ipaddress:IP address (v4 or v6) currently set:( $(ip addr show | sed -n 's/^ *inet6* \([0-9a-f\.:/]*\) .*$/\1/p') )"
local -a subcmd_prefix_label
":ipaddresslabel:IP addrlabel prefix currently set:( $(ip -6 addrlabel list 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/^prefix \([0-9a-f\.:/]*\) .*$/\1/p') )"
local -a subcmd_scope
_regex_words scope "IP address scope" \
'global:address globally valid' \
'site:address valid for site (IPv6)' \
'link:address valid for single link' \
'host:address valid for this host'
local -a subcmd_nud
_regex_words nud "Neighbour Unreachability Detection state" \
'permanent:valid forever' \
'noarp:valid, not validated, removed if expired' \
'reachable:valid until reachability timeout' \
'stale:valid but suspicious'
local -a subcmd_rttype
_regex_words route-type "Route type" \
'unicast:real point-to-point route' \
'unreachable:generate Host Unreachable messages' \
'blackhole:silently discard' \
'prohibit:generate Communication Administratively Prohibited messages' \
'local:Loopback route' \
'broadcast:destinations are broadcast addresses' \
'throw:used with policy rules, generate Net Unreachable if no route' \
'nat:Network Address Translation route' \
'anycast:anycast addresses, not implemented' \
'multicast:multicast routing, not present in normal tables'
local -a subcmd_route
# Route type is optional in route.
# There's an overall default but then the whole thing is missed
# out, and it's marked as optional anyway.
subcmd_route=("(" $subcmd_rttype "|" ")" $subcmd_ipaddr)
local -a subcmd_tos
_regex_words tos "type of service" \
'lowdelay:low latency' \
'throughput:high bulk throughput' \
'reliability:high reliability'
subcmd_tos=("(" "$reply[@]" "|"
/$'(|0x)[[:xdigit:]]##\0'/ ":hex-number:8-bit hex number:( )" ")")
local -a subcmd_lockmtu
subcmd_lockmtu=("(" /$'lock\0'/ ":lock:lock:(lock)" "|" ")" $subcmd_number )
local -a subcmd_nexthop
_regex_words nexthop 'nexthop route keyword' \
'via:specify nexthop router:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'dev:specify output device:$subcmd_dev' \
'weight:specify relative quality of route:$subcmd_number'
subcmd_nexthop=("$reply[@]" "#")
local -a subcmd_rtprotocol
_regex_words rtprotocol 'route protocol' \
'redirect:installed from ICMP redirect' \
'kernel:installed automatically by kernel' \
'boot:installed during boot sequence' \
'static:installed by administrator' \
'ra:installed by Router Discovery protocol'
local -a subcmd_rttable
_regex_words rttable 'routing table' \
'local:local routes' \
'main:main routing table' \
'default:default routing table' \
'unspec:unspecified routing table'
subcmd_rttable=("(" "$reply[@]" "|" $subcmd_number ")")
local -a subcmd_rtrealm subcmd_rtrealms
_regex_words -t / rtrealm 'routing realm' \
subcmd_rtrealms=("(" "$reply[@]" "|" /$'[0-9]##/'/
':number:decimal number:( )' ")")
_regex_words rtrealm 'routing realm' \
subcmd_rtrealm=("(" "$reply[@]" "|" $subcmd_number ")")
local -a subcmd_rtselector
_regex_words rtselmod 'routing selector modifier' \
'root:select minimum route prefix length to match' \
'match:select maximum route prefix length to match' \
'exact:select exact prefix length to match'
subcmd_rtselector=("(" "$reply[@]" "|" ")" $subcmd_ipaddr)
local -a subcmd_family
_regex_words family 'protocol family' \
'inet:IPv4' \
'inet6:IPv6' \
'link:local, no networking protocol'
local -a subcmd_ruletypes
_regex_words ruletype 'rule type' \
'unicast:rule applies to a route' \
'blackhole:rule silently drops packet' \
'unreachable:rule generates Network Unreachable messages' \
'prohibit:rule generates Communication Administratively Prohibited messages' \
'nat:rule prescribes translation of source IP address'
local -a subcmd_tunnelmode
_regex_words tunnelmode 'tunnel mode' \
'ipip:IPv4 in IPv4 tunnel' \
'sit:Simple Internet Transition - IPv6 in IPv4 tunnel' \
'gre:Generic Route Encapsulation - IPv4/IPv6 in IPv4 tunnel'
local -a subcmd_files
subcmd_files=(/$'[^\0]##\0'/ ':file:file name:_files')
# The ip top-level commands. First link
local -a link_set_cmds
_regex_words \
link-set-commands 'link set commands' \
'dev:specify device:$subcmd_dev' \
'u*p:change state to up' \
'do*wn:change state to down' \
'ar*p:change ARP flag on device:$subcmd_onoff' \
'mu*lticast:change MULTICAST flag on device:$subcmd_onoff' \
'pr*omisc:set promiscuous mode:$subcmd_onoff' \
'dy*namic:change DYNAMIC flag on device:$subcmd_onoff' \
'n*ame:change name of device:$subcmd_string' \
'txq*ueuelen:specify length of transmit queue:$subcmd_number' \
'txql*en:specify length of transmit queue:$subcmd_number' \
'm*tu:specify maximum transmit unit:$subcmd_number' \
'ad*dress:specify unicast link layer (MAC) address:$subcmd_lladdr' \
'br*oadcast:specify broadcast link layer (MAC) address:$subcmd_lladdr' \
'brd:specify broadcast link layer (MAC) address:$subcmd_lladdr' \
'p*eer:specify peer link layer (MAC) address:$subcmd_lladdr'
# can complete interface with no dev, subcommands can repeat...
link_set_cmds=("(" $subcmd_dev "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#" )
local -a link_show_cmds
_regex_words link-show-commands 'link show commands' \
'dev:specify device:$subcmd_dev' \
'up:limit display to running devices'
link_show_cmds=("(" $subcmd_dev "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#" )
local -a link_cmds
_regex_words \
link-commands "link command" \
'h*elp:show help for command' \
'se*t:change device attributes:$link_set_cmds' \
'sh*ow:display device attributes:$link_show_cmds'
# addr
local -a addr_add_cmds
# TODO: broadcast can take + or =
_regex_words addr-add-commands "addr add/remove/change/replace commands" \
'dev:specify device:$subcmd_dev' \
'lo*cal:specify local IP address:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'p*eer:specify peer IP address (point-to-point):$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'b*roadcast:specify broadcast IP address:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'la*bel:specify tag for device:$subcmd_string' \
's*cope:specify scope for address:$subcmd_scope'
# can complete IP address with no keyword
addr_add_cmds=("(" $subcmd_ipaddr "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#" )
local -a addr_del_cmds
addr_del_cmds=("(" $subcmd_ipaddrs "|" "$reply[@]" ")" "#" )
local -a addr_show_cmds
# TODO: broadcast can take + or =
_regex_words addr-show-commands "addr show commands" \
'dev:specify device:$subcmd_dev' \
's*cope:specify scope for address:$subcmd_scope' \
't*o:limit to given IP address/prefix:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'la*bel:list tags matching glob patter:$subcmd_string' \
'dynamic:list addresses from stateless configuration (IPv6)' \
'permanent:list non-dynamic addresses (IPv6)' \
'tentative:list addresses failing duplicate address detection (IPv6)' \
'deprecated:list deprecated addresses (IPv6)' \
'primary:list only primary addresses' \
'secondary:list only secondary addresses'
# can complete device with no keyword
addr_show_cmds=("(" $subcmd_dev "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#" )
local -a addr_cmds
_regex_words \
addr-commands "addr command" \
'h*elp:show help for command' \
'a*dd:add new protocol address:$addr_add_cmds' \
'c*hange:change existing protocol address:$addr_add_cmds' \
'r*eplace:add or update protocol address:$addr_add_cmds' \
'd*elete:delete protocol address:$addr_del_cmds' \
's*how:show protocol address:$addr_show_cmds' \
'f*lush:flush protocol address:$addr_show_cmds'
# addrlabel
local -a addrlabel_add_cmds
_regex_words addrlabel-add-commands "addlabel add command" \
'p*refix: limit to given IP address/prefix' \
'd*ev: specify device:$subcmd_dev' \
'l*abel: number'
addrlabel_add_cmds=( "(" $subcmd_ipaddr "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#")
local -a addrlabel_del_cmds
_regex_words addrlabel-add-commands "addlabel del command" \
'p*refix: limit to given IP address/prefix:$subcmd_prefix_label' \
'd*ev: specify device:$subcmd_dev' \
'l*abel: number:$subcmd_number'
addrlabel_del_cmds=( "(" $subcmd_ipaddr "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#")
local -a addrlabel_cmds
_regex_words \
addrlabel-commands "addrlabel command" \
'h*elp: show help for command' \
'a*dd: add an address labels:$addrlabel_add_cmds' \
'd*el: delete an address labels:$addrlabel_del_cmds' \
'l*ist: list address labels' \
'f*lush: flush adderss labels'
# neigh
local -a neigh_add_cmds
_regex_words neigh-add-commands "neighbour add command" \
't*o:add new neighbour IP address:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'dev:specify network device:$subcmd_dev' \
'l*laddr:specify link layer (MAC) address or null:$subcmd_lladdr' \
'n*ud:specify neighbour unreachability detection state:$subcmd_nud'
# to-address without keyword can appear first
neigh_add_cmds=( "(" $subcmd_ipaddr "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#")
local -a neigh_del_cmds
_regex_words neigh-add-commands "neighbour delete command" \
't*o:remove neighbour IP address:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'dev:specify network device:$subcmd_dev'
neigh_del_cmds=( "(" $subcmd_ipaddr "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#")
local -a neigh_show_cmds
_regex_words neigh-show-commands "neighbour show command" \
't*o:select neighbours by prefix:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'dev:select neighbours by device:$subcmd_dev' \
'u*nused:only list unused neighbours' \
'n*ud:only list neighbours in given state:$subcmd_nud'
neigh_show_cmds=( "(" $subcmd_ipaddr "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#" )
local -a neigh_cmds
_regex_words \
neigh-commands "neigh command" \
'h*elp:show help for command' \
'a*dd:add new neighbour entry:$neigh_add_cmds' \
'c*hange:change existing neighbour entry:$neigh_add_cmds' \
'r*eplace:add or change neighbour entry:$neigh_add_cmds' \
'd*elete:delete neighbour entry:$neigh_del_cmds' \
's*how:list neighbour entries:$neigh_show_cmds' \
'f*lush:flush neighbour entries:$neigh_show_cmds'
# route
local -a route_add_cmds
_regex_words route-add-commands "route add/change/replace command" \
'to:route destination prefix:$subcmd_route' \
'tos:type of service:$subcmd_tos' \
'ds*field:type of service:$subcmd_tos' \
'me*tric:preference value of route:$subcmd_number' \
'pre*ference:preference value of route:$subcmd_number' \
'ta*ble:select table by ID:$subcmd_rttable' \
'dev:select device:$subcmd_dev' \
'v*ia:select nexthop router:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'sr*c:select preferred source address:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
're*alm:select routing realm:$subcmd_rtrealm' \
'mtu:select maximum transport unit:$subcmd_lockmtu' \
'w*indow:select maximal window in bytes:$subcmd_number' \
'rtt:select round trip time estimate:$subcmd_number' \
'rttv*ar:select initial round trip variance estimate:$subcmd_number' \
'ss*thresh:select initial slow start threshold estimate:$subcmd_number' \
'cw*nd:select clamp for congestion window (only if locked):$subcmd_number' \
'in*itcwnd:select max initial cwnd in MSS:$subcmd_number' \
'ad*vmss:select maximal segment size advertised:$subcmd_number' \
're*ordering:select maximal reordering for path:$subcmd_number' \
'ne*xthop:select nexthop of multipath route:$subcmd_nexthop' \
'sc*ope:select scope of destinations:$subcmd_scope' \
'pro*tocol:select routing protocol identifier:$subcmd_rtprotocol' \
'onl*ink:pretend nexthop is directly attached' \
'eq*ualize:allow packet by packet randomization'
# route can appear with no "to"
route_add_cmds=("(" $subcmd_route "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#")
local -a route_show_cmds
_regex_words route-show-commands "route show command" \
'to:select route via prefix:$subcmd_rtselector' \
'tos:type of service:$subcmd_tos' \
'ta*ble:select table by ID:$subcmd_rttable' \
'cl*oned:list only dynamically forked routes' \
'ca*ched:list only dynamically forked routes' \
'f*rom:select route via source address prefix:$subcmd_rtselector' \
'p*rotocol:select routing protocol identifier:$subcmd_rtprotocol' \
'sc*ope:select scope of destinations:$subcmd_scope' \
'ty*pe:route type:$subcmd_rttype' \
'dev:select device:$subcmd_dev' \
'v*ia:select nexthop router:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'sr*c:select route via source prefix:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'realm:select routing realm:$subcmd_rtrealm' \
'realms:select from/to routing realms:$subcmd_rtrealms'
# route selector can appear with no "to"
route_show_cmds=("(" $subcmd_rtselector "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#")
local -a route_get_cmds
_regex_words route-get-commands "route get commands" \
'to:route destination:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'f*rom:route source:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'tos:select type of service:$subcmd_tos' \
'ds*field:type of service:$subcmd_tos' \
'iif:select input interface (device):$subcmd_dev' \
'oif:select output interface (device):$subcmd_dev' \
'c*onnected:use preferred address as source'
route_get_cmds=("(" $subcmd_ipaddr "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#")
local -a route_cmds
_regex_words \
route-commands "route command" \
'h*elp:show help for command' \
'a*dd:add new network route:$route_add_cmds' \
'c*hange:change existing network route:$route_add_cmds' \
'r*eplace:add or change network route:$route_add_cmds' \
'd*elete:delete network route:$route_add_cmds' \
's*how:list network routes:$route_show_cmds' \
'f*lush:flush network routes:$route_show_cmds' \
'g*et:get a single network route:$route_get_cmds'
# rule
local -a rule_add_cmds
_regex_words rule-add-commands 'ip rule add/delete commands' \
'ty*xpe:type of rule:$subcmd_ruletypes' \
'fr*om:select source prefix:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'to:select destination prefix:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'iif:select input interface (device):$subcmd_dev' \
'tos:select type of service:$subcmd_tos' \
'ds*field:select type of service:$subcmd_tos' \
'fw*mark:select fwmark:$subcmd_string' \
'pr*iority:select unique priority for rule:$subcmd_number' \
'ta*ble:select routing table by ID:$subcmd_rttable' \
're*alms:select from/to routing realms:$subcmd_rtrealms' \
'nat:select base of IP block to translate:$subcmd_ipaddr'
rule_add_cmds=("(" $subcmd_ruletypes "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#")
local -a rule_cmds
_regex_words \
rule-commands "rule command" \
'h*elp:show help for command' \
'a*dd:insert a new routing rule:$rule_add_cmds' \
'd*elete:delete a routing rule:$rule_add_cmds' \
'f*lush:flush rules and dump deleted rules' \
's*how:list routing rules'
# tunnel
local -a tunnel_add_cmds
_regex_words tunnel-add-commands 'tunnel add/change/delete commands' \
'na*me:select tunnel device name:$subcmd_dev' \
'm*ode:select tunnel mode:$subcmd_tunnelmode' \
'r*emote:select remote endpoint address:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'l*ocal:select local address:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'ttl:set fixed time to live, 1 to 255 or 0 (inherit):$subcmd_number' \
'tos:select type of service:$subcmd_tos' \
'ds*field:select type of service:$subcmd_tos' \
'dev:select device to bind tunnel to:$subcmd_dev' \
'no*pmtudisc:disable path maximum transport unit discovery' \
'ik*ey:set input key for GRE tunnel:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'ok*ey:set output key for GRE tunnel:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'k*ey:set bidirectional key for GRE tunnel:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'ic*sum:enable input checksums for GRE tunnel' \
'oc*sum:enable output checksums for GRE tunnel' \
'c*sum:enable bidirectional checksums for GRE tunnel' \
'is*eq:serialize input packets on GRE tunnel' \
'os*eq:serialize output packets on GRE tunnel' \
's*eq:serialize packets bidirectionally on GRE tunnel'
# name is default... we always complete it as an interface,
# although that's not really right for "add".
tunnel_add_cmds=("$reply[@]" "#")
local -a tunnel_cmds
_regex_words \
tunnel-commands "tunnel command" \
'h*elp:show help for command' \
'a*dd:add a new IP tunnel:$tunnel_add_cmds' \
'c*hange:change an existing IP tunnel:$tunnel_add_cmds' \
'd*el:destroy an IP tunnel:$tunnel_add_cmds' \
's*how:list IP tunnels'
# maddr
local -a maddr_add_cmds
_regex_words maddr-add-commands "maddr add/delete command" \
'a*ddress:select link layer (MAC) address:$subcmd_lladdr' \
'dev:select device to bind multicast address to:$subcmd_dev'
maddr_add_cmds=("(" $subcmd_ipaddr "|" ")" "$reply[@]" "#")
local -a maddr_show_cmds
_regex_words maddr-show-commands 'maddr show command' \
'dev:select device with multicast address(es):$subcmd_dev'
# device is default argument but if given the "dev" is useless
maddr_show_cmds=("(" $subcmd_dev "|" "$reply[@]" ")")
local -a maddr_cmds
_regex_words \
maddr-commands "maddr command" \
'h*elp:show help for command' \
'a*dd:add multicast address:$maddr_add_cmds' \
'd*elete:delete multicast address:$maddr_add_cmds' \
's*how:list multicast addresses:$maddr_show_cmds'
# mroute
local -a mroute_show_cmds
_regex_words mroute-show-commands "mroute show command" \
'to:select destination prefix:$subcmd_ipaddr' \
'iif:select input interface (device):$subcmd_dev' \
'from:select source prefix:$subcmd_ipaddr'
mroute_show_cmds=("(" $subcmd_ipaddr "|" ")" "$reply[@]")
local -a mroute_cmds
_regex_words \
mroute-commands "mroute command" \
'h*elp:show help for command' \
's*how:list multicast routing cache entries:$mroute_show_cmds'
# monitor
local -a monitor_cmds
_regex_words \
monitor-commands "monitor command" \
'h*elp:show help for command' \
'all:monitor all changes' \
'link:monitor changes to links' \
'address:monitor changes to addresses' \
'route:monitor changes to routes' \
'file:read rtmon-generated log:$subcmd_files'
# Global argument handling
# Arguments to _regex_arguments, built up in array $args.
local -a args reply
# Command word. Don't care what that is.
# -b*atch <FILENAME>
# -force (for batch mode)
# -l*oops <COUNT>
# -n*etns <NETNS>
# -rc, -rcvbuf<SIZE>
_regex_words options "ip options" \
'-h*uman:output statistics with human readable values' \
'-i*ec:print human readable rates in IEC units (ie. 1K = 1024)' \
'-s*tatistics:output statistics' \
'-d*etails:output more detailed information' \
'-c*olor:color output' \
'-a*ll:executes specified command over all objects' \
'-f*amily:select protocol family:$subcmd_family' \
'-4:IPv4' \
'-6:IPv6' \
'-B:family bridge' \
'-D:family DECnet' \
'-I:family IPX' \
'-M:family MPLS' \
'-0:link protocol, no networking' \
'-o*neline:output one record per line' \
'-t*imestamp:display current time when using monitor option' \
'-ts*hort:display current time in shorter format when using monitor option' \
'-r*esolve:use system resolver for DNS names'
args+=("$reply[@]" "#")
_regex_words \
commands "ip command" \
'l*ink:configure network device:$link_cmds' \
'addrlabel:manage addrlabel:$addrlabel_cmds' \
'a*ddr:manage protocol address:$addr_cmds' \
'r*oute:manage routing table:$route_cmds' \
'ru*le:manage routing policy database:$rule_cmds' \
'n*eigh:manage neighbour/ARP tables:$neigh_cmds' \
't*unnel:configure tunnel:$tunnel_cmds' \
'm*addr:manage multicast addresses:$maddr_cmds' \
'mr*oute:manage multicast routing cache:$mroute_cmds' \
'mo*nitor:monitor state:$monitor_cmds'
_regex_arguments _ip "${args[@]}"
_ip "$@"