#compdef smit smitty
local state line expl curcontext="$curcontext"
_arguments -C \
'-s[specify smit.script file]:smit.script file:_files' \
'-l[specify smit.log file]:smit.log file:_files' \
'-C[use curses interface]' \
'-D[debug mode]' \
'-d[FastPath is dialogue screen]' \
'-f[allow redirection of stdin and stdout]' \
'-h[display help/usage message]' \
'-M[start smit in windows mode]' \
'-m[FastPath is menu screen]' \
'-n[FastPath is selector screen]' \
'-o[alternate SMIT/ODM database]' \
'-t[generate trace information]' \
'-v[verbose]' \
'-x[do not run any execute commands]' \
'-X[do not run any commands]' \
'1:fast path:->fastpath'
[[ "$state" = fastpath ]] && (( $+commands[odmget] )) &&
_wanted fastpaths expl 'fast path' compadd \
$(odmget sm_cmd_hdr sm_name_hdr|sed -n 's/^ id = \"\(.*\)\"/\1/p')