use strict;
use warnings;
use version;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util 'max';
use Pod::Usage;
use Readonly;
use Text::Autoformat 'autoformat';
use Text::RecordParser;
use Text::TabularDisplay;
Readonly our $VERSION => 1.15;
Readonly my $DASH => q{-};
Readonly my $EMPTY_STR => q{};
Readonly my $TAB => qq{\t};
Readonly my $NEWLINE => qq{\n};
Readonly my $WIDTH => 78;
my $comment_start = '';
my $fs = $TAB;
my $rs = $NEWLINE;
my $headers = '';
my $no_headers = 0;
my $show_vertically = 0;
my $no_pager = 0;
my $strip_quotes = 0;
my ( $show_fields, $list, $limit, @where, $help, $man_page, $show_version );
'c|comment:s' => \$comment_start,
'fs:s' => \$fs,
'rs:s' => \$rs,
'f|fields:s' => \$show_fields,
'l|list' => \$list,
'i|limit:i' => \$limit,
'w|where:s' => \@where,
'v|vertical' => \$show_vertically,
'strip-quotes' => \$strip_quotes,
'n|no-headers' => \$no_headers,
'h|headers:s' => \$headers,
'no-pager' => \$no_pager,
'help' => \$help,
'man' => \$man_page,
'version' => \$show_version,
) or pod2usage;
if ( $help || $man_page ) {
-exitval => 0,
-verbose => $man_page ? 2 : 1
if ( $show_version ) {
my $prog = basename( $0 );
print "$prog $VERSION\n";
exit 0;
my $file = shift or pod2usage('No file');
my $p = Text::RecordParser->new(
field_separator => $fs,
record_separator => $rs,
comment => $comment_start ? qr/^$comment_start/ : undef,
if ( $strip_quotes ) {
$p->field_filter( sub { s/^["']//; s/["']$//; $_ } );
if ( $file eq $DASH ) {
$p->fh( \*STDIN );
else {
$p->filename( $file );
my @fields;
if ( @fields = split( /\s*,\s*/, $headers ) ) {
$p->bind_fields( @fields );
elsif ( !$no_headers ) {
@fields = $p->field_list;
if ( $list ) {
pod2usage(q[Can't list fields with --no-headers]) if $no_headers;
my $tab = Text::TabularDisplay->new('Field No.', 'Field');
my $i = 1;
$tab->add( $i++, $_ ) for @fields;
print $tab->render, $NEWLINE;
exit 0;
my %where;
for ( @where ) {
if ( /([\w\d]+)\s*(==|eq|>=?|<=?|=~)\s*(.*)/ ) {
my $field = $1;
my $op = $2;
my $value = $3;
unless ( $no_headers ) {
my %available = map { $_, 1 } @fields;
next unless $available{ $field };
$field-- if $field =~ /^\d+$/;
$where{ $field } = [ $op, $value ];
if ( $show_fields ) {
my @show = map { $_ =~ m/^\d+$/ && @fields
? $_-1 < scalar @fields ? $_ : () : $_ }
map { $_ =~ m/(\d+)-(\d+)/ ? ( $1..$2 ) : $_ }
split /,/, $show_fields;
my @numbers = grep { /^(\d+)$/ } @show;
if ( $no_headers ) {
@fields = @show;
else {
if ( scalar @show == scalar @numbers ) { # all numbers
@numbers = map { $_ - 1 } @numbers;
@fields = @fields[ @numbers ];
elsif ( @show ) {
my %available = map { $_, 1 } @fields;
my @temp = @fields;
@fields = map { $available{ $_ } ? $_ : () } @show;
if ( !@fields ) {
die "No fields match in list '$show_fields'\n";
my $fh;
my $pager = $ENV{'PAGER'};
if ( !$no_pager && $pager ) {
open $fh, "| $pager";
else {
$fh = \*STDOUT;
my $tab = Text::TabularDisplay->new( @fields );
my $max_col_length = 0;
my $num_records = 0;
my $separator = "************ Record %s ************\n";
if ( $no_headers ) {
my @field_names;
while ( my @data = $p->fetchrow_array ) {
if ( !@fields ) {
@fields = ( 0..$#data );
@field_names = map { 'Field' . ($_+1) } @fields;
$max_col_length = max( map { length $_ } @field_names );
$tab->columns( @field_names );
for my $field ( keys %where ) {
my ( $op, $value ) = @{ $where{ $field } };
my $cmd = "'$data[ ($field - 1) ]' $op $value";
next RECORD unless eval $cmd;
if ( $show_vertically ) {
printf $fh $separator, $num_records;
for my $i ( @fields ) {
printf $fh "%${max_col_length}s: %s\n",
$field_names[ $i ],
defined $data[ $i ] ? $data[ $i ] : q{};
else {
$tab->add( map { $data[ $_ ] } @fields );
last if $limit && $num_records >= $limit;
else {
$max_col_length = max map { $_ ? length $_ : 0 } $p->field_list;
while ( my $data = $p->fetchrow_hashref ) {
for my $field ( keys %where ) {
my ( $op, $value ) = @{ $where{ $field } };
my $cmd = "'$data->{ $field }' $op $value";
next RECORD unless eval $cmd;
if ( $show_vertically ) {
printf $fh $separator, $num_records;
for my $field ( @fields ) {
next unless $field;
my $v = defined $data->{ $field } ? $data->{ $field } : q{};
if ( length $v > $WIDTH ) {
( $v = autoformat( $v, { left => $max_col_length + 3 } ) )
=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
printf $fh "%${max_col_length}s: %s\n", $field, $v;
else {
$tab->add( map { $data->{ $_ } } @fields );
last if $limit && $num_records >= $limit;
if ( !$show_vertically ) {
print $fh $tab->render;
print $fh $num_records
? sprintf(
"\n%s record%s returned\n", $num_records, $num_records > 1
? 's' : $EMPTY_STR
: "\nNo records returned\n";
close $fh;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id: tablify,v 1.14 2006/03/07 17:20:00 kclark Exp $
=head1 NAME
tablify - turn a delimited text file into a text table
tablify [options] file
-h|--help Show help
-c|--comment Define the beginning of a (single-line) comment
-n|--no-headers Assume first line is data, not headers
--no-pager Do not use $ENV{'PAGER'} even if defined
--strip-quotes Strip " or ' around fields
-l|--list List the fields in the file (for use with -f)
-f|--fields=f1[,f2] Show only fields in comma-separated list;
when used in conjunction with "no-headers"
the list should be field numbers (starting at 1);
otherwise, should be field names
-w|where=f<cmp>v Apply the "cmp" Perl operator to restrict output
where field "f" matches the value "v"; acceptable
operators include ==, eq, >, >=, <=, and =~
-v|--vertical Show records vertically
-i|--limit=n Limit to given number of records
--fs=x Use "x" as the field separator
(default is tab "\t")
--rs=x Use "x" as the record separator
(default is newline "\n")
--as-html Create an HTML table instead of plain text
--headers Comma-separated list of names matching
the number of columns
This script is essentially a quick way to parse a delimited text file
and view it as a nice ASCII table. By selecting only certain B<fields>,
employing a B<where> clause to only select records where a field matches
some value, and using the B<limit> to only see some of the output, you
almost have a mini-database front-end for a simple text file.
Given a data file like this:
To find the fields you can reference, use the B<list> option:
$ tablify --fs ',' -l people.dat
| Field No. | Field |
| 1 | name |
| 2 | rank |
| 3 | serial_no |
| 4 | is_living |
| 5 | age |
To extract just the name and serial numbers, use the B<fields> option:
$ tablify --fs ',' -f name,serial_no people.dat
| name | serial_no |
| George | 190293 |
| Dwight | 908348 |
| Attila | |
| Tojo | |
| Tommy | 998110 |
5 records returned
To extract the first through third fields and the fifth field (where
field numbers start at "1" -- tip: use the B<list> option to quickly
determine field numbers), use this syntax for B<fields>:
$ tablify --fs ',' -f 1-3,5 people.dat
| name | rank | serial_no | age |
| George | General | 190293 | 64 |
| Dwight | General | 908348 | 75 |
| Attila | Hun | | 56 |
| Tojo | Emporor | | 87 |
| Tommy | General | 998110 | 54 |
5 records returned
To select only the ones with six serial numbers, use a B<where>
$ tablify --fs ',' -w 'serial_no=~/^\d{6}$/' people.dat
| name | rank | serial_no | is_living | age |
| George | General | 190293 | 0 | 64 |
| Dwight | General | 908348 | 0 | 75 |
| Tommy | General | 998110 | 1 | 54 |
3 records returned
To find Dwight's record, you would do this:
$ tablify --fs ',' -w 'name eq "Dwight"' people.dat
| name | rank | serial_no | is_living | age |
| Dwight | General | 908348 | 0 | 75 |
1 record returned
To find the name of all the people with a serial number who are living:
$ tablify --fs ',' -f name -w 'is_living==1' -w 'serial_no>0' people.dat
| name |
| Tommy |
1 record returned
To filter outside of program and simply format the results, use "-" as
the last argument to force reading of STDIN (and probably assume no
$ grep General people.dat | tablify --fs ',' -f 1-3 --no-headers -
| Field1 | Field2 | Field3 |
| General | 190293 | 0 |
| General | 908348 | 0 |
| General | 998110 | 1 |
3 records returned
When dealing with data lacking field names, you can specify "no-headers"
and then refer to fields by number (starting at one), e.g.:
$ tail -5 people.dat | tablify --fs ',' --no-headers -w '3 eq "General"' -
| Field1 | Field2 | Field3 | Field4 | Field5 |
| George | General | 190293 | 0 | 64 |
| Dwight | General | 908348 | 0 | 75 |
| Tommy | General | 998110 | 1 | 54 |
3 records returned
If your file has many fields which are hard to see across the screen,
consider using the vertical display with "-v" or "--vertical", e.g.:
$ tablify --fs ',' -v --limit 1 people.dat
************ Record 1 ************
name: George
rank: General
serial_no: 190293
is_living: 0
age : 64
1 record returned
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item * Text::RecordParser
=item * Text::TabularDisplay
=item * DBD::CSV
Although I don't DBD::CSV this module, the idea was much the inspiration
for this. I just didn't want to have to install DBI and DBD::CSV to
get this kind of functionality. I think my interface is simpler.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Youens-Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>.
Copyright (C) 2006-10 Ken Youens-Clark. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.