/* $Id: tixHList.h,v 2000/05/17 11:08:42 idiscovery Exp $ */
* tixHList.h --
* Defines the data structures and functions used by the tixHList
* widget.
* Copyright (c) 1996, Expert Interface Technologies
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
* of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
#ifndef _TIX_HLIST_H_
#define _TIX_HLIST_H_
#ifndef _TIX_INT_H_
#include "tixInt.h"
#include "tkVMacro.h"
#define HLTYPE_ENTRY 3
/* This is used to indetify what object has caused a DItemSizeChange
* All data structs for objects that manage DItems must have these two
* members as the beginning of the struct.
typedef struct HLItemTypeInfo {
int type;
char * self;
} HLItemTypeInfo;
typedef struct HListColumn {
/* generic type info section */
int type;
char * self;
struct _HListElement * chPtr;
/* other data */
Tix_DItem * iPtr;
int width;
} HListColumn;
typedef struct HListHeader {
/* generic type info section */
int type;
char * self;
struct HListStruct * wPtr;
/* other data */
Tix_DItem * iPtr;
int width;
Tk_3DBorder background; /* Used for drawing the 3d border. */
int relief; /* Indicates whether window as a whole is
* raised, sunken, or flat. */
int borderWidth;
} HListHeader;
* A HListElement structure contain the information about each element
* inside the HList.
typedef struct _HListElement {
/* generic type info section */
int type;
char * self;
/* other data */
struct HListStruct * wPtr;
struct _HListElement * parent;
struct _HListElement * prev;
struct _HListElement * next;
struct _HListElement * childHead;
struct _HListElement * childTail;
int numSelectedChild; /* number of childs that has selection(s) in
* them (either this child is selected or some
* of its descendants are selected */
int numCreatedChild; /* this var gets increment by one each
* time a child is created */
char * pathName; /* Full pathname of this element */
char * name; /* Name of this element */
int height; /* Height of this element, including padding
* and selBorderWidth;
int allHeight; /* Height of all descendants and self */
Tk_Uid state; /* State of Tab's for display purposes:
* normal or disabled. */
Tcl_Obj * data; /* user data field */
/* bottom-middle position of the bitmap/image branch (offset from
* the top-left corner of the item)
int branchX;
int branchY;
/* offset of the left-middle position of the icon */
int iconX;
int iconY;
/* Things to display in the element */
HListColumn * col; /* the multi-column display items */
HListColumn _oneCol; /* If we have only one column, then this
* space is used (pointed to by column).
* This will save one Malloc */
int indent;
Tix_DItem * indicator; /* indicator: little triangle on Mac */
/* Flags */
Tix_DItemInfo * diTypePtr;
unsigned int selected : 1;
unsigned int hidden : 1;
unsigned int dirty : 1; /* If it is dirty then its geometry needs
* be recalculated */
} Tix_HListElement, HListElement;
* A data structure of the following type is kept for each
* widget managed by this file:
typedef struct HListStruct {
Tix_DispData dispData;
Tcl_Command widgetCmd; /* Token for button's widget command. */
* Information used when displaying widget:
LangCallback *command; /* Command prefix to use when invoking
* scrolling commands. NULL means don't
* invoke commands. Malloc'ed. */
int width, height; /* For app programmer to request size */
* Information used when displaying widget:
/* Border and general drawing */
int borderWidth; /* Width of 3-D borders. */
int selBorderWidth; /* Width of 3-D borders for selected items */
int relief; /* Indicates whether window as a whole is
* raised, sunken, or flat. */
int indent; /* How much should the children be indented
* (to the right)?, in pixels */
Tk_3DBorder border; /* Used for drawing the 3d border. */
Tk_3DBorder selectBorder; /* Used for selected background. */
XColor *normalFg; /* Normal foreground for text. */
XColor *normalBg; /* Normal bachground for text. */
XColor *selectFg; /* Color for drawing selected text. */
TixFont font; /* The default font used in the DItems. */
GC backgroundGC; /* GC for drawing background. */
GC normalGC; /* GC for drawing text in normal mode. */
GC selectGC; /* GC for drawing selected background. */
GC anchorGC; /* GC for drawing dotted anchor highlight. */
GC dropSiteGC; /* GC for drawing dotted anchor highlight. */
Cursor cursor; /* Current cursor for window, or None. */
int topPixel; /* Vertical offset */
int leftPixel; /* Horizontal offset */
int bottomPixel;
int wideSelect; /* BOOL: if 1, use a wide selection: the
* selection background color covers the whole
* widget. If 0, only the "significant" part
* of a list entry is highlighted */
int selectWidth; /* Width of the selection: takes effect only
* if wideSelect == 1 */
int exportSelection; /* Do we grab X Selection */
/* For highlights */
int highlightWidth; /* Width in pixels of highlight to draw
* around widget when it has the focus.
* <= 0 means don't draw a highlight. */
XColor *highlightColorPtr; /* Color for drawing traversal highlight. */
GC highlightGC; /* For drawing traversal highlight. */
/* default pad and gap values */
int gap, padX, padY;
char * separator;
Tk_Uid selectMode; /* Selection style: single, browse, multiple,
* or extended. This value isn't used in C
* code, but the Tcl bindings use it. */
int drawBranch; /* Whether to draw the "branch" lines from
* parent entry to children */
Tcl_HashTable childTable; /* Hash table to translate child names
* into (HListElement *) */
HListElement * root; /* Mother of all elements */
HListElement * anchor; /* The current anchor item */
HListElement * dragSite; /* The current drag site */
HListElement * dropSite; /* The current drop site */
LangCallback *yScrollCmd; /* Command prefix for communicating with
* vertical scrollbar. NULL means no command
* to issue. Malloc'ed. */
LangCallback *xScrollCmd; /* Command prefix for communicating with
* horizontal scrollbar. NULL means no command
* to issue. Malloc'ed. */
LangCallback *sizeCmd; /* The command to call when the size of
* the listbox changes. E.g., when the user
* add/deletes elements. Useful for
* auto-scrollbar geometry managers */
LangCallback *browseCmd; /* The command to call when the selection
* changes. */
LangCallback *indicatorCmd; /* The command to call when the user touches
* the indicator. */
LangCallback *dragCmd; /* The command to call when info about a
* drag source is needed */
LangCallback *dropCmd; /* The command to call when action at a drop
* side needs to be performed */
char *takeFocus; /* Value of -takefocus option; not used in
* the C code, but used by keyboard traversal
* scripts. Malloc'ed, but may be NULL. */
Tix_LinkList mappedWindows; /* Those windows that are are mapped by this
* widget*/
int serial; /* this number is incremented before each time
* the widget is redisplayed */
int numColumns; /* number of columns in the tixHList widget,
* cannot be changed after the widget's
* creation */
int totalSize[2];
HListColumn * reqSize; /* Requested column sizes by the user:
take precedence */
HListColumn * actualSize; /* Actual column sizes, calculated using
* the sizes of the ditems */
HListHeader ** headers; /* Stores all the headers for a HList widget */
int useHeader; /* whether headers should be used */
int headerHeight; /* required height of the header */
Tix_DItemInfo * diTypePtr; /* Default item type */
Tix_StyleTemplate stTmpl;
int useIndicator; /* should indicators be displayed */
int scrollUnit[2];
Tk_Window headerWin; /* subwindow, used to draw the headers */
char * elmToSee; /* name of element to "see" the next time
* this widget is redrawn */
unsigned redrawing : 1;
unsigned redrawingFrame : 1;
unsigned resizing : 1;
unsigned hasFocus : 1;
unsigned allDirty : 1;
unsigned initialized : 1;
unsigned headerDirty : 1;
unsigned needToRaise : 1; /* The header subwindow needs to be raised
* if we add a new window item into the
* HList widget (either in the list or
* in the header */
} HList;
#define TIX_X 0
#define TIX_Y 1
typedef HList WidgetRecord;
typedef HList * WidgetPtr;
EXTERN HListColumn * Tix_HLAllocColumn _ANSI_ARGS_((
WidgetPtr wPtr, HListElement * chPtr));
EXTERN void Tix_HLCancelResizeWhenIdle _ANSI_ARGS_((
WidgetPtr wPtr));
EXTERN void Tix_HLComputeGeometry _ANSI_ARGS_((
ClientData clientData));
EXTERN HListElement * Tix_HLFindElement _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
WidgetPtr wPtr, char * pathName));
EXTERN void Tix_HLFreeMappedWindow _ANSI_ARGS_((WidgetPtr wPtr,
HListElement * chPtr));
EXTERN int Tix_HLElementTopOffset _ANSI_ARGS_((
WidgetPtr wPtr, HListElement *chPtr));
EXTERN int Tix_HLElementLeftOffset _ANSI_ARGS_((
WidgetPtr wPtr, HListElement *chPtr));
EXTERN int Tix_HLItemInfo _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
WidgetPtr wPtr, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST *objv));
EXTERN int Tix_HLHeader _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST *objv));
EXTERN int Tix_HLCreateHeaders _ANSI_ARGS_((
Tcl_Interp *interp, WidgetPtr wPtr));
EXTERN void Tix_HLFreeHeaders _ANSI_ARGS_((
Tcl_Interp *interp, WidgetPtr wPtr));
EXTERN void Tix_HLDrawHeader _ANSI_ARGS_((
WidgetPtr wPtr, Pixmap pixmap, GC gc,
int hdrX, int hdrY, int hdrW, int hdrH,
int xOffset));
EXTERN void Tix_HLComputeHeaderGeometry _ANSI_ARGS_((
WidgetPtr wPtr));
EXTERN void Tix_HLMarkElementDirty _ANSI_ARGS_((WidgetPtr wPtr,
HListElement *chPtr));
EXTERN void Tix_HLResizeWhenIdle _ANSI_ARGS_((WidgetPtr wPtr));
EXTERN void Tix_HLResizeNow _ANSI_ARGS_((WidgetPtr wPtr));
EXTERN void Tix_HLComputeGeometry _ANSI_ARGS_((
ClientData clientData));
EXTERN void Tix_HLCancelResizeWhenIdle _ANSI_ARGS_((
WidgetPtr wPtr));
/* in tixHLCol.c */
/* in tixHLInd.c */
#endif /*_TIX_HLIST_H_ */