shell bypass 403
# NOTE: Derived from ../../blib/lib/NetAddr/IP/
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See
package NetAddr::IP::InetBase;
#line 596 "../../blib/lib/NetAddr/IP/ (autosplit into ../../blib/lib/auto/NetAddr/IP/InetBase/"
sub _packzeros {
my $x6 = shift;
if ($x6 =~ /\:\:/) { # already contains ::
# then re-optimize
$x6 = ($x6 =~ /\:\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) # ipv4 notation ?
? ipv6_n2d(ipv6_aton($x6))
: ipv6_n2x(ipv6_aton($x6));
$x6 = ':'. lc $x6; # prefix : & always lower case
my $d = '';
if ($x6 =~ /(.+\:)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) { # if contains dot quad
$x6 = $1; # save hex piece
$d = $2; # and dot quad piece
$x6 .= ':'; # suffix :
$x6 =~ s/\:0+/\:0/g; # compress strings of 0's to single '0'
$x6 =~ s/\:0([1-9a-f]+)/\:$1/g; # eliminate leading 0's in hex strings
my @x = $x6 =~ /(?:\:0)*/g; # split only strings of :0:0..."
my $m = 0;
my $i = 0;
for (0..$#x) { # find next longest pattern :0:0:0...
my $len = length($x[$_]);
next unless $len > $m;
$m = $len;
$i = $_; # index to first longest pattern
if ($m > 2) { # there was a string of 2 or more zeros
$x6 =~ s/$x[$i]/\:/; # replace first longest :0:0:0... with "::"
unless ($i) { # if it is the first match, $i = 0
$x6 = substr($x6,0,-1); # keep the leading ::, remove trailing ':'
} else {
$x6 = substr($x6,1,-1); # else remove leading & trailing ':'
$x6 .= ':' unless $x6 =~ /\:\:/; # restore ':' if match and we can't see it, implies trailing '::'
} else { # there was no match
$x6 = substr($x6,1,-1); # remove leading & trailing ':'
$x6 .= $d; # append digits if any
return $case
? uc $x6
: $x6;
# end of NetAddr::IP::InetBase::_packzeros