# NOTE: Derived from blib/lib/Tk/Frame.pm.
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See AutoSplit.pm.
package Tk::Frame;
#line 225 "blib/lib/Tk/Frame.pm (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Tk/Frame/AddScrollbars.al)"
sub AddScrollbars
require Tk::Scrollbar;
my ($cw,$w) = @_;
my $def = '';
my ($x,$y) = ('','');
my $s = 0;
my $c;
foreach $c ($w->configure)
my $opt = $c->[0];
if ($opt eq '-yscrollcommand')
my $slice = Tk::Frame->new($cw,Name => 'ysbslice');
my $ysb = Tk::Scrollbar->new($slice,-orient => 'vertical', -command => [ 'yview', $w ]);
my $size = $ysb->cget('-width');
my $corner = Tk::Frame->new($slice,Name=>'corner','-relief' => 'raised',
'-width' => $size, '-height' => $size);
$ysb->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'y');
$cw->Advertise('yscrollbar' => $ysb);
$cw->Advertise('corner' => $corner);
$cw->Advertise('ysbslice' => $slice);
$corner->{'before'} = $ysb->PathName;
$slice->{'before'} = $w->PathName;
$y = 'w';
$s = 1;
elsif ($opt eq '-xscrollcommand')
my $xsb = Tk::Scrollbar->new($cw,-orient => 'horizontal', -command => [ 'xview', $w ]);
$cw->Advertise('xscrollbar' => $xsb);
$xsb->{'before'} = $w->PathName;
$x = 's';
$s = 1;
if ($s)
$cw->Advertise('scrolled' => $w);
$cw->ConfigSpecs('-scrollbars' => ['METHOD','scrollbars','Scrollbars',$x.$y]);
# end of Tk::Frame::AddScrollbars