GOOF----LE-8-2.0�) ] n 4 h� ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g ice-9� g scm-style-repl� � g filenameS�
f ice-9/scm-style-repl.scm� g importsS� g
� � g exportsS� g scm-repl-silent� g scm-repl-print-unspecified� g scm-repl-verbose� g scm-repl-prompt� � g replacementsS� g assert-repl-silence� g assert-repl-print-unspecified� g assert-repl-verbosity� g default-pre-unwind-handler� g bad-throw� g error-catching-loop� g error-catching-repl� g handle-system-error� � g set-current-module� ! � " � #f guile> � $g symbol-property� %g throw-handler-default� &g error� 'f unhandled-exception:� (g throw� )g has-shown-debugger-hint?� *g catch� +g call-with-unblocked-asyncs� ,g quit� -g switch-repl� .g abort� /g run-hook� 0g
abort-hook� 1g force-output� 2g current-output-port� 3g display� 4f ABORT: � 5g current-error-port� 6g write� 7g newline� 8g memq� 9g backtrace� :g debug-options-interface� ;g stack?� <g the-last-stack� =f OType "(backtrace)" to get more information or "(debug)" to enter the debugger.
� >g primitive-exit� ?g stack-saved?� @g length� Ag restore-signals� Bg ensure-batch-mode!� Cg batch-mode?� Dg call-with-blocked-asyncs� Eg for-each� Ff ;;; � Gg inexact->exact� Hg get-internal-run-time� Ig internal-time-units-per-second� Jf msec (� Kg gc-run-time� Lf
msec in gc)
� Mg string?� Ng thunk?� Of > � Pf � Qg repl-reader� Rg eof-object?� Sg after-read-hook� Tf ;;; EOF -- quitting� Ug before-print-hook� Vg unspecified?� Wg after-print-hook� Xf ;;; QUIT executed, repl exitting� Yg peek-char� Zg char=?� [g read-char� \g before-eval-hook� ]g %start-stack� ^] � _] � `g
repl-stack� ag primitive-eval� bg after-eval-hook� cg wrong-type-arg� dg out-of-range� eg list-ref� fg before-backtrace-hook� gf Backtrace:
� hg display-backtrace� ig after-backtrace-hook� jg before-error-hook� kg apply� lg
display-error� mg after-error-hook�C 5 hP � ]4
5 4" > "