GOOF----LE-8-2.0�a ] � 4 h; ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g ice-9� g session� � g filenameS�
f ice-9/session.scm� g importsS� g
� g regex� � � g rdelim� � � g match� � � � g exportsS� g help� g add-value-help-handler!� g remove-value-help-handler!� g add-name-help-handler!� g remove-name-help-handler!� g apropos-hook� g apropos� !g apropos-internal� "g apropos-fold� #g apropos-fold-accessible� $g apropos-fold-exported� %g apropos-fold-all� &g source� 'g arity� (g procedure-arguments� )g module-commentary� * !"#$%&'() � +g set-current-module� ,+ � -+ � .g object-documentation� /g *value-help-handlers*� 0g delete!� 1g or-map� 2g try-value-help� 3g *name-help-handlers*� 4g
try-name-help� 5g make-syntax-transformer� 65 � 75 � 8g macro� 9g $sc-dispatch� :9 � ;9 � <g _� =g any� ><=�� ?g
syntax->datum� @? � A? � Bg
datum->syntax� CB � DB � Eg length� Fg provided?� Gg display� Hg help-doc� Ig
simple-format� Jf ^~A$� Kg regexp-quote� Lg symbol->string� Mg string?� Ng and-map� Og symbol?� Pg quote� Qg
write-line� Rf commentary:� Sf No ~A found for ~A
� Tg
commentary� Ug
help-usage� Vg unquote� Wg
module-ref� Xg current-module� Yg search-documentation-files� Zg begin� [Z � \f ]`help' depends on the `regex' feature.
You don't seem to have regular expressions installed.
� ]g syntax-violation� ^] � _] � `f -source expression failed to match any pattern� ag map� bg reverse� cg
string-append� df /� eg %search-load-path� fg in-vicinity� gg module-filename� hg file-commentary� ig
procedure?� jf a procedure� kf an object� lf Documentation from file:� mf Did not find any object � nf named `~A'
� of matching regexp "~A"
� pg for-each� qf ~S: ~S
� rg module-name� sg cadr� tg caddr� uf !`~S' is ~A in the ~S module.
� vg cadddr� wf Documentation found for:
� xg newline� yf No documentation found for:
� zf vUsage: (help NAME) gives documentation about objects named NAME (a symbol)
(help REGEXP) ditto for objects with names matching REGEXP (a string)
(help 'NAME) gives documentation for NAME, even if it is not an object
(help ,EXPR) gives documentation for object returned by EXPR
(help (my module)) gives module commentary for `(my module)'
(help) gives this text
`help' searches among bindings exported from loaded modules, while
`apropos' searches among bindings visible from the "current" module.
Examples: (help help)
(help cons)
(help "output-string")
Other useful sources of helpful information:
(apropos STRING)
(backtrace) ;show backtrace from last error
(debug) ;enter the debugger
(trace [PROCEDURE]) ;trace procedure (no arg => show)
(untrace [PROCEDURE]) ;untrace (no arg => untrace all)
(OPTIONSET-options 'full) ;display option information
where OPTIONSET is one of debug, read, eval, print
� {g make-hook� |g run-hook� }g
string-length� ~f Empty string not allowed� g make-regexp� �g module-uses� �g
duplicates� �g member� �g shadow� �g value� �g full� �g module-obarray� �g
hash-for-each� �g regexp-exec� �f : � �f (unbound)� �f shadowed� �g make-hash-table� �g hash-fold� �g hashq-get-handle� �g
hashq-set!� �g hash-create-handle!� �g make-fold-modules� �g identity� �g
submodules� �g resolve-module� �g root-modules� �g hash-map->list� �g module-submodules� �g module-public-interface� �g procedure-source� �g macro?� �g macro-transformer� �g procedure-property� �g arglist� �f � �f required� �f arguments: � �f argument: � �f ', `� �f ' and `� �f ', the rest in `� �f , � �f optional� �f keyword� �f other keywords allowed� �f
the rest in `� �f '� �g procedure-minimum-arity� �f or more� �f required and � �f optional� �f argument� �f
arguments� �f .
� �g required� �g number?� �g make-list� �g optional� �g keyword� �g allow-other-keys?� �g rest� �g error� �� � �� � �f no matching pattern� �g system� �g vm� �g program� ���� � �g program?� ��� � ��� � �g program-arguments-alist� ��� � ��� �C 5h L ^ ]4
*5 4- > "