GOOF----LE-8-2.0G ] � 4 h� ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g scripts� g snarf-check-and-output-texi� � g filenameS�
f 'scripts/snarf-check-and-output-texi.scm� g importsS� g ice-9�
g streams�
� � g match� � � � g exportsS� � g set-current-module� � � g %include-in-guild-list� f 8Transform snarfed .doc files into texinfo documentation.� g %summary� g make-syntax-transformer� � � g when� g macro� !g $sc-dispatch� "! � #! � $g _� %g any� &$%�� 'g
syntax->datum� (' � )' � *g
datum->syntax� +* � ,* � -g if� .g begin� /g syntax-violation� 0/ � 1/ � 2f -source expression failed to match any pattern� 3g unless� 4g not� 5g
*manual-flag*� 6g member� 7f --manual� 8g process-stream� 9g current-input-port� :g stream-null?� ;g
stream-car� <g snarf_cookie� =g dispatch-top-cookie� >g
stream-cdr� ?g
stream-map� @g string?� Ag string� Bg int_hex� Cg int� Dg string->number� Eg int_oct� Fg int_dec� Gg id� Hg string->symbol� Ig make-stream� Jg eol� Kg hash� Lg port->stream� Mg read� Ng error� Og syntax� Pf premature end of file� Qg
brace_open� Rg consume-multiline� Sg consume-upto-cookie� Tg process-singleline� Uf *premature end of file in directive context� Vg reverse!� Wg begin-multiline� Xf *premature end of file in multiline context� Yg brace_close� Zg
end-multiline� [g process-multiline-directive� \g *file*� ]g *line*� ^g *c-function-name*� _g *function-name*� `g *snarf-type*� ag *args*� bg *sig*� cg *docstring*� df @deffnx {Scheme Procedure} � eg *primitive-deffnx-signature*� fg
string-length� gg *primitive-deffnx-sig-length*� hg register� ig length� jg format� kf ;~A:~A: ~A's C implementation takes ~A args (should take ~A)� lg with-output-to-string� mf ~A� nf ~A� of [~A� pf . ~A� qg primitive� rf @deffnx {C Function} ~A (� sf , ~A� tf )
� uf
� vf @c snarfed from ~A:~A
� wf @deffn {Scheme Procedure} ~A
� xg string=?� yg substring� zg display� {f
� |f @end deffn
� }f � ~g
string-append� f @� �f @@� �g
texi-quote� �g SCM� �G��� �f invalid argument syntax: ~A� �g map� �g cdr� �g comma� ����� �g paren_close� ����� �g argsig� �f unknown doc attribute: ~A� �g arglist� �g
paren_open� ����� �f invalid arglist syntax: ~A� �g void� �G��� �g location� �g type� �g fname� �g reverse� �� � �� � �g cname� �g symbol->string� �f unknown doc attribute syntax: ~A� �g argpos� �G��� �g
list-index� �f 9~A:~A: wrong position for argument ~A: ~A (should be ~A)
� �g current-error-port� �f unknown check: ~A� �g main�C 5 h�8 Q ]4
5 4 > "