GOOF----LE-8-2.0?� ] 4 hh ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g web� g client� � g filenameS�
f web/client.scm� g importsS� g rnrs�
g bytevectors�
� � g ice-9� g binary-ports� � � g iconv� � � g rdelim� � � g request� � � g response� � � g uri� ! � "! � #g http� $# � %$ � &g srfi� 'g srfi-1� (&' � )( � *g srfi-9� +&* � ,+ � -g gnu� .&*- � /. � 0"%),/ � 1g exportsS� 2g current-http-proxy� 3g open-socket-for-uri� 4g http-get� 5g http-get*� 6g http-head� 7g http-post� 8g http-put� 9g http-delete� :g
http-trace� ;g http-options� <23456789:;
� =g set-current-module� >= � ?= � @g make-parameter� Ag getenv� Bf
http_proxy� Cf � Dg string?� Eg string->uri� Fg error� Gf Invalid URI� Hg <uri>� I!H � J!H � Kg
ensure-uri� Lg throw-bad-struct� M+L � N+L � Og uri-port� Pg delete-duplicates� Qg getaddrinfo� Rg uri-host� Sg number->string� Tg symbol->string� Ug
uri-scheme� Vg AI_NUMERICSERV� Wg
addrinfo:addr� Xg %default-port-encoding� Yg socket� Zg addrinfo:fam� [g SOCK_STREAM� \g
IPPROTO_IP� ]g catch� ^g system-error� _g connect� `g setvbuf� ag _IOFBF� bg set-http-proxy-port?!� cg close� dg throw� eg <request>� fe � ge � hg
assoc-set!� ig copy-tree� jg %%<request>-set-fields� kg extend-request� lg request-content-type� mg
text/plain� nm � og assq-ref� pg charset� qg sanitize-request� rg content-type� sg append� ts � us � vf utf-8� wg string->bytevector� xg
procedure?� yg call-with-encoded-output-string� zg bytevector?� {g request-content-length� |g bytevector-length� }f bad content-length� ~g content-length� f unexpected body type� �f content-length, but no body� �g assq� �g transfer-encoding� �g request-headers� �f *transfer-encoding not allowed with no body� �g vu8
� j � �g response-content-length� �g response-content-type� �g text-content-type?� �g bytevector->string� �f
iso-8859-1� �g decode-response-body� �g bodyS� ���� �g portS� �� �� �g methodS� �� �� �g versionS� �� �� �g keep-alive?S� �� �� �g headersS� �� �� �g decode-body?S� �� �� �g
streaming?S� �� �� �g requestS� �� �� ���������� � �g GET� ��� �g
build-request� �g
connection� ��c � �g
write-request� �g write-request-body� �g force-output� �g request-port� �g
read-response� �g request-method� �g HEAD� �g
close-port� �g response-body-port� �g decode?S� �g read-response-body� �� �� �� �� �g
extra-headersS� �� �� ��������� � �g issue-deprecation-warning� �f HThe #:extra-headers argument to http-get has been renamed to #:headers. � �f Please update your code.� �������� � �f "`http-get*' has been deprecated. � �f BInstead, use `http-get' with the #:streaming? #t keyword argument.� �g make-syntax-transformer� �� � �� � �g define-http-verb� �g macro� �g $sc-dispatch� �� � �� � �g any� ����� � �g
syntax-object� �g define*� �g top� �� � �g ribcage� �g dummy� �g http-verb� �g method� �g doc� ����� � �g m-1a596c681-fb� ��� � ����� � �f l-1a596c681-100� �f l-1a596c681-101� �f l-1a596c681-102� �f l-1a596c681-103� ����� � ����� � �� � �g x� �� � �� � �f l-1a596c681-fd� �� � ����� � ����� � �g hygiene� �� � ����� � �� �� � �g keyS� ����� � �g body� ����� � ���� � ��� � �g port� ����� � ��3�� � ��� � ��� � �g version� ����� � �g quote� ����� � ���� � ��� ��� � ��� � �g keep-alive?� ����� � ��� � �g headers� ����� � �� � ��� � �g decode-body?� ����� � ���� � �� �g
streaming?���� �� �������� ���� ����� ����� ����� � ���� �
���� ����� ����� �
���� �� �
�g syntax-violation� � �f -source expression failed to match any pattern�� ��� ��� ������ �g POST�g PUT�g DELETE�g TRACE�g OPTIONS�C 5 hho - ]4
01<5 4? > "