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S )wa� HTTP cookie handling for web clients.
This module has (now fairly distant) origins in Gisle Aas' Perl module
HTTP::Cookies, from the libwww-perl library.
Docstrings, comments and debug strings in this code refer to the
attributes of the HTTP cookie system as cookie-attributes, to distinguish
them clearly from Python attributes.
Class diagram (note that BSDDBCookieJar and the MSIE* classes are not
distributed with the Python standard library, but are available from
/ \ \
FileCookieJar \ \
/ | \ \ \
MozillaCookieJar | LWPCookieJar \ \
| | \
| ---MSIEBase | \
| / | | \
| / MSIEDBCookieJar BSDDBCookieJar
�Cookie� CookieJar�CookiePolicy�DefaultCookiePolicy�
FileCookieJar�LWPCookieJar� LoadError�MozillaCookieJar� N)�timegmFc G s( t sd S tsdd l}|jd�atj | � S )Nr zhttp.cookiejar)�debug�logger�loggingZ getLogger)�argsr
� r �&/usr/lib64/python3.6/http/cookiejar.py�_debug. s
r zQa filename was not supplied (nor was the CookieJar instance initialised with one)c C sJ dd l } dd l}dd l}| j� }|jd |� |j� }|jd| dd� d S )Nr zhttp.cookiejar bug!
%s� )�
stacklevel)�io�warnings� traceback�StringIO� print_exc�getvalue�warn)r r r �f�msgr r r �_warn_unhandled_exception<