shell bypass 403
#ifndef __PDL_H
#define __PDL_H
#include <complex.h>
extern int pdl_debugging;
#define PDLDEBUG_f(a) if(pdl_debugging) a
#define PDLDEBUG_f(a)
#define ANYVAL_TO_SV(outsv,inany) do { switch (inany.type) { \
case PDL_B: outsv = newSViv( (IV)(inany.value.B) ); break; \
case PDL_S: outsv = newSViv( (IV)(inany.value.S) ); break; \
case PDL_US: outsv = newSViv( (IV)(inany.value.U) ); break; \
case PDL_L: outsv = newSViv( (IV)(inany.value.L) ); break; \
case PDL_IND: outsv = newSViv( (IV)(inany.value.N) ); break; \
case PDL_LL: outsv = newSViv( (IV)(inany.value.Q) ); break; \
case PDL_F: outsv = newSVnv( (NV)(inany.value.F) ); break; \
case PDL_D: outsv = newSVnv( (NV)(inany.value.D) ); break; \
case PDL_CF: outsv = newSV( 50 ); sv_setpvf(outsv, "%.9g%+.9gi", crealf(inany.value.G),cimagf(inany.value.G)); break; \
case PDL_CD: outsv = newSV( 50 ); sv_setpvf(outsv, "%.17g%+.17gi",creal(inany.value.C),cimag(inany.value.C)); break; \
default: outsv = &PL_sv_undef; \
} \
} while (0)
#define ANYVAL_FROM_CTYPE(outany,avtype,inval) do { switch (avtype) { \
case PDL_B: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.B = (PDL_Byte)(inval); break; \
case PDL_S: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.S = (PDL_Short)(inval); break; \
case PDL_US: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.U = (PDL_Ushort)(inval); break; \
case PDL_L: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.L = (PDL_Long)(inval); break; \
case PDL_IND: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.N = (PDL_Indx)(inval); break; \
case PDL_LL: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.Q = (PDL_LongLong)(inval); break; \
case PDL_F: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.F = (PDL_Float)(inval); break; \
case PDL_D: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.D = (PDL_Double)(inval); break; \
case PDL_CF: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.G = (PDL_CFloat)(inval); break; \
case PDL_CD: outany.type = avtype; outany.value.C = (PDL_CDouble)(inval); break; \
default: outany.type = -1; outany.value.B = 0; \
} \
} while (0)
#define ANYVAL_TO_CTYPE(outval,ctype,inany) do { switch (inany.type) { \
case PDL_B: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.B); break; \
case PDL_S: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.S); break; \
case PDL_US: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.U); break; \
case PDL_L: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.L); break; \
case PDL_IND: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.N); break; \
case PDL_LL: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.Q); break; \
case PDL_F: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.F); break; \
case PDL_D: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.D); break; \
case PDL_CF: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.G); break; \
case PDL_CD: outval = (ctype)(inany.value.C); break; \
default: outval = 0; \
} \
} while (0)
/* Auto-PThreading (i.e. multi-threading) settings for PDL functions */
/* Target number of pthreads: Actual will be this number or less.
A 0 here means no pthreading */
extern int pdl_autopthread_targ;
/* Actual number of pthreads: This is the number of pthreads created for the last
operation where pthreading was used
A 0 here means no pthreading */
extern int pdl_autopthread_actual;
/* Minimum size of the target PDL involved in pdl function to attempt pthreading (in MBytes )
For small PDLs, it probably isn't worth starting multiple pthreads, so this variable
is used to define that threshold (in M-elements, or 2^20 elements ) */
extern int pdl_autopthread_size;
typedef struct pdl pdl;
/*** This section of .h file generated automatically by ***/
/*** PDL::Types::datatypes_header() - don't edit manually ***/
/* Data types/sizes [must be in order of complexity] */
typedef enum { PDL_INVALID=-1, PDL_B, PDL_S, PDL_US, PDL_L, PDL_IND, PDL_LL, PDL_F, PDL_D, PDL_CF, PDL_CD } pdl_datatypes;
/* Define the pdl data types */
typedef unsigned char PDL_Byte;
typedef short PDL_Short;
typedef unsigned short PDL_Ushort;
typedef int PDL_Long;
typedef long PDL_Indx;
typedef long PDL_LongLong;
typedef float PDL_Float;
typedef double PDL_Double;
typedef complex float PDL_CFloat;
typedef complex double PDL_CDouble;
typedef struct {
pdl_datatypes type;
union {
PDL_Byte B;
PDL_Short S;
PDL_Ushort U;
PDL_Long L;
PDL_Indx N;
PDL_LongLong Q;
PDL_Float F;
PDL_Double D;
PDL_CFloat G;
PDL_CDouble C;
} value;
} PDL_Anyval;
#define IND_FLAG "ld"
/* typedef long PDL_Indx; */
#define PDL_U PDL_US
#define PDL_N PDL_IND
#define PDL_Q PDL_LL
#define PDL_G PDL_CF
#define PDL_C PDL_CD
static inline int _anyval_eq_anyval(PDL_Anyval x, PDL_Anyval y) {
switch (x.type) {
case PDL_B:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.B == y.value.B) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return ((PDL_Short)(x.value.B) == y.value.S) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return ((PDL_Ushort)(x.value.B) == y.value.U) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return ((PDL_Long)(x.value.B) == y.value.L) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return ((PDL_Indx)(x.value.B) == y.value.N) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return ((PDL_LongLong)(x.value.B) == y.value.Q) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return ((PDL_Float)(x.value.B) == y.value.F) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return ((PDL_Double)(x.value.B) == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CFloat)(x.value.B) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return ((PDL_CDouble)(x.value.B) == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
case PDL_S:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.S == (PDL_Short)(y.value.B)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return (x.value.S == y.value.S) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return ((PDL_Long)(x.value.S) == (PDL_Long)(y.value.U)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return ((PDL_Long)(x.value.S) == y.value.L) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return ((PDL_Indx)(x.value.S) == y.value.N) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return ((PDL_LongLong)(x.value.S) == y.value.Q) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return ((PDL_Float)(x.value.S) == y.value.F) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return ((PDL_Double)(x.value.S) == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CFloat)(x.value.S) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return ((PDL_CDouble)(x.value.S) == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
case PDL_US:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.U == (PDL_Ushort)(y.value.B)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return ((PDL_Long)(x.value.U) == (PDL_Long)(y.value.S)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return (x.value.U == y.value.U) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return ((PDL_Long)(x.value.U) == y.value.L) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return ((PDL_Indx)(x.value.U) == y.value.N) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return ((PDL_LongLong)(x.value.U) == y.value.Q) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return ((PDL_Float)(x.value.U) == y.value.F) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return ((PDL_Double)(x.value.U) == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CFloat)(x.value.U) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return ((PDL_CDouble)(x.value.U) == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
case PDL_L:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.L == (PDL_Long)(y.value.B)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return (x.value.L == (PDL_Long)(y.value.S)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return (x.value.L == (PDL_Long)(y.value.U)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return (x.value.L == y.value.L) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return ((PDL_Indx)(x.value.L) == y.value.N) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return ((PDL_LongLong)(x.value.L) == y.value.Q) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return ((PDL_Float)(x.value.L) == y.value.F) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return ((PDL_Double)(x.value.L) == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CFloat)(x.value.L) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return ((PDL_CDouble)(x.value.L) == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
case PDL_IND:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.N == (PDL_Indx)(y.value.B)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return (x.value.N == (PDL_Indx)(y.value.S)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return (x.value.N == (PDL_Indx)(y.value.U)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return (x.value.N == (PDL_Indx)(y.value.L)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return (x.value.N == y.value.N) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return ((PDL_LongLong)(x.value.N) == y.value.Q) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return ((PDL_Float)(x.value.N) == y.value.F) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return ((PDL_Double)(x.value.N) == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CFloat)(x.value.N) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return ((PDL_CDouble)(x.value.N) == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
case PDL_LL:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.Q == (PDL_LongLong)(y.value.B)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return (x.value.Q == (PDL_LongLong)(y.value.S)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return (x.value.Q == (PDL_LongLong)(y.value.U)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return (x.value.Q == (PDL_LongLong)(y.value.L)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return (x.value.Q == (PDL_LongLong)(y.value.N)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return (x.value.Q == y.value.Q) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return ((PDL_Float)(x.value.Q) == y.value.F) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return ((PDL_Double)(x.value.Q) == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CFloat)(x.value.Q) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return ((PDL_CDouble)(x.value.Q) == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
case PDL_F:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.F == (PDL_Float)(y.value.B)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return (x.value.F == (PDL_Float)(y.value.S)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return (x.value.F == (PDL_Float)(y.value.U)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return (x.value.F == (PDL_Float)(y.value.L)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return (x.value.F == (PDL_Float)(y.value.N)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return (x.value.F == (PDL_Float)(y.value.Q)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return (x.value.F == y.value.F) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return ((PDL_Double)(x.value.F) == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CFloat)(x.value.F) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return ((PDL_CDouble)(x.value.F) == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
case PDL_D:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.D == (PDL_Double)(y.value.B)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return (x.value.D == (PDL_Double)(y.value.S)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return (x.value.D == (PDL_Double)(y.value.U)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return (x.value.D == (PDL_Double)(y.value.L)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return (x.value.D == (PDL_Double)(y.value.N)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return (x.value.D == (PDL_Double)(y.value.Q)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return (x.value.D == (PDL_Double)(y.value.F)) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return (x.value.D == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CFloat)(x.value.D) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return ((PDL_CDouble)(x.value.D) == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
case PDL_CF:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.C == y.value.B) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return ((PDL_Short)(x.value.C) == y.value.S) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return ((PDL_Ushort)(x.value.C) == y.value.U) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return ((PDL_Long)(x.value.C) == y.value.L) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return ((PDL_Indx)(x.value.C) == y.value.N) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return ((PDL_LongLong)(x.value.C) == y.value.Q) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return ((PDL_Float)(x.value.C) == y.value.F) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return ((PDL_Double)(x.value.C) == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CFloat)(x.value.C) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return (x.value.C == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
case PDL_CD:
switch (y.type) {
case PDL_B: return (x.value.C == y.value.B) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_S: return ((PDL_Short)(x.value.C) == y.value.S) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_US: return ((PDL_Ushort)(x.value.C) == y.value.U) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_L: return ((PDL_Long)(x.value.C) == y.value.L) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_IND: return ((PDL_Indx)(x.value.C) == y.value.N) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_LL: return ((PDL_LongLong)(x.value.C) == y.value.Q) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_F: return ((PDL_Float)(x.value.C) == y.value.F) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_D: return ((PDL_Double)(x.value.C) == y.value.D) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CF: return ((PDL_CDouble)(x.value.B) == y.value.G) ? 1 : 0;
case PDL_CD: return (x.value.C == y.value.C) ? 1 : 0;
default: return 0;
return 0;
#define ANYVAL_EQ_ANYVAL(x,y) (_anyval_eq_anyval(x,y))
typedef struct badvals {
complex double CDouble;
complex double default_CDouble;
complex float CFloat;
complex float default_CFloat;
double Double;
double default_Double;
float Float;
float default_Float;
long LongLong;
long default_LongLong;
long Indx;
long default_Indx;
int Long;
int default_Long;
unsigned short Ushort;
unsigned short default_Ushort;
short Short;
short default_Short;
unsigned char Byte;
unsigned char default_Byte;
} badvals;
* Define the pdl C data structure which maps onto the original PDL
* perl data structure.
* Note: is defined as a void pointer to avoid having to
* include perl.h in C code which just needs the pdl data.
* We start with the meanings of the pdl.flags bitmapped flagset,
* continue with a prerequisite "trans" structure that represents
* transformations between linked PDLs, and finish withthe PD
* structure itself.
#define PDL_NDIMS 6 /* Number of dims[] to preallocate */
#define PDL_NCHILDREN 8 /* Number of children ptrs to preallocate */
#define PDL_NTHREADIDS 4 /* Number of different threadids/pdl to preallocate */
/* Constants for pdl.state - not all combinations make sense */
/* data allocated for this pdl. this implies that the data */
/* is up to date if !PDL_PARENTCHANGED */
#define PDL_ALLOCATED 0x0001
/* Parent data has been altered without changing this pdl */
/* Parent dims or incs has been altered without changing this pdl. */
/* Physical data representation of the parent has changed (e.g. */
/* physical transposition), so incs etc. need to be recalculated. */
/* Dataflow tracking flags -- F/B for forward/back. These get set */
/* by transformations when they are set up. */
#define PDL_DATAFLOW_F 0x0010
#define PDL_DATAFLOW_B 0x0020
/* Was this PDL null originally? */
#define PDL_NOMYDIMS 0x0040
/* Dims should be received via trans. */
#define PDL_MYDIMS_TRANS 0x0080
/* OK to attach a vaffine transformation (i.e. a slice) */
#define PDL_OPT_VAFFTRANSOK 0x0100
/* This is the hdrcpy flag */
#define PDL_HDRCPY 0x0200
/* This is a badval flag for this PDL (hmmm -- there is also a flag */
/* in the struct itself -- must be clearer about what this is for. --CED) */
#define PDL_BADVAL 0x0400
/* Debugging flag */
#define PDL_TRACEDEBUG 0x0800
/* inplace flag */
#define PDL_INPLACE 0x1000
/* Flag indicating destruction in progress */
#define PDL_DESTROYING 0x2000
/* If this flag is set, you must not alter the data pointer nor */
/* free this piddle nor use datasv (which should be null). */
/* This means e.g. that the piddle is mmapped from a file */
#define PDL_DONTTOUCHDATA 0x4000
/* Not sure what this does, but PP uses it a lot. -- CED */
#define PDL_CR_SETDIMSCOND(wtrans,pdl) (((pdl)->state & PDL_MYDIMS_TRANS) \
&& (pdl)->trans == (pdl_trans *)(wtrans))
* Transformation structure
* The structure is general enough to deal with functional transforms
* (which were originally intended) but only slices and retype transforms
* were implemented.
typedef enum pdl_transtype { PDL_SLICE, PDL_RETYPE }
/* Transformation flags */
#define PDL_TRANS_AFFINE 0x0001
/* Transpdl flags */
#define PDL_TPDL_VAFFINE_OK 0x01
typedef struct pdl_trans pdl_trans;
typedef struct pdl_transvtable {
pdl_transtype transtype;
int flags;
int nparents;
int npdls;
char *per_pdl_flags;
void (*redodims)(pdl_trans *tr); /* Only dims and internal trans (makes phys) */
void (*readdata)(pdl_trans *tr); /* Only data, to "data" ptr */
void (*writebackdata)(pdl_trans *tr); /* "data" ptr to parent or granny */
void (*freetrans)(pdl_trans *tr); /* Free both the contents and it of
the trans member */
void (*dump)(pdl_trans *tr); /* Dump this transformation */
void (*findvparent)(pdl_trans *tr); /* Find a virtual parent and make ready for
readdata etc. */
pdl_trans *(*copy)(pdl_trans *tr); /* Full copy */
int structsize;
char *name; /* For debuggers, mostly */
} pdl_transvtable;
/* All trans must start with this */
/* Trans flags */
/* Reversible transform -- flag indicates data can flow both ways. */
/* This is critical in routines that both input from and output to */
/* a non-single-valued pdl: updating must occur. (Note that the */
/* transform is not necessarily mathematically reversible) */
/* Whether, if a child is changed, this trans should be destroyed or not */
/* (flow if set; sever if clear) */
#define PDL_ITRANS_ISAFFINE 0x1000
#define PDL_ITRANS_NONMUTUAL 0x4000 /* flag for destruction */
// These define struct pdl_trans and all derived structures. There are many
// structures that defined in other parts of the code that can be referenced
// like a pdl_trans* because all of these structures have the same pdl_trans
// initial piece. These structures can contain multiple pdl* elements in them.
// Thus pdl_trans itself ends with a flexible pdl*[] array, which can be used to
// reference any number of pdl objects. As a result pdl_trans itself can NOT be
// instantiated
// vparent is the "virtual parent" which is either
// the parent or grandparent or whatever. The trans -structure must store
// both the relationship with our current parent and, if necessary, the
// virtual parent.
int magicno; \
short flags; \
pdl_transvtable *vtable; \
void (*freeproc)(struct pdl_trans *); /* Call to free this \
(means whether malloced or not) */ \
int bvalflag; /* required for binary compatability even if WITH_BADVAL=0 */ \
int has_badvalue; \
PDL_Anyval badvalue; \
int __datatype
#define PDL_TRANS_START(np) \
/* The pdls involved in the transformation */ \
pdl *pdls[np]
/* The pdls involved in the transformation */ \
pdl *pdls[]
#define PDL_CHKMAGIC_GENERAL(it,this_magic,type) if((it)->magicno != this_magic) croak("INVALID " #type "MAGIC NO 0x%p %d\n",it,(int)((it)->magicno)); else (void)0
#define PDL_CHKMAGIC_GENERAL(it,this_magic,type)
#define PDL_TR_MAGICNO 0x91827364
#define PDL_TR_SETMAGIC(it) it->magicno = PDL_TR_MAGICNO
#define PDL_TR_CLRMAGIC(it) it->magicno = 0x99876134
// This is a generic parent of all the trans structures. It is a flexible array
// (can store an arbitrary number of pdl objects). Thus this can NOT be
// instantiated, only "child" structures can
struct pdl_trans {
} ;
typedef struct pdl_trans_affine {
/* affine relation to parent */
PDL_Indx *incs; PDL_Indx offs;
} pdl_trans_affine;
/* Need to make compatible with pdl_trans_affine */
typedef struct pdl_vaffine {
PDL_Indx *incs; PDL_Indx offs;
int ndims;
PDL_Indx def_incs[PDL_NDIMS];
pdl *from;
} pdl_vaffine;
#define PDL_VAFFOK(pdl) (pdl->state & PDL_OPT_VAFFTRANSOK)
#define PDL_REPRINC(pdl,which) (PDL_VAFFOK(pdl) ? \
pdl->vafftrans->incs[which] : pdl->dimincs[which])
#define PDL_REPROFFS(pdl) (PDL_VAFFOK(pdl) ? pdl->vafftrans->offs : 0)
#define PDL_REPRP(pdl) (PDL_VAFFOK(pdl) ? pdl->vafftrans->from->data : pdl->data)
#define PDL_REPRP_TRANS(pdl,flag) ((PDL_VAFFOK(pdl) && \
(flag & PDL_TPDL_VAFFINE_OK)) ? pdl->vafftrans->from->data : pdl->data)
#define VAFFINE_FLAG_OK(flags,i) ((flags == NULL) ? 1 : (flags[i] & \
typedef struct pdl_children {
pdl_trans *trans[PDL_NCHILDREN];
struct pdl_children *next;
} pdl_children;
struct pdl_magic;
* PDL structure
* Should be kept under 250 bytes if at all possible, for
* easier segmentation...
* The 'sv', 'datasv', and 'hdrsv' fields are all void * to avoid having to
* load perl.h for C codes that only use PDLs and not the Perl API.
* Similarly, the 'magic' field is void * to avoid having to typedef pdl_magic
* here -- it is declared in "pdl_magic.h".
#define PDL_MAGICNO 0x24645399
struct pdl {
unsigned long magicno; /* Always stores PDL_MAGICNO as a sanity check */
/* This is first so most pointer accesses to wrong type are caught */
int state; /* What's in this pdl */
pdl_trans *trans; /* Opaque pointer to internals of transformation from
parent */
pdl_vaffine *vafftrans; /* pointer to vaffine transformation
a vafftrans is an optimization that is possible
for some types of trans (slice etc)
- unused for non-affine transformations
void* sv; /* (optional) pointer back to original sv.
ALWAYS check for non-null before use.
We cannot inc refcnt on this one or we'd
never get destroyed */
void *datasv; /* Pointer to SV containing data. We own one inc of refcnt */
void *data; /* Pointer to actual data (in SV), or NULL if we have no data */
/* bad value stored as double, since get_badvalue returns a double */
PDL_Anyval badvalue; /* BAD value is stored as a PDL_Anyval for portability */
int has_badvalue; /* flag is required by pdlapi.c (compare to PDL_BADVAL above -- why two? --CED) */
PDL_Indx nvals; /* Actual size of data (not quite nelem in case of dummy) */
pdl_datatypes datatype; /* One of the usual suspects (PDL_L, PDL_D, etc.) */
PDL_Indx *dims; /* Array of data dimensions - could point below or to an allocated array */
PDL_Indx *dimincs; /* Array of data default increments, aka strides through memory for each dim (0 for dummies) */
short ndims; /* Number of data dimensions in dims and dimincs */
unsigned char *threadids; /* Starting index of the thread index set n */
unsigned char nthreadids;
pdl_children children;
PDL_Indx def_dims[PDL_NDIMS]; /* Preallocated space for efficiency */
PDL_Indx def_dimincs[PDL_NDIMS]; /* Preallocated space for efficiency */
unsigned char def_threadids[PDL_NTHREADIDS];
struct pdl_magic *magic;
void *hdrsv; /* "header", settable from Perl */
* Some macros for looping over the children of a given PDL
int p##__i; pdl_children *p##__c;
p##__c = &p->children; \
do { \
for(p##__i=0; p##__i<PDL_NCHILDREN; p##__i++) { \
if(p##__c->trans[p##__i]) {
#define PDL_CHILDLOOP_THISCHILD(p) p##__c->trans[p##__i]
#define PDL_END_CHILDLOOP(p) \
} \
} \
if(!p##__c) break; \
if(!p##__c->next) break; \
p##__c=p##__c->next; \
} while(1);
#define PDLMAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
* Some macros to guard against dataflow infinite recursion.
#define DECL_RECURSE_GUARD static int __nrec=0;
#define START_RECURSE_GUARD __nrec++; if(__nrec > 1000) {__nrec=0; die("PDL:Internal Error: data structure recursion limit exceeded (max 1000 levels)\n\tThis could mean that you have found an infinite-recursion error in PDL, or\n\tthat you are building data structures with very long dataflow dependency\n\tchains. You may want to try using sever() to break the dependency.\n");}
#define ABORT_RECURSE_GUARD __nrec=0;
#define END_RECURSE_GUARD __nrec--;
#define PDL_ENSURE_ALLOCATED(it) ( (void)((it->state & PDL_ALLOCATED) || ((pdl_allocdata(it)),1)) )
( ((!it->vafftrans) || (it->vafftrans->ndims < it->ndims)) && \
(pdl_vafftrans_alloc(it),1) )
/* __PDL_H */