shell bypass 403
# What makes this complicated is that we want
# imag(3,x,y,z,q,d,f)
# appear in one 2D image, flattened out appropriately, with
# one black space between the subimages.
# The X coordinate will be ((x+1)*z+1)*d and the
# Y coordinate ((y+1)*q+1)*f. We need to use splitdim to obtain
# a piddle of the imag dimensions from the flat piddle.
package PDL::Graphics::TriD::Image;
use PDL::Lite;
my $defaultvert = PDL->pdl([
# r,g,b = 0..1
sub new {
my($type,$color,$opts) = @_;
my $im = PDL::Graphics::TriD::realcoords(COLOR,$color);
my $this = {
Im => $im,
Opts => $opts,
Points => $defaultvert,
if(defined $opts->{Points}) {
$this->{Points} = $opts->{Points};
if("ARRAY" eq ref $this->{Points}) {
$this->{Points} = PDL->pdl($this->{Points});
bless $this,$type;
sub get_points {
return $_[0]->{Points};
# In the future, have this happen automatically by the piddles.
sub data_changed {
my($this) = @_;
# ND piddle -> 2D
sub flatten {
my ($this,$bin_align) = @_;
my @dims = $this->{Im}->dims;
shift @dims; # get rid of the '3'
my $xd = $dims[0]; my $yd = $dims[1];
my $xdr = $xd; my $ydr = $yd;
# Calculate the whole width of the image.
my $ind = 0;
my $xm = 0; my $ym = 0;
for(@dims[2..$#dims]) {
if($ind % 2 == 0) {
$xd ++; # = $dims[$ind-2];
$xd *= $_;
$xdr ++;
$xdr *= $_;
# $xd --; # = $dims[$ind-2];
} else {
$yd ++; # = $dims[$ind-2];
$yd *= $_;
$ydr ++;
$ydr *= $_;
# $yd --; # = $dims[$ind-2];
$xd -= $xm; $yd -= $ym;
# R because the final texture must be 2**x-aligned ;(
my ($txd ,$tyd, $xxd, $yyd);
if ($bin_align) {
for($txd = 0; $txd < 12 and 2**$txd < $xdr; $txd++) {};
for($tyd = 0; $tyd < 12 and 2**$tyd < $ydr; $tyd++) {};
$txd = 2**$txd; $tyd = 2**$tyd;
$xxd = ($xdr > $txd ? $xdr : $txd);
$yyd = ($ydr > $tyd ? $ydr : $tyd);
if($#dims > 1) {
# print "XALL: $xd $yd $xdr $ydr $txd $tyd\n";
# print "DIMS: ",(join ',',$this->{Im}->dims),"\n";
# $PDL::debug=1;
} else {
$xxd=$txd=$xdr; $yyd=$tyd=$ydr;
my $p = PDL->zeroes(PDL::float(),3,$xxd,$yyd);
if(defined $this->{Opts}{Bg}) {
$p .= $this->{Opts}{Bg};
# print "MKFOOP\n";
my $foop = $p->slice(":,0:".($xdr-1).",0:".($ydr-1));
$ind = $#dims;
my $firstx = 1;
my $firsty = 1;
my $spi;
for(@dims[reverse(2..$#dims)]) {
# print "FOOP: \n"; $foop->dump;
if($ind % 2 == 0) {
$spi = $foop->getdim(1)/$_;
$foop = $foop->splitdim(1,$spi)->slice(":,0:-2")->
} else {
$spi = $foop->getdim(2)/$_;
$foop = $foop->splitdim(2,$spi)->slice(":,:,0:-2");
# print "IND+\n";
$ind++; # Just to keep even/odd correct
# $foop->dump;
print "ASSGNFOOP!\n" if $PDL::debug;
$foop .= $this->{Im};
# print "P: $p\n";
return wantarray() ? ($p,$xd,$yd,$txd,$tyd) : $p;
sub toimage {
# initially very simple implementation
my ($this) = @_;
return $this->flatten(0);