shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
PDL::PP::Dump -- dump pp_xxx calls to stdout
perl -MPDL::PP::Dump Basic/Ops/ops.pd
The most basic PP script debugger thinkable.
=head1 AUTHOR
Christian Soeller <> .
package PDL::PP::Dump;
use Exporter;
@ISA = Exporter;
@EXPORT = qw(pp_addhdr pp_addpm pp_bless pp_def pp_done pp_add_boot
pp_add_exported pp_addxs pp_add_isa pp_export_nothing
pp_core_importList pp_beginwrap pp_setversion
pp_addbegin pp_boundscheck pp_line_numbers
my $typecheck =0;
sub import {
my ($pack,$arg) = @_;
$typecheck =1 if defined $arg && $arg =~ /^typecheck$/i;
@_ = ($pack);
goto &Exporter::import;
sub printargs {
my $name = shift;
print "$name(";
print join ',',map("'$_'",@_);
print ");\n";
for (@EXPORT) {
if ($_ !~ /pp_def/) {
my $def = "sub $_ { printargs($_,\@_) unless \$typecheck }";
# print "defining =>\n$def\n";
sub pp_def {
my($name,%hash) = @_;
use PDL::Types ':All';
if ($typecheck) {
my @alltypes = ppdefs; my $jointypes = join '',@alltypes;
my $types = exists $hash{GenericTypes} ? $hash{GenericTypes} : [@alltypes];
for my $key (qw/Code BackCode/) {
if (exists $hash{$key}) {
while ($hash{$key} =~ s/\$T([a-zA-Z]+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)//) {
my ($mactypes,$alternatives) = ($1,$2);
# print "type macro ($mactypes) in $name\n";
my @mactypes = split '', $mactypes;
print "$name has extra types in macro: $mactypes vs $jointypes\n"
unless $mactypes =~ /^\s*[$jointypes]+\s*$/;
for my $gt (@$types) {
print "$name has no Macro for generic type $gt (has $mactypes)"
unless grep {$gt eq $_} @mactypes;
} else {
print "pp_def('$name',\n";
foreach (keys(%hash)) {
if ($_ =~ /(Generic)*Types/) {
print "$_ => [" . join(',',@{$hash{$_}}) . "]\n";
} else {
print "$_ =>\n'".$hash{$_}."',\n";
print ");\n";