shell bypass 403
package Sort::Key::Natural;
our $VERSION = '0.04';
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( natkeysort
rnatwfsort_inplace );
require locale;
sub mkkey_natural {
my $nat = @_ ? shift : $_;
my @parts = do {
if ((caller 0)[8] & $locale::hint_bits) {
use locale;
$nat =~ /\d+|\p{IsAlpha}+/g;
else {
$nat =~ /\d+|\p{IsAlpha}+/g;
for (@parts) {
if (/^\d/) {
my $len = length;
my $nines = int ($len / 9);
my $rest = $len - 9 * $nines;
$_ = ('9' x $nines) . $rest . $_;
return join("\0", @parts);
use Sort::Key::Register natural => \&mkkey_natural, 'string';
use Sort::Key::Register nat => \&mkkey_natural, 'string';
use Sort::Key::Maker natkeysort => 'nat';
use Sort::Key::Maker rnatkeysort => '-nat';
use Sort::Key::Maker natsort => \&mkkey_natural, 'str';
use Sort::Key::Maker rnatsort => \&mkkey_natural, '-str';
sub mkkey_natural_with_floats {
my $nat = @_ ? shift : $_;
my @parts = do {
if ((caller 0)[8] & $locale::hint_bits) {
use locale;
$nat =~ /[+\-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\p{IsAlpha}+/g;
else {
$nat =~ /[+\-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\p{IsAlpha}+/g;
for (@parts) {
if (my ($sign, $number, $dec) = /^([+-]?)(\d+)(?:\.(\d*))?$/) {
$number =~ s/^0+//;
$dec = '' unless defined $dec;
$dec =~ s/0+$//;
my $len = length $number;
my $nines = int ($len / 9);
my $rest = $len - 9 * $nines;
$_ = ('9' x $nines) . $rest . $number . $dec;
if ($sign eq '-' and $_ ne '0') {
$_ = "-$_";
return join("\0", @parts);
use Sort::Key::Register natural_with_floats => \&mkkey_natural_with_floats, 'string';
use Sort::Key::Register natwf => \&mkkey_natural_with_floats, 'string';
use Sort::Key::Maker natwfkeysort => 'natwf';
use Sort::Key::Maker rnatwfkeysort => '-natwf';
use Sort::Key::Maker natwfsort => \&mkkey_natural_with_floats, 'str';
use Sort::Key::Maker rnatwfsort => \&mkkey_natural_with_floats, '-str';
=head1 NAME
Sort::Key::Natural - fast natural sorting
use Sort::Key::Natural qw(natsort);
my @data = qw(foo1 foo23 foo6 bar12 bar1
foo bar2 bar-45 foomatic b-a-r-45);
my @sorted = natsort @data;
print "@sorted\n";
# prints:
# b-a-r-45 bar1 bar2 bar12 bar-45 foo foo1 foo6 foo23 foomatic
use Sort::Key::Natural qw(natkeysort);
my @objects = (...);
my @sorted = natkeysort { $_->get_id } @objects;
This module extends the L<Sort::Key> family of modules to support
natural sorting.
Under natural sorting, strings are split at word and number
boundaries, and the resulting substrings are compared as follows:
=over 4
=item *
numeric substrings are compared numerically
=item *
alphabetic substrings are compared lexically
=item *
numeric substrings come always before alphabetic substrings
Spaces, symbols and non-printable characters are only considered for
splitting the string into its parts but not for sorting. For instance
C<foo-bar-42> is broken in three substrings C<foo>, C<bar> and C<42>
and after that the dashes are ignored.
Note, that the sorting is case sensitive. To do a case insensitive
sort you have to convert the keys explicitly:
my @sorted = natkeysort { lc $_ } @data
Also, once this module is loaded, the new type C<natural> (or C<nat>) will
be available from L<Sort::Key::Maker>. For instance:
use Sort::Key::Natural;
use Sort::Key::Maker i_rnat_keysort => qw(integer -natural);
creates a multi-key sorter C<i_rnat_keysort> accepting two keys, the
first to be compared as an integer and the second in natural
descending order.
There is also an alternative set of natural sorting functions that
recognize floating point numbers. They use the key type C<natwf>
(abbreviation of C<natural_with_floats>).
the functions that can be imported from this module are:
=over 4
=item natsort @data
returns the elements of C<@data> sorted in natural order.
=item rnatsort @data
returns the elements of C<@data> sorted in natural descending order.
=item natkeysort { CALC_KEY($_) } @data
returns the elements on C<@array> naturally sorted by the keys
resulting from applying them C<CALC_KEY>.
=item rnatkeysort { CALC_KEY($_) } @data
is similar to C<natkeysort> but sorts the elements in descending
=item natsort_inplace @data
=item rnatsort_inplace @data
=item natkeysort_inplace { CALC_KEY($_) } @data
=item rnatkeysort_inplace { CALC_KEY($_) } @data
these functions are similar respectively to C<natsort>, C<rnatsort>,
C<natsortkey> and C<rnatsortkey>, but they sort the array C<@data> in
=item $key = mkkey_natural $string
given C<$string>, returns a key that can be compared lexicographically
to another key obtained in the same manner, results in the same order
as comparing the former strings as in the natural order.
If the argument C<$key> is not provided it defaults to C<$_>.
=item natwfsort @data
=item rnatwfsort @data
=item natwfkeysort { CALC_KEY($_) } @data
=item rnatwfkeysort { CALC_KEY($_) } @data
=item natwfsort_inplace @data
=item rnatwfsort_inplace @data
=item natwfkeysort_inplace { CALC_KEY($_) } @data
=item rnatwfkeysort_inplace { CALC_KEY($_) } @data
=item mkkey_natural_with_floats $key
this ugly named set of functions perform in the same way as its
s/natwf/nat/ counterpart with the difference that they honor floating
point numbers embedded inside the strings.
In this context a floating point number is a string matching the
regular expression C</[+\-]?\d+(\.\d*)?/>. Note that numbers with an
exponent part (i.e. C<1.12E-12>) are not recognized as such.
Note also that numbers without an integer part (i.e. C<.2> or C<-.12>)
are not supported either.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Sort::Key>, L<Sort::Key::Maker>.
Other module providing similar functionality is L<Sort::Naturally>.
Copyright (C) 2006, 2012, 2014 by Salvador FandiE<ntilde>o,
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.