shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
Tk::TableMatrix::Spreadsheet - Table Display with Spreadsheet-like bindings.
use Tk;
use Tk::TableMatrix::Spreadsheet;
my $t = $top->Scrolled('Spreadsheet', -rows => 21, -cols => 11,
-width => 6, -height => 6,
-titlerows => 1, -titlecols => 1,
-variable => $arrayVar,
-selectmode => 'extended',
-titlerows => 1,
-titlecols => 1,
-bg => 'white',
L<Tk::TableMatrix::Spreadsheet> is a L<Tk::TableMatrix>-derived widget that implements
some bindings so the resulting widget behaves more like a spreadsheet.
B<Bindings Added:>
=over 1
=item *
Row/Col resize handles appear when the cursor is placed
over a row/col border line in the rol/col title area.
Dragging these handles will resize the row or column. If multiple rows or columns
are selected, then the new row/col size will apply to all row/cols selected.
Note: With the base Tk::TableMatrix, it is possible to resize the row/cols by dragging
on any cell border. To be more spreadsheet-like, Tk::TableMatrix::Spreadsheet defaults to enable row/col
resizing only thru the title row/col dragging. To override this default behavoir, set the -resizeborder option to
'both' at startup.
=item *
A popup menu for row/col insert/delete appears when the mouse is right-clicked in the
row/col title areas.
=item *
Cells activate (i.e. the contents become edit-able) only when the cell is double-clicked
or the F2 button is pressed. The default L<Tk::TableMatrix> behavior is for the
cell to be activated when the cell is single-clicked.
=item *
The Escape key causes any changes made to a cell to be canceled and the current
selection cleared.
=item *
The return key causes the the current cell to move down.
=item *
The tab (or shift tab) key causes the current cell to be moved to the right (left).
=item *
The delete key will delete the current selection, if no cell is currently active.
=item *
The Mouse button 2 (middle button) paste from the PRIMARY. (Control-v pastes from the
=head1 Additional Information
Widget methods, options, etc, are inherited from the L<Tk::TableMatrix> widget. See its
docs for additional information.
package Tk::TableMatrix::Spreadsheet;
use Carp;
use Tk;
use Tk::TableMatrix;
use Tk::Derived;
use base qw/ Tk::Derived Tk::TableMatrix/;
$VERSION = '1.23';
sub ClassInit{
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
# Bind our motion routine to change cursors for row/column resize
# Over-ride default button release binding
# so a cell won't activate by just clicking
$mw->bind($class,'<ButtonRelease-1>',['Button1Release', $mw]);
# Edit (activate) a cell if it is double-clicked
# Or F2 is pressed
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
if ($w->exists)
$w->activate('@' . $Ev->x.",".$Ev->y);
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
if ($w->exists)
my $location = '@' . $Ev->x.",".$Ev->y;
#print "location = $location\n";
if( $w->selectionIncludes($location)){
$w->activate('@' . $Ev->x.",".$Ev->y);
my $w = shift;
$w->reread; # undo any changes if editing a cell
my $upperLeft = $w->cget(-roworigin).",".$w->cget(-colorigin);
# Make the return key enter and move down
# Make the tab key enter and move right
my $w = shift;
# Make the delete key delete the selection, if no active cell
my $self = shift;
my $active;
# Get the current active cell, if one exists
eval { $active = $self->index('active'); };
$active = '' if( $@); # No Active cell found;
# No Active cell if it is set to the upper left column (esc key pressed)
my $upperLeft = $self->cget(-roworigin).",".$self->cget(-colorigin);
$active = '' if( $active eq $upperLeft); # No Active cell found;
if( $active eq ''){ # No Active Cell, delete the selection
$self->curselection(undef);# Clear whatever is selected
else{ # There is a current active cell, perform delete in that
# Button2 release pastes from PRIMARY (control v pastes from clipboard
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
$w->Paste($w->index('@' . $Ev->x.",".$Ev->y),'PRIMARY') unless ($Tk::TableMatrix::tkPriv{'mouseMoved'});
sub Populate {
my ($cw, $args) = @_;
# Set Default Args:
$args->{-bg} = 'white' unless defined( $args->{-bg});
$args->{-colstretchmode} = 'unset' unless defined( $args->{-colstretchmode});
# Default behavior is to not allow cell resizing, just at the row/col titles (like Excel)
$args->{-resizeborders} = 'none' unless defined( $args->{-resizeborders});
# default Tags
$cw->tagConfigure('active', -bg => 'gray90', -relief => 'sunken', -fg => 'black');
$cw->tagConfigure( 'title', -bg => 'gray85', -fg => 'black', -relief => 'sunken');
# setup Popup Menu (right mouse-button press) for common operations
my $popup = $cw->Menu('-tearoff' => 0);
$popup->command('-label' => 'Insert', -bg => 'gray85', '-command' => ['insertRowCol',$cw] );
$popup->command('-label' => 'Delete', -bg => 'gray85','-command' => ['deleteRowCol',$cw] );
$popup->command('-label' => 'Clear Contents', -bg => 'gray85','-command' => ['curselection', $cw,''] );
# Bind a sub for button 3 press
sub {
my $Ev = $cw->XEvent;
# Don't Do anything if we are on a cell border
# This keeps the right-click menu from pop-ing up
# when starting a cell re-size
my @border = $cw->border('mark',$Ev->x,$Ev->y);
# print "border = ".join(", ",@border)." size = ".scalar(@stuff)."\n";
# return if on a border or if not in edit mode
return if( scalar(@border) || ( $cw->cget(-state) =~ /disabled/i ));
my $inTitleArea = 0; # Flag = 1 if we are in a title Area
my $inSelectedArea = 0; # Flag = 1 if we are in a selected area
my ($x,$y) = ($Ev->x, $Ev->y);
my $pointerLoc = $cw->index('@'."$x,$y");
$cw->{pointerLoc} = $pointerLoc; # Save pointer location for the insert/delete row routines
# After the local menu pops up and a item is selected, the pointer
# location won't be valid anymore
# print "Pointer over = '$pointerLoc'\n";
if( $cw->tagIncludes('title',$pointerLoc) && $pointerLoc ne '0,0' ){
# print "Pointer over a title area\n";
$inTitleArea = 1;
if( $cw->selectionIncludes($pointerLoc)){
$inSelectedArea = 1;
# print "In Selected Area\n";
if( $inTitleArea && !$inSelectedArea){ # select the row/col if
# in title area and not selected
if( $inTitleArea ){
$popup->Popup('-popover' => 'cursor', '-popanchor' => 'nw');
# Sub to insert row/cols
sub insertRowCol{
my $cw = shift;
my $pointerLoc = $cw->{pointerLoc}; # use the pointer locatin from before the popup window came up
my ($r,$c) = split(",",$pointerLoc);
#print "pointerLoc = $r, $c\n";
if( $r <= 0){ # Insert Col
my %cols;
@cols{map /(\d+)$/, $cw->tagCell('sel')} = 1;
my @cols = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %cols;
my $minCol = $cols[0];
my $colCount = $cols[-1] - $minCol + 1;
# Make selection and clear
my $lastRow = $cw->index('end','row');
elsif( $c <= 0 ){
my %rows;
@rows{map /^(\d+)/, $cw->tagCell('sel')} = 1;
my @rows = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %rows;
my $minRow = $rows[0];
my $rowCount = $rows[-1] - $minRow + 1;
# Make selection and clear
my $lastCol = $cw->index('end','col');
# Sub to delete row/cols
sub deleteRowCol{
my $cw = shift;
my $pointerLoc = $cw->{pointerLoc}; # use the pointer locatin from before the popup window came up
my ($r,$c) = split(",",$pointerLoc);
#print "pointerLoc = $r, $c\n";
if( $r <= 0){ # Delete Col
my %cols;
@cols{map /(\d+)$/, $cw->tagCell('sel')} = 1;
my @cols = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %cols;
my $minCol = $cols[0];
my $colCount = $cols[-1] - $minCol + 1;
# Make selection
my $lastRow = $cw->index('end','row');
elsif( $c <= 0 ){
my %rows;
@rows{map /^(\d+)/, $cw->tagCell('sel')} = 1;
my @rows = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %rows;
my $minRow = $rows[0];
my $rowCount = $rows[-1] - $minRow + 1;
# Make selection
my $lastCol = $cw->index('end','col');
# General Motion routine. Sets the border cursor to <-> if on a row border.
# or vertical resize cursor if on a col border
sub GeneralMotion{
my $self = shift;
my $Ev = $self->XEvent;
my $rc = $self->index('@' . $Ev->x.",".$Ev->y);
return unless($rc);
my ($row,$col) = split(',',$rc);
my $rowColResize = $self->{rowColResize}; # Flag = 1 if cursor has been changed for a row/col resize
my $rowColResizeOldCursor = $self->{rowColResizeOldCursor}; # name of old cursor that was changed;
my $rowColResizeOldBDCursor = $self->{rowColResizeBDOldCursor}; # name of old BD cursor that was changed;
my @border = $self->border('mark',$Ev->x,$Ev->y);
if( scalar(@border) ){ # we are on a border
my ($r,$c) = @border;
# print "In motion $r, $c: $row, $col\n";
# my $currentBDCursor = $self->cget(-bordercursor);
if( ($col <= 0) && ($r =~ /\d/) ){
# print "Row Border = $r\n";
# print "Setting Row Border \n";
$self->{rowColResizeOldCursor} = $self->cget(-cursor);
$self->{rowColResizeBDOldCursor} = $self->cget(-bordercursor);
$self->configure(-cursor => 'sb_v_double_arrow',
-bordercursor => 'sb_v_double_arrow');
$self->{rowColResize} = 1;
$self->{rowColResizeRow} = $r;
$self->{rowColResizeCol} = undef;
elsif( ($row <= 0) && ($c =~ /\d/) ){
# print "Col Border = $c\n";
$self->{rowColResizeOldCursor} = $self->cget(-cursor);
$self->{rowColResizeBDOldCursor} = $self->cget(-bordercursor);
$self->configure(-cursor => 'sb_h_double_arrow',
-bordercursor => 'sb_h_double_arrow');
$self->{rowColResize} = 1;
$self->{rowColResizeRow} = undef;
$self->{rowColResizeCol} = $c;
if( $rowColResize && !($self->{rowColResizeDrag}) ){ # Change cursor back if it has been changed, and
# we aren't currently doing a row/col resize drag.
#print "Setting to $oldCursor\n";
$self->configure(-cursor => $rowColResizeOldCursor,
-bordercursor => $rowColResizeOldBDCursor);
$self->{rowColResize} = 0;
## Over-ridden beginselect. Sets the rowColResizeDrag to indicate
## that we are doing a row or column resize operation
sub borderDragto{
my $self = shift;
my @args = @_;
if( !$self->{rowColResizeDrag}){
#print "StartDrag\n";
$self->{oldResizeBorders} = $self->cget(-resizeborders); # save the value of resizeborders so we can restore it later
$self->configure(-resizeborders => 'both');
$self->{rowColResizeDrag} = 1; # Flag = 1 if we are currently doing a row/col resize drag
# Over-ridden Motion routine. Does a row/col resize if
# row/col resize cursors are active
# This is needed for linux for the row resize to work
# Not sure why
sub Motion{
my $self = shift;
my $rc = shift;
if( $self->{rowColResize}){ # Do a row/col resize if cursors active
my $Ev = $self->XEvent;
if( !$self->{rowColResizeDrag}){ # Same as the borderDragTo, somethings this gets called first
#print "StartDrag\n";
$self->{oldResizeBorders} = $self->cget(-resizeborders); # save the value of resizeborders so we can restore it later
$self->configure(-resizeborders => 'both');
$self->{rowColResizeDrag} = 1; # Flag = 1 if we are currently doing a row/col resize drag
## Over-ridden beginselect. Doesn't select if we are doing a row/col resize
sub BeginSelect{
my $self = shift;
my $rc = shift;
return if( $self->{rowColResize}); # Don't Select if currently doing a row/col resize
# print "Calling inherited BeginSelect\n";
## Over-ridden TableInsert.
## If a key is pressed and a cell is not activated. Activate the
## current cell and insert the key pressed
sub TableInsert{
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
# my $Ev = $self->XEvent;
# Activate the current anchor position, if
# key pressed, and no cell currently active
# Get the current active cell, if one exists
eval { $active = $self->index('active'); };
$active = '' if( $@); # No Active cell found;
# No Active cell if it is set to the upper left column (esc key pressed)
my $upperLeft = $self->cget(-roworigin).",".$self->cget(-colorigin);
$active = '' if( $active eq $upperLeft); # No Active cell found;
if( $key ne '' && $active eq '' ){
my $anchor = $self->index('anchor');
$self->deleteActive(0,'end'); # delete text from the cell
## Over-ridden MoveCell.
## This method performs moving cells in a more Excel-like way:
## 1) Moving cell when one is active unactivates the cell and then selects (not activates)
## the new cell
## 2) Moving cell when none is active moves the anchor point cell, if one exits.
## 3) Does nothing otherwise
sub MoveCell{
my $w = shift;
my $x = shift; # Delta X for moving
my $y = shift; # Delta y for moving
my $c;
my $cell; # new cell index
my $true;
my $r;
my $fromCell; # Cell to move from (Could be an active cell, if present, or selection anchor point
# if present.
my $active; # Current active cell
# Get the current active cell, if one exists
eval { $active = $w->index('active'); };
$active = '' if( $@); # No Active cell found;
# No Active cell if it is set to the upper left column (i.e. esc key pressed)
my $upperLeft = $w->cget(-roworigin).",".$w->cget(-colorigin);
$active = '' if( $active eq $upperLeft); # No Active cell found;
if( $active eq ''){ # no active cell found, see if there is a selection
my $anchor = $w->index('anchor');
unless( defined($anchor) ){
# print "Anchor not defined\n";
$fromCell = $anchor;
$fromCell = $active;
($r,$c) = split(',',$fromCell);
# my $currentCell = "$r,$c";
$cell = $w->index(($r += $x).",".($c += $y));
$w->activate($upperLeft) if( $active ne '');
if ($w->cget('-selectmode') eq 'browse')
elsif ($w->cget('-selectmode') eq 'extended')
$Tk::TableMatrix::tkPriv{'tablePrev'} = $cell;
## Over-ridden Paste.
## This method performs pasting cells in a more Excel-like way:
## Paste Data will be pasted into the current selection anchor point
## if no current cell is active, otherwise it pastes starting at the active
## cell.
## If no current active cell, and no anchor point, does nothing.
sub Paste{
my $w = shift;
my $cell = shift || '';
my $source = shift || 'CLIPBOARD'; # Default is to paste from the clipboard
my $data;
# Check for active cell or anchor cell:
my $active; # Current active cell
# Get the current active cell, if one exists
eval { $active = $w->index('active'); };
$active = '' if( $@); # No Active cell found;
# No Active cell if it is set to the upper left column (i.e. esc key pressed)
my $upperLeft = $w->cget(-roworigin).",".$w->cget(-colorigin);
$active = '' if( $active eq $upperLeft); # No Active cell found;
if( $active eq ''){ # no active cell found, see if there is a selection
$cell = $w->index('anchor');
return unless( $cell); # don't paste if no anchor point and no active
$cell = $active;
eval{ $data = $w->SelectionGet(-selection => $source); }; return if($@);
$w->focus if ($w->cget('-state') eq 'normal');
# Sub called when button 1 released.
# Takes care or row/col border drags.
# Also checks to see if more than one row/col is selected during
# a row/col resize, so those row/cols will be resized as well
sub Button1Release{
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
#print "Button Release 1\n";
if ( $w->{rowColResizeDrag} ) { # Row/Col resize finishing up
my @selRowCol = $w->curselection;
if ( $w->{rowColResizeRow} ) { # Row risize, check for other rows selected
my $row = $w->{rowColResizeRow};
my $newRowHeight = $w->rowHeight($row);
#print "Resized row $row to height" . $newRowHeight . "\n";
# Find other selected rows (must be contiguous selected from the drag row)
my $rowOrg = $w->cget( -roworigin );
my $colOrg = $w->cget( -colorigin );
my $rowMax = $rowOrg + $w->cget( -rows ) - 1; # max row in table
my $firstDataRow =
$rowOrg + $w->cget( -titlerows ); # first Data Row
my $firstDataCol =
$colOrg + $w->cget( -titlecols ); # first Data Col
my @otherRowsSelected;
foreach my $row ( ( $row + 1 ) .. $rowMax ) { # Increasing rows
#print "Checking for inclusion of $row,$firstDataCol\n";
last unless ( $w->selectionIncludes("$row,$firstDataCol") );
push @otherRowsSelected, $row;
foreach my $row ( reverse( $firstDataRow .. ( $row - 1 ) ) )
{ # Decreasing rows
#print "Checking for inclusion of $row,$firstDataCol\n";
last unless ( $w->selectionIncludes("$row,$firstDataCol") );
push @otherRowsSelected, $row;
# Set New row height for other rows
if (@otherRowsSelected) {
# Set args to row => height, row => height ...
my @rowHeightArgs =
map { $_ => $newRowHeight } @otherRowsSelected;
elsif ( $w->{rowColResizeCol} ) { # Col risize, check for other Cols selected
my $col = $w->{rowColResizeCol};
my $newColWidth = $w->colWidth($col);
#print "Resized col $col to width" . $newColWidth . "\n";
# Find other selected cols (must be contiguous selected from the drag col)
my $rowOrg = $w->cget( -roworigin );
my $colOrg = $w->cget( -colorigin );
my $colMax = $colOrg + $w->cget( -cols ) - 1; # max col in table
my $firstDataRow =
$rowOrg + $w->cget( -titlerows ); # first Data Row
my $firstDataCol =
$colOrg + $w->cget( -titlecols ); # first Data Col
my @otherColsSelected;
foreach my $col ( ( $col + 1 ) .. $colMax ) { # Increasing cols
#print "Checking for inclusion of $firstDataRow,$col\n";
last unless ( $w->selectionIncludes("$firstDataRow,$col") );
push @otherColsSelected, $col;
foreach my $col ( reverse( $firstDataCol .. ( $col - 1 ) ) )
{ # Decreasing rows
#print "Checking for inclusion of $row,$firstDataCol\n";
last unless ( $w->selectionIncludes("$firstDataRow,$col") );
push @otherColsSelected, $col;
# Set Col width height for other rows
if (@otherColsSelected) {
# Set args to row => height, row => height ...
my @colWidthArgs =
map { $_ => $newColWidth } @otherColsSelected;
# restore the value of resize borders to what is was before
if( my $oldResizeborders = $w->{oldResizeBorders}){
$w->configure(-resizeborders => $oldResizeborders);
delete $w->{oldResizeBorders};
#print "Drag Finished\n";
$w->{rowColResizeDrag} = 0; # reset row/col resize dragging flag
$w->{rowColResizeRow} = undef; # reset row resize flag
$w->{rowColResizeCol} = undef; # reset col resize flag
if ( $w->exists ) {