shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
Tk::TableMatrix::SpreadsheetHideRows - Table Display with selectable hide/un-hide of rows
use Tk;
use Tk::TableMatrix::SpreadsheetHideRows
my $t = $top->Scrolled('SpreadsheetHideRows',
-selectorCol => 3,
-expandData => $hashRef,
-rows => 21, -cols => 11,
-width => 6, -height => 6,
-titlerows => 1, -titlecols => 1,
-variable => $arrayVar,
-selectmode => 'extended',
-resizeborders => 'both',
-titlerows => 1,
-titlecols => 1,
-bg => 'white',
L<Tk::TableMatrix::SpreadsheetHideRows> is a L<Tk::TableMatrix::Spreadsheet>-derived widget that implements
a Spreadsheet-like display of tabular information, where some of the rows in the table
can be expanded/hidden by clicking a '+/-' selector in the row. This can be used to display
top-level information in a table, while allowing the user to expand certain table rows to
view detail-level information.
See demos/SpreadsheetHideRows in the source distribution for a simple example of this widget
=head1 Widget-specific Options
In addition the standard L<Tk::TableMatrix> widget options. The following options are implemented:
=over 1
=item -selectorCol
Column number where the +/- selector will appear. Clicking on the +/- selector
will expand/hide the detail information in the table for a particular row.
=item -selectorColWidth
Width of the column used to display the +/- selector. Defaults to 2
=item -expandData
Hash ref defining the detail-level data displayed when a row is expanded (by clicking
the +/- selector). This hash ref should have the following structure:
$expandData = {
row1 => { tag => 'detailDataTag',
data => $detailData,
spans=> $spanData,
expandData => $subLevelData
row2 => {
row1, row2, ... Row numbers that will be expandable.
tag => 'detailDataTag' Tag name that will be applied to the detail data.
$detailData 2D Array of detail-data to be displayed when
the row is expanded.
e.g. [ [ r1c1, r1c2, r1c3 ],
[ r2c1, r2c2, r2,c3] ]
$spans 1D array of span information (optional) to be
used for display of the detail information.
e.g. [ col2 => "rows,cols", col4 => "rows,cols", ... ]
$subLevelData Optional Recursive expandData used to hold detail-data of detail-data.
The following items are stored as member data
=over 1
=item defaultCursor
Name of the mouse cursor pointer that is used for normal (i.e. non-title, non-indicator) cells in the widget.
This is set to the value of the $widget->cget(-cursor) option when the widget is created.
=item indRowCols
Hash ref of Row/Cols indexes where there are indicators stores. This is a quick
lookup hash built from I<_expandData>.
=item _expandData
Internal version of the I<expandData> hash. Any sub-detail data (i.e. expand data
that is at lower levels of I<expandData>) that is visible is placed at the top level of this hash, for
keeping track of the visible I<expandData>.
=head1 Widget Methods
In addition the standard L<Tk::TableMatrix> widget method. The following methods are implemented:
package Tk::TableMatrix::SpreadsheetHideRows;
use Carp;
use Tk;
use Tk::TableMatrix::Spreadsheet;
use Tk::Derived;
use base qw/ Tk::Derived Tk::TableMatrix::Spreadsheet/;
$VERSION = '1.23';
sub ClassInit{
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
sub Populate {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
-selectorCol => [qw/METHOD selectorCol SelectorCol/, undef],
-selectorColWidth=> [qw/PASSIVE selectorColWidth SelectorColWidth/, 2],
-expandData => [qw/METHOD expandData ExpandData/, {}],
$self->tagConfigure('plus', -image => $self->Getimage("plus"), -showtext => 0, -anchor => 'center');
$self->tagConfigure('minus', -image => $self->Getimage("minus"), -showtext => 0, -anchor => 'center');
$self->{normalCursor} = $self->cget('-cursor'); # get the default cursor
=head2 showDetail
Shows (i.e. expands the table) the detail data for a given row. This method is called
when a user clicks on an indicator that is not already expanded.
# Shows the detail data for row number $row
sub showDetail{
my $self = shift;
my $row = shift;
my $selectorCol = $self->cget(-selectorCol);
my $index = "$row,$selectorCol"; # make index for the cell to be expanded
my $indRowCols = $self->{indRowCols};
$self->tagCell('minus', $index);
$indRowCols->{$index} = '-';
# Get the detail data and insert:
my $expandData = $self->{'_expandData'};
my $detailData = $expandData->{$row};
my $detailArray = $detailData->{data};
my $noRows = scalar( @$detailArray);
# InsertRows:
# change state to normal if not already so we can insert
my $currentState = $self->cget(-state);
$self->configure(-state => 'normal') unless( $currentState eq 'normal');
# Adjust Spans:
#insert data
my $colorigin = $self->cget(-colorigin);
my $rowNum = $row+1;
foreach my $rowData( @$detailArray ){
#my @rowArray = @$rowData;
#grep s/([\{\}])/\\$1/g, @rowArray; # backslash any existing '{' chars, so they don't get interpreted as field chars
my $insertData = "{".join("}{", @$rowData)."}"; # make insert data look like tcl array, so it
# gets put in different cells
$self->set('row', "$rowNum,$colorigin", $insertData);
# Apply Tags, if any:
my $tag;
if( defined( $detailData->{tag})){
$tag = $detailData->{tag};
my $startRow = $row+1;
my $noRows = @$detailArray;
my $stopRow = scalar(@$detailArray) + $startRow - 1;
my @tagRows = ($startRow..$stopRow);
# Apply Spans, if any:
my $spans;
if( defined( $detailData->{spans})){
$spans = $detailData->{spans};
my $spanSize = scalar(@$spans);
#Error Checking, spans array should be a multiple of 2
if( ($spanSize % 2) < 1){
my $startRow = $row+1;
my $noRows = @$detailArray;
my $stopRow = scalar(@$detailArray) + $startRow - 1;
foreach my $spanRow($startRow..$stopRow){
# build an array to feed to spans, change column number for row.col index
# (every 2rd item in the array).
my @spanArray = map $_ % 2 ? $spans->[$_] : "$spanRow,".$spans->[$_], (0..($spanSize-1));
warn("Spans array for row $row, is not a multiple of 2\n");
# Now Update the internal arrays for the inserted rows ###
my %expandDataNew;
foreach my $rowIndex(keys %$expandData){
if($rowIndex > $row){ # adjust rows greater than the current row
$expandDataNew{$rowIndex+$noRows} = $expandData->{$rowIndex};
$expandDataNew{$rowIndex} = $expandData->{$rowIndex};
# Copy new to existing:
%$expandData = %expandDataNew;
my %indRowColsNew;
foreach my $rcindex(keys %$indRowCols){
my ($rowIndex,$colIndex) = split(',',$rcindex);
if($rowIndex > $row){ # adjust rows greater than the current row
my $newRow = $rowIndex+$noRows;
$indRowColsNew{"$newRow,$colIndex"} = $indRowCols->{$rcindex};
$indRowColsNew{$rcindex} = $indRowCols->{$rcindex};
# Copy new to existing:
%$indRowCols = %indRowColsNew;
# Take care of any lower-level detail data:
my $subDetail;
if( defined( $detailData->{expandData})){
$subDetail = $detailData->{expandData};
foreach my $subRow( keys %$subDetail){
my $realRow = $row+$subRow;
my $index = "$realRow,$selectorCol";
$self->tagCell('plus', $index);
$indRowCols->{$index} = '+'; # update internal array
# put subdetail data to top level, adjusting the relative row
# numbers to real row numbers:
#my %adjustedSubDetail;
#foreach my $subKey(keys %$subDetail){
# $adjustedSubDetail{$subKey+$row} = $subDetail->{$subKey};
$expandData->{$realRow} = $subDetail->{$subRow};
# Put the state back
$self->configure(-state => $currentState) unless( $currentState eq 'normal');
=head2 hideDetail
Hides the detail data for a given row. This method is called
when a user clicks on an indicator that is already expanded.
# Hides the detail data for row number $row
sub hideDetail{
my $self = shift;
my $row = shift;
my $expandData = shift;
my $detailData = $expandData->{$row};
my $selectorCol = $self->cget(-selectorCol);
my $index = "$row,$selectorCol"; # make index for the cell to be hidden
my $indRowCols = $self->{indRowCols};
# hide any sublevel data first:
my $lowerLevelHideRows = 0;
if( defined( $detailData->{expandData})){ # sublevel data exists
my $subLevelData = $detailData->{expandData};
# convert sublevel data to absolute rows
my $convertedSubData = {};
foreach my $rowNum(keys %$subLevelData){
$convertedSubData->{$rowNum+$row} = $subLevelData->{$rowNum};
#Hide lower level data, if showing
my $subLevelIndex;
foreach my $rowNum (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$convertedSubData){
$subLevelIndex = "$rowNum,$selectorCol";
if( $indRowCols->{$subLevelIndex} eq '-'){
# For lower-level hide-detail calls, we don't use any updates to the
# expandData Arg, so we create an anonymous hash ref in this call
$lowerLevelHideRows += $self->hideDetail($rowNum,{ %$convertedSubData} );
$self->tagCell('plus', $index);
$indRowCols->{$index} = '+';
# Get the detail data and hide:
my $detailArray = $detailData->{data};
my $noRows = scalar( @$detailArray);
# unapply any spans (This is not auto-handled by the row delete command, so we
# have to do it here manually)
my $spans;
if( defined( $detailData->{spans})){
$spans = $detailData->{spans};
my $spanSize = scalar(@$spans);
#Error Checking, spans array should be a multiple of 2
if( ($spanSize % 2) < 1){
my $startRow = $row+1;
my $noRows = @$detailArray;
my $stopRow = scalar(@$detailArray) + $startRow - 1;
foreach my $spanRow($startRow..$stopRow){
# build an array to feed to spans, change column number for row.col index
# (every 2rd item in the array).
my @spanArray = map $_ % 2 ? '0,0' : "$spanRow,".$spans->[$_], (0..($spanSize-1));
warn("Spans array for row $row, is not a multiple of 2\n");
# change state to normal if not already so we can modify the table
my $currentState = $self->cget(-state);
$self->configure(-state => 'normal') unless( $currentState eq 'normal');
# Move Any existing spans that are at rows > $row+$noRows to where the should be, now that rows
# have been deleted
# deleteRows:
my %indRowColsNew;
foreach my $rcindex(keys %$indRowCols){
my ($rowIndex,$colIndex) = split(',',$rcindex);
if($rowIndex > $row){ # adjust rows greater than the current row
my $newRow = $rowIndex-$noRows;
$indRowColsNew{"$newRow,$colIndex"} = $indRowCols->{$rcindex};
$indRowColsNew{$rcindex} = $indRowCols->{$rcindex};
# Copy new to existing:
%$indRowCols = %indRowColsNew;
$noRows += $lowerLevelHideRows; # Include the lower level detail rows hidden in the internall array update
# Now Update the internal arrays for the deleted rows ###
my %expandDataNew;
foreach my $rowIndex(keys %$expandData){
if($rowIndex > ($row+$noRows)){ # adjust rows greater than the current row + detail data
$expandDataNew{$rowIndex-$noRows} = $expandData->{$rowIndex};
elsif($rowIndex<= $row){ # rows less than or equal just get copied
$expandDataNew{$rowIndex} = $expandData->{$rowIndex};
#else nothing, expand data that is in the detail data that is being hidden doesn't get copied
# Copy new to existing:
%$expandData = %expandDataNew;
# Put the state back
$self->configure(-state => $currentState) unless( $currentState eq 'normal');
return $noRows;
# Sub called when -expandData option changes
sub expandData{
my ($self, $expandData) = @_;
if(! defined($expandData)){ # Handle case where $widget->cget(-expandData) is called
return $self->{Configure}{-expandData}
my $selectorCol = $self->cget(-selectorCol);
# Create internal copy of expand Data for us to mess with
my $expandData_int = {};
%$expandData_int = %$expandData;
$self->{'_expandData'} = $expandData_int;
# update the indRowCols quick lookup hash:
$self->updateIndRowCols($expandData, $selectorCol);
# Sub called when -selectorCol option changes
sub selectorCol{
my ($self, $selectorCol) = @_;
if(! defined($selectorCol)){ # Handle case where $widget->cget(-selectorCol) is called
# Set default if not defined yet
my $selCol;
unless( defined($self->{Configure}{-selectorCol})){
$selCol = $self->{Configure}{-selectorCol} = 0;
$selCol = $self->{Configure}{-selectorCol};
return $selCol;
###### Get Old Selector Col and undo Here ?????###
my $expandData = $self->cget('-expandData');
# update the indRowCols quick lookup hash:
$self->updateIndRowCols($expandData, $selectorCol);
# Method used to clear the selectors defined in the current indRowCols hash
sub setSelectors{
my $self = shift;
my $indRowCols = $self->{indRowCols};
my @pluses = grep $indRowCols->{$_} eq '+', keys %$indRowCols;
my @minuses = grep $indRowCols->{$_} eq '-', keys %$indRowCols;
$self->tagCell('plus', @pluses);
$self->tagCell('minus', @minuses);
my $selectorCol = $self->cget('-selectorCol');
my $selectorColWidth = $self->cget(-selectorColWidth) || 2; # set to '2' (the default), incase this called before the defaults have been set
$self->colWidth($selectorCol, $selectorColWidth);
# Method used to clear the selectors defined in the current indRowCols hash
sub clearSelectors{
my $self = shift;
my @indRowCols = keys %{$self->{indRowCols}};
if( @indRowCols){
$self->tagCell('', keys %{$self->{indRowCols}});
# Get selectorCol from first entry
my ($row,$col) = split(',',$indRowCols[0]);
$self->colWidth($col, 'default');
### Method to update indRowCols, based on the expandData and selectorCol
sub updateIndRowCols{
my $self = shift;
my($expandData, $selectorCol) = @_;
my $indRowCols = {};
foreach (keys %$expandData){
$indRowCols->{"$_,$selectorCol"} = '+';
$self->{indRowCols} = $indRowCols;
return $indRowCols;
# General Motion routine. Calls cellEnter if the pointer has entered another
# cell.
sub GeneralMotion{
my $self = shift;
my $Ev = $self->XEvent;
my $rc = $self->index('@' . $Ev->x.",".$Ev->y);
my ($row,$col) = split(',',$rc);
my @border = $self->border('mark',$Ev->x,$Ev->y);
if( scalar(@border) == 0 && (!($self->{lastrc}) || $rc ne $self->{lastrc})){ # call cellEnter if cell number has changed and we aren't on a border
$self->{lastrc} = $rc;
# Method called with the pointer goes over a different cell
# Sets the cursor to a top-right arrow if over
# the selectorCol
sub cellEnter{
my $self = shift;
my ($row,$col) = @_;
#print "Entered '$row,$col'\n";
my $rowColResizeDrag = $self->{rowColResizeDrag}; # Flag = 1 if cursor has been changed for a row/col resize
my $indRowCols = $self->{indRowCols};
if( defined( $indRowCols->{"$row,$col"})){
#print "Setting ind cursor\n";
$self->configure(-cursor => 'top_left_arrow');
#print "Setting old cursor back '".$self->{normalCursor}."'\n";
$self->configure(-cursor => $self->{normalCursor});
## Over-ridden beginselect. Epands cell if +/- cell selected
sub BeginSelect{
my $self = shift;
my $rc = shift;
my $indRowCols = $self->{indRowCols}; # get quick lookup hash
my $state;
if( defined($indRowCols->{$rc})) {
$state = $indRowCols->{$rc};
my ($row,$col) = split(',',$rc);
if( $state eq '-'){
$self->hideDetail($row, $self->{'_expandData'});
# print "Calling inherited BeginSelect\n";
# Method Called to adjust spans starting at $row by $noRows
# If noRows is greater than 0 then the spans are adjusted up by $noRows
# If noRows is negative, then spans are adjusted down by $noRows
# This method is needed becase the rowinsert/delete methods of TableMatrix don't
# automatically adjust the spans
sub adjustSpans{
my $self = shift;
my ($row,$noRows) = @_;
my %spans = $self->spans; # Get All Spans
my %spansFilterd; # filtered for row > $row
my $minRowFiltered = $row;
my @filteredIndexes = grep { my ($r,$c) = split(',',$_); $r >= $minRowFiltered} keys %spans;
my %unapplySpans; # temp hash used to unapply spans:
@unapplySpans{@filteredIndexes} = map '0,0', @filteredIndexes;
$self->spans(%unapplySpans); # unapply the spans the filtered spans:
my %adjustedSpans;
foreach (@filteredIndexes){
my ($r,$c) = split(',',$_);
$adjustedSpans{($r+$noRows).",$c"} = $spans{$_};
# Apply adjusted Spans: