package Data::Printer::Common;
# Private library of shared Data::Printer code.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util;
my $mro_initialized = 0;
my $nsort_initialized;
sub _filter_category_for {
my ($name) = @_;
my %core_types = map { $_ => 1 }
return exists $core_types{$name} ? 'type_filters' : 'class_filters';
# strings are tough to process: there are control characters like "\t",
# unicode characters to name or escape (or do nothing), max_string to
# worry about, and every single piece of that could have its own color.
# That, and hash keys and strings share this. So we put it all in one place.
sub _process_string {
my ($ddp, $string, $src_color) = @_;
# colorizing messes with reduce_string because we are effectively
# adding new (invisible) characters to the string. So we need to
# handle reduction first. But! Because we colorize string_max
# *and* we should escape any colors already present, we need to
# do both at the same time.
$string = _reduce_string($ddp, $string, $src_color);
# now we escape all other control characters except for "\e", which was
# already escaped in _reduce_string(), and convert any chosen charset
# to the \x{} format. These could go in any particular order:
$string = _escape_chars($ddp, $string, $src_color);
$string = _print_escapes($ddp, $string, $src_color);
# finally, send our wrapped string:
return $ddp->maybe_colorize($string, $src_color);
sub _colorstrip {
my ($string) = @_;
$string =~ s{ \e\[ [\d;]* m }{}xmsg;
return $string;
sub _reduce_string {
my ($ddp, $string, $src_color) = @_;
my $max = $ddp->string_max;
my $str_len = length($string);
if ($max && $str_len && $str_len > $max) {
my $preserve = $ddp->string_preserve;
my $skipped_chars = $str_len - ($preserve eq 'none' ? 0 : $max);
my $skip_message = $ddp->maybe_colorize(
$skip_message =~ s/__SKIPPED__/$skipped_chars/g;
if ($preserve eq 'end') {
substr $string, 0, $skipped_chars, '';
$string =~ s{\e}{$ddp->maybe_colorize('\\e', 'escaped', undef, $src_color)}ge
if $ddp->print_escapes;
$string = $skip_message . $string;
elsif ($preserve eq 'begin') {
$string = substr($string, 0, $max);
$string =~ s{\e}{$ddp->maybe_colorize('\\e', 'escaped', undef, $src_color)}ge
if $ddp->print_escapes;
$string = $string . $skip_message;
elsif ($preserve eq 'extremes') {
my $leftside_chars = int($max / 2);
my $rightside_chars = $max - $leftside_chars;
my $leftside = substr($string, 0, $leftside_chars);
my $rightside = substr($string, -$rightside_chars);
if ($ddp->print_escapes) {
$leftside =~ s{\e}{$ddp->maybe_colorize('\\e', 'escaped', undef, $src_color)}ge;
$rightside =~ s{\e}{$ddp->maybe_colorize('\\e', 'escaped', undef, $src_color)}ge;
$string = $leftside . $skip_message . $rightside;
elsif ($preserve eq 'middle') {
my $string_middle = int($str_len / 2);
my $middle_substr = int($max / 2);
my $substr_begin = $string_middle - $middle_substr;
my $message_begin = $ddp->string_overflow;
$message_begin =~ s/__SKIPPED__/$substr_begin/gs;
my $chars_left = $str_len - ($substr_begin + $max);
my $message_end = $ddp->string_overflow;
$message_end =~ s/__SKIPPED__/$chars_left/gs;
$string = substr($string, $substr_begin, $max);
$string =~ s{\e}{$ddp->maybe_colorize('\\e', 'escaped', undef, $src_color)}ge
if $ddp->print_escapes;
$string = $ddp->maybe_colorize($message_begin, 'caller_info', undef, $src_color)
. $string
. $ddp->maybe_colorize($message_end, 'caller_info', undef, $src_color)
else {
# preserving 'none' only shows the skipped message:
$string = $skip_message;
else {
# nothing to do? ok, then escape any colors already present:
$string =~ s{\e}{$ddp->maybe_colorize('\\e', 'escaped', undef, $src_color)}ge
if $ddp->print_escapes;
return $string;
# _escape_chars() replaces characters with their "escaped" versions.
# Because it may be called on scalars or (scalar) hash keys and they
# have different colors, we need to be aware of that.
sub _escape_chars {
my ($ddp, $scalar, $src_color) = @_;
my $escape_kind = $ddp->escape_chars;
my %target_for = (
nonascii => '[^\x{00}-\x{7f}]+',
nonlatin1 => '[^\x{00}-\x{ff}]+',
if ($ddp->unicode_charnames) {
require charnames;
if ($escape_kind eq 'all') {
$scalar = join('', map { sprintf '\N{%s}', charnames::viacode(ord $_) } split //, $scalar);
$scalar = $ddp->maybe_colorize($scalar, 'escaped');
else {
$scalar =~ s{($target_for{$escape_kind})}{$ddp->maybe_colorize( (join '', map { sprintf '\N{%s}', charnames::viacode(ord $_) } split //, $1), 'escaped', undef, $src_color)}ge if exists $target_for{$escape_kind};
elsif ($escape_kind eq 'all') {
$scalar = join('', map { sprintf '\x{%02x}', ord $_ } split //, $scalar);
$scalar = $ddp->maybe_colorize($scalar, 'escaped');
else {
$scalar =~ s{($target_for{$escape_kind})}{$ddp->maybe_colorize((join '', map { sprintf '\x{%02x}', ord $_ } split //, $1), 'escaped', undef, $src_color)}ge if exists $target_for{$escape_kind};
return $scalar;
# _print_escapes() prints invisible chars if they exist on a string.
# Because it may be called on scalars or (scalar) hash keys and they
# have different colors, we need to be aware of that. Also, \e is
# deliberately omitted because it was escaped from the original
# string earlier, and the \e's we have now are our own colorized
# output.
sub _print_escapes {
my ($ddp, $string, $src_color) = @_;
# always escape the null character
$string =~ s/\0/$ddp->maybe_colorize('\\0', 'escaped', undef, $src_color)/ge;
return $string unless $ddp->print_escapes;
my %escaped = (
"\n" => '\n', # line feed
"\r" => '\r', # carriage return
"\t" => '\t', # horizontal tab
"\f" => '\f', # formfeed
"\b" => '\b', # backspace
"\a" => '\a', # alert (bell)
foreach my $k ( keys %escaped ) {
$string =~ s/$k/$ddp->maybe_colorize($escaped{$k}, 'escaped', undef, $src_color)/ge;
return $string;
sub _initialize_nsort {
return 'Sort::Key::Natural' if $INC{'Sort/Key/'};
return 'Sort::Naturally' if $INC{'Sort/'};
return 'Sort::Key::Natural' if eval { require Sort::Key::Natural; 1; };
return 'Sort::Naturally' if eval { require Sort::Naturally; 1; };
return 'core';
sub _nsort {
if (!$nsort_initialized) {
my $nsort_class = _initialize_nsort();
if ($nsort_class eq 'Sort::Key::Natural') {
$nsort_initialized = \&{ $nsort_class . '::natsort' };
elsif ($nsort_class ne 'core') {
$nsort_initialized = \&{ $nsort_class . '::nsort' };
else {
$nsort_initialized = \&_nsort_pp
return $nsort_initialized->(@_);
# this is a very simple 'natural-ish' sorter, heavily inspired in
# by thundergnat and tye
sub _nsort_pp {
my $i;
my @unsorted = map lc, @_;
foreach my $data (@unsorted) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$data =~ s/((\.0*)?)(\d+)/("\x0" x length $2) . (pack 'aNa*', 0, length $3, $3)/eg;
$data .= ' ' . $i++;
return @_[ map { (split)[-1] } sort @unsorted ];
sub _fetch_arrayref_of_scalars {
my ($props, $name) = @_;
return [] unless exists $props->{$name} && ref $props->{$name} eq 'ARRAY';
my @valid;
foreach my $option (@{$props->{$name}}) {
if (ref $option) {
# FIXME: because there is no object at this point, we need to check
# the 'warnings' option ourselves.
_warn(undef, "'$name' option requires scalar values only. Ignoring $option.")
if !exists $props->{warnings} || !$props->{warnings};
push @valid, $option;
return \@valid;
sub _fetch_anyof {
my ($props, $name, $default, $list) = @_;
return $default unless exists $props->{$name};
foreach my $option (@$list) {
return $option if $props->{$name} eq $option;
"invalid value '$props->{$name}' for option '$name'"
. "(must be one of: " . join(',', @$list) . ")"
sub _fetch_scalar_or_default {
my ($props, $name, $default) = @_;
return $default unless exists $props->{$name};
if (my $ref = ref $props->{$name}) {
_die("'$name' property must be a scalar, not a reference to $ref");
return $props->{$name};
sub _die {
my ($message) = @_;
my ($file, $line) = _get_proper_caller();
die '[Data::Printer] ' . $message . " at $file line $line.\n";
sub _warn {
my ($ddp, $message) = @_;
return if $ddp && !$ddp->warnings;
my ($file, $line) = _get_proper_caller();
warn '[Data::Printer] ' . $message . " at $file line $line.\n";
sub _get_proper_caller {
my $frame = 1;
while (my @caller = caller($frame++)) {
if ($caller[0] !~ /\AD(?:DP|ata::Printer)/) {
return ($caller[1], $caller[2]);
return ('n/d', 'n/d');
# simple eval++ adapted from Try::Tiny.
# returns a (true) error message if failed.
sub _tryme {
my ($subref_or_string) = @_;
my $previous_error = $@;
my ($failed, $error);
if (ref $subref_or_string eq 'CODE') {
$failed = not eval {
local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; # make sure we don't trigger any exception hooks.
$@ = $previous_error;
return 1;
$error = $@;
else {
my $code = q(local $SIG{'__DIE__'};) . $subref_or_string;
$failed = not eval $code;
$error = $@;
$@ = $previous_error;
# at this point $failed contains a true value if the eval died,
# even if some destructor overwrote $@ as the eval was unwinding.
return unless $failed;
return ($error || '(unknown error)');
# When printing array elements or hash keys, we may traverse all of it
# or just a few chunks. This function returns those chunks' indexes, and
# a scalar ref to a message whenever a chunk was skipped.
sub _fetch_indexes_for {
my ($array_ref, $prefix, $ddp) = @_;
my $max_function = $prefix . '_max';
my $preserve_function = $prefix . '_preserve';
my $overflow_function = $prefix . '_overflow';
my $max = $ddp->$max_function;
my $preserve = $ddp->$preserve_function;
return (0 .. $#{$array_ref}) if !$max || @$array_ref <= $max;
my $skip_message = $ddp->maybe_colorize($ddp->$overflow_function, 'overflow');
if ($preserve eq 'begin' || $preserve eq 'end') {
my $n_elements = @$array_ref - $max;
$skip_message =~ s/__SKIPPED__/$n_elements/g;
return $preserve eq 'begin'
? ((0 .. ($max - 1)), \$skip_message)
: (\$skip_message, ($n_elements .. $#{$array_ref}))
elsif ($preserve eq 'extremes') {
my $half_max = int($max / 2);
my $last_index_of_chunk_one = $half_max - 1;
my $n_elements = @$array_ref - $max;
my $first_index_of_chunk_two = @$array_ref - ($max - $half_max);
$skip_message =~ s/__SKIPPED__/$n_elements/g;
return (
(0 .. $last_index_of_chunk_one),
($first_index_of_chunk_two .. $#{$array_ref})
elsif ($preserve eq 'middle') {
my $array_middle = int($#{$array_ref} / 2);
my $first_index_to_show = $array_middle - int($max / 2);
my $last_index_to_show = $first_index_to_show + $max - 1;
my ($message_begin, $message_end) = ($skip_message, $skip_message);
$message_begin =~ s/__SKIPPED__/$first_index_to_show/gse;
my $items_left = $#{$array_ref} - $last_index_to_show;
$message_end =~ s/__SKIPPED__/$items_left/gs;
return (
$first_index_to_show .. $last_index_to_show,
else { # $preserve eq 'none'
my $n_elements = scalar(@$array_ref);
$skip_message =~ s/__SKIPPED__/$n_elements/g;
return (\$skip_message);
# helpers below strongly inspired by the excellent Package::Stash:
sub _linear_ISA_for {
my ($class, $ddp) = @_;
_initialize_mro($ddp) unless $mro_initialized;
my $isa;
if ($mro_initialized > 0) {
$isa = mro::get_linear_isa($class);
else {
# minimal fallback in case Class::MRO isn't available
# (should only matter for perl < 5.009_005):
$isa = [ $class, _get_superclasses_for($class) ];
return [@$isa, ($ddp->class->universal ? 'UNIVERSAL' : ())];
sub _initialize_mro {
my ($ddp) = @_;
my $error = _tryme(sub {
if ($] < 5.009_005) { require MRO::Compat }
else { require mro }
if ($error && index($error, 'in @INC') != -1 && $mro_initialized == 0) {
($] < 5.009_005 ? 'MRO::Compat' : 'mro') . ' not found in @INC.'
. ' Objects may display inaccurate/incomplete ISA and method list'
$mro_initialized = $error ? -1 : 1;
sub _get_namespace {
my ($class_name) = @_;
my $namespace;
no strict 'refs';
$namespace = \%{ $class_name . '::' }
# before 5.10, stashes don't ever seem to drop to a refcount of zero,
# so weakening them isn't helpful
Scalar::Util::weaken($namespace) if $] >= 5.010;
return $namespace;
sub _get_superclasses_for {
my ($class_name) = @_;
my $namespace = _get_namespace($class_name);
my $res = _get_symbol($class_name, $namespace, 'ISA', 'ARRAY');
return @{ $res || [] };
sub _get_symbol {
my ($class_name, $namespace, $symbol_name, $symbol_kind) = @_;
if (exists $namespace->{$symbol_name}) {
my $entry_ref = \$namespace->{$symbol_name};
if (ref($entry_ref) eq 'GLOB') {
return *{$entry_ref}{$symbol_kind};
else {
if ($symbol_kind eq 'CODE') {
no strict 'refs';
return \&{ $class_name . '::' . $symbol_name };