package Data::Printer::Config;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer::Common;
sub load_rc_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
if (!$filename) {
$filename = _get_first_rc_file_available();
return unless $filename && -e $filename && !-d $filename;
if (open my $fh, '<', $filename) {
# slurp the file:
my $rc_data;
{ local $/ = undef; $rc_data = <$fh> }
close $fh;
return _str2data($filename, $rc_data);
else {
Data::Printer::Common::_warn(undef, "error opening '$filename': $!");
sub _get_first_rc_file_available {
# look for a .dataprinter file on the project home up until we reach '/'
my $dir = _project_home();
require File::Spec;
while (defined $dir) {
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, '.dataprinter');
return $file if -f $file;
my @path = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);
last unless @path;
my $updir = File::Spec->catdir(@path[0..$#path-1]);
last if !defined $updir || $updir eq $dir;
$dir = $updir;
# still here? look for .dataprinter on the user's HOME:
return File::Spec->catfile( _my_home(), '.dataprinter');
sub _my_cwd {
require Cwd;
my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
# try harder if we can't access the current dir.
$cwd = Cwd::cwd() unless defined $cwd;
return $cwd;
sub _project_home {
require Cwd;
my $path;
if ($0 eq '-e' || $0 eq '-') {
my $cwd = _my_cwd();
$path = Cwd::abs_path($cwd) if defined $cwd;
else {
my $script = $0;
return unless -f $script;
require File::Spec;
require File::Basename;
# we need the full path if we have chdir'd:
$script = File::Spec->catfile(_my_cwd(), $script)
unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($script);
my (undef, $maybe_path) = File::Basename::fileparse($script);
$path = Cwd::abs_path($maybe_path) if defined $maybe_path;
return $path;
# adapted from File::HomeDir && File::HomeDir::Tiny
sub _my_home {
my ($testing) = @_;
if ($testing) {
require File::Temp;
require File::Spec;
my $BASE = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
my $home = File::Spec->catdir( $BASE, 'my_home' );
$ENV{HOME} = $home;
mkdir($home, 0755) unless -d $home;
return $home;
elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and "$]" < 5.016) {
elsif ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
my $error = _tryme(sub { require Mac::SystemDirectory; 1 });
return Mac::SystemDirectory::HomeDirectory() unless $error;
# this is the most common case, for most breeds of unix, as well as
# MSWin32 in more recent perls.
my $home = (<~>)[0];
return $home if $home;
# desperate measures that should never be needed.
if (exists $ENV{LOGDIR} and $ENV{LOGDIR}) {
$home = $ENV{LOGDIR};
if (not $home and exists $ENV{HOME} and $ENV{HOME}) {
$home = $ENV{HOME};
# Light desperation on any (Unixish) platform
SCOPE: { $home = (getpwuid($<))[7] if not defined $home }
if (defined $home and ! -d $home ) {
$home = undef;
return $home;
sub _file_mode_is_restricted {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $mode_raw = (stat($filename))[2];
return 0 unless defined $mode_raw;
my $mode = sprintf('%04o', $mode_raw & 07777);
return (length($mode) == 4 && substr($mode, 2, 2) eq '00') ? 1 : 0;
sub _str2data {
my ($filename, $content) = @_;
my $config = { _ => {} };
my $counter = 0;
my $filter;
my $can_use_filters;
my $ns = '_';
# based on Config::Tiny
foreach ( split /(?:\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)/, $content ) {
if (defined $filter) {
if ( /^end filter\s*$/ ) {
if (!defined $can_use_filters) {
$can_use_filters = _file_mode_is_restricted($filename);
if ($can_use_filters) {
my $sub_str = 'sub { my ($obj, $ddp) = @_; '
. $filter->{code_str}
. '}'
push @{$config->{$ns}{filters}}, +{ $filter->{name} => eval $sub_str };
else {
Data::Printer::Common::_warn(undef, "ignored filter '$filter->{name}' from rc file '$filename': file is readable/writeable by others");
$filter = undef;
elsif ( /^begin\s+filter/ ) {
Data::Printer::Common::_warn(undef, "error reading rc file '$filename' line $counter: found 'begin filter' inside another filter definition ($filter->{name}). Are you missing an 'end filter' on line " . ($counter - 1) . '?');
return {};
else {
$filter->{code_str} .= $_;
elsif ( /^\s*(?:\#|\;|$)/ ) {
next # skip comments and empty lines
elsif ( /^\s*\[\s*(.+?)\s*\]\s*$/ ) {
# Create the sub-hash if it doesn't exist.
# Without this, sections without keys will not
# appear at all in the completed struct.
$config->{$ns = $1} ||= {};
elsif ( /^\s*([^=]+?)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) {
# Handle properties:
my ($path_str, $value) = ($1, $2);
# turn a.b.c.d into {a}{b}{c}{d}
my @subpath = split /\./, $path_str;
my $current = $config->{$ns};
# remove single/double (enclosing) quotes
$value =~ s/\A(['"])(.*)\1\z/$2/;
# the root "filters" key is a special case, because we want
# it to always be an arrayref. In other words:
# filters = abc,def --> filters => ['abc', 'def']
# filters = abc --> filters => ['abc']
# filters = --> filters => []
if (@subpath == 1 && $subpath[0] eq 'filters') {
$value = [ split /\s*,\s*/ => $value ];
while (my $subpath = shift @subpath) {
if (@subpath > 0) {
$current->{$subpath} ||= {};
$current = $current->{$subpath};
else {
$current->{$subpath} = $value;
elsif ( /^begin\s+filter\s+([^\s]+)\s*$/ ) {
my $filter_name = $1;
$filter = { name => $filter_name, code_str => '' };
else {
Data::Printer::Common::_warn(undef, "error reading rc file '$filename': syntax error at line $counter: $_");
if ($counter == 1 && /\A\s*\{/s) {
"\nRC file format changed in 1.00. Usually all it takes is:\n"
. " cp $filename $filename.old && perl -MData::Printer::Config -E 'say Data::Printer::Config::convert(q($filename.old))' > $filename\n"
. "Please visit for details.\n"
return {};
# now that we have loaded the config, we must expand
# all existing 'rc_file' and 'profile' statements and
# merge them together.
foreach my $ns (keys %$config) {
$config->{$ns} = _expand_profile($config->{$ns})
if exists $config->{$ns}{profile};
return $config;
sub _merge_options {
my ($old, $new) = @_;
if (ref $new eq 'HASH') {
my %merged;
my $to_merge = ref $old eq 'HASH' ? $old : {};
foreach my $k (keys %$new, keys %$to_merge) {
# if the key exists in $new, we recurse into it:
if (exists $new->{$k}) {
$merged{$k} = _merge_options($to_merge->{$k}, $new->{$k});
else {
# otherwise we keep the old version (recursing in case of refs)
$merged{$k} = _merge_options(undef, $to_merge->{$k});
return \%merged;
elsif (ref $new eq 'ARRAY') {
# we'll only use the array on $new, but we still need to recurse
# in case array elements contain other data structures.
my @merged;
foreach my $element (@$new) {
push @merged, _merge_options(undef, $element);
return \@merged;
else {
return $new;
sub _expand_profile {
my ($options, $ddp) = @_;
my $profile = delete $options->{profile};
if ($profile !~ /\A[a-zA-Z0-9:]+\z/) {
Data::Printer::Common::_warn($ddp,"invalid profile name '$profile'");
else {
my $class = 'Data::Printer::Profile::' . $profile;
my $error = Data::Printer::Common::_tryme(sub {
my $load_error = Data::Printer::Common::_tryme("use $class; 1;");
die $load_error if defined $load_error;
my $expanded = $class->profile();
die "profile $class did not return a HASH reference" unless ref $expanded eq 'HASH';
$options = Data::Printer::Config::_merge_options($expanded, $options);
if (defined $error) {
Data::Printer::Common::_warn($ddp, "unable to load profile '$profile': $error");
return $options;
# converts the old format to the new one
sub convert {
my ($filename) = @_;
Data::Printer::Common::_die("please provide a .dataprinter file path")
unless $filename;
Data::Printer::Common::_die("file '$filename' not found")
unless -e $filename && !-d $filename;
open my $fh, '<', $filename
or Data::Printer::Common::_die("error reading file '$filename': $!");
my $rc_data;
{ local $/; $rc_data = <$fh> }
close $fh;
my $config = eval $rc_data;
if ( $@ ) {
Data::Printer::Common::_die("error loading file '$filename': $@");
elsif (!ref $config or ref $config ne 'HASH') {
Data::Printer::Common::_die("error loading file '$filename': config file must return a hash reference");
else {
return _convert('', $config);
sub _convert {
my ($key_str, $value) = @_;
if (ref $value eq 'HASH') {
$key_str = 'colors' if $key_str eq 'color';
my $str = '';
foreach my $k (sort keys %$value) {
$str .= _convert(($key_str ? "$key_str.$k" : $k), $value->{$k});
return $str;
if ($key_str && $key_str eq 'filters.-external' && ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
return 'filters = ' . join(', ' => @$value) . "\n";
elsif (ref $value) {
" [*] path '$key_str': expected scalar, found " . ref($value)
. ". Filters must be in their own class now, loaded with 'filter'.\n"
. "If you absolutely must put custom filters in, use the 'begin filter'"
. " / 'end filter' options manually, as explained in the documentation,"
. " making sure your .dataprinter file is not readable nor writeable to"
. " anyone other than your user."
return '';
else {
$value = "'$value'" if $value =~ /\s/;
return "$key_str = $value\n";
=head1 NAME
Data::Printer::Config - Load run-control (.dataprinter) files for Data::Printer
This module is used internally to load C<.dataprinter> files.
=head1 THE RC FILE
# line comments are ok with "#" or ";"
; this is also a full line comment.
; Comments at the end of a line (inline) are not allowed
multiline = 0
hash_max = 5
array_max = 5
string_max = 50
# use quotes if you need spaces to be significant:
hash_separator = " => "
class.show_methods = none
class.internals = 0
filters = DB, Web
# if you tag a class, those settings will override your basic ones
# whenever you call p() inside that class.
multiline = 1
show_tainted: 1
class.format_inheritance = lines
filters = MyAwesomeDebugFilter
theme = Monokai
; use "begin filter NAME" and "end filter" to add custom filter code.
; it will expose $obj (the data structure to be parsed) and $ddp
; (data printer's object). YOU MAY ONLY DO THIS IF YOUR FILE IS ONLY
begin filter HTTP::Request
return $ddp->maybe_colorize($obj->method . ' ' . $obj->uri, 'string')
. $obj->decoded_content;
end filter
This module is not meant for public use. However, because Data::Printer
changed the format of the configuration file, we provide the following
public function for people to use:
=head2 convert( $filename )
perl -MDDP -E 'say Data::Printer::Config::convert( q(/path/to/my/.dataprinter) )'
Loads a deprecated (pre-1.0) configuration file and returns a string
with a (hopefully) converted version, which you can use for newer (post-1.0)
Other public functions, not really meant for general consumption, are:
=over 4
=item * C<load_rc_file( $filename )> - loads a configuration file and returns
the associated data structure. If no filename is provided, looks
for C<.dataprinter>.
=head1 SEE ALSO