package Data::Printer::Profile::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub profile {
return {
show_tainted => 0,
show_unicode => 0,
show_lvalue => 0,
print_escapes => 0,
scalar_quotes => q('),
escape_chars => 'none',
string_max => 0,
unicode_charnames => 0,
array_max => 0,
index => 0,
hash_max => 0,
hash_separator => ' => ',
align_hash => 0,
sort_keys => 0,
quote_keys => 1,
name => '$VAR1',
arrows => 'first',
return_value => 'dump',
output => 'stderr',
indent => 10,
show_readonly => 0,
show_tied => 0,
show_dualvar => 'off',
show_weak => 0,
show_refcount => 0,
show_memsize => 0,
separator => ',',
end_separator => 0,
caller_info => 0,
colored => 0,
class_method => undef,
# Data::Printer doesn't provide a way to directly
# decorate filters, so we do it ourselves:
filters => [
'-class' => \&_data_dumper_class_filter,
'SCALAR' => \&_data_dumper_scalar_filter,
'LVALUE' => \&_data_dumper_lvalue_filter,
'HASH' => \&_data_dumper_hash_filter,
'ARRAY' => \&_data_dumper_array_filter,
'CODE' => \&_data_dumper_code_filter,
'FORMAT' => \&_data_dumper_format_filter,
'GLOB' => \&_data_dumper_glob_filter,
'REF' => \&_data_dumper_ref_filter,,
'Regexp' => \&_data_dumper_regexp_filter,
'VSTRING' => \&_data_dumper_vstring_filter,
sub _data_dumper_regexp_filter {
my ($re, $ddp) = @_;
my $v = "$re";
my $mod = "";
if ($v =~ /^\(\?\^?([msixpadlun-]*):([\x00-\xFF]*)\)\z/) {
$mod = $1;
$v = $2;
$mod =~ s/-.*//;
$v =~ s{/}{\\/}g;
return _output_wrapper($ddp, $ddp->maybe_colorize("qr/$v/$mod", 'regex'));
sub _data_dumper_glob_filter {
my ($glob, $ddp) = @_;
my $ret = "$$glob";
$ret =~ s|\A\*main:|\*:|;
$ret =~ s|\A\*|\\*{'|;
$ret .= '\'}';
return _output_wrapper($ddp, $ddp->maybe_colorize($ret, 'glob'));
sub _data_dumper_lvalue_filter {
my (undef, $ddp) = @_;
Data::Printer::Common::_warn($ddp, 'cannot handle ref type 10');
return _output_wrapper($ddp, '');
sub _data_dumper_scalar_filter {
my ($scalar, $ddp) = @_;
my $ret = Data::Printer::Filter::SCALAR::parse(@_);
return _output_wrapper($ddp, $ret);
sub _data_dumper_ref_filter {
my ($scalar, $ddp) = @_;
my $ret = Data::Printer::Filter::REF::parse(@_);
$ret =~ s{\A[\\]+\s+}{\\}; # DDP's REF filter adds a space after refs.
return _output_wrapper($ddp, $ret);
sub _data_dumper_vstring_filter {
my ($scalar, $ddp) = @_;
my $ret = Data::Printer::Filter::VSTRING::parse(@_);
if ($] < 5.009 && substr($ret, 0, 7) eq 'VSTRING') {
$ret = $ddp->maybe_colorize('', 'vstring');
return _output_wrapper($ddp, $ret);
sub _data_dumper_format_filter {
my (undef, $ddp) = @_;
Data::Printer::Common::_warn($ddp, 'cannot handle ref type 14');
return _output_wrapper($ddp, '');
sub _data_dumper_code_filter {
my (undef, $ddp) = @_;
return _output_wrapper($ddp, $ddp->maybe_colorize('sub { "DUMMY" }', 'code'));
sub _data_dumper_array_filter {
my ($hashref, $ddp) = @_;
my $ret = Data::Printer::Filter::ARRAY::parse(@_);
return _output_wrapper($ddp, $ret);
sub _data_dumper_hash_filter {
my ($hashref, $ddp) = @_;
my $ret = Data::Printer::Filter::HASH::parse(@_);
return _output_wrapper($ddp, $ret);
sub _data_dumper_class_filter {
my ($obj, $ddp) = @_;
require Scalar::Util;
my $reftype = Scalar::Util::reftype($obj);
$reftype = 'Regexp' if $reftype eq 'REGEXP';
my ($parse_prefix, $parse_suffix) = ('', '');
if ($reftype eq 'SCALAR' || $reftype eq 'REF' || $reftype eq 'VSTRING') {
$parse_prefix = 'do{\(my $o = ';
$parse_prefix .= '\\' if $reftype eq 'REF';
$parse_suffix = ')}';
my $ret = $ddp->maybe_colorize('bless( ' . $parse_prefix, 'method')
. $ddp->parse_as($reftype, $obj)
. $ddp->maybe_colorize($parse_suffix, 'method')
. q|, '| . $ddp->maybe_colorize(ref($obj), 'class') . q|'|
. $ddp->maybe_colorize(' )', 'method')
return _output_wrapper($ddp, $ret);
sub _output_wrapper {
my ($ddp, $output) = @_;
if ($ddp->current_depth == 0) {
$output = '$VAR1 = ' . $output . ';';
return $output;
=head1 NAME
Data::Printer::Profile::Dumper - use DDP like Data::Dumper
While loading Data::Printer:
use DDP profile => 'Dumper';
While asking for a print:
p $var, profile => 'Dumper';
or in your C<.dataprinter> file:
profile = Dumper
This profile tries to simulate Data::Dumper's output as closely as possible,
using Data::Printer, even skipping types unsupported by Data::Dumper like lvalues
and formats.
It's not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, but hopefully it's close enough :)
=head2 Notable Diferences from Data::Dumper
It's important to notice that this profile tries to emulate
Data::Dumper's I<output>, NOT its behaviour. As such, some things are
still happening in a much DDP-ish way.
* no $VAR2, ...
* return value
* prototypes
* still called 'p' (say alias = 'Dumper' if you want)
* arg is always a reference, so on the top level, references to scalars will be rendered as scalars. References to references and inner references will be rendered properly.
=head1 SEE ALSO