package Data::Visitor::Callback;
use Moose;
# ABSTRACT: A Data::Visitor with callbacks.
our $VERSION = '0.31';
use Data::Visitor ();
use Carp qw(carp);
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed refaddr reftype/;
no warnings 'recursion';
use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
use constant DEBUG => Data::Visitor::DEBUG();
use constant FIVE_EIGHT => ( $] >= 5.008 );
extends qw(Data::Visitor);
has callbacks => (
isa => "HashRef",
is => "rw",
default => sub { {} },
has class_callbacks => (
isa => "ArrayRef",
is => "rw",
default => sub { [] },
has ignore_return_values => (
isa => "Bool",
is => "rw",
my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
my $args = $class->SUPER::BUILDARGS(@args);
my %init_args = map { $_->init_arg => undef } $class->meta->get_all_attributes;
my %callbacks = map { $_ => $args->{$_} } grep { not exists $init_args{$_} } keys %$args;
my @class_callbacks = do {
no strict 'refs';
grep {
# this check can be half assed because an ->isa check will be
# performed later. Anything that cold plausibly be a class name
# should be included in the list, even if the class doesn't
# actually exist.
m{ :: | ^[A-Z] }x # if it looks kinda lack a class name
scalar keys %{"${_}::"} # or it really is a class
} keys %callbacks;
# sort from least derived to most derived
@class_callbacks = sort { !$a->isa($b) <=> !$b->isa($a) } @class_callbacks;
return {
callbacks => \%callbacks,
class_callbacks => \@class_callbacks,
sub visit {
my $self = shift;
my $replaced_hash = local $self->{_replaced} = ($self->{_replaced} || {}); # delete it after we're done with the whole visit
my @ret;
for my $data (@_) {
my $refaddr = ref($data) && refaddr($data); # we need this early, it may change by the time we write replaced hash
local *_ = \$data; # alias $_
if ( $refaddr and exists $replaced_hash->{ $refaddr } ) {
if ( FIVE_EIGHT ) {
$self->trace( mapping => replace => $data, with => $replaced_hash->{$refaddr} ) if DEBUG;
push @ret, $data = $replaced_hash->{$refaddr};
} else {
carp(q{Assignment of replacement value for already seen reference } . overload::StrVal($data) . q{ to container doesn't work on Perls older than 5.8, structure shape may have lost integrity.});
my $ret;
if ( defined wantarray ) {
$ret = $self->SUPER::visit( $self->callback( visit => $data ) );
} else {
$self->SUPER::visit( $self->callback( visit => $data ) );
$replaced_hash->{$refaddr} = $_ if $refaddr and ( not ref $_ or $refaddr ne refaddr($_) );
push @ret, $ret if defined wantarray;
return ( @_ == 1 ? $ret[0] : @ret );
sub visit_ref {
my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
my $mapped = $self->callback( ref => $data );
if ( ref $mapped ) {
return $self->SUPER::visit_ref($mapped);
} else {
return $self->visit($mapped);
sub visit_seen {
my ( $self, $data, $result ) = @_;
my $mapped = $self->callback( seen => $data, $result );
no warnings 'uninitialized';
if ( refaddr($mapped) == refaddr($data) ) {
return $result;
} else {
return $mapped;
sub visit_value {
my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
$data = $self->callback_and_reg( value => $data );
$self->callback_and_reg( ( ref($data) ? "ref_value" : "plain_value" ) => $data );
sub visit_object {
my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
$self->trace( flow => visit_object => $data ) if DEBUG;
$data = $self->callback_and_reg( object => $data );
my $class_cb = 0;
foreach my $class ( grep { $data->isa($_) } @{ $self->class_callbacks } ) {
last unless blessed($data);
die "Unexpected object $data found"
unless $data->isa($class);
$self->trace( flow => class_callback => $class, on => $data ) if DEBUG;
$data = $self->callback_and_reg( $class => $data );
$data = $self->callback_and_reg( object_no_class => $data ) unless $class_cb;
$data = $self->callback_and_reg( object_final => $data )
if blessed($data);
sub visit_scalar {
my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
my $new_data = $self->callback_and_reg( scalar => $data );
if ( (reftype($new_data)||"") =~ /^(?: SCALAR | REF | LVALUE | VSTRING ) $/x ) {
my $visited = $self->SUPER::visit_scalar( $new_data );
no warnings "uninitialized";
if ( refaddr($visited) != refaddr($data) ) {
return $self->_register_mapping( $data, $visited );
} else {
return $visited;
} else {
return $self->_register_mapping( $data, $self->visit( $new_data ) );
sub subname { $_[1] }
eval {
require Sub::Name;
no warnings 'redefine';
*subname = \&Sub::Name::subname;
foreach my $reftype ( qw/array hash glob code/ ) {
my $name = "visit_$reftype";
no strict 'refs';
*$name = subname(__PACKAGE__ . "::$name", eval '
sub {
my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
my $new_data = $self->callback_and_reg( '.$reftype.' => $data );
if ( "'.uc($reftype).'" eq (reftype($new_data)||"") ) {
my $visited = $self->SUPER::visit_'.$reftype.'( $new_data );
no warnings "uninitialized";
if ( refaddr($visited) != refaddr($data) ) {
return $self->_register_mapping( $data, $visited );
} else {
return $visited;
} else {
return $self->_register_mapping( $data, $self->visit( $new_data ) );
' || die $@);
sub visit_hash_entry {
my ( $self, $key, $value, $hash ) = @_;
my ( $new_key, $new_value ) = $self->callback( hash_entry => $_[1], $_[2], $_[3] );
unless ( $self->ignore_return_values ) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
if ( ref($value) and refaddr($value) != refaddr($new_value) ) {
$self->_register_mapping( $value, $new_value );
if ( $key ne $new_key ) {
return $self->SUPER::visit_hash_entry($new_key, $new_value, $_[3]);
} else {
return $self->SUPER::visit_hash_entry($_[1], $new_value, $_[3]);
} else {
if ( $key ne $new_key ) {
return $self->SUPER::visit_hash_entry($new_key, $_[2], $_[3]);
} else {
return $self->SUPER::visit_hash_entry($_[1], $_[2], $_[3]);
} else {
return $self->SUPER::visit_hash_entry($_[1], $_[2], $_[3]);
sub callback {
my ( $self, $name, $data, @args ) = @_;
if ( my $code = $self->callbacks->{$name} ) {
$self->trace( flow => callback => $name, on => $data ) if DEBUG;
if ( wantarray ) {
my @ret = $self->$code( $data, @args );
return $self->ignore_return_values ? ( $data, @args ) : @ret;
} else {
my $ret = $self->$code( $data, @args );
return $self->ignore_return_values ? $data : $ret ;
} else {
return wantarray ? ( $data, @args ) : $data;
sub callback_and_reg {
my ( $self, $name, $data, @args ) = @_;
my $new_data = $self->callback( $name, $data, @args );
unless ( $self->ignore_return_values ) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
if ( ref $data ) {
if ( refaddr($data) != refaddr($new_data) ) {
return $self->_register_mapping( $data, $new_data );
return $new_data;
return $data;
sub visit_tied {
my ( $self, $tied, @args ) = @_;
$self->SUPER::visit_tied( $self->callback_and_reg( tied => $tied, @args ), @args );
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable if __PACKAGE__->meta->can("make_immutable");
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Data::Visitor::Callback - A Data::Visitor with callbacks.
=head1 VERSION
version 0.31
use Data::Visitor::Callback;
my $v = Data::Visitor::Callback->new(
# you can provide callbacks
# $_ will contain the visited value
value => sub { ... },
array => sub { ... },
# you can also delegate to method names
# this specific example will force traversal on objects, by using the
# 'visit_ref' callback which normally traverse unblessed references
object => "visit_ref",
# you can also use class names as callbacks
# the callback will be invoked on all objects which inherit that class
'Some::Class' => sub {
my ( $v, $obj ) = @_; # $v is the visitor
$v->visit( $some_perl_value );
This is a L<Data::Visitor> subclass that lets you invoke callbacks instead of
needing to subclass yourself.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item new %opts, %callbacks
Construct a new visitor.
The options supported are:
=over 4
=item ignore_return_values
When this is true (off by default) the return values from the callbacks are
ignored, thus disabling the fmapping behavior as documented in
This is useful when you want to modify $_ directly
=item tied_as_objects
Whether or not to visit the L<perlfunc/tied> of a tied structure instead of
pretending the structure is just a normal one.
See L<Data::Visitor/visit_tied>.
Use these keys for the corresponding callbacks.
The callback is in the form:
sub {
my ( $visitor, $data ) = @_;
# or you can use $_, it's aliased
return $data; # or modified data
Within the callback $_ is aliased to the data, and this is also passed in the
parameter list.
Any method can also be used as a callback:
object => "visit_ref", # visit objects anyway
=over 4
=item visit
Called for all values
=item value
Called for non objects, non container (hash, array, glob or scalar ref) values.
=item ref_value
Called after C<value>, for references to regexes, globs and code.
=item plain_value
Called after C<value> for non references.
=item object
Called for blessed objects.
Since L<Data::Visitor/visit_object> will not recurse downwards unless you
delegate to C<visit_ref>, you can specify C<visit_ref> as the callback for
C<object> in order to enter objects.
It is recommended that you specify the classes (or base classes) you want
though, instead of just visiting any object forcefully.
=item Some::Class
You can use any class name as a callback. This is called only after the
C<object> callback.
If the object C<isa> the class then the callback will fire.
These callbacks are called from least derived to most derived by comparing the
classes' C<isa> at construction time.
=item object_no_class
Called for every object that did not have a class callback.
=item object_final
The last callback called for objects, useful if you want to post process the
output of any class callbacks.
=item array
Called for array references.
=item hash
Called for hash references.
=item glob
Called for glob references.
=item scalar
Called for scalar references.
=item tied
Called on the return value of C<tied> for all tied containers. Also passes in
the variable as the second argument.
=item seen
Called for a reference value encountered a second time.
Passes in the result mapping as the second argument.
=for Pod::Coverage DEBUG
=head1 SUPPORT
Bugs may be submitted through L<the RT bug tracker|>
(or L<|>).
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Yuval Kogman <>
=item *
Marcel GrĂ¼nauer <>
This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Yuval Kogman.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.