Note. The version number implies a release point. Thus changes that go into a
version occur above the version number, not after it.
* 0.05
** cmap
debug reverse()
provide scripts as .pl instead of .bat to placate Unix world
rename to Makefile.PL to keep Unix happy
Add ttfremap script
* 0.06 .. 0.08
Fixes to get this stuff working in Unix
* 0.09
Never released
* 0.10
** cmap
Make reverse return the lowest codepoint that matches rather than
the highest
** font
Use IO::File everywhere to allow passing in of psuedo-file objects
rather than file names
** Utils
Debug FDot2.14 conversion
* 0.11
** cmap
Don't store empty entries in the cmap
* 0.12
Various changes to reduce warnings
** glyph
Add update_bbox
Do full glyph writes if loca read rather than glyf read
Get glyph update working usefully. Clarify glyf->read
* 0.13
** glyph
Debug update_bbox for compound glyphs
Add empty() to clear to unread state (allows apps to save memory)
** OS/2
update update() to account for new cmap structure
** Post
Correct mu to pi in Postscript name list. The list now follows the
MS convention for good or ill.
** Table
Add empty() to clear a table to its unread state
** Scripts
*** psfix
Added. Creates Post table based on cmap information
*** eurofix
Added bullet hacking and generally backwards, forwards, all
ways mapping.
*** ttfenc
Now supports the difference between MS post name list and TeXs
* 0.14
Sort out mix up over CVS mess
* 0.15
** Table
read_dat no longer marks table as read
** Cvt_
Mark table as read when read
** Fpgm
Mark table as read when read
** Prep
Mark table as read when read
** Font
Add support for Mac sfnt version code ('true')
Be stricter on out @fontlist, only output tables that exist
* 0.16
** Install
add pmake support
** glyph
tidy up pod
** kern
tidy up pod
** name
add utf8 support
* 0.17
** Utils
Debug TTF_bininfo >>= seems to have stopped working!
* 0.18