shell bypass 403
package Mojo::Util;
use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Carp qw(carp croak);
use Data::Dumper ();
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex);
use Digest::SHA qw(hmac_sha1_hex sha1 sha1_hex);
use Encode qw(find_encoding);
use Exporter qw(import);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
use IO::Compress::Gzip;
use IO::Poll qw(POLLIN POLLPRI);
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
use List::Util qw(min);
use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64 encode_base64);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Socket qw(inet_pton AF_INET6 AF_INET);
use Sub::Util qw(set_subname);
use Symbol qw(delete_package);
use Time::HiRes ();
use Unicode::Normalize ();
# Check for monotonic clock support
use constant MONOTONIC => !!eval { Time::HiRes::clock_gettime(Time::HiRes::CLOCK_MONOTONIC()) };
# Punycode bootstring parameters
use constant {
PC_BASE => 36,
PC_TMIN => 1,
PC_TMAX => 26,
PC_SKEW => 38,
PC_DAMP => 700,
# To generate a new HTML entity table run this command
# perl examples/ > lib/Mojo/resources/html_entities.txt
# Don't use Mojo::File here due to circular dependencies
my $path = File::Spec->catfile(dirname(__FILE__), 'resources', 'html_entities.txt');
open my $file, '<', $path or croak "Unable to open html entities file ($path): $!";
my $lines = do { local $/; <$file> };
for my $line (split /\n/, $lines) {
next unless $line =~ /^(\S+)\s+U\+(\S+)(?:\s+U\+(\S+))?/;
$ENTITIES{$1} = defined $3 ? (chr(hex $2) . chr(hex $3)) : chr(hex $2);
# Characters that should be escaped in XML
my %XML = ('&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '"' => '"', '\'' => ''');
# "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT" and "Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT"
my $EXPIRES_RE = qr/(\w+\W+\d+\W+\w+\W+\d+\W+\d+:\d+:\d+\W*\w+)/;
# Header key/value pairs
my $QUOTED_VALUE_RE = qr/\G=\s*("(?:\\\\|\\"|[^"])*")/;
my $UNQUOTED_VALUE_RE = qr/\G=\s*([^;, ]*)/;
# HTML entities
my $ENTITY_RE = qr/&(?:\#((?:[0-9]{1,7}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}));|(\w+[;=]?))/;
# Encoding and pattern cache
our @EXPORT_OK = (
qw(b64_decode b64_encode camelize class_to_file class_to_path decamelize decode deprecated dumper encode),
qw(extract_usage getopt gunzip gzip header_params hmac_sha1_sum html_attr_unescape html_unescape humanize_bytes),
qw(md5_bytes md5_sum monkey_patch network_contains punycode_decode punycode_encode quote scope_guard secure_compare),
qw(sha1_bytes sha1_sum slugify split_cookie_header split_header steady_time tablify term_escape trim unindent),
qw(unquote url_escape url_unescape xml_escape xor_encode)
# Aliases
monkey_patch(__PACKAGE__, 'b64_decode', \&decode_base64);
monkey_patch(__PACKAGE__, 'b64_encode', \&encode_base64);
monkey_patch(__PACKAGE__, 'hmac_sha1_sum', \&hmac_sha1_hex);
monkey_patch(__PACKAGE__, 'md5_bytes', \&md5);
monkey_patch(__PACKAGE__, 'md5_sum', \&md5_hex);
monkey_patch(__PACKAGE__, 'sha1_bytes', \&sha1);
monkey_patch(__PACKAGE__, 'sha1_sum', \&sha1_hex);
# Use a monotonic clock if possible
monkey_patch(__PACKAGE__, 'steady_time',
MONOTONIC ? sub () { Time::HiRes::clock_gettime(Time::HiRes::CLOCK_MONOTONIC()) } : \&Time::HiRes::time);
sub camelize {
my $str = shift;
return $str if $str =~ /^[A-Z]/;
# CamelCase words
return join '::', map {
join('', map { ucfirst lc } split /_/)
} split /-/, $str;
sub class_to_file {
my $class = shift;
$class =~ s/::|'//g;
$class =~ s/([A-Z])([A-Z]*)/$1 . lc $2/ge;
return decamelize($class);
sub class_to_path { join '.', join('/', split(/::|'/, shift)), 'pm' }
sub decamelize {
my $str = shift;
return $str if $str !~ /^[A-Z]/;
# snake_case words
return join '-', map {
join('_', map {lc} grep {length} split /([A-Z]{1}[^A-Z]*)/)
} split /::/, $str;
sub decode {
my ($encoding, $bytes) = @_;
return undef unless eval { $bytes = _encoding($encoding)->decode("$bytes", 1); 1 };
return $bytes;
sub deprecated {
local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
$ENV{MOJO_FATAL_DEPRECATIONS} ? croak @_ : carp @_;
sub dumper { Data::Dumper->new([@_])->Indent(1)->Sortkeys(1)->Terse(1)->Useqq(1)->Dump }
sub encode { _encoding($_[0])->encode("$_[1]", 0) }
sub extract_usage {
my $file = @_ ? "$_[0]" : (caller)[1];
open my $handle, '>', \my $output;
pod2usage -exitval => 'noexit', -input => $file, -output => $handle;
$output =~ s/^.*\n|\n$//;
$output =~ s/\n$//;
return unindent($output);
sub getopt {
my ($array, $opts) = map { ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? shift : $_ } \@ARGV, [];
my $save = Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(default no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case), @$opts);
my $result = GetOptionsFromArray $array, @_;
return $result;
sub gunzip {
my $compressed = shift;
IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::gunzip \$compressed, \my $uncompressed
or croak "Couldn't gunzip: $IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GzipError";
return $uncompressed;
sub gzip {
my $uncompressed = shift;
IO::Compress::Gzip::gzip \$uncompressed, \my $compressed or croak "Couldn't gzip: $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError";
return $compressed;
sub header_params {
my $value = shift;
my $params = {};
while ($value =~ /\G[;\s]*([^=;, ]+)\s*/gc) {
my $name = $1;
# Quoted value
if ($value =~ /$QUOTED_VALUE_RE/gco) { $params->{$name} //= unquote($1) }
# Unquoted value
elsif ($value =~ /$UNQUOTED_VALUE_RE/gco) { $params->{$name} //= $1 }
return ($params, substr($value, pos($value) // 0));
sub html_attr_unescape { _html(shift, 1) }
sub html_unescape { _html(shift, 0) }
sub humanize_bytes {
my $size = shift;
my $prefix = $size < 0 ? '-' : '';
return "$prefix${size}B" if ($size = abs $size) < 1024;
return $prefix . _round($size) . 'KiB' if ($size /= 1024) < 1024;
return $prefix . _round($size) . 'MiB' if ($size /= 1024) < 1024;
return $prefix . _round($size) . 'GiB' if ($size /= 1024) < 1024;
return $prefix . _round($size /= 1024) . 'TiB';
sub monkey_patch {
my ($class, %patch) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
*{"${class}::$_"} = set_subname("${class}::$_", $patch{$_}) for keys %patch;
sub network_contains {
my ($cidr, $addr) = @_;
return undef unless length $cidr && length $addr;
# Parse inputs
my ($net, $mask) = split m!/!, $cidr, 2;
my $v6 = $net =~ /:/;
return undef if $v6 xor $addr =~ /:/;
# Convert addresses to binary
return undef unless $net = inet_pton($v6 ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET, $net);
return undef unless $addr = inet_pton($v6 ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET, $addr);
my $length = $v6 ? 128 : 32;
# Apply mask if given
$addr &= pack "B$length", '1' x $mask if defined $mask;
# Compare
return 0 == unpack "B$length", ($net ^ $addr);
# Direct translation of RFC 3492
sub punycode_decode {
my $input = shift;
use integer;
my ($n, $i, $bias, @output) = (PC_INITIAL_N, 0, PC_INITIAL_BIAS);
# Consume all code points before the last delimiter
push @output, split(//, $1) if $input =~ s/(.*)\x2d//s;
while (length $input) {
my ($oldi, $w) = ($i, 1);
# Base to infinity in steps of base
for (my $k = PC_BASE; 1; $k += PC_BASE) {
my $digit = ord substr $input, 0, 1, '';
$digit = $digit < 0x40 ? $digit + (26 - 0x30) : ($digit & 0x1f) - 1;
$i += $digit * $w;
my $t = $k - $bias;
$t = $t < PC_TMIN ? PC_TMIN : $t > PC_TMAX ? PC_TMAX : $t;
last if $digit < $t;
$w *= PC_BASE - $t;
$bias = _adapt($i - $oldi, @output + 1, $oldi == 0);
$n += $i / (@output + 1);
$i = $i % (@output + 1);
splice @output, $i++, 0, chr $n;
return join '', @output;
# Direct translation of RFC 3492
sub punycode_encode {
my $output = shift;
use integer;
my ($n, $delta, $bias) = (PC_INITIAL_N, 0, PC_INITIAL_BIAS);
# Extract basic code points
my @input = map {ord} split //, $output;
$output =~ s/[^\x00-\x7f]+//gs;
my $h = my $basic = length $output;
$output .= "\x2d" if $basic > 0;
for my $m (sort grep { $_ >= PC_INITIAL_N } @input) {
next if $m < $n;
$delta += ($m - $n) * ($h + 1);
$n = $m;
for my $c (@input) {
if ($c < $n) { $delta++ }
elsif ($c == $n) {
my $q = $delta;
# Base to infinity in steps of base
for (my $k = PC_BASE; 1; $k += PC_BASE) {
my $t = $k - $bias;
$t = $t < PC_TMIN ? PC_TMIN : $t > PC_TMAX ? PC_TMAX : $t;
last if $q < $t;
my $o = $t + (($q - $t) % (PC_BASE - $t));
$output .= chr $o + ($o < 26 ? 0x61 : 0x30 - 26);
$q = ($q - $t) / (PC_BASE - $t);
$output .= chr $q + ($q < 26 ? 0x61 : 0x30 - 26);
$bias = _adapt($delta, $h + 1, $h == $basic);
$delta = 0;
return $output;
sub quote {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
return qq{"$str"};
sub scope_guard { Mojo::Util::_Guard->new(cb => shift) }
sub secure_compare {
my ($one, $two) = @_;
my $r = length $one != length $two;
$two = $one if $r;
$r |= ord(substr $one, $_) ^ ord(substr $two, $_) for 0 .. length($one) - 1;
return $r == 0;
sub slugify {
my ($value, $allow_unicode) = @_;
if ($allow_unicode) {
# Force unicode semantics by upgrading string
utf8::upgrade($value = Unicode::Normalize::NFKC($value));
$value =~ s/[^\w\s-]+//g;
else {
$value = Unicode::Normalize::NFKD($value);
$value =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\p{PosixSpace}-]+//g;
(my $new = lc trim($value)) =~ s/[-\s]+/-/g;
return $new;
sub split_cookie_header { _header(shift, 1) }
sub split_header { _header(shift, 0) }
sub tablify {
my $rows = shift;
my @spec;
for my $row (@$rows) {
for my $i (0 .. $#$row) {
($row->[$i] //= '') =~ y/\r\n//d;
my $len = length $row->[$i];
$spec[$i] = $len if $len >= ($spec[$i] // 0);
my @fm = (map({"\%-${_}s"} @spec[0 .. $#spec - 1]), '%s');
return join '', map { sprintf join(' ', @fm[0 .. $#$_]) . "\n", @$_ } @$rows;
sub term_escape {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x1f\x7f\x80-\x9f])/sprintf '\\x%02x', ord $1/ge;
return $str;
sub trim {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/^\s+//;
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
return $str;
sub unindent {
my $str = shift;
my $min = min map { m/^([ \t]*)/; length $1 || () } split /\n/, $str;
$str =~ s/^[ \t]{0,$min}//gm if $min;
return $str;
sub unquote {
my $str = shift;
return $str unless $str =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/g;
$str =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$str =~ s/\\"/"/g;
return $str;
sub url_escape {
my ($str, $pattern) = @_;
if ($pattern) {
unless (exists $PATTERN{$pattern}) {
(my $quoted = $pattern) =~ s!([/\$\[])!\\$1!g;
$PATTERN{$pattern} = eval "sub { \$_[0] =~ s/([$quoted])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord \$1/ge }" or croak $@;
else { $str =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9\-._~])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1/ge }
return $str;
sub url_unescape {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr hex $1/ge;
return $str;
sub xml_escape {
return $_[0] if ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'Mojo::ByteStream';
my $str = shift // '';
$str =~ s/([&<>"'])/$XML{$1}/ge;
return $str;
sub xor_encode {
my ($input, $key) = @_;
# Encode with variable key length
my $len = length $key;
my $buffer = my $output = '';
$output .= $buffer ^ $key while length($buffer = substr($input, 0, $len, '')) == $len;
return $output .= $buffer ^ substr($key, 0, length $buffer, '');
sub _adapt {
my ($delta, $numpoints, $firsttime) = @_;
use integer;
$delta = $firsttime ? $delta / PC_DAMP : $delta / 2;
$delta += $delta / $numpoints;
my $k = 0;
while ($delta > ((PC_BASE - PC_TMIN) * PC_TMAX) / 2) {
$delta /= PC_BASE - PC_TMIN;
$k += PC_BASE;
return $k + (((PC_BASE - PC_TMIN + 1) * $delta) / ($delta + PC_SKEW));
sub _encoding { $ENCODING{$_[0]} //= find_encoding($_[0]) // croak "Unknown encoding '$_[0]'" }
sub _entity {
my ($point, $name, $attr) = @_;
# Code point
return chr($point !~ /^x/ ? $point : hex $point) unless defined $name;
# Named character reference
my $rest = my $last = '';
while (length $name) {
return $ENTITIES{$name} . reverse $rest
if exists $ENTITIES{$name} && (!$attr || $name =~ /;$/ || $last !~ /[A-Za-z0-9=]/);
$rest .= $last = chop $name;
return '&' . reverse $rest;
sub _header {
my ($str, $cookie) = @_;
my (@tree, @part);
while ($str =~ /\G[,;\s]*([^=;, ]+)\s*/gc) {
push @part, $1, undef;
my $expires = $cookie && @part > 2 && lc $1 eq 'expires';
# Special "expires" value
if ($expires && $str =~ /\G=\s*$EXPIRES_RE/gco) { $part[-1] = $1 }
# Quoted value
elsif ($str =~ /$QUOTED_VALUE_RE/gco) { $part[-1] = unquote $1 }
# Unquoted value
elsif ($str =~ /$UNQUOTED_VALUE_RE/gco) { $part[-1] = $1 }
# Separator
next unless $str =~ /\G[;\s]*,\s*/gc;
push @tree, [@part];
@part = ();
# Take care of final part
return [@part ? (@tree, \@part) : @tree];
sub _html {
my ($str, $attr) = @_;
$str =~ s/$ENTITY_RE/_entity($1, $2, $attr)/geo;
return $str;
sub _options {
# Hash or name (one)
return ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? (undef, %{shift()}) : @_ if @_ == 1;
# Name and values (odd)
return shift, @_ if @_ % 2;
# Name and hash or just values (even)
return ref $_[1] eq 'HASH' ? (shift, %{shift()}) : (undef, @_);
# This may break in the future, but is worth it for performance
sub _readable { !!(IO::Poll::_poll(@_[0, 1], my $m = POLLIN | POLLPRI) > 0) }
sub _round { $_[0] < 10 ? int($_[0] * 10 + 0.5) / 10 : int($_[0] + 0.5) }
sub _stash {
my ($name, $object) = (shift, shift);
# Hash
return $object->{$name} //= {} unless @_;
# Get
return $object->{$name}{$_[0]} unless @_ > 1 || ref $_[0];
# Set
my $values = ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : {@_};
@{$object->{$name}}{keys %$values} = values %$values;
return $object;
sub _teardown {
return unless my $class = shift;
# @ISA has to be cleared first because of circular references
no strict 'refs';
@{"${class}::ISA"} = ();
delete_package $class;
package Mojo::Util::_Guard;
use Mojo::Base -base;
sub DESTROY { shift->{cb}() }
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojo::Util - Portable utility functions
use Mojo::Util qw(b64_encode url_escape url_unescape);
my $str = 'test=23';
my $escaped = url_escape $str;
say url_unescape $escaped;
say b64_encode $escaped, '';
L<Mojo::Util> provides portable utility functions for L<Mojo>.
L<Mojo::Util> implements the following functions, which can be imported individually.
=head2 b64_decode
my $bytes = b64_decode $b64;
Base64 decode bytes with L<MIME::Base64>.
=head2 b64_encode
my $b64 = b64_encode $bytes;
my $b64 = b64_encode $bytes, "\n";
Base64 encode bytes with L<MIME::Base64>, the line ending defaults to a newline.
=head2 camelize
my $camelcase = camelize $snakecase;
Convert C<snake_case> string to C<CamelCase> and replace C<-> with C<::>.
# "FooBar"
camelize 'foo_bar';
# "FooBar::Baz"
camelize 'foo_bar-baz';
# "FooBar::Baz"
camelize 'FooBar::Baz';
=head2 class_to_file
my $file = class_to_file 'Foo::Bar';
Convert a class name to a file.
# "foo_bar"
class_to_file 'Foo::Bar';
# "foobar"
class_to_file 'FOO::Bar';
# "foo_bar"
class_to_file 'FooBar';
# "foobar"
class_to_file 'FOOBar';
=head2 class_to_path
my $path = class_to_path 'Foo::Bar';
Convert class name to path, as used by C<%INC>.
# "Foo/"
class_to_path 'Foo::Bar';
# ""
class_to_path 'FooBar';
=head2 decamelize
my $snakecase = decamelize $camelcase;
Convert C<CamelCase> string to C<snake_case> and replace C<::> with C<->.
# "foo_bar"
decamelize 'FooBar';
# "foo_bar-baz"
decamelize 'FooBar::Baz';
# "foo_bar-baz"
decamelize 'foo_bar-baz';
=head2 decode
my $chars = decode 'UTF-8', $bytes;
Decode bytes to characters with L<Encode>, or return C<undef> if decoding failed.
=head2 deprecated
deprecated 'foo is DEPRECATED in favor of bar';
Warn about deprecated feature from perspective of caller. You can also set the C<MOJO_FATAL_DEPRECATIONS> environment
variable to make them die instead with L<Carp>.
=head2 dumper
my $perl = dumper {some => 'data'};
Dump a Perl data structure with L<Data::Dumper>.
=head2 encode
my $bytes = encode 'UTF-8', $chars;
Encode characters to bytes with L<Encode>.
=head2 extract_usage
my $usage = extract_usage;
my $usage = extract_usage '/home/sri/foo.pod';
Extract usage message from the SYNOPSIS section of a file containing POD documentation, defaults to using the file this
function was called from.
# "Usage: APPLICATION test [OPTIONS]\n"
=head2 getopt
'H|headers=s' => \my @headers,
't|timeout=i' => \my $timeout,
'v|verbose' => \my $verbose;
getopt $array,
'H|headers=s' => \my @headers,
't|timeout=i' => \my $timeout,
'v|verbose' => \my $verbose;
getopt $array, ['pass_through'],
'H|headers=s' => \my @headers,
't|timeout=i' => \my $timeout,
'v|verbose' => \my $verbose;
Extract options from an array reference with L<Getopt::Long>, but without changing its global configuration, defaults
to using C<@ARGV>. The configuration options C<no_auto_abbrev> and C<no_ignore_case> are enabled by default.
# Extract "charset" option
getopt ['--charset', 'UTF-8'], 'charset=s' => \my $charset;
say $charset;
=head2 gunzip
my $uncompressed = gunzip $compressed;
Uncompress bytes with L<IO::Compress::Gunzip>.
=head2 gzip
my $compressed = gzip $uncompressed;
Compress bytes with L<IO::Compress::Gzip>.
=head2 header_params
my ($params, $remainder) = header_params 'one=foo; two="bar", three=baz';
Extract HTTP header field parameters until the first comma according to L<RFC 5987|>.
Note that this function is B<EXPERIMENTAL> and might change without warning!
=head2 hmac_sha1_sum
my $checksum = hmac_sha1_sum $bytes, 'passw0rd';
Generate HMAC-SHA1 checksum for bytes with L<Digest::SHA>.
# "11cedfd5ec11adc0ec234466d8a0f2a83736aa68"
hmac_sha1_sum 'foo', 'passw0rd';
=head2 html_attr_unescape
my $str = html_attr_unescape $escaped;
Same as L</"html_unescape">, but handles special rules from the L<HTML Living Standard|>
for HTML attributes.
# "foo=bar<est=baz"
html_attr_unescape 'foo=bar<est=baz';
# "foo=bar<est=baz"
html_attr_unescape 'foo=bar<est=baz';
=head2 html_unescape
my $str = html_unescape $escaped;
Unescape all HTML entities in string.
# "<div>"
html_unescape '<div>';
=head2 humanize_bytes
my $str = humanize_bytes 1234;
Turn number of bytes into a simplified human readable format.
# "1B"
humanize_bytes 1;
# "7.5GiB"
humanize_bytes 8007188480;
# "13GiB"
humanize_bytes 13443399680;
# "-685MiB"
humanize_bytes -717946880;
=head2 md5_bytes
my $checksum = md5_bytes $bytes;
Generate binary MD5 checksum for bytes with L<Digest::MD5>.
=head2 md5_sum
my $checksum = md5_sum $bytes;
Generate MD5 checksum for bytes with L<Digest::MD5>.
# "acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8"
md5_sum 'foo';
=head2 monkey_patch
monkey_patch $package, foo => sub {...};
monkey_patch $package, foo => sub {...}, bar => sub {...};
Monkey patch functions into package.
monkey_patch 'MyApp',
one => sub { say 'One!' },
two => sub { say 'Two!' },
three => sub { say 'Three!' };
=head2 punycode_decode
my $str = punycode_decode $punycode;
Punycode decode string as described in L<RFC 3492|>.
# "bücher"
punycode_decode 'bcher-kva';
=head2 network_contains
my $bool = network_contains $network, $address;
Check that a given address is contained within a network in CIDR form. If the network is a single address, the
addresses must be equivalent.
# True
network_contains('', '');
network_contains('', '');
network_contains('fc00::/7', 'fc::c0:ff:ee');
# False
network_contains('', '');
network_contains('', '');
network_contains('fc00::/7', '::1');
=head2 punycode_encode
my $punycode = punycode_encode $str;
Punycode encode string as described in L<RFC 3492|>.
# "bcher-kva"
punycode_encode 'bücher';
=head2 quote
my $quoted = quote $str;
Quote string.
=head2 scope_guard
my $guard = scope_guard sub {...};
Create anonymous scope guard object that will execute the passed callback when the object is destroyed.
# Execute closure at end of scope
my $guard = scope_guard sub { say "Mojo!" };
say "Hello";
=head2 secure_compare
my $bool = secure_compare $str1, $str2;
Constant time comparison algorithm to prevent timing attacks. The secret string should be the second argument, to avoid
leaking information about the length of the string.
=head2 sha1_bytes
my $checksum = sha1_bytes $bytes;
Generate binary SHA1 checksum for bytes with L<Digest::SHA>.
=head2 sha1_sum
my $checksum = sha1_sum $bytes;
Generate SHA1 checksum for bytes with L<Digest::SHA>.
# "0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33"
sha1_sum 'foo';
=head2 slugify
my $slug = slugify $string;
my $slug = slugify $string, $bool;
Returns a URL slug generated from the input string. Non-word characters are removed, the string is trimmed and
lowercased, and whitespace characters are replaced by a dash. By default, non-ASCII characters are normalized to ASCII
word characters or removed, but if a true value is passed as the second parameter, all word characters will be allowed
in the result according to unicode semantics.
# "joel-is-a-slug"
slugify 'Joel is a slug';
# "this-is-my-resume"
slugify 'This is: my - résumé! ☃ ';
# "this-is-my-résumé"
slugify 'This is: my - résumé! ☃ ', 1;
=head2 split_cookie_header
my $tree = split_cookie_header 'a=b; expires=Thu, 07 Aug 2008 07:07:59 GMT';
Same as L</"split_header">, but handles C<expires> values from L<RFC 6265|>.
=head2 split_header
my $tree = split_header 'foo="bar baz"; test=123, yada';
Split HTTP header value into key/value pairs, each comma separated part gets its own array reference, and keys without
a value get C<undef> assigned.
# "one"
split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[0][0];
# "two"
split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[0][2];
# "three four"
split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[0][3];
# "five"
split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[1][0];
# "six"
split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[1][1];
=head2 steady_time
my $time = steady_time;
High resolution time elapsed from an arbitrary fixed point in the past, resilient to time jumps if a monotonic clock is
available through L<Time::HiRes>.
=head2 tablify
my $table = tablify [['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 'yada']];
Row-oriented generator for text tables.
# "foo bar\nyada yada\nbaz yada\n"
tablify [['foo', 'bar'], ['yada', 'yada'], ['baz', 'yada']];
=head2 term_escape
my $escaped = term_escape $str;
Escape all POSIX control characters except for C<\n>.
# "foo\\x09bar\\x0d\n"
term_escape "foo\tbar\r\n";
=head2 trim
my $trimmed = trim $str;
Trim whitespace characters from both ends of string.
# "foo bar"
trim ' foo bar ';
=head2 unindent
my $unindented = unindent $str;
Unindent multi-line string.
# "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
unindent " foo\n bar\n baz\n";
=head2 unquote
my $str = unquote $quoted;
Unquote string.
=head2 url_escape
my $escaped = url_escape $str;
my $escaped = url_escape $str, '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~';
Percent encode unsafe characters in string as described in L<RFC 3986|>, the pattern
used defaults to C<^A-Za-z0-9\-._~>.
# "foo%3Bbar"
url_escape 'foo;bar';
=head2 url_unescape
my $str = url_unescape $escaped;
Decode percent encoded characters in string as described in L<RFC 3986|>.
# "foo;bar"
url_unescape 'foo%3Bbar';
=head2 xml_escape
my $escaped = xml_escape $str;
Escape unsafe characters C<&>, C<E<lt>>, C<E<gt>>, C<"> and C<'> in string, but do not escape L<Mojo::ByteStream>
# "<div>"
xml_escape '<div>';
# "<div>"
use Mojo::ByteStream qw(b);
xml_escape b('<div>');
=head2 xor_encode
my $encoded = xor_encode $str, $key;
XOR encode string with variable length key.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.