# ======================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Paul Kulchenko (paulclinger@yahoo.com)
# SOAP::Lite is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# ======================================================================
package SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.27'; # VERSION
use SOAP::Lite;
use SOAP::Packager;
# ======================================================================
package SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client;
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Client);
$COMPRESS = 'deflate';
my ( %redirect, %mpost, %nocompress );
# hack for HTTP connection that returns Keep-Alive
# miscommunication (?) between LWP::Protocol and LWP::Protocol::http
# dies after timeout, but seems like we could make it work
my $_patched = 0;
sub patch {
return if $_patched;
BEGIN { local ($^W) = 0; }
local $^W = 0;
sub LWP::UserAgent::redirect_ok;
*LWP::UserAgent::redirect_ok = sub { 1 }
local $^W = 0;
my $collect = \&collect; # store original
*collect = sub {
if ( defined $_[2]->header('Connection')
&& $_[2]->header('Connection') eq 'Keep-Alive' ) {
my $data = $_[3]->();
my $next =
$_[2]->header('Content-Length') &&
SOAP::Utils::bytelength($$data) ==
? sub { my $str = ''; \$str; }
: $_[3];
my $done = 0;
$_[3] = sub {
$done++ ? &$next : $data;
goto &$collect;
sub DESTROY { SOAP::Trace::objects('()') }
sub http_request {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{'_http_request'} = shift; return $self }
return $self->{'_http_request'};
sub http_response {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{'_http_response'} = shift; return $self }
return $self->{'_http_response'};
sub setDebugLogger {
my ($self,$logger) = @_;
$self->{debug_logger} = $logger;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
#print "HTTP.pm DEBUG: in sub new\n";
return $class if ref $class; # skip if we're already object...
if ( !grep { $_ eq $USERAGENT_CLASS } @ISA ) {
eval("require $USERAGENT_CLASS")
or die "Could not load UserAgent class $USERAGENT_CLASS: $@";
require HTTP::Request;
require HTTP::Headers;
patch() if $SOAP::Constants::PATCH_HTTP_KEEPALIVE;
my ( @params, @methods );
while (@_) {
$class->can( $_[0] )
? push( @methods, shift() => shift )
: push( @params, shift );
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@params);
"SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client must inherit from LWP::UserAgent, or one of its subclasses"
if !$self->isa("LWP::UserAgent");
$self->agent( join '/', 'SOAP::Lite', 'Perl',
$SOAP::Transport::HTTP::VERSION );
$self->options( {} );
$self->http_request( HTTP::Request->new() );
while (@methods) {
my ( $method, $params ) = splice( @methods, 0, 2 );
# ssl_opts takes a hash, not a ref - see RT 107924
if (ref $params eq 'HASH' && $method eq 'ssl_opts') {
$self->$method( %$params );
$self->$method( ref $params eq 'ARRAY' ? @$params : $params );
return $self;
sub send_receive {
my ( $self, %parameters ) = @_;
my ( $context, $envelope, $endpoint, $action, $encoding, $parts ) =
@parameters{qw(context envelope endpoint action encoding parts)};
$encoding ||= 'UTF-8';
$endpoint ||= $self->endpoint;
my $method = 'POST';
$COMPRESS = 'gzip';
$self->options->{is_compress} ||=
exists $self->options->{compress_threshold}
&& eval { require Compress::Zlib };
# Initialize the basic about the HTTP Request object
my $http_request = $self->http_request()->clone();
# $self->http_request(HTTP::Request->new);
$http_request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );
# TODO - add application/dime
Accept => ['text/xml', 'multipart/*', 'application/soap'] );
no strict 'refs';
if ($parts) {
my $packager = $context->packager;
$envelope = $packager->package( $envelope, $context );
for my $hname ( keys %{$packager->headers_http} ) {
$hname => $packager->headers_http->{$hname} );
# TODO - DIME support
my $compressed =
!exists $nocompress{$endpoint}
&& $self->options->{is_compress}
&& ( $self->options->{compress_threshold} || 0 ) < length $envelope;
my $original_encoding = $http_request->content_encoding;
while (1) {
# check cache for redirect
$endpoint = $redirect{$endpoint} if exists $redirect{$endpoint};
# check cache for M-POST
$method = 'M-POST' if exists $mpost{$endpoint};
# what's this all about?
# unfortunately combination of LWP and Perl 5.6.1 and later has bug
# in sending multibyte characters. LWP uses length() to calculate
# content-length header and starting 5.6.1 length() calculates chars
# instead of bytes. 'use bytes' in THIS file doesn't work, because
# it's lexically scoped. Unfortunately, content-length we calculate
# here doesn't work either, because LWP overwrites it with
# content-length it calculates (which is wrong) AND uses length()
# during syswrite/sysread, so we are in a bad shape anyway.
# what to do? we calculate proper content-length (using
# bytelength() function from SOAP::Utils) and then drop utf8 mark
# from string (doing pack with 'C0A*' modifier) if length and
# bytelength are not the same
my $bytelength = SOAP::Utils::bytelength($envelope);
if ($] < 5.008) {
$envelope = pack( 'C0A*', $envelope );
else {
require Encode;
$envelope = Encode::encode($encoding, $envelope);
$bytelength = SOAP::Utils::bytelength($envelope);
# && length($envelope) != $bytelength;
# compress after encoding
# doing it before breaks the compressed content (#74577)
$envelope = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($envelope) if $compressed;
$http_request->proxy_authorization_basic( $ENV{'HTTP_proxy_user'},
$ENV{'HTTP_proxy_pass'} )
if ( $ENV{'HTTP_proxy_user'} && $ENV{'HTTP_proxy_pass'} );
# by Murray Nesbitt
if ( $method eq 'M-POST' ) {
my $prefix = sprintf '%04d', int( rand(1000) );
Man => qq!"$SOAP::Constants::NS_ENV"; ns=$prefix! );
$http_request->header( "$prefix-SOAPAction" => $action )
if defined $action;
else {
$http_request->header( SOAPAction => $action )
if defined $action;
# $http_request->header(Expect => '100-Continue');
# allow compress if present and let server know we could handle it
$http_request->header( 'Accept-Encoding' =>
[$SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::COMPRESS] )
if $self->options->{is_compress};
if $compressed;
if ( !$http_request->content_type ) {
join '; ',
!$SOAP::Constants::DO_NOT_USE_CHARSET && $encoding
? 'charset=' . lc($encoding)
: () );
elsif ( !$SOAP::Constants::DO_NOT_USE_CHARSET && $encoding ) {
my $tmpType = $http_request->headers->header('Content-type');
# $http_request->content_type($tmpType.'; charset=' . lc($encoding));
my $addition = '; charset=' . lc($encoding);
$http_request->content_type( $tmpType . $addition )
if ( $tmpType !~ /$addition/ );
$http_request->content_length($bytelength) unless $compressed;
$self->SUPER::env_proxy if $ENV{'HTTP_proxy'};
# send and receive the stuff.
# TODO maybe eval this? what happens on connection close?
$self->http_response( $self->SUPER::request($http_request) );
SOAP::Trace::transport( $self->http_response );
# 100 OK, continue to read?
if ( (
$self->http_response->code == 510
|| $self->http_response->code == 501
&& $method ne 'M-POST'
) {
$mpost{$endpoint} = 1;
elsif ( $self->http_response->code == 415 && $compressed ) {
# 415 Unsupported Media Type
$nocompress{$endpoint} = 1;
$envelope = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($envelope);
redo COMPRESS; # try again without compression
else {
$redirect{$endpoint} = $self->http_response->request->url
if $self->http_response->previous
&& $self->http_response->previous->is_redirect;
$self->code( $self->http_response->code );
$self->message( $self->http_response->message );
$self->is_success( $self->http_response->is_success );
$self->status( $self->http_response->status_line );
# Pull out any cookies from the response headers
$self->{'_cookie_jar'}->extract_cookies( $self->http_response )
if $self->{'_cookie_jar'};
my $content =
( $self->http_response->content_encoding || '' ) =~
&& $self->options->{is_compress}
? Compress::Zlib::memGunzip( $self->http_response->content )
: ( $self->http_response->content_encoding || '' ) =~ /\S/ ? die
"Can't understand returned Content-Encoding (@{[$self->http_response->content_encoding]})\n"
: $self->http_response->content;
return $self->http_response->content_type =~ m!^multipart/!i
? join( "\n", $self->http_response->headers_as_string, $content )
: $content;
# ======================================================================
package SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server;
use vars qw(@ISA $COMPRESS);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Server);
use URI;
$COMPRESS = 'deflate';
sub DESTROY { SOAP::Trace::objects('()') }
sub setDebugLogger {
my ($self,$logger) = @_;
$self->{debug_logger} = $logger;
sub new {
require LWP::UserAgent;
my $self = shift;
return $self if ref $self; # we're already an object
my $class = $self;
$self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{'_on_action'} = sub {
( my $action = shift || '' ) =~ s/^(\"?)(.*)\1$/$2/;
"SOAPAction shall match 'uri#method' if present (got '$action', expected '@{[join('#', @_)]}'\n"
if $action
&& $action ne join( '#', @_ )
&& $action ne join( '/', @_ )
&& ( substr( $_[0], -1, 1 ) ne '/'
|| $action ne join( '', @_ ) );
return $self;
sub BEGIN {
no strict 'refs';
for my $method (qw(request response)) {
my $field = '_' . $method;
*$method = sub {
my $self = shift->new;
? ( $self->{$field} = shift, return $self )
: return $self->{$field};
sub handle {
my $self = shift->new;
if ( $self->request->method eq 'POST' ) {
$self->action( $self->request->header('SOAPAction') || undef );
elsif ( $self->request->method eq 'M-POST' ) {
return $self->response(
"Expected Mandatory header with $SOAP::Constants::NS_ENV as unique URI"
) )
if $self->request->header('Man') !~
$self->action( $self->request->header("$1-SOAPAction") || undef );
else {
return $self->response(
HTTP::Response->new(405) ) # METHOD NOT ALLOWED
my $compressed =
( $self->request->content_encoding || '' ) =~ /\b$COMPRESS\b/;
$self->options->{is_compress} ||=
$compressed && eval { require Compress::Zlib };
# signal error if content-encoding is 'deflate', but we don't want it OR
# something else, so we don't understand it
return $self->response(
HTTP::Response->new(415) ) # UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE
if $compressed && !$self->options->{is_compress}
|| !$compressed
&& ( $self->request->content_encoding || '' ) =~ /\S/;
my $content_type = $self->request->content_type || '';
# in some environments (PerlEx?) content_type could be empty, so allow it also
# anyway it'll blow up inside ::Server::handle if something wrong with message
# TBD: but what to do with MIME encoded messages in THOSE environments?
return $self->make_fault( $SOAP::Constants::FAULT_CLIENT,
"Content-Type must be 'text/xml,' 'multipart/*,' "
. "'application/soap+xml,' 'or 'application/dime' instead of '$content_type'"
&& $content_type
&& $content_type ne 'application/soap+xml'
&& $content_type ne 'text/xml'
&& $content_type ne 'application/dime'
&& $content_type !~ m!^multipart/!;
# TODO - Handle the Expect: 100-Continue HTTP/1.1 Header
if ( defined( $self->request->header("Expect") )
&& ( $self->request->header("Expect") eq "100-Continue" ) ) {
# TODO - this should query SOAP::Packager to see what types it supports,
# I don't like how this is hardcoded here.
my $content =
? Compress::Zlib::uncompress( $self->request->content )
: $self->request->content;
my $response = $self->SUPER::handle(
$self->request->content_type =~ m!^multipart/!
? join( "\n", $self->request->headers_as_string, $content )
: $content
) or return;
$self->make_response( $SOAP::Constants::HTTP_ON_SUCCESS_CODE, $response );
sub make_fault {
my $self = shift;
$SOAP::Constants::HTTP_ON_FAULT_CODE => $self->SUPER::make_fault(@_)
sub make_response {
my ( $self, $code, $response ) = @_;
my $encoding = $1
if $response =~ /^<\?xml(?: version="1.0"| encoding="([^\"]+)")+\?>/;
$response =~ s!(\?>)!$1<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css"?>!
if $self->request->content_type eq 'multipart/form-data';
$self->options->{is_compress} ||=
exists $self->options->{compress_threshold}
&& eval { require Compress::Zlib };
my $compressed = $self->options->{is_compress}
&& grep( /\b($COMPRESS|\*)\b/,
$self->request->header('Accept-Encoding') )
&& ( $self->options->{compress_threshold} || 0 ) <
SOAP::Utils::bytelength $response;
if ($] > 5.007 && $encoding) {
require Encode;
$response = Encode::encode( $encoding, $response );
$response = Compress::Zlib::compress($response) if $compressed;
# this next line does not look like a good test to see if something is multipart
# perhaps a /content-type:.*multipart\//gi is a better regex?
my ($is_multipart) =
( $response =~ /^content-type:.* boundary="([^\"]*)"/im );
$code => undef,
'SOAPServer' => $self->product_tokens,
$compressed ? ( 'Content-Encoding' => $COMPRESS ) : (),
'Content-Type' => join( '; ',
&& $encoding ? 'charset=' . lc($encoding) : () ),
'Content-Length' => SOAP::Utils::bytelength $response
) );
$self->response->headers->header( 'Content-Type' =>
'Multipart/Related; type="text/xml"; start="<main_envelope>"; boundary="'
. $is_multipart
. '"' )
if $is_multipart;
# ->VERSION leaks a scalar every call - no idea why.
sub product_tokens {
join '/', 'SOAP::Lite', 'Perl', $SOAP::Transport::HTTP::VERSION;
# ======================================================================
package SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server);
sub DESTROY { SOAP::Trace::objects('()') }
sub new {
my $self = shift;
return $self if ref $self;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
$self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
return $self;
sub make_response {
my $self = shift;
sub handle {
my $self = shift->new;
my $length = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} || 0;
# if the HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING env is defined, set $chunked if it's chunked*
# else to false
my $chunked = (defined $ENV{'HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING'}
&& $ENV{'HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING'} =~ /^chunked.*$/) || 0;
my $content = q{};
if ($chunked) {
my $buffer;
while ( read( STDIN, my $buffer, 1024 ) ) {
$content .= $buffer;
$length = length($content);
if ( !$length ) {
$self->response( HTTP::Response->new(411) ) # LENGTH REQUIRED
elsif ( defined $SOAP::Constants::MAX_CONTENT_SIZE
&& $length > $SOAP::Constants::MAX_CONTENT_SIZE ) {
$self->response( HTTP::Response->new(413) ) # REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE
else {
if ( exists $ENV{EXPECT} && $ENV{EXPECT} =~ /\b100-Continue\b/i ) {
print "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n";
#my $content = q{};
if ( !$chunked ) {
my $buffer;
if ( defined $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} ) {
while ( read( STDIN, $buffer, $length ) ) {
$content .= $buffer;
last if ( length($content) >= $length );
} else {
while ( sysread( STDIN, $buffer, $length ) ) {
$content .= $buffer;
last if ( length($content) >= $length );
map { (
? ( $1 =~ m/SOAPACTION/ )
? ('SOAPAction')
: ($1)
: $_
) => $ENV{$_}
} keys %ENV
) );
# imitate nph- cgi for IIS (pointed by Murray Nesbitt)
my $status =
defined( $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'} )
: 'Status:';
my $code = $self->response->code;
print STDOUT "$status $code ", HTTP::Status::status_message($code),
"\015\012", $self->response->headers_as_string("\015\012"), "\015\012",
# ======================================================================
package SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon;
use Carp ();
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server);
sub DESTROY { SOAP::Trace::objects('()') }
#sub new { require HTTP::Daemon;
sub new {
my $self = shift;
return $self if ( ref $self );
my $class = $self;
my ( @params, @methods );
while (@_) {
$class->can( $_[0] )
? push( @methods, shift() => shift )
: push( @params, shift );
$self = $class->SUPER::new;
# Added in 0.65 - Thanks to Nils Sowen
# use SSL if there is any parameter with SSL_* in the name
$self->SSL(1) if !$self->SSL && grep /^SSL_/, @params;
my $http_daemon = $self->http_daemon_class;
eval "require $http_daemon"
or Carp::croak $@
unless $http_daemon->can('new');
$self->{_daemon} = $http_daemon->new(@params)
or Carp::croak "Can't create daemon: $!";
# End SSL patch
$self->myuri( URI->new( $self->url )->canonical->as_string );
while (@methods) {
my ( $method, $params ) = splice( @methods, 0, 2 );
ref $params eq 'ARRAY'
? @$params
: $params
return $self;
sub SSL {
my $self = shift->new;
if (@_) {
$self->{_SSL} = shift;
return $self;
return $self->{_SSL};
sub http_daemon_class { shift->SSL ? 'HTTP::Daemon::SSL' : 'HTTP::Daemon' }
my $method = substr( $AUTOLOAD, rindex( $AUTOLOAD, '::' ) + 2 );
return if $method eq 'DESTROY';
no strict 'refs';
*$AUTOLOAD = sub { shift->{_daemon}->$method(@_) };
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
sub handle {
my $self = shift->new;
while ( my $c = $self->accept ) {
while ( my $r = $c->get_request ) {
eval {
local $SIG{PIPE} = sub {die "SIGPIPE"};
$c->send_response( $self->response );
if ($@ && $@ !~ /^SIGPIPE/) {
die $@;
# replaced ->close, thanks to Sean Meisner <Sean.Meisner@VerizonWireless.com>
# shutdown() doesn't work on AIX. close() is used in this case. Thanks to Jos Clijmans <jos.clijmans@recyfin.be>
? $c->shutdown(2)
: $c->close();
# ======================================================================
package SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Apache;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server);
sub DESTROY { SOAP::Trace::objects('()') }
sub new {
my $self = shift;
unless ( ref $self ) {
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
$self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
# Added this code thanks to JT Justman
# This code improves and provides more robust support for
# multiple versions of Apache and mod_perl
# mod_perl 2.0
require Apache2::RequestRec;
require Apache2::RequestIO;
require Apache2::Const;
require Apache2::RequestUtil;
require APR::Table;
Apache2::Const->import( -compile => 'OK' );
Apache2::Const->import( -compile => 'HTTP_BAD_REQUEST' );
$self->{'MOD_PERL_VERSION'} = 2;
$self->{OK} = &Apache2::Const::OK;
else { # mod_perl 1.xx
die "Could not find or load mod_perl"
unless ( eval "require mod_perl" );
die "Could not detect your version of mod_perl"
if ( !defined($mod_perl::VERSION) );
if ( $mod_perl::VERSION < 1.99 ) {
require Apache;
require Apache::Constants;
$self->{'MOD_PERL_VERSION'} = 1;
$self->{OK} = &Apache::Constants::OK;
else {
require Apache::RequestRec;
require Apache::RequestIO;
require Apache::Const;
Apache::Const->import( -compile => 'OK' );
Apache::Const->import( -compile => 'HTTP_BAD_REQUEST' );
$self->{'MOD_PERL_VERSION'} = 1.99;
$self->{OK} = &Apache::OK;
return $self;
sub handler {
my $self = shift->new;
my $r = shift;
# Begin patch from JT Justman
if ( !$r ) {
if ( $self->{'MOD_PERL_VERSION'} < 2 ) {
$r = Apache->request();
else {
$r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request();
my $cont_len;
if ( $self->{'MOD_PERL_VERSION'} < 2 ) {
$cont_len = $r->header_in('Content-length');
else {
$cont_len = $r->headers_in->get('Content-length');
# End patch from JT Justman
my $content = "";
if ( $cont_len > 0 ) {
my $buf;
# attempt to slurp in the content at once...
$content .= $buf while ( $r->read( $buf, $cont_len ) > 0 );
else {
# throw appropriate error for mod_perl 2
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST()
if ( $self->{'MOD_PERL_VERSION'} >= 2 );
return Apache::Constants::BAD_REQUEST();
my %headers;
if ( $self->{'MOD_PERL_VERSION'} < 2 ) {
%headers = $r->headers_in; # Apache::Table structure
} else {
%headers = %{ $r->headers_in }; # Apache2::RequestRec structure
$r->method() => $r->uri,
HTTP::Headers->new( %headers ),
) );
# we will specify status manually for Apache, because
# if we do it as it has to be done, returning SERVER_ERROR,
# Apache will modify our content_type to 'text/html; ....'
# which is not what we want.
# will emulate normal response, but with custom status code
# which could also be 500.
if ($self->{'MOD_PERL_VERSION'} < 2 ) {
$r->status( $self->response->code );
else {
# Begin JT Justman patch
if ( $self->{'MOD_PERL_VERSION'} > 1 ) {
$self->response->headers->scan(sub { $r->headers_out->add(@_) });
$r->content_type( join '; ', $self->response->content_type );
else {
$self->response->headers->scan( sub { $r->header_out(@_) } );
$r->send_http_header( join '; ', $self->response->content_type );
$r->print( $self->response->content );
return $self->{OK};
# End JT Justman patch
sub configure {
my $self = shift->new;
my $config = shift->dir_config;
for (%$config) {
$config->{$_} =~ /=>/
? $self->$_( {split /\s*(?:=>|,)\s*/, $config->{$_}} )
: ref $self->$_() ? () # hm, nothing can be done here
: $self->$_( split /\s+|\s*,\s*/, $config->{$_} )
if $self->can($_);
return $self;
# just create alias
sub handle;
*handle = \&handler
# ======================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2001 Single Source oy (marko.asplund@kronodoc.fi)
# a FastCGI transport class for SOAP::Lite.
# Updated formatting and removed dead code in new() in 2008
# by Martin Kutter
# ======================================================================
package SOAP::Transport::HTTP::FCGI;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI);
sub DESTROY { SOAP::Trace::objects('()') }
sub new {
require FCGI;
Exporter::require_version( 'FCGI' => 0.47 )
; # requires thread-safe interface
my $class = shift;
return $class if ref $class;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{_fcgirq} = FCGI::Request( \*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR );
return $self;
sub handle {
my $self = shift->new;
my ( $r1, $r2 );
my $fcgirq = $self->{_fcgirq};
while ( ( $r1 = $fcgirq->Accept() ) >= 0 ) {
$r2 = $self->SUPER::handle;
return undef;
# ======================================================================