shell bypass 403
package Test::Inter;
# Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Sullivan Beck. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
require 5.004;
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use IO::File;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
$VERSION = '1.09';
sub version {
my($self) = @_;
return $VERSION;
sub new {
my($class,@args) = @_;
if (@args % 2) {
($name,%opts) = @args;
} else {
$name = $0;
$name =~ s,^\./,,;
%opts = @args;
# The basic structure
my $self = {
'name' => $name, # the name of the test script
'start' => 1, # the first test to run
'end' => 0, # the last test to end
'plan' => 0, # the number of tests planned
'abort' => 0, # abort on the first failed test
'quiet' => 0, # if 1, no output on successes
# (this should only be done when
# running as an interactive script)
'mode' => 'test', # mode to run script in
'width' => 80, # width of terminal
'features' => {}, # a list of available features
'use_lib' => 'on', # whether to run 'use lib' when loading
# this module
'skipall' => '', # the reason for skipping all
# remaining tests
'plandone' => 0, # 1 if a plan is done
'testsrun' => 0, # 1 if any tests have been run
'libdir' => '', # a directory to load modules from
'testdir' => '', # the test directory
bless $self, $class;
$main::TI_NUM = 0;
# Handle options, environment variables, global variables
my @opts = qw(start end testnum plan abort quiet mode width skip_all);
my %o = map { $_,1 } @opts;
no strict 'refs';
foreach my $opt (@opts) {
if (! exists $o{$opt}) {
$self->_die("Invalid option to new method: $opt");
my $OPT = uc("ti_$opt");
if (exists $opts{opt} ||
exists $ENV{$OPT} ||
defined ${ "main::$OPT" }) {
my $val;
if (defined ${ "main::$OPT" }) {
$val = ${ "main::$OPT" };
} elsif (exists $ENV{$OPT}) {
$val = $ENV{$OPT};
} else {
$val = $opts{$opt};
&{ "Test::Inter::$opt" }($self,$val);
if ($$self{'mode'} ne 'test') {
print "\nRunning $name...\n";
# We assume that the module is distributed in a directory with the correct
# hierarchy. This is:
# /some/path MODDIR
# /lib LIBDIR
# We'll find the full path to each.
if (-f "$0") {
$moddir = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0)));
} elsif (-d "./t") {
$moddir = dirname(abs_path('.'));
} elsif (-d "../t") {
$moddir = dirname(abs_path('..'));
if (-d "$moddir/t") {
$testdir = "$moddir/t";
if (-d "$moddir/lib") {
$libdir = "$moddir/lib";
$$self{'moddir'} = $moddir;
$$self{'testdir'} = $testdir;
$$self{'libdir'} = $libdir;
return $self;
sub use_lib {
my($self,$val) = @_;
if (defined $val) {
$$self{'use_lib'} = $val;
if ($$self{'use_lib'} eq 'on') {
foreach my $dir ($$self{'libdir'},$$self{'testdir'}) {
next if (! defined $dir);
eval "use lib '$dir'";
sub testdir {
my($self,$req) = @_;
if ($req && $req eq 'mod') {
return $$self{'moddir'};
} elsif ($req && $req eq 'lib') {
return $$self{'libdir'};
return $$self{'testdir'};
sub start {
my($self,$val) = @_;
$val = 1 if (! defined($val));
$self->_die("start requires an integer value") if ($val !~ /^\d+$/);
$$self{'start'} = $val;
sub end {
my($self,$val) = @_;
$val = 0 if (! $val);
$self->_die("end requires an integer value") if ($val !~ /^\d+$/);
$$self{'end'} = $val;
sub testnum {
my($self,$val) = @_;
if (! defined($val)) {
$$self{'start'} = 1;
$$self{'end'} = 0;
} else {
$self->_die("testnum requires an integer value") if ($val !~ /^\d+$/);
$$self{'start'} = $$self{'end'} = $val;
sub plan {
my($self,$val) = @_;
if ($$self{'plandone'}) {
$self->_die('Plan/done_testing included twice');
$$self{'plandone'} = 1;
$val = 0 if (! defined($val));
$self->_die("plan requires an integer value") if ($val !~ /^\d+$/);
$$self{'plan'} = $val;
if ($val != 0) {
sub done_testing {
my($self,$val) = @_;
if ($$self{'plandone'}) {
$self->_die('Plan/done_testing included twice');
$$self{'plandone'} = 1;
$val = $main::TI_NUM if (! $val);
$self->_die("done_testing requires an integer value") if ($val !~ /^\d+$/);
if ($val != $main::TI_NUM) {
$self->_die("Ran $main::TI_NUM tests, expected $val");
sub abort {
my($self,$val) = @_;
$val = 0 if (! $val);
$$self{'abort'} = $val;
sub quiet {
my($self,$val) = @_;
$val = 0 if (! $val);
$$self{'quiet'} = $val;
sub mode {
my($self,$val) = @_;
$val = 'test' if (! $val);
$$self{'mode'} = $val;
sub width {
my($self,$val) = @_;
$val = 0 if (! $val);
$$self{'width'} = $val;
sub skip_all {
my($self,$reason,@features) = @_;
if (@features) {
my $skip = 0;
foreach my $feature (@features) {
if (! exists $$self{'features'}{$feature} ||
! $$self{'features'}{$feature}) {
$skip = 1;
$reason = "Required feature ($feature) missing"
if (! $reason);
return if (! $skip);
if ($$self{'plandone'} ||
$$self{'testsrun'}) {
$reason = 'Remaining tests skipped' if (! $reason);
$$self{'skipall'} = $reason;
} else {
$reason = 'Test script skipped' if (! $reason);
exit 0;
sub _die {
my($self,$message) = @_;
print "ERROR: $message\n";
exit 1;
sub feature {
my($self,$feature,$val) = @_;
$$self{'features'}{$feature} = $val;
sub diag {
my($self,$message) = @_;
return if ($$self{'quiet'} == 2);
sub note {
my($self,$message) = @_;
return if ($$self{'quiet'});
# The routines were originally from Test::More (though they have been
# changed... some to a greater extent than others).
sub require_ok {
my($self,$module,$mode) = @_;
$mode = '' if (! $mode);
$main::TI_NUM++ unless ($mode eq 'feature');
my $pack = caller;
my @inc = map { "unshift(\@INC,'$_');\n" } ($$self{'libdir'},$$self{'testdir'});
if ( $module =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ ) {
# A perl version check.
$desc = "require perl $module";
$code = <<REQUIRE;
require $module;
} else {
$module = qq['$module'] unless $self->_is_module_name($module);
$desc = "require $module";
my $p = "package"; # So the following do not get picked up by cpantorpm-depreq
my $r = "require";
$code = <<REQUIRE;
$p $pack;
$r $module;
$desc .= ' (should not load)' if ($mode eq 'forbid');
$desc .= ' (feature)' if ($mode eq 'feature');
my($eval_result,$eval_error) = $self->_eval($code);
my @eval_error = split(/\n/,$eval_error);
foreach my $err (@eval_error) {
$err =~ s/ \(\@INC contains.*//; # strip out the actual @INC values
my $ok = 1;
if ($eval_result) {
# Able to load the module
if ($mode eq 'forbid') {
$$self{'skipall'} = 'Loaded a module not supposed to be present';
$self->_diag('Test required that module not be loadable')
unless ($$self{'quiet'} == 2);
$ok = 0;
} elsif ($mode eq 'feature') {
if (! $$self{'quiet'}) {
$self->_diag("Feature available: $module");
} else {
} else {
# Unable to load the module
if ($mode eq 'forbid') {
} elsif ($mode eq 'feature') {
if (! $$self{'quiet'}) {
$self->_diag("Feature unavailable: $module");
} else {
$$self{'skipall'} = 'Unable to load a required module';
$ok = 0;
if ( ($ok && $$self{'quiet'}) ||
(! $ok && $$self{'quiet'} == 2) );
foreach my $err (@eval_error) {
sub use_ok {
my($self,@args) = @_;
my $mode = '';
if ($args[$#args] eq 'forbid' ||
$args[$#args] eq 'feature') {
$mode = pop(@args);
$main::TI_NUM++ unless ($mode eq 'feature');
my $pack = caller;
if ( @args == 1 and $args[0] =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ ) {
# A perl version check.
$desc = "require perl $args[0]";
$module = 'perl';
$code = <<USE;
use $args[0];
} elsif (@args) {
$module = shift(@args);
if (! $self->_is_module_name($module)) {
$self->_not_ok("use module: invalid module name: $module");
my $vers = '';
if ( @args and $args[0] =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ ) {
$vers = shift(@args);
my $imports = (@args ? 'qw(' . join(' ',@args) . ')' : '');
$desc = "use $module $vers $imports";
my @inc = map { "unshift(\@INC,'$_');\n" } ($$self{'libdir'},$$self{'testdir'});
my $p = "package"; # So the following do not get picked up by cpantorpm-depreq
$code = <<USE;
$p $pack;
use $module $vers $imports;
} else {
$self->_not_ok('use module: no module specified');
$desc .= ' (should not load)' if ($mode eq 'forbid');
$desc .= ' (feature)' if ($mode eq 'feature');
my($eval_result,$eval_error) = $self->_eval($code);
my @eval_error = split(/\n/,$eval_error);
@eval_error = grep(!/^BEGIN failed--compilation aborted/,@eval_error);
foreach my $err (@eval_error) {
$err =~ s/ \(\@INC contains.*//; # strip out the actual @INC values
my $ok = 1;
if ($eval_result) {
# Able to load the module
if ($mode eq 'forbid') {
$$self{'skipall'} = 'Loaded a module not supposed to be present';
$self->_diag('Test required that module not be usable')
unless ($$self{'quiet'} == 2);
$ok = 0;
} elsif ($mode eq 'feature') {
if (! $$self{'quiet'}) {
$self->_diag("Feature available: $module");
} else {
} else {
# Unable to load the module
if ($mode eq 'forbid') {
} elsif ($mode eq 'feature') {
if (! $$self{'quiet'}) {
$self->_diag("Feature unavailable: $module");
} else {
$$self{'skipall'} = 'Unable to load a required module';
$ok = 0;
if ( ($ok && $$self{'quiet'}) ||
(! $ok && $$self{'quiet'} == 2) );
foreach my $err (@eval_error) {
sub _is_module_name {
my($self,$module) = @_;
# Module names start with a letter.
# End with an alphanumeric.
# The rest is an alphanumeric or ::
$module =~ s/\b::\b//g;
return $module =~ /^[a-zA-Z]\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
sub _eval {
my($self,$code) = @_;
my( $sigdie, $eval_result, $eval_error );
local( $@, $!, $SIG{__DIE__} ); # isolate eval
$eval_result = eval $code;
$eval_error = $@;
$sigdie = $SIG{__DIE__} || undef;
# make sure that $code got a chance to set $SIG{__DIE__}
$SIG{__DIE__} = $sigdie if defined $sigdie;
return( $eval_result, $eval_error );
sub ok {
my($self,@args) = @_;
my($op,@ret) = $self->_ok_result(@args);
my $ok = 1;
if ($op eq 'skip') {
my $reason = shift(@ret);
} elsif ($op eq 'pass') {
($name,@diag) = @ret;
} else {
($name,@diag) = @ret;
$ok = 0;
if ( ($ok && $$self{'quiet'}) ||
(! $ok && $$self{'quiet'} == 2) );
foreach my $diag (@diag) {
sub _ok_result {
my($self,@args) = @_;
# Test if we're skipping this test
my($skip,$reason) = $self->_skip_test();
return ('skip',$reason) if ($skip);
# No args == always pass
if (@args == 0) {
return ('pass','Empty test');
# Get the result
my($func,$funcargs,$result) = $self->_get_result(\@args);
# Get name/expected
if (@args == 1) {
$name = $args[0];
} elsif (@args == 2) {
($expected,$name) = @args;
} elsif (@args > 2) {
return(0,'','Improperly formed test: too many arguments');
# Check the result
my($pass,@diag) = $self->_cmp_result('ok',$func,$funcargs,$result,$expected);
sub is {
my($self,@args) = @_;
sub isnt {
my($self,@args) = @_;
sub _is {
my($self,$is,@args) = @_;
my($op,@ret) = $self->_is_result($is,@args);
my $ok = 1;
if ($op eq 'skip') {
my $reason = shift(@ret);
} elsif ($op eq 'pass') {
($name,@diag) = @ret;
} else {
($name,@diag) = @ret;
$ok = 0;
if ( ($ok && $$self{'quiet'}) ||
(! $ok && $$self{'quiet'} == 2) );
foreach my $diag (@diag) {
sub _is_result {
my($self,$is,@args) = @_;
# Test if we're skipping this test
my($skip,$reason) = $self->_skip_test();
return ('skip',$reason) if ($skip);
# Test args
if (@args < 2) {
return ('fail','','Improperly formed test: too few arguments');
my($func,$funcargs,$result) = $self->_get_result(\@args);
if (@args == 1) {
($expected) = @args;
} elsif (@args == 2) {
($expected,$name) = @args;
} else {
return(0,'','Improperly formed test: too many arguments');
# Check the result
my($pass,@diag) = $self->_cmp_result($is,$func,$funcargs,$result,$expected);
# Returns $func,$args and $results. The first two are returned only if
# there is a function.
sub _get_result {
my($self,$args) = @_;
if (ref($$args[0]) eq 'CODE') {
$func = shift(@$args);
if (ref($$args[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
@funcargs = @{ $$args[0] };
@result = &$func(@funcargs);
return ($func,\@funcargs,\@result);
} elsif (ref($$args[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
@result = @{ $$args[0] };
return ('','',\@result);
} else {
$result = shift(@$args);
return ('','',$result);
sub _cmp_result {
my($self,$type,$func,$funcargs,$result,$expected) = @_;
my $pass = 0;
my $identical = 0;
my @diag;
if ($type eq 'ok') {
if (ref($result) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $ele (@$result) {
$pass = 1 if (defined($ele));
} elsif (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
foreach my $key (keys %$result) {
my $val = $$result{$key};
$pass = 1 if (defined($val));
} else {
$pass = ($result ? 1 : 0);
if (! defined($expected)) {
# If no expected result passed in, we don't test the results
$identical = 1;
} else {
# Results/expected must be the same structure
$identical = $self->_cmp_structure($result,$expected);
} else {
$identical = $self->_cmp_structure($result,$expected);
if ($type eq 'is') {
$pass = $identical;
} else {
$pass = 1 - $identical;
if (! $identical && $type ne 'isnt') {
if ($func) {
push(@diag,"Arguments: " . $self->_stringify($funcargs));
push(@diag, "Results : " . $self->_stringify($result));
push(@diag, "Expected : " . $self->_stringify($expected)) unless ($type eq 'ok' &&
! defined($result));
return (($pass ? 'pass' : 'fail'),@diag);
# Turn a data structure into a string (poor-man's Data::Dumper)
sub _stringify {
my($self,$s) = @_;
my($str) = $self->__stringify($s);
my($width) = $$self{'width'};
if ($width) {
$width -= 21; # The leading string
$width = 10 if ($width < 10);
$str = substr($str,0,$width) if (length($str)>$width);
return $str;
sub __stringify {
my($self,$s) = @_;
if (! defined($s)) {
return '__undef__';
} elsif (ref($s) eq 'ARRAY') {
my $str = '[ ';
foreach my $val (@$s) {
$str .= $self->__stringify($val) . ' ';
$str .= ']';
return $str;
} elsif (ref($s) eq 'HASH') {
my $str = '{ ';
foreach my $key (sort keys %$s) {
my $key = $self->__stringify($key);
my $val = $self->__stringify($$s{$key});
$str .= "$key=>$val ";
$str .= '}';
return $str;
} elsif (ref($s)) {
return '<' . ref($s) . '>';
} elsif ($s eq '') {
return "''";
} else {
if ($s =~ /\s/) {
my $q = qr/\'/; # single quote
my $qq = qr/\"/; # double quote
if ($s !~ $q) {
return "'$s'";
if ($s !~ $qq) {
return '"' . $s . '"';
return "<$s>";
} else {
return $s;
sub _cmp_structure {
my($self,$s1,$s2) = @_;
return 1 if (! defined($s1) && ! defined($s2)); # undef = undef
return 0 if (! defined($s1) || ! defined($s2)); # undef != def
return 0 if (ref($s1) ne ref($s2)); # must be same type
if (ref($s1) eq 'ARRAY') {
return 0 if ($#$s1 != $#$s2); # two lists must be the same length
foreach (my $i=0; $i<=$#$s1; $i++) {
return 0 unless $self->_cmp_structure($$s1[$i],$$s2[$i]);
return 1;
} elsif (ref($s1) eq 'HASH') {
my @k1 = keys %$s1;
my @k2 = keys %$s2;
return 0 if ($#k1 != $#k2); # two hashes must be the same length
foreach my $key (@k1) {
return 0 if (! exists $$s2{$key}); # keys must be the same
return 0 unless $self->_cmp_structure($$s1{$key},$$s2{$key});
return 1;
} elsif (ref($s1)) {
# Two references (other than ARRAY and HASH are assumed equal.
return 1;
} else {
# Two scalars are compared stringwise
return ($s1 eq $s2);
sub _skip_test {
my($self) = @_;
if ($$self{'skipall'}) {
return (1,$$self{'skipall'});
} elsif ( $main::TI_NUM < $$self{'start'} ||
($$self{'end'} && $main::TI_NUM > $$self{'end'}) ) {
return (1,'Test not in list of tests specified to run');
return 0;
sub file {
my($self,$func,$input,$outputdir,$expected,$name,@args) = @_;
$name = "" if (! $name);
if (! ref($func) eq 'CODE') {
$self->_die("file method required a coderef");
my @funcargs;
my $testdir = $$self{'testdir'};
# Input file
if ($input) {
if (-r $input) {
# Nothing
} elsif (-r "$testdir/$input") {
$input = "$testdir/$input";
} else {
$self->_die("Input file not readable: $input");
# Output file and directory
if (! $outputdir) {
if (-d $testdir &&
-w $testdir) {
$outputdir = $testdir;
} else {
$outputdir = ".";
if ($outputdir) {
if (! -d $outputdir ||
! -w $outputdir) {
$self->_die("Output directory not writable: $outputdir");
my $output = "$outputdir/tmp_test_inter";
# Expected output
if (! $expected) {
$self->_die("Expected output file not specified");
} elsif (-r $expected) {
# Nothing
} elsif (-r "$testdir/$expected") {
$expected = "$testdir/$expected";
} else {
$self->_die("Expected output file not readable: $expected");
# Create the temporary output file.
if (! -r "$output") {
$self->_die("Output file not created");
# Test each line
my $in = new IO::File;
my @out = <$in>;
my @exp = <$in>;
unlink($output) if (! $ENV{'TI_NOCLEAN'});
while (@out < @exp) {
while (@exp < @out) {
for (my $i=0; $i<@out; $i++) {
my $line = $i+1;
my $n = ($name ? "$name : Line $line" : "Line $line");
sub tests {
my($self,%opts) = @_;
# feature => [ FEATURE, FEATURE, ... ]
# disable => [ FEATURE, FEATURE, ... ]
my $skip = '';
if (exists $opts{'feature'}) {
foreach my $feature (@{ $opts{'feature'} }) {
$skip = "Required feature unavailable: $feature", last
if (! exists $$self{'features'}{$feature});
if (exists $opts{'disable'} && ! $skip) {
foreach my $feature (@{ $opts{'disable'} }) {
$skip = "Disabled due to feature being available: $feature", last
if (exists $$self{'features'}{$feature});
# name => NAME
# skip => REASON
# todo => 0/1
my $name = '';
if (exists $opts{'name'}) {
$name = $opts{'name'};
if (exists $opts{'skip'}) {
$skip = $opts{'skip'};
my $todo = 0;
if (exists $opts{'todo'}) {
$todo = $opts{'todo'};
# func => CODEREF
# expected => STRING OR LISTREF
# tests
if (! exists $opts{'tests'}) {
$self->_die("invalid test format: tests required");
my $tests = $opts{'tests'};
if (ref($tests) eq 'ARRAY') {
my @results = @$tests;
$ntest = 0;
foreach my $result (@results) {
$tests{$ntest}{'err'} = 0;
if (ref($result) eq 'ARRAY') {
$tests{$ntest}{'args'} = $result;
} else {
$tests{$ntest}{'args'} = [$result];
$gotexpected = 0;
} else {
($ntest,$gotexpected,%tests) = $self->_parse($tests);
$nexp = $ntest if ($gotexpected);
# expected
if (exists $opts{'expected'}) {
if ($gotexpected) {
$self->_die("invalid test format: expected results included twice");
my $expected = $opts{'expected'};
if (ref($expected) eq 'ARRAY') {
my @exp = @$expected;
$nexp = 0;
foreach my $exp (@exp) {
if (ref($exp) eq 'ARRAY') {
$tests{$nexp}{'expected'} = $exp;
} else {
$tests{$nexp}{'expected'} = [$exp];
} else {
($nexp,$g,%t) = $self->_parse($expected);
if ($g) {
$self->_die("invalid test format: expected results contain '=>'");
foreach my $t (1..$nexp) {
$tests{$t}{'expected'} = $t{$t}{'args'};
$gotexpected = 1;
if ($gotexpected &&
($nexp != 1 && $nexp != $ntest)) {
$self->_die("invalid test format: number expected results differs from number of tests");
# func
my $func;
if (exists $opts{'func'}) {
$func = $opts{'func'};
if (ref($func) ne 'CODE') {
$self->_die("invalid test format: func must be a code reference");
# Compare results
foreach my $t (1..$ntest) {
if ($skip) {
if ($tests{$t}{'err'}) {
# Test results
if ($gotexpected) {
# Do an 'is' test
my @a = ('is');
push(@a,$func) if ($func);
push(@a,($nexp == 1 ? $tests{'1'}{'expected'}
: $tests{$t}{'expected'}));
($op,@ret) = $self->_is_result(@a);
} else {
# Do an 'ok' test
my $result = $tests{$t}{'args'};
if (@$result == 1) {
$result = $$result[0];
($op,@ret) = $self->_ok_result($result,$name);
# Print it out
my $ok = 1;
if ($op eq 'skip') {
my $reason = shift(@ret);
} elsif ($op eq 'pass') {
($name,@diag) = @ret;
} else {
($name,@diag) = @ret;
$ok = 0;
if ( ($ok && $$self{'quiet'}) ||
(! $ok && $$self{'quiet'} == 2) );
foreach my $diag (@diag) {
sub _diag {
my($self,$message) = @_;
print '#' . ' 'x10 . "$message\n";
sub _plan {
my($self,$n,$reason) = @_;
$reason = '' if (! $reason);
if ($$self{'mode'} eq 'test') {
# Test mode
if (! $n) {
$reason = '' if (! $reason);
print "1..0 # Skipped $reason\n";
print "1..$n\n";
} else {
if (! $n) {
print " All tests skipped: $reason\n";
} else {
print " Epected number of tests: $n\n"
unless ($$self{'quiet'});
sub _ok {
my($self,$name) = @_;
$name = '' if (! $name);
$name =~ s/\#//;
$$self{'testsrun'} = 1;
return if ($$self{'mode'} ne 'test' &&
print "ok $main::TI_NUM" . ' 'x(8-length($main::TI_NUM)) . "$name\n";
if ($name =~ /^\d/ && $$self{'quiet'} != 2) {
$self->_diag('It is strongly recommended that the name of a test not');
$self->_diag('begin with a digit so it will not be confused with the');
$self->_diag('test number.');
sub _not_ok {
my($self,$name) = @_;
$name = '' if (! $name);
$name =~ s/\#//;
$$self{'testsrun'} = 1;
print "not ok $main::TI_NUM" . ' 'x(4-length($main::TI_NUM)) . "$name\n";
if ($$self{'abort'} == 2) {
exit 1;
} elsif ($$self{'abort'}) {
$$self{'skipall'} = 'Tests aborted due to failed test';
sub _skip {
my($self,$reason,$name) = @_;
$name = '' if (! $name);
$name =~ s/\#//;
$$self{'testsrun'} = 1;
return if ($$self{'mode'} ne 'test' &&
print "ok $main::TI_NUM" . ' 'x(8-length($main::TI_NUM)) .
($name ? "$name " : "") . "# SKIPPED $reason\n";
my $l; # current line number
my $sp_opt = qr/\s*/; # optional whitespace
my $sp = qr/\s+/; # required whitespace
my $lparen = qr/\(/; # opening paren
my $lbrack = qr/\[/; # opening brack
my $lbrace = qr/\{/; # opening brace
my $q = qr/\'/; # single quote
my $qq = qr/\"/; # double quote
my $token = qr/\S+/; # a token of non-whitespace characters
my $min_str = qr/.*?/; # a minimum length string
my $results = qr/=>/; # the string to switch to results
# We'll also need to match delimiters and other special characters that
# signal the end of a token. The default delimiter is just whitespace,
# both other end-of-token regular expressions will include closing
# parens, delimiters, etc.
# The end-of-token regexp will return a match for a special character (if
# any) that terminates the token. If a token ends a whitespace or EOL,
# nothing is matched.
my $eot = qr/()(?:\s+|$)/;
# Allowed delimiters is anything except () [] {} alphanumeric,
# underscore, and whitespace.
my $delim = qr/[^\'\"\(\)\[\]\{\}a-zA-Z0-9_ \t]/;
# This takes a string which may contain a partial or complete
# descritpion of any number of tests, and parses it.
# The string is multiline, and tests must be separated from each other
# by one or more blank lines. Lines starting with a pound sign (#)
# are comments.
# A test may include arguments (or obtained results), expected results,
# or both.
# Returns
# ($n,$gotboth,%tests)
# where
# $n is the number of tests
# $gotboth is 1 if both arguments and expected results are obtained
# $tests{$i} is the i'th test.
sub _parse {
my($self,$string) = @_;
my $t = 0;
my $gotboth = -1;
my %tests = ();
# Split on newlines
$string = [ split(/\n/s,$string) ];
$t = 0;
while (@$string) {
my $test = $self->_next_test($string);
last if (! @$test);
# All tests must contain both args/results OR only one of them.
my ($err,$both,$args,$results) = $self->_parse_test($test);
if ($gotboth == -1) {
$gotboth = $both;
} elsif ($gotboth != $both) {
$err = "Malformed test [$l]: expected results for some tests, not others";
$tests{$t}{'err'} = $err;
$tests{$t}{'args'} = $args;
$tests{$t}{'expected'} = $results if ($gotboth);
return ($t,$gotboth,%tests);
# Get all lines up to the end of lines or a blank line. Both
# signal the end of a test.
sub _next_test {
my($self,$list) = @_;
my @test;
my $started = 0;
while (1) {
last if (! @$list);
my $line = shift(@$list);
$line =~ s/^\s*//;
$line =~ s/\s*$//;
# If it's a blank line, add it to the test. If we've
# already done test lines, then this signals the end
# of the test. Otherwise, this is before the test,
# so keep looking.
if ($line eq '') {
next if (! $started);
# Comments are added to the test as a blank line.
if ($line =~ /^#/) {
$started = 1;
return [] if (! $started);
return \@test;
# Parse an entire test. Look for arguments, =>, and expected results.
sub _parse_test {
my($self,$test) = @_;
my $curr = 'args';
while (@$test) {
last if (! $self->_test_line($test));
# Check for '=>'
if ($self->_parse_begin_results($test)) {
if ($curr eq 'args') {
$curr = 'results';
} else {
return ("Malformed test [$l]: '=>' found twice");
# Get the next item(s) to add.
my($err,$match,@val) = $self->_parse_token($test,$eot);
return ($err) if ($err);
if ($curr eq 'args') {
} else {
$both = ($curr eq 'results' ? 1 : 0);
return ("",$both,\@args,\@results);
# Makes sure that the first line in the test contains
# something. Blank lines are ignored.
sub _test_line {
my($self,$test) = @_;
while (@$test &&
(! defined($$test[0]) ||
$$test[0] eq '')) {
return 1 if (@$test);
return 0;
# Check for '=>'.
# Return 1 if found, 0 otherwise.
sub _parse_begin_results {
my($self,$test) = @_;
return 1 if ($$test[0] =~ s/^ $sp_opt $results $eot //x);
return 0;
# Gets the next item to add to the current list.
# Returns ($err,$match,@val) where $match is the character that
# matched the end of the current element (either a delimiter,
# closing character, or nothing if the element ends on
# whitespace/newline).
sub _parse_token {
my($self,$test,$EOT) = @_;
last if (! $self->_test_line($test));
# Check for quoted
($err,$found,$match,@val) = $self->_parse_quoted($test,$EOT);
last if ($err);
if ($found) {
# '' remains ''
# Check for open
($err,$found,$match,@val) = $self->_parse_open_close($test,$EOT,$lparen,')');
last if ($err);
if ($found) {
# () is an empty list
if (@val == 1 && $val[0] eq '') {
@val = ();
($err,$found,$match,@val) = $self->_parse_open_close($test,$EOT,$lbrack,']');
last if ($err);
if ($found) {
# [] is []
if (@val == 1 && $val[0] eq '') {
@val = ([]);
} else {
@val = ( [@val] );
($err,$found,$match,@val) = $self->_parse_open_close($test,$EOT,$lbrace,'}');
last if ($err);
if ($found) {
if (@val == 1 && $val[0] eq '') {
@val = ( {} );
} elsif (@val % 2 == 0) {
# Even number of elements
@val = ( {@val} );
} elsif (! defined $val[$#val] ||
$val[$#val] eq '') {
# Odd number of elements with nothing as the
# last element.
@val = ( {@val} );
} else {
# Odd number of elements not supported for a hash
$err = "Malformed test [$l]: hash with odd number of elements";
# Check for some other token
($err,$found,$match,@val) = $self->_parse_simple_token($test,$EOT);
last if ($err);
return ($err) if ($err);
return ("Malformed test: unable to parse") if (! $found);
foreach my $v (@val) {
$v = '' if ($v eq '__blank__');
$v = undef if ($v eq '__undef__');
$v =~ s/__nl__/\n/g if ($v);
return (0,$match,@val) if ($found);
return (0,0);
### The next few routines parse parts of the test. Each of them
### take as arguments:
### $test : the listref containing the unparsed portion of
### the test
### $EOT : the end of a token
### + other args as needed.
### They all return:
### $err : a string containing the error (if any)
### $found : 1 if something matched
### $match : the character which terminates the current
### token signaling the start of the next token
### (this will either be a delimiter, a closing
### character, or nothing if the string ended on
### whitespace or a newline)
### @val : the value (or values) of the token
# Check for a quoted string
# The string must be on one line, and everything up to the
# closing quote is included (the quotes themselves are
# stripped).
sub _parse_quoted {
my($self,$test,$EOT) = @_;
if ($$test[0] =~ s/^ $sp_opt $q ($min_str) $q $EOT//x ||
$$test[0] =~ s/^ $sp_opt $qq ($min_str) $qq $EOT//x) {
return (0,1,$2,$1);
} elsif ($$test[0] =~ /^ $sp_opt $q/x ||
$$test[0] =~ /^ $sp_opt $qq/x) {
return ("Malformed test [$l]: improper quoting");
return (0,0);
# Parses an open/close section.
# ( TOKEN TOKEN ... )
# (, TOKEN, TOKEN, ... )
# $open is a regular expression matching the open, $close is the
# actual closing character.
# After the closing character must be an $EOT.
sub _parse_open_close {
my($self,$test,$EOT,$open,$close) = @_;
# See if there is an open
if ($$test[0] =~ s/^ $sp_opt $open ($delim) $sp_opt //x) {
$del = $1;
$newEOT = qr/ $sp_opt ($|\Q$del\E|\Q$close\E) /x;
} elsif ($$test[0] =~ s/^ $sp_opt $open $sp_opt //x) {
$del = '';
$newEOT = qr/ ($sp_opt $|$sp_opt \Q$close\E|$sp) /x;
} else {
return (0,0);
# If there was, then we need to read tokens until either:
# the string is all used up => error
# $close is found
while (1) {
# Get a token. We MUST find something valid even if it is
# an empty list followed by the closing character.
my($e,$m,@v) = $self->_parse_token($test,$newEOT);
return ($e) if ($e);
$m =~ s/^$sp//;
# If we ended on nothing, and $del is something, then we
# ended on a newline with no delimiter. The next line MUST
# start with a delimiter or close character or the test is
# invalid.
if (! $m && $del) {
if (! $self->_test_line($test)) {
return ("Malformed test [$l]: premature end of test");
if ($$test[0] =~ s/^ $sp_opt $newEOT //x) {
$m = $1;
} else {
return ("Malformed test [$l]: unexpected token (expected '$close' or '$del')");
# Figure out what value(s) were returned
if ($m eq $close && ! @v) {
} else {
last if ($m eq $close);
# Now we need to find out what character ends this token:
if ($$test[0] eq '') {
# Ended at EOL
return (0,1,'',@val);
if ($$test[0] =~ s/^ $sp_opt $EOT //x) {
return (0,1,$1,@val);
} else {
return ("Malformed test [$l]: unexpected token");
# Checks for a simple token.
sub _parse_simple_token {
my($self,$test,$EOT) = @_;
$$test[0] =~ s/^ $sp_opt (.*?) $EOT//x;
return (0,1,$2,$1);
# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 3
# cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2
# cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
# cperl-label-offset: 0
# End: