package Tk::Canvas::GradientColor;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
# $Author : Djibril Ousmanou $
# $Copyright : 2014 $
# $Update : 30/04/2014 $
# $AIM : Create gradient background color on a button in Canvas widget $
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.06';
use base qw/Tk::Derived Tk::Canvas/;
use POSIX qw( ceil );
Construct Tk::Widget 'GradientColor';
my $COLOR_TAG = 'bg_gradient_color_canvas';
my $MIN_START = 0;
my $MIDDLE_START = 50;
my $MAX_START = 100;
my $NBR_COLOR = 100;
my $PERCENT = 100;
sub Populate {
my ( $cw, $ref_parameters ) = @_;
$cw->Advertise( 'canvas' => $cw );
$cw->Advertise( 'Canvas' => $cw );
# remove highlightthickness if necessary
if ( !exists $ref_parameters->{-highlightthickness} ) {
$cw->configure( -highlightthickness => 0 );
$cw->Delegates( DEFAULT => $cw );
$cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{activation} = 1;
foreach my $key (qw{ Down End Home Left Next Prior Right Up }) {
$cw->Tk::bind( 'Tk::Canvas::GradientColor', "<Key-$key>", undef );
$cw->Tk::bind( 'Tk::Canvas::GradientColor', "<Control-Key-$key>", undef );
$cw->Tk::bind( '<Configure>' => \&set_gradientcolor );
sub get_gradientcolor {
my $cw = shift;
return $cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient};
sub disabled_gradientcolor {
my $cw = shift;
$cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{activation} = '0';
if ( $cw->find( 'withtag', $COLOR_TAG ) ) { $cw->delete($COLOR_TAG); }
return 1;
sub enabled_gradientcolor {
my $cw = shift;
$cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{activation} = 1;
return 1;
sub set_gradientcolor {
my ( $cw, %gradient ) = @_;
if ( $cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{activation} == 0 ) { return; }
my $ref_gradient = $cw->_treat_parameters_bg( \%gradient );
my $start_color = $ref_gradient->{-start_color};
my $end_color = $ref_gradient->{-end_color};
my $number_color = $ref_gradient->{-number_color} + 1;
my $start = $ref_gradient->{-start};
my $end = $ref_gradient->{-end};
my $type = $ref_gradient->{-type};
my ( $red1, $green1, $blue1 ) = $cw->hex_to_rgb($start_color);
my ( $red2, $green2, $blue2 ) = $cw->hex_to_rgb($end_color);
my $ref_colors = $cw->_gradient_colors( $start_color, $end_color, $number_color );
if ( $cw->find( 'withtag', $COLOR_TAG ) ) { $cw->delete($COLOR_TAG); }
my @alltags = $cw->find('all');
if ( $ref_gradient->{-type} eq 'linear_horizontal' ) {
$cw->_linear_horizontal( $ref_colors, $start, $end, $number_color );
elsif ( $ref_gradient->{-type} eq 'linear_vertical' ) {
$cw->_linear_vertical( $ref_colors, $start, $end, $number_color );
elsif ( $ref_gradient->{-type} eq 'radial' ) {
$cw->_radial( $ref_colors, $number_color );
elsif ( $ref_gradient->{-type} eq 'losange' ) {
$cw->_losange( $ref_colors, $number_color );
elsif ( $ref_gradient->{-type} eq 'corner_right' ) {
$cw->_corner_to_right( $ref_colors, $number_color );
elsif ( $ref_gradient->{-type} eq 'corner_left' ) {
$cw->_corner_to_left( $ref_colors, $number_color );
elsif ( $ref_gradient->{-type} eq 'mirror_horizontal' ) {
$cw->_mirror_horizontal( $ref_colors, $start, $end, $number_color );
elsif ( $ref_gradient->{-type} eq 'mirror_vertical' ) {
$cw->_mirror_vertical( $ref_colors, $start, $end, $number_color );
else {
$cw->_linear_horizontal( $ref_colors, $start, $end, $number_color );
foreach (@alltags) {
$cw->raise( $_, $COLOR_TAG );
return 1;
sub rgb_to_hex {
my ( $cw, $red, $green, $blue ) = @_;
my $hexcolor = sprintf '#%02X%02X%02X', $red, $green, $blue;
return uc $hexcolor;
sub hex_to_rgb {
my ( $cw, $hexcolor ) = @_;
$hexcolor = uc $hexcolor;
$hexcolor =~ s{^#([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])$}{#$1$1$2$2$3$3};
my ( $red, $green, $blue ) = ();
if ( $hexcolor =~ m{^#(?:[0-9A-F]{2}){3}$} ) {
$red = hex( substr $hexcolor, 1, 2 );
$green = hex( substr $hexcolor, 3, 2 );
$blue = hex( substr $hexcolor, 5, 2 );
elsif ( $hexcolor =~ m{^#} ) {
$cw->_error_bg( "Invalid color : We need color name or #RRGGBB or #RGB \n", 1 );
# Color name (Tk work in 16 bits)
else {
( $red, $green, $blue ) = map { int( ( $_ / 257 ) + 0.5 ) } $cw->rgb($hexcolor);
return ( $red, $green, $blue );
sub _test_start_end_values {
my ( $cw, $start, $end ) = @_;
if ( $start < $MIN_START or $end > $MAX_START or $start > $end ) {
$cw->_error_bg( "Bad start ($start) and end ($end) options\n"
. "end value must be > start value and $MIN_START <= start and end value <= $MAX_START\n" );
return 1;
sub _gradient_colors {
my ( $cw, $color1, $color2, $number_color ) = @_;
my ( $red1, $green1, $blue1 ) = $cw->hex_to_rgb($color1);
my ( $red2, $green2, $blue2 ) = $cw->hex_to_rgb($color2);
my @allcolors;
for my $number ( 0 .. $number_color - 1 ) {
my $red = $red1 + ( $number / $number_color ) * ( $red2 - $red1 );
my $green = $green1 + ( $number / $number_color ) * ( $green2 - $green1 );
my $blue = $blue1 + ( $number / $number_color ) * ( $blue2 - $blue1 );
push @allcolors, $cw->rgb_to_hex( $red, $green, $blue );
push @allcolors, $cw->rgb_to_hex( $red2, $green2, $blue2 );
return \@allcolors;
sub _treat_parameters_bg {
my ( $cw, $ref_gradient ) = @_;
if ( defined $ref_gradient and ref($ref_gradient) ne 'HASH' ) {
$cw->_error_bg( "'Can't set -gradient to `$ref_gradient', " . "$ref_gradient' is not an hash reference\n", 1 );
my $start_color = $ref_gradient->{-start_color};
my $end_color = $ref_gradient->{-end_color};
my $number_color = $ref_gradient->{-number_color};
my $start = $ref_gradient->{-start};
my $end = $ref_gradient->{-end};
my $type = $ref_gradient->{-type};
$start_color = defined $start_color ? $start_color : $cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-start_color};
$end_color = defined $end_color ? $end_color : $cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-end_color};
$number_color =
defined $number_color
? $number_color
: $cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-number_color};
$start = defined $start ? $start : $cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-start};
$end = defined $end ? $end : $cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-end};
$type = defined $type ? $type : $cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-type};
if ( ( defined $type ) and ( $type eq 'mirror_horizontal' or $type eq 'mirror_vertical' ) ) {
if ( not defined $start ) { $start = $MIDDLE_START; }
if ( not defined $end ) { $end = $MAX_START; }
$cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-start_color} = defined $start_color ? $start_color : '#8BC2F5';
$cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-end_color} = defined $end_color ? $end_color : 'white';
$cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-number_color} = defined $number_color ? $number_color : $NBR_COLOR;
$cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-start} = defined $start ? $start : $MIN_START;
$cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-end} = defined $end ? $end : $MAX_START;
$cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient}{-type} = defined $type ? $type : 'linear_horizontal';
return $cw->{GradientColorCanvas}{gradient};
sub _error_bg {
my ( $cw, $error_message, $croak ) = @_;
if ( defined $croak and $croak == 1 ) {
croak "[BE CARREFUL] : $error_message\n";
else {
carp "[WARNING] : $error_message\n";
sub _linear_horizontal {
my ( $cw, $ref_colors, $start, $end, $number_color ) = @_;
if ( !$cw->_test_start_end_values( $start, $end ) ) { return; }
$start = $start / $PERCENT;
$end = $end / $PERCENT;
my $width = $cw->width;
my $height = $cw->height;
# Largeur du canvas à dégrader
my $width_can_grad = ( $width * $end ) - ( $width * $start );
my $width_rec = POSIX::ceil( $width_can_grad / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $x1 = $start * $width;
my $y1 = 0;
my $x2 = $x1 + $width_rec;
my $y2 = $height;
# start > 0
if ( $start > 0 ) {
0, 0, $x1, $y2,
-outline => $ref_colors->[0],
-fill => $ref_colors->[0],
-width => 2,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
# gradient color
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$x1 = $x2;
$x2 += $width_rec;
# end < 1
if ( $end < 1 ) {
$x1 = $end * $width;
$x1, $y1, $width, $y2,
-outline => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-fill => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
return 1;
sub _linear_vertical {
my ( $cw, $ref_colors, $start, $end, $number_color ) = @_;
if ( !$cw->_test_start_end_values( $start, $end ) ) { return; }
$start = $start / $PERCENT;
$end = $end / $PERCENT;
my $width = $cw->width;
my $height = $cw->height;
my $height_can_grad = ( $height * $end ) - ( $height * $start );
my $height_rec = POSIX::ceil( $height_can_grad / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $x1 = 0;
my $y1 = $start * $height;
my $x2 = $width;
my $y2 = $y1 + $height_rec;
# start > 0
if ( $start > 0 ) {
$x1, 0, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $ref_colors->[0],
-fill => $ref_colors->[0],
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
# gradient color
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$y1 = $y2;
$y2 += $height_rec;
# end < 1
if ( $end < 1 ) {
$x1, $y1, $x2, $height,
-outline => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-fill => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
return 1;
sub _mirror_vertical {
my ( $cw, $ref_colors, $start, $end, $number_color ) = @_;
if ( !$cw->_test_start_end_values( $start, $end ) ) { return; }
$start = $start / $PERCENT;
$end = $end / $PERCENT;
my $width = $cw->width;
my $height = $cw->height;
my $height_can_grad = ( $height * $end ) - ( $height * $start );
my $height_rec = POSIX::ceil( $height_can_grad / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $x1 = 0;
my $y1 = $start * $height;
my $x2 = $width;
my $y2 = $y1 + $height_rec;
# gradient color
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$y1 = $y2;
$y2 += $height_rec;
# end < 1
if ( $end < 1 ) {
$x1, $y1, $x2, $height,
-outline => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-fill => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
# other end (mirror)
my $other_end = ( 2 * $start ) - $end;
# other_end to start
$x1 = 0;
$y1 = ( $start * $height ) - $height_rec;
$x2 = $width;
$y2 = $start * $height;
# gradient color
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$y2 = $y1;
$y1 -= $height_rec;
last if ( $y2 < 0 );
if ( $other_end > 0 ) {
$y1 += $height_rec;
$y2 += $height_rec;
$x1, 0, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-fill => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
return 1;
sub _mirror_horizontal {
my ( $cw, $ref_colors, $start, $end, $number_color ) = @_;
if ( !$cw->_test_start_end_values( $start, $end ) ) { return; }
$start = $start / $PERCENT;
$end = $end / $PERCENT;
my $width = $cw->width;
my $height = $cw->height;
my $width_can_grad = ( $width * $end ) - ( $width * $start );
my $width_rec = POSIX::ceil( $width_can_grad / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
# Start to end
my $x1 = $start * $width;
my $y1 = 0;
my $x2 = $x1 + $width_rec;
my $y2 = $height;
# gradient color
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$x1 = $x2;
$x2 += $width_rec;
# end < 1
if ( $end < 1 ) {
$x1, $y1, $width, $y2,
-outline => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-fill => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
# other end (mirror)
my $other_end = ( 2 * $start ) - $end;
# other_end to start
$x1 = ( $start * $width ) - $width_rec;
$y1 = 0;
$x2 = $start * $width;
$y2 = $height;
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$x2 = $x1;
$x1 -= $width_rec;
last if ( $x2 < 0 );
if ( $other_end > 0 ) {
$x1 += $width_rec;
$x2 += $width_rec;
0, $y1, $x1, $y2,
-outline => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-fill => $ref_colors->[ scalar( @{$ref_colors} - 1 ) ],
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
return 1;
sub _corner_to_right {
my ( $cw, $ref_colors, $number_color ) = @_;
my $width = $cw->width;
my $height = $cw->height;
my $xdiff = POSIX::ceil( ( 2 * $width ) / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $ydiff = POSIX::ceil( ( 2 * $height ) / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $x1 = 0;
my $y1 = 0;
my $x2 = $x1 + $xdiff;
my $y2 = 0;
my $x3 = 0;
my $y3 = 0;
my $x4 = 0;
my $y4 = $y3 + $ydiff;
# gradient color
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
$x1, $y1, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$x1 = $x2;
$x2 = $x1 + $xdiff;
$x3 = $x4;
$y1 = $y2;
$y3 = $y4;
$y4 += $ydiff;
return 1;
sub _corner_to_left {
my ( $cw, $ref_colors, $number_color ) = @_;
my $width = $cw->width;
my $height = $cw->height;
my $xdiff = POSIX::ceil( ( 2 * $width ) / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $ydiff = POSIX::ceil( ( 2 * $height ) / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $x1 = $width - $xdiff;
my $y1 = 0;
my $x2 = $width;
my $y2 = 0;
my $x3 = $width;
my $y3 = 0;
my $x4 = $width;
my $y4 = $y3 + $ydiff;
# gradient color
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$x1 -= $xdiff;
$x2 -= $xdiff;
$x3 = $width;
$y3 += $ydiff;
$x4 = $width;
$y4 += $ydiff;
return 1;
sub _radial {
my ( $cw, $ref_colors, $number_color ) = @_;
my $width = $cw->width;
my $height = $cw->height;
if ( $number_color < 2 ) { $number_color++; }
my $xdiff = POSIX::ceil( ( $width / 2 ) / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $ydiff = POSIX::ceil( ( $height / 2 ) / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $x1 = 0;
my $y1 = 0;
my $x2 = $width;
my $y2 = $height;
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $ref_colors->[0],
-fill => $ref_colors->[0],
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
# gradient color
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
next if ( $x1 >= $x2 or $y1 >= $y2 );
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$x1 += $xdiff;
$y1 += $ydiff;
$x2 -= $xdiff;
$y2 -= $ydiff;
return 1;
sub _losange {
my ( $cw, $ref_colors, $number_color ) = @_;
my $width = $cw->width;
my $height = $cw->height;
if ( $number_color < 2 ) { $number_color++; }
my $xdiff = POSIX::ceil( ( $width / 2 ) / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $ydiff = POSIX::ceil( ( $height / 2 ) / ( $number_color + 1 ) );
my $x1 = 0;
my $y1 = 0;
my $x2 = $width;
my $y2 = $height;
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
-outline => $ref_colors->[0],
-fill => $ref_colors->[0],
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$x1 = $width / 2;
$x2 = $width;
my $x3 = $width / 2;
my $x4 = 0;
$y1 = 0;
$y2 = $height / 2;
my $y3 = $height;
my $y4 = $height / 2;
# gradient color
foreach my $color ( @{$ref_colors} ) {
next if ( $y1 >= $y3 );
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4,
-outline => $color,
-fill => $color,
-width => 0,
-tags => $COLOR_TAG,
$x2 -= $xdiff;
$x4 += $xdiff;
$y1 += $ydiff;
$y3 -= $ydiff;
return 1;
=head1 NAME
Tk::Canvas::GradientColor - To create a Canvas widget with background gradient color.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use Tk::Canvas::GradientColor;
my $mw = MainWindow->new(
-title => 'Tk::Canvas::GradientColor',
-background => 'white',
my $canvas = $mw->GradientColor(
-width => 400,
-height => 400,
)->pack(qw/ -fill both -expand 1 /);
sleep 3;
# Change color
-start_color => '#000000',
-end_color => '#00CDFF',
sleep 3;
# Change type
-start => 50,
-end => 100,
-type => 'mirror_vertical'
Tk::Canvas::GradientColor is an extension of the Canvas widget. It is an easy way to build a
canvas widget with gradient background color.
B<-background> B<-borderwidth> B<-closeenough> B<-confine>
B<-cursor> B<-height> B<-highlightbackground> B<-highlightcolor>
B<-highlightthickness> B<-insertbackground> B<-insertborderwidth> B<-insertofftime>
B<-insertontime> B<-insertwidth> B<-relief> B<-scrollregion>
B<-selectbackground> B<-selectborderwidth> B<-selectforeground> B<-takefocus>
B<-width> B<-xscrollcommand> B<-xscrollincrement> B<-yscrollcommand>
The Canvas method creates a widget object. This object supports the
configure and cget methods described in Tk::options which can be used
to enquire and modify the options described above.
=head2 disabled_gradientcolor
=over 4
=item I<$canvas_bg>->B<disabled_gradientcolor>
Disabled background gradient color. The canvas widget will have the background color set by I<-background> option.
=head2 enabled_gradientcolor
=over 4
=item I<$canvas_bg>->B<enabled_gradientcolor>
Enabled background gradient color. Background gradient color is activated by default. Use this method if
I<disabled_gradientcolor> method is called.
=head2 get_gradientcolor
=over 4
=item I<$canvas_bg>->B<get_gradientcolor>
Return a hash reference which contains the options to create the background gradient color.
my $ref_gradient_options = $canvas_bg->get_gradientcolor;
=head2 set_gradientcolor
=over 4
=item I<$canvas_bg>->B<set_gradientcolor>(?options)
=over 8
=item *
8 types are available : linear_horizontal, linear_vertical, mirror_horizontal, mirror_vertical, radial, losange, corner_right and corner_left.
-type => 'corner_left',
Default : B<linear_horizontal>
=item *
First color of gradient color.
-start_color => 'red',
Default : B<#8BC2F5>
=item *
Last color of gradient color.
-end_color => '#FFCD9F',
Default : B<white>
=item *
-start => 50, # Must be >= 0, <= 100 and start < end
Use it for linear_horizontal and linear_vertical type. The first color starts at 'start' percent width of canvas.
The easy way to understand is to test the example in this documentation.
Ex : width canvas = 1000px, start = 50 : the first part of canvas has the background color of start_color
and the gradient color start at 500px.
Default : B<0>
Use it for mirror_horizontal and mirror_vertical type. The first color starts at 'start' percent width of canvas.
The easy way to understand is to test the example in this documentation.
Ex : width canvas = 1000px, start = 50 : the background gradient color begins at 50 percent in two directions.
Default : B<50>
=item *
-end => 80, # Must be >= 0, <= 100 and end > start
Use it for linear_horizontal and linear_vertical type. The last color finishes at 'end' percent width of canvas. The
easy way to understand is to test the example in this documentation.
Default : B<100>
Use it for mirror_horizontal and mirror_vertical type. The last color finishes at 'end' percent width of canvas and opposite.
The easy way to understand is to test the example in this documentation.
Default : B<100>
=item *
Number of colors between first and last color to create the gradient.
-number_color => 200,
Default : B<100>
=head2 rgb_to_hex
=over 4
=item I<$canvas_bg>->B<rgb_to_hex>(I<$red, $green, $blue>)
Return hexa code of rgb color.
my $color = $canvas_bg->rgb_to_hex(200, 102, 65); # return #C86641
=head2 hex_to_rgb
=over 4
=item I<$canvas_bg>->B<hex_to_rgb>(I<string>)
Return an array with red, green an blue code rgb color.
my ( $red, $green, $blue ) = $canvas_bg->hex_to_rgb('#C86641'); # return 200, 102, 65
my ( $red, $green, $blue ) = $canvas_bg->hex_to_rgb('gray'); # return 190, 190, 190
An example to test the configuration of the widget:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use Tk::Canvas::GradientColor;
use Tk::BrowseEntry;
my $mw = MainWindow->new(
-title => 'gradient color with canvas',
-background => 'snow',
my $canvas = $mw->GradientColor(
-background => '#005500',
-width => 500,
-height => 500,
)->pack(qw/ -fill both -expand 1 /);
my %arg_gradient = (
-type => undef,
-start_color => '#A780C1',
-end_color => 'white',
-start => undef,
-end => undef,
-number_color => undef,
# configure start color
my $bouton_color1 = $canvas->Button(
-text => 'select color start',
-command => sub {
$arg_gradient{-start_color} = $canvas->chooseColor( -title => 'select color start' );
# configure end color
my $bouton_color2 = $canvas->Button(
-text => 'select color end',
-command => sub {
$arg_gradient{-end_color} = $canvas->chooseColor( -title => 'select color end' );
my $type = $canvas->BrowseEntry(
-label => 'Type gradient color',
-choices => [
qw/ linear_horizontal linear_vertical mirror_horizontal mirror_vertical radial losange corner_right corner_left/
-background => 'white',
-state => 'readonly',
-disabledbackground => 'yellow',
-browsecmd => sub {
my ( $widget, $selection ) = @_;
$arg_gradient{-type} = $selection;
my $start_num = $canvas->Scale(
-background => 'white',
-label => 'Start',
-from => 0,
-to => 100,
-variable => 0,
-orient => 'horizontal',
-sliderlength => 10,
-command => sub {
my $selection = shift;
$arg_gradient{-start} = $selection;
my $end_num = $canvas->Scale(
-background => 'white',
-label => 'End',
-from => 0,
-to => 100,
-variable => '100',
-orient => 'horizontal',
-sliderlength => 10,
-command => sub {
my $selection = shift;
$arg_gradient{-end} = $selection;
my $num = 100;
my $entry_number_color = $canvas->BrowseEntry(
-label => 'Number color',
-choices => [qw/ 2 3 4 5 10 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 750 1000 1500 2000 2500/],
-state => 'readonly',
-disabledbackground => 'yellow',
-background => 'white',
-variable => \$num,
-browsecmd => sub {
my ( $widget, $selection ) = @_;
$arg_gradient{-number_color} = $selection;
my $disabled_gradientcolor = $canvas->Button(
-text => 'disabled_gradientcolor',
-command => sub { $canvas->disabled_gradientcolor; },
my $enabled_gradientcolor = $canvas->Button(
-text => 'enabled_gradientcolor',
-command => sub { $canvas->enabled_gradientcolor; },
$canvas->createWindow( 100, 100, -window => $bouton_color1 );
$canvas->createWindow( 400, 100, -window => $bouton_color2 );
$canvas->createWindow( 100, 150, -window => $start_num );
$canvas->createWindow( 100, 200, -window => $end_num );
$canvas->createWindow( 350, 150, -window => $entry_number_color );
$canvas->createWindow( 350, 200, -window => $type );
$canvas->createWindow( 100, 350, -window => $disabled_gradientcolor );
$canvas->createWindow( 400, 350, -window => $enabled_gradientcolor );
=head1 AUTHOR
Djibril Ousmanou, C<< <djibel at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-Tk-Canvas-GradientColor at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SEE ALSO
See L<Tk::Canvas> for details of the standard options.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Tk::Canvas::GradientColor
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Copyright 2014 Djibril Ousmanou, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.